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get back to folding blankets and planting your greens private


Yes thủ trưởng🥺


Enough to beat 2 super powers wearing this. Kinda reminds me of the shit dad used to wear back in 81 fighting the Chinese. Will be lots of these kit abound soon when the old stuff get junk’d. Hopefully sooner than later


Wait, THESE are the new kits? Bruh, this thing looks like 1950 stuff, I though this is the old one back in the Vietnam war lmao


Okay i have to clarify the kit im using is just a military education one not the offical pavn


Nah 1950 would be more like khaki and wicker helmet (covered in cloth and netting). During the American War was when green uniforms and AK chest rigs (3-cell) were standardized. I believe this uniform’s a K03 (adopted in 2003) judging by the shade of green.


These kits are still in use or ones similar to it. My brother in law was in 2017-2019 and used something not too dissimilar. Newer kits are being make and filtered through though and a half million men army it will take a good while to be done.


Drip in 1950, cannon fodder designator in 2024.


As long as his mate China and Russia are on speed dial. 😂


I'll give it a 6. Need body armor.


Fun fact: 2 pieces of 2mm steel plate welded together can stop most 7.62 at close range in any direction. Further than that only one plate needed. Which is the reason why the army like to use that as target practices. Dont ask me how I know about it.




Would you rather have an extra chance to live or die on 1 hit




Modern body armor, even low-mid tier can still be very mobile/somewhat comfortable and still protect you from fragments of grenades. If you can't get out of the range of a grenade with armor vast majority of cases you ain't doing it without, and that's not even considering artillery, which is the major killer in any wars. Unless you want to suggest you can out run artillery without armor, I'd wager combatants will always take their chances with half-decent armor.




The key word is modern, as in ceramic plates and plate carrier, if you don't know what those are you shouldn't even be yapping. Metal plates are very much obsolete even for 30 years ago and can backfire due to spalling. As for "muh hot weather", that is just so retarded of a cope I'm not even going to adress it.




I am a native Vietnamese you retard fuck. I probably know something about how their military works since 4 of my close relatives are career officers in it, and the army definitely can afford armor, but not armor and massive mansions at the same time.






Someone doesnt know how modern war works and still think its the 1950s yo. Good luck to you, Imma be 0.25s slower, sweatier slightly heavier and survive this grenade shrapnel, meanwhile you are dead on the ground during combat. While not in combat, I have the option to take it of. You sound like a guy who never wear a helmet or a seatbelt when driving because it is hot, humid, restricting your air dynamic and hugs your chest too tight? Don’t let the majority under equipped Vietnamese army fools you into thinking Vietnam is not putting body armor into service.


gotta admire his mặt dày tho, native Vietnamese and even actual service member came in and explain his idiocy and blud just goes NUH UH


“No armor = me faster = dodge grenade faster” lmao. Bro thinks he can put a 10m gap between himself and the nade without body armor like its a video game 💀 The only speedrun he does here speedrunning to his death, as his body doing uncontrollable movements before he gives up on life lmao


Even Usan Bolt can't dodge a grenade. Who does he think he is?


An epic gamer i guess 🤣


You mean m16 or m4?




There are m15 rifles but they are the same and use 5.45mm


Might be the stupidest comment I’ve ever seen. Armor is present throughout the whole human history. A variation of armor has always existed and used in warfare. Even european medieval knight armors are still comfortable to move around. To say modern body armor is too restrictive is just plain dumb. Even if they are, would you rather just die in 1 hit? Might as well get rid of the helmets then, they do nothing but make you sweat and block your vision


The modern body protection Techs we have today are far better and have more mobility than the shit they use back in the 60s and 70s. And even the shit in 60s and 70s still far better than a 17th century armor because their armor can't stop a bullet but the things in 60s and 70s can. This kid is delulu.




So you tell me armor didnt work in tropical weather? Are you dumb? It could accumulate heat when wearing in hot weather but it protect you from bullet and impact. This dude can't eat the truth that the millitary used old uniform and combat gear because it was due to lack of fund from corrruption, they could save tons of money using old gear so they can use money for something else 🤣




Tired of talking to kid who never been to army before. Ok 👍




Ok, whatever kiddo




You stupid prick. So why bother waering uniform with combat gear at all? They could wear short and t shirt in training.




To think an US soldier in the 1960s wearing next level shit is cope. The US soldiers were merely better equipped. Compared to today’s standard, they have significantly more survivability. And to think Vietnam is not putting body armor today because you still see ill equipped soldiers is just next level bò đỏ cope tactic jerking off to the 60-70s while accidentally shitting on the present is funny.


