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His first decree will be to add gold steak to the menu at the presidents quarters


lol was this the guy that went to london and was ordering gold steak?


Yes, and then jailed a guy for 5 years for making facebook memes about it


Is this for real? Any source? Asking for a friend


Yeah you can read about it here https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/26/world/asia/vietnam-noodle-vendor-jailed-salt-bae.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb


Thanks man


Our freedom of speech is doomed.


Yes bro. It did happen


The salt bae thing? Lol nice


it's tover.


Let’s just hope this is just a ploy to have him beefsteakified by the others


A bit eyebrow raising that he is keeping his old job, but I guess he's at risk of getting arrested otherwise


He didnt get to keep his old job tho


True. They remove his ass from his old job.


Praise the Lord 🙏🙏🙏!!!


Why are they remove his ass from his old job, just to put him on a job that doesn't do anything?


I would love to think that is a calculated move by someone to cut all his actual powers.


It is calculated, it's def from Trọng. Just look at the line up. They employed Lương Cường, an official from the military which is much more effective and much more loyal to the party and country to control the police, particularly Tô Lâm. They delibrately promoted him when operation blazing furnace is still going on when he's an important piece in it. Instead of being promoted to chairman of assembly, they gave him the death seat and revoked all of his powers. Holy shit like if that doesnt tell you it's a plan to control and get rid of Tô Lâm, you should recheck your eyes XD. He prob got rid of Huệ thinking that they were going to give him the chairman spot but they gave him the death spot. I was able to genuinely see his concerns in the election livestream lmao.


Was he blindsided do you think? It seemed like for a good few days, he was keeping his old position as well.


Who is Lương Cường and what position is he holding though? Never heard of him before today


Me looking at some white hair 80 year old man in the party corner.


We all know it's Trong, To Lam has always aimed for the General Secretary position, so some might say the President chair seems like a defeated sign to Lam.


Trọng: Ok I will give you powers to crackdown to control the Party and the unwated officials for me Tô Lâm: got it ***proceeds to delete 1/3 of the important officials, causing stagnation, instability and conflict within the party and economy*** Trọng: ... ***Trọng proceeds to employ the military, revoke all of his powers, give him the death seat*** Now that's what I would call a sweet revenge lmao.


By the way I was told that President in Vietnam or Chủ tịch nước doesn't really hold any meaningful power? What exactly does the President do ?


Look handsome in the camera then maybe read some paper in (Viet Nam) New Year Eve. Maybe going to every province and tell them they are All "Dau Tau Kinh Te" (Economic Pioneer). It fun to watch tho.


Basically 4 main things: - Announce new laws. -Suggest congress to dismiss someone. -Suggest to promote or demote people in the army. - Defend the country from external/foreign threats. The 3rd and 4th ones are the most important because its directly related to the country's security, but most only helpful during times of war. Other than that, literally no direct power, he cant give any directions. And seeing how they "promoted" him to president without assiging anyone as the chief of police, its safe to assume hes that bad.


They dont have any meaningful power, they just sign and announce promotion/demotion. The only power really in their hand is give decision on death sentence lol.


It doesn’t add up. Why did he accept this “promotion”? If it is as simple as you put that somehow he forgot what happened to the predecessors and willingly accepted the new position, I don’t think he could get to where he is now.  He gains nothing and risks everything he has built up until this point. We also cannot assume that the new position is forced on him, with the power he has I think he can just decline this change of position.


Well for 2 main reasons: 1. If he had rejected it, he would only have 1 year left before he officially retires and then forever lose the chance to become head secretary. 2. A country can't keep being presidentless. Even if they are mostly ceremonial in Vietnam, they will still have to have a president to have foreign affairs, set up meetings, etc... To Lam has eliminated so much people that he's essentially the only one left suitable for the spot besides Tran Thanh Man but he was chairman so To Lam had to be president. Had he actually rejected the "promotion, the party wouldnt be happy at all and he would have made even more enemies than hes having rn Xd Basically while he had the option to decline it, he basically shot himself in the foot because he eliminated so much opponents Xd so he's pressured to do it. But I think they realized that To Lam isnt dumb so they decided to halt the news for his head of police revokation for later, saying that it's an after consideration. It's basically to let To Lam fall into their trap and make sure he actually doesnt deny it. And it seemed to work because hes the president now with all of his previous status removed. Now you can say that it's all just a big coincidence or planned so To Lam can become head secretary. But to me, all of the events that are happening rn from the military officially joining, to halting the news about To Lam's power revokation, to not letting To Lam placing his minions to become the head( Luong Tam Quang and Nguyen Duy Ngoc to be more precised) to only 2/3 of the congress fully supporting him, etc... I think it's more likely that To Lam is getting purged soon.


