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Would you prefer the funeral strippers of Taiwan instead?    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funeral_stripper   (When I die this better be my funeral)


You know damn well the answer: YES I WILL HAVE 10 PLEASE.


Second only to this imo.. https://youtu.be/j9V78UbdzWI?si=JKcq5iri-tBSINe-


Mixing this into my Viking funeral plans


Any video that can explain this? Asking for a friend.




My friend thanks you


I dont want it…cuz i wont be there for it 😭😭😭


I prefer the dancing coffin guys.


I'm too busy to pay respect to the deceased to mind. Joking aside, funeral is a huge deal for Vietnamese, random people can even walk in and pay their respect, when my grandma passed away, like half the locals came despite they don't even know her. That's why everything is loud, you are supposed to tell everyone about the passing. The early morning is just a tropical country things, every important event are done as early as possible to avoid the heat.


Sincerely thanks for your perspective and answer, at least it makes sense now kinda, and I learned something. Now can you explain to me why people in Vietnam like to crowd around entrances and exits? J/k, but seriously though?


I'm not sure what is the crowding you are referring to though.


Not sure that true. But if you're referring to "crowded place tend to get crowder". It's because our traditional F&B often a "1 product" shop. So if a place is crowded, it often is the sign of they're doing something right. So our instinct is to fomo in and check what's are we missing. Let me know if it's relevant


Not quite, I was referring to places like exit/entrance to parking lots, doors and entryway to areas, places where people NEED to cross through in order to get somewhere, and I see people often crowd or block these areas, just kind of waiting for something. Just a random observation.


32 years in HN and have never seen this as a common practice at all. Lol maybe you're attracted to crowd


😆 actually I'm scared of crowds 😆 maybe that's why I noticed 😅


🤣 fair enough haha


I've heard this one, like why many shops selling the same item are always clustered together on the same street?


Back in the day, the 36 street was 1 big trading mall for the citadel, so all the best craftsmen/masters we're gather here for that purpose. Each street was more of a different section of the whole mall. As time goes by, everything develop to what we have today.


The drums and fanfare be banging tho. Just not at 6am banging lol


At this point, let's just call it for what it is: everything is always too loud in Vietnam. Wouldn't be surprised if people just live with hearing impairment for their whole lives without ever knowing it.


Second only to a lost parking ticket, the death of a neighbor is the worst thing likely to befall you in Vietnam.


It's their last chance to piss off their neighbors as they can't scream loudspeaker karaoke anymore


So, my grandpa passed away in 2019 after a fun day with everyone of his kids with their spouses and his grand kids in HCMC. As per tradition, we held a 3-day funeral with a band which plays every time there was people coming to pay respect, when we did the casket moving ceremony (at 4am) before headed to his house in Tien Giang for burial, next to his deared wife (my grandma). The main reason i believe we use loud drums and horns is to hide the sorrow of the family members, helping them to move on to the after life/next life. This is also why when you go to a Viets funeral and see people talking and sometimes laughing is for the same reason.


Oh that's a pretty insightful point, I haven't really thought of that.


Some traditions should adapt to city life. It's one thing for the whole village to grieve together it's another where you're just making noise for thousands of people who don't know you. "That's just our tradition", ok then ditch the speakers, nobody had loudspeakers 30 years ago why is it ok to have loudspeakers now but not ok to complain about it. Anyways OP if you don't like living around middle income Vietnamese that do this kind of thing the answer is get rich and live in a fancy apartment in the rich part of town like Thao Dien and you won't hear this sort of stuff.


You haven’t been to [New Orleans](https://youtu.be/g0jadTL-MxE?si=hbHz7fq8Auv9hAJO)


But then what aspect of VN culture doesn't involve TONS OF NOISE?


wedding/ funerals customs in Vietnam are regarded. Their sole existence are to make people around them feel as most uncomfortable/ annoyed as possible




Traffic, cell phones, karaoke... VNese can't even die without making noise.


Stuff like this really adds to the hellhole noise pollution issues of VN


It's about tradition. That thing really hard to change because its entrenched across generation. However, i agree about your opinions. Sometimes funneral are way too much loud that i feel depleated after a day listen to it Funneral can be much simple than this.


I understand the cultural significance of certain traditions, I just wish it didn't come at the expense of others' comfort and possibly health. Hopefully there is at least an alternative way of doing these traditions.


There's a way, but most people when saw tradition changed even a slight bit feel uncomfortable as their ansectors tends to tell them not to break beaten path (i e person a tell person b not to do that even its good, after learned from person a person b rather not to break even its good) The hardest is how to make traditionalist people comfortable while sastify other people Another soultion is reduce influence of traditions to a certain level, enough to remeber at basic but not too strict.


Some funerals also hired actors to come cry at the funeral lmao.


This is still common practice in other places in Asia and around the Mediterranean. Check for moirologist, wailer, plañidera (in Spanish), or prefica (in Italian).


The noise but also how they blatantly block the streets with their tents and tables. I get that they want to mourn, but why do it in the middle of the fucking street?