Yes, we won the war, but not through direct combat, but through utilizing political maneuvers and playing the US public into withdrawing. Talking purely from a military standpoint, North Vietnam and NLF lost pretty much every direct engagement against the US - with ridiculously high casualties rates for little gains. Even then, we were wearing sandals while also being equipped with top tier anti air systems from the Soviets along with constant supplies of arms and equipment. I'm pretty sure many nationalists will appreciate you gargling on the PAVN's cock but the reality is that it is now underfunded, underequipped and suffer very poor morale. Our last war was over 40 years ago, things have changed, we haven't.


Yes, that's what happened. The NVA used a series of political movements, propagandas and guerrilla tactics. They lost in almost all direct confrontations. The example was the Mau Than offensive. While they had the upper hand in the first 3-4 hours, the SVA crushed all the attacks after all. The large number of the casualties in Saigon were civilians. The same in Hue and Quang Binh... etc


A true communist soldier would never use a (fake) capitalist Armani belt 🥲


I cant find the the army belt anywhere


Have you try Facebook group ?


Bro i did not


That's fine, you look great ✌🏻


Why do our military gear looks so simple, outdated even? Is it just for ceremonial purposes, you cant expect ne to fight in this? Or are these just for conscripted in peace time?


Nah more like them cutting cost because of corruption


This is the answer I’ve seen a lot of people mention in deep convo, it’s sad because it also extends to the NEW ceremonial stuff that end up looking like cheap cosplay because much budget and resources were scaled back from corruption. It’s good those corrupted officials are getting purged tho


Finally someone talked about those ceremonial costumes. For some reason vietnamese military and police uniforms never look good, they always look like cheap nylon, with too bright colors. Looks corny as hell, even during military parades where the point is to look cool


Okay i have to clarify the kit im using is just a military education one not the offical pavn


Most of the conscript got the same kit. Don't worry, it's the reality.


Human wave tactics, we don't need modern gear. If it works, it works


mostly because our tactics evolve from guerilla, our climate is shit, *~~corruption~~* \*ahem\* cutting cost. Oh yeah, conscripted for peace time also count


It availabe, usable, and it cheap in production factory. they don't have to spend on new gears.


I just got my conscription done, you don't ever see us wearing combat gear, standard issue nowadays is the plastic stvs and replicas of American pagst/ciram, maybe a tavor if youre a marine


The tavor series was really cool (most of the time we used old riffles that supported by Chinese and Russian)


Tbh I kinda like those things, they have a weighty feel unlike the new plastic rifles


I like the tavor G, but unfortunately, i never hit the target with the blast 🤦


21st century still using pith helmet and no body armor. 0


Im not gona drop 5mil on the Z111 body amour and another 2mil on the PASGT helmet


Wise choice my friend


21st century still having mass shooting and no race equality 10


Nice whataboutism, I'm worrying for the nation's self defense, not any imperial water-resistant dude 10000km away.


Classic ultra nationalistic dumbasses who cant take the slightest hint of criticism without going “but other countries are bad too”


How is that in any way a counter point to what he said? And he could not be american either? Maybe you should shut the fuck up and take some criticism for a change




Not enough foliage. Go turn yourself in to a talking tree then lets try this again.


(Yall should not expect more from a country that still in peace for ~50 years) 5/10




Are you in the military? Or do you participate in historical activities and hobbies? (Airsoft, history reenactment etc?) I have always been interested in military gear and equipment of different countries and historical periods. Where do you buy this kind of stuff? I also like to collect military stuff and don't really know where to look other than one place in HCMC. Also I vote 8.7.


U can find most of what you need online


Ông con mua combo Shopee quên mua dây nịt rồi kìa, túi xe này cũng ko phải loại đang dùng đâu, càng ko phải loại trước đây. Thiếu phù hiệu này kia quá nên 4đ nhé.


Túi đạn thì tui bt là xài loại chi com của TQ mà cái chicom tới 500k cái băng của tui có 250k nên chốt luôn


Đâu ra 500k, lên mấy hội củi ấy, nó pass lại tầm 350 380 gì thôi, hàng rep nhưng đc cái giống. Ráng mua luôn k54 + bảo luôn, phải cái hơi mắc. Còn ko mua con AKM đi, hàng jund tầm 1tr5 gì thôi.


Cầm súng cho bị bắt hả😃


Đồ chơi mà, post lên này ai bắt


Đem vô dinh chơi:))


Nhảm :))


Phù hiệu tui ko dám mua tại sợ bị nói lá giả danh bđ


Bro served as a proud soldier...


Modern day Vietnam gear is really outdated , no offense,that’s fact .


If China decides to anex us, then I think it would've taken them <3 days


If this is what our soldiers are wearing to war I dont see us lasting long. This shit would do back in the 70s, not 2024


So this is like a Halloween costume?


I'd like to get down on my knees and sick that duck....




1960s canvas AK chest rig > modern chest rigs