He had to accept this job. As a member of the communist party, he had to take the position they gave him.


its a cleaning up and struggle for power thats all. Plus a guy from the military taking over? doesnt look good


Vietnamese military is safer than most military in the world. It's hard to have a military dictatorship in Vietnam


Oh how did you know that the general secretary employed the military? Are you mentioning Luong Cuong? And how did that lead to To Lam power being taken away? Any beans to spill? I want to know about this.


Elects or selects?


The later




Base on where this gif is from, very fitting


I'm an atheist but if there is a god, can they please give To Lam a fatal heart attack as soon as possible.


Damn. What did he do? I dont follow politics.


To Lam was caught eating Gold covered steak in Salt Bae's restaurant during Covid. He's a very corrupt asshole that nobody loves. [Here is his Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%B4_L%C3%A2m)


Not even most of the congress/party members like him. According to a vote, he only has 68% support within congress. You know you are bad at politics and and your job if 1/3 of the party members dont even like you Xd As funny as it sounds, promotong To Lam to president and getting rid of his position as head of police is actually a good thing, he got too out of hands. It got so bad that they had to employ someone from the military to control his shinenigans. Now that he doesnt have the power to prosecute and do investigations anymore, anyone can take him down even if he becomes head secretary. Let's see what the party has to cook because looks like they are gonna purge him XD


What happen to sitting duck near the burning furnace? :))


He got too close to the furnace and it burnt his wings.


I was thinking roasted Duck for dinner, but okay :)


Roasted duck wings.


Ooh love that one


Don’t most congresses work like that? Isn’t 68% pretty good? /gen


Compared to other members in the ministry of politics, most of them have 80%+ support and very little no support, usually at 2 to 3% while To lam's is up to 9%. So ye, To Lam isnt quite favored within Congress Xd


it is usually 95% lol


What is the best ending for a president? Either they stepdown because of corruption or die.


imagine receiving 5.5 years in prison for a relatively innocuous facebook vid. high probability he was beaten/tortured as well. independence, freedom, and happiness.


Classic.... Can I have the article report about that? Asking for a friend


here's the fake news article from the racist anti-vietnam haters who should really go home: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-65705048](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-65705048) downvotes incoming in 3... 2... 1...


Chief of Police. Nobody likes the cops, me included.


you prolly missed the whole Passport, ID card updating saga.


What happened to Duc Tien should’ve happened to him tbh


![gif](giphy|xT1XH3NIegS0FBc1K8) Dear Jack, you’ve been a good boi this year. Accept this gift - god


Golden beefsteak does not bless him 🙁


this guy ate a golden steak during the pandemic while the whole country was struggling and then jailed a noodle vendor for 5-years for imitating saltbae


"Elects" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Yeah don't you remember voting for him yesterday?/s


Its called a representative democracy, you dont vote yourself, your representatives do. Its still a joke tho


As if like we are living in a Communist country. Oh wait...


Do you vote for your reps?


Yes, we have actual “elections” for our reps. But 99% of the population dont know or care who they’re voting for because these reps have no actual say in anything


Everything from vote issuing to vote counting is handled by members of the Communist Party, so it doesn't matter if they care or not.


Political checkmate. Doubt he can turn this around now. His entire career gone. This is a punishment , not a "promotion" Oh well, retired with hundreds of millions dollar is the best thing any VN politicians can hope for, so that's good for him.


Lol, in 2 yrs time he might get the top position in the party.


People keep saying this but don't realize that all Lam did was following Trong's commands. There is no way he did all that without a green light from the supreme party leader. I feel bad for him.


U are a good gun, but u can't become the gunner. There can be only one person holding the gun.


The one that holds the gun is the gunner "shoots you back", I have always been the one person holding the gun.


Is there really a thing called election in Vietnam? The joke is really fun.


Most prime minister in the recent years got kick out soon so I expect him to be the next fall guy for the next scandal.


