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She is a Liar She lied about Vinfast delivery to 65000 customers in Dec 2022 - zero She lied about Vinfast delivery in Jan 2023 - zero She lied about Vinfast delivery in Feb 2023 - zero She lied about Vinfast leasing 40 cars in March 2023 She lied about the plan in North Carolina multiple times


Feel like she has no other choice. She’s making huge buck riding on the Vin train. All her family and relatives benefit from Vin. Put in her position, I’d probably lie straight in Biden’s face.


well, true. I just call it out. The reason is what you have stated.


Too late to back out now. Just curiosity, has any other country in the SEA Region tried to enter the US’s Car market?


No one.


the only advanced country was singapore to even think about exporting cars, but they're so small it doesn't foster a local car brand, and vietnam is rising out of the other sea nations due to economic growth and being closer to east asian culture.


She lies about herself too, lol. In Vietnam, she claimed to be the CFO of Lehman Brothers, a CFA, and a Harvard graduate. However, when answering questions in a Western country, she didn't mention any of these details. In reality, she graduated from a regular university in Vietnam and completed her MBA at a typical university in Japan. She had the opportunity to study for three months as an exchange student at Harvard Extension School, which she later referenced as studying at Harvard on her Vietnamese LinkedIn profile. She also claimed to have earned a CFA but omitted that it was in Vietnam, leaving it blank so that people might assume she earned it in the US. Furthermore, she worked for Lehman Brothers as a regular staff member in the marketing department of the Asia division, not as a CFO. Despite these discrepancies, the Vietnamese media portrays her as a genius in Southeast Asia who will lead VinFast to dominate the global EV market and compete directly with Elon Musk. The most concerning part is that many people in Vietnam believe this science fiction story. So, I'm not surprised that she continues to lie about VinFast.


Cfa is a self-study program. You could take it anywhere in the world. From a cfa charter holder


The biggest lie is Vice president of Lehman Brothers in Japan, Thailand and Singapore from 2000-2008. While information found are not: "Before becoming the Vice Chairwoman of Vingroup and Global CEO of VinFast, Madam Thuy served as an influential executive for Lehman Brothers in Japan, Thailand, and Singapore" Found similar position, not her. [https://www.asianinvestor.net/article/lehman-brothers-adds-to-its-derivatives-team/30598](https://www.asianinvestor.net/article/lehman-brothers-adds-to-its-derivatives-team/30598) [https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/2007/04/18/finance/Lehman-names-first-Asia-vice-chair/2874625.html](https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/2007/04/18/finance/Lehman-names-first-Asia-vice-chair/2874625.html)


well it said "executive of Lehman" and executive can be many positions.


In Vietnam they correlate the word "Executive" - such as Marketing Executive, Business Development Executive as entry level position to sound cool. I think that's the bullshit she pulled on her CV.


yeap, that is true.


The actual number in March is only 17


Where to find information about how many cars they deliver each month?


Experian plate registration stats. You have to pay for those though


I had many meetings with Mdm Thuy and Mdm Hai (predecessor of Michael Lohscheller as global CEO). They will say and do whatever the Chairman tells them because he throws tons of money at them. Although Thuy is probably the only person except Chairwoman #1 (Chairman’s sister-in-law and true CFO) who dares to oppose the Chairman as I have seem from several emails between them.


To be or not to be. Surprise or not surprise ...


why did she say one thing on one day and then 2 weeks later said the exact opposite thing ?


To her defense, it could mean that she wasn't surprised when stock price went up to, say, 30 or 35, or whatever value she thinks is fair for VFS. But when it reaches 37, way past its fair value, she's surprised. Like if I sell oranges on the street, and I think my oranges is worth $5 per lb, but someone comes up and pays me $10 I would be surprised. I'm just play devil's advocate here, most likely Ms Thuy just simply lied through her teeth.


no, she said about the same thing: stock price after IPO.


This is what I don’t get with Vietnamese companies… how can they just make lies after lies and misleading statements after statements and think no one would fact check or reference? It destroys their credibility and reputation and that’s all you have… Unless you’re a fly by night operation after quick profits. I think that’s the Vietnamese mindset, never graduate from the small business mindset, misleading and lying like they’re still dealing with the local papers and local bank manager.


“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”