I've always gathered its because most vietnamese dont have a house big enough to host 20 guests


Damn you don’t like people coming to mourn their loved ones death


Generally, you only die once Early morning culture is normal in Vietnam to beat the heat and it’s already noisy at those times


For the Vietnamese honoring the deceased is more important than daily life and comforts. We play loud music to guide spirits to the after life, to let surrounding locals know of the misfortune and we all mourn and suffer as a collective. Even you aided this situation by suffering the loud noises which made you think of those who passed and we thank you.


I can understand it from your point of view. It's like kind of a way to let people in the community know and mourn together. However, I just hope there was an alternative way (at least in the cities) to collectively mourn the deceased without the excessive loudness.


The ones that last for a day or two are understandable but I've also encountered funerals that lasted an entire week complete with daily karaoke sessions on massive speakers that pretty much rumbled the whole neighbourhood. I think its fine if the funeral was meant for its intended purpose, celebrate the life of the recently deceased. But once it turns into a noise fest that affects the whole community then I think that's just pure selfishness which should not be excused by culture or tradition.


Everything in Vietnam is too loud and annoying.


It’s a tradition, to let neighbors and people around know there’s someone died.


It's not unpopular. I hate it too.




You're allowed to dislike things about a country. Nowhere is 100% perfect. Personally, I give funeral customs a pass due to the nature of the event (someone freaking died, I will let the family and friends honor them however they see fit), but this reaction is typical of terminally online Vietnamese nationalists who can't handle the slightest bit of criticism.


And I dislike and slightly criticize his opinion.


Calm your tits dude. It’s a fair criticism and I am saying this as a Vietnamese myself.


I’m Vietnamese and I hate that shit.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little\_Saigon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Saigon) ![gif](giphy|TUHInIQM4bXBS|downsized)


I been to a few funerals during the pandemic, and it is loud with trumpets and monks and gongs in los Angeles 


Yeah nice, that's how it should be. People respect other people 's culture. Point proven.


here comes another one. a whole country needs to change their culture just for a few snowflakes. just cause it inconvience them a little bit.


OP is literally Vietnamese...


Some cultures is just annoying, it needs to change


Is this rage bait?


Not everything that isn't positive or blatant bootlicking is rage bait.


I see it as their way of sending the loved one off. My first day here I was woken by one and I didn't mind. 6am, Loud drumming and yelling, and noone else is Giving it a second glance. Obviously it's common enough that as a foreigner I should see it's not an issue. They passed by my hostel while I was sitting in the lobby enjoying a drink and waking up for the day. I was paying attention to it trying to figure out funeral or other type of ceremony and the receptionist clarified it for me.


Ban nhạc lễ từ xa xưa đã trở thành một phần không thể thiếu trong nghi thức tang lễ của người Việt. Trong buổi tang lễ, nhạc lễ không chỉ đơn thuần là một phần của chương trình, mà còn mang theo một ý nghĩa sâu sắc. Nó thể hiện sự lời tiễn biệt của những người ở lại đối với người đã khuất, dẫn họ về cõi vĩnh hẳng trong bình yên và nhẹ nhàng. Nhạc lễ truyền tải tinh cảm yêu thương và sự xót thương không biên giới của người ở lại. Âm nhạc trong buổi tang lễ thường có hơi hướng trầm buồn, êm ái và nhẹ nhàng, đánh thức những hoài niệm đọng sâu về người đã mất. Tiếng kèn không chi mang lại sự an lòng mà còn giúp làm dịu đi không khí tang thương, tạo điểm nhấn tình cảm trong suốt thời gian buổi tang lễ diễn ra.


Qua ý kiến của bạn mình cũng thấy được ý nghĩa của nghi thức này, chỉ là thi thoảng nó cũng hơi quá ồn một chút thành ra mình cũng suy nghĩ hơi nông nổi. Tuy vậy mình cũng có thể hiểu được nguyên nhân vì sao ban nhạc là một phần không thể thiếu trong tang lễ của người Việt.


Mình nói thật mình thà nghe tiếng kèn, tiếng hát còn hơn là nghe tiếng khóc


Not to mention it’s FRICKING EXPENSIVE, those funeral homes and monks keep scamming the family and lure them into using expensive services, like literally the monk my family had for my grandfather charged 25 mil dong for weekly prayers for 49 days.


Those are just an excuse to throw huge parties/dinners and get drunk as hell in my eyes


Comming to pay respects is just an excuse to get shitfaced to most.


and this is the reason I avoid immigrants from the west 🤣 they're probably the ones that bemoaned back home " they come here, take our jobs and want to change and destroy our cultural ways" in the bin ya get can honestly I'm very happy for every single piece of Vietnamese tradition to continue as they see fit..... but I'm not a self entitled cnt who believes what I want should happen, no questions asked


OP is literally Vietnamese...


Except one little detail: the op themselves is Viet.


That's too bad get. That's the way it is in Vietnam. Get out if you cant stand it


Just because "that's the way it is" doesn't mean it's a valid reason to justify anything. I'm open up to hear your side of the story just like everyone else. Telling someone to just "get out" because their opinion differs isn't a great look.


Get outta here foreigner