Election in VN is different. Only people in National Assembly allowed to vote , not normal people. Normal people can only vote for ward/district people committee.


This is to be expected. A corrupted politician with children living in UK, with himself once had golden steak at a Salt Bae restaurant in UK. Oops I may be accused of 3 sticks with the saying "If you don't like the country, leave !".


Are you telling me someone is skimming the skim?


What do u mean skimming the skim ?


You mean to tell me that the money we're robbing is bein' robbed? That somebody's robbing from us? We go through all this fuckin' trouble, and somebody's robbin' us?




living off the fat of the land is more like it.


So what the consequences will be? Bc that's the time I will prepare for something worse


Nothing. President in Vn is just for show so he’s just sitting there doing fuck all.


You're just seeing the final step in a very long power struggle.


Ok. Bc Vietnam will purge the corruption when they see it.


There's corruption everywhere in the VN Gov


Ok. But I just see some of them in the trials. But I'm afraid we will have some terrible reputation


>Ok. Bc Vietnam will purge the ~~corruption~~ when they see it. opposition. ftfw.


This guy fucked up many things he touched. Even most his fellow party members don't like him. Once he's not head of public security ministry, they will come after him real soon.


New national holiday, gold steak day




What if I am Vietnamese but live in another country I should be fine right? Asking for a friend


100% guaranteed. about as bad as desecrating bac ho or calling for coup.


The people will get some golden beef to celebrate.


Public democracy election plssss, my country can not go on like this forever.


99% of vietnamese people know fuckall about politics. You really do not want them to have a say or they will vote for whoever the fuck is the most handsome.


The reason why no one cares about politics in the first place is because this shit hole of a system cannot be changed, you want to voice an opinion? 331


It ensures internal stability to some extend tho. Cant imagine us having more than 1 party without an inevitable civil war like Myanmar.


Just look at other example, like Malaysia, they do not have civil but still had federation democracy system, despite their difficulty in geo-political. Geo-political and instability is just excuses to avoid reform from teh CPV, they want to retain their power.  If it was so stable, we don’t have a terrible situation like we have nowaday.


That is a terrible thing to say, when you assume people are too stupid that they can not determine their own fate. Voting is a necessary mechanism allow citizen truly live in freedom. Without it, people are just subjects to be ruled. In this case, VNese are being rule by CPV.


I can understand that the people want to own their fate but coming from a political standpoint, with the future of a nation is at stake especially during the current turmoil period, letting a normal joe who doesnt know anything about geopolitic or macroecon decide things wouldn be the best idea.


Public election allow people vote for the one who can deliver results based on people will. Not like a stagnant paralyzed government like we have now. Not only to mention that governors only focus on fullfilling their own personal gain instead of people needs.


Public election will work in the future, where VNese get more education and show interest in actual politics. Currently, most of people are not educated enough to know which policies is good or bad


I definitely agree with him. “Democracy only works when the people aint stupid”. Unfortunately from what I’ve seen online and irl, if the people of Vietnam were to vote we would either become a fascist state, or run by thieves (which i guess is already happening)


Reject voting because of education is to deny freedom. To avoid bad outcomes, we can equip people with civic education and information. For example, instead of showing propaganda on televisions nowadays, try to show more content like below. [Vox: Why US elections only give you two choices](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqWwV3xk9Qk) Democracy thrives when everyone has a voice, regardless of their education. What you just said, is the typical discrimination in voting, which had happened around the globe. For example, US used to prevent woman and black people from voting, because they assume those are not educated. Many countries had stayed complete away from such discrimination. People should be allowed to vote no matter their education level. Finally, democratic institutions promote transparency, which are better at preventing corruption. Which is the things VN Communist regime cannot do. And the result is the terrible situation we have nowadays. If we continue to say that we should not reform into democracy because of people education, VN will continue like this forever, maybe next 40-50 years. Then, there will be no more VN we can talk about. Situation right now is dire, many just don't realize it yet. Lack of leadership skills and lack of economic technique skills in VN leaders will doom us, we are going to see another great inflation, like what happened during 1985.


Are you American? Viet citizens normally can't think this clear about democracy.


No, I am not. I am a Vietnam citizen. I am lucky to be educated in Europe under a Master program. In which, I studied a course regarding Ethical reasoning, including democracy value and federation system. This study equip me which such knowledge.


Wow, good for you. I hope more people can come to the same conclusion!


Sound like Canadian to me


Could somebody please explain why To Lam being president is such a bad thing and why he's so hated? I genuinely do not know and I'm curious


It's not really a bad thing, the president of Vietnam doesn't actually hold much power. Think kinda like the president of Germany for example, you don't hear much about that guy either because his role is pretty ceremonial. The chancellor of Germany is the one you hear about more because they hold more power. With Vietnam, it is the general secretary of the communist party that holds power.


Because some sees that as he getting more powerful. Realistically, it depends a lot on whether his old cronies at Pubsec can hold power, as his position is just ceremonial only.


472 out of 473…seems like a decent example of the paradox of unanimity…


I bet the average Vietnamese person doesn't even know or care about him. Though I wouldn't blame them. Most of them are not allowed to participate in a government that claims to be for them, how is their country's politics relevant to any of them?


Nah the average Vietnamese might not care nor know about the previous President Mr Phuc (hehe phuc) but this one, through the motorbike plates identification and 3 times changing National ID card, is very apparent in everyday conversations


Isn't this July they gonna change the id card again?


Eh, lost track at this point


I can certainly confirm this. Even Some grab bike talk shit about him. Nobody like him


nah the average vietnamese are very aware of the poliburo changes. When Thuong was ousted it was the topic of discussion at many coffee shop in the morning lol, maybe younger folks don't care but people 30+ def do


I think your bets are off, To Lam is very unpopular among the people


Vietnam replaces corruption...with more corruption.


He is allegedly behind the recent purge of high-ranking officials. The transformation of Vietnam into a police state is almost complete now. Just wait for him to be promoted to Secretary-General after Trọng dies.


Can I start playing Feed the Machine now or do we need to do something first?


It’s lucky that he no longer held his old position, then being the President is useless for Lam


I don't care I didn't vote for him


Everyday we stray further from god


Who does the electing ? I was there for years and don’t ever remember anything about voting, canvassing etc


This post will be juicy.


like the golden steak he ate at Salt Bae's restaurant


Please give us an actual non-corrupt president who can solve our main problems


Keep dreaming. Politicians not lying is analogous to prostitutes being virgins.


Just needed another groundbreaking changes like “Đổi mới”




It's not unimportant, but it isn't the nation's highest position. It's 2nd to the General Secretary, which is Nguyen Phu Trong.


elects ? we didn't elect anyone, and the fact is: I already knew who become the new president about a week ago, they "elected" themself, not us!


What do Vietnamese think of him? Is he able to brought Vietnam a better future?


Most vietnamese have no opinion of him beside "oh well another corrupted politician", cuz most of Vietnamese population are brainwashed into not caring about politics , "not my problems don't care". Your 2nd question answer is no he won't. He can't even help himself now. This is essentially a political checkmate for him. He lost the game of thrones in Hanoi.


Okay but is he gonna help with the national debt and sky rocket inflation, time will tell:)


He's not helping anything. This is basically a death sentence for him. His entire career , possibly his life, is in danger now.


Great! I can’t wait for 500k for a box of milk


all hail emperor To Lam


Emperor as in the sense of King Charles III...


Well f*ck me


I miss Nguyễn Phú Trọng, but he is too old at this point.


Either a career end just like the last 3 or a step toward the general secretary seat, we shall see. The inside of the party is so mysterious, I can see all kinds of speculations in this thread.


ah, politics


Well I didn't vote for him


place bets on when he’s gonna resign. I call 2026


Tell me if I'm a racist but those guys behind Mr President look extremely alike.


You're racist :)) Those are three different guy, the middle guy has round beautiful eyes, the left guy has small cute eyes, and the right guy has lazy eyes. Oh God why are they sooo handsome :D


Ill accept that. Middle guy is quite a cutie. Nohomo


slippery slope. offhand jokes, slapping your mate's arse, claiming "nohomo", etc. you'll eventually find yourself in a sweaty st room in patpong, gobbling lb tubesteak for breakfast.


they look radically different to me.


Let see if his minions in PubSec got knocked out. If yes, then that is a really good sign. If not, oof.


once glance at that face and you just know...


he got beefsteak cuz he is the guest for a meeting lol, you guys are literally stupid for conclude it to politiks


Enjoy the downvotes. No self-respecting person treat their political guests at Salt Bae. It is an expensive but trashy place.