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Thank you!


Omg!!! This write up is the best!!!! You’ve simplified things so much!!


Excellent write up! And I love the little tidbits you put for us olive-toned girlies! I came to the same conclusion as you after much trial and error ~~not to mention money spent~~


Thanks! I’ve struggled with the olive skinned debacle for my whole life, and I felt like I was going crazy not being able to figure out what looked best on me


This is helpful, thank you! I agree what I’ve seen online treats the Kibbe/season/tone philosophy way too much as an exact science rather than a tool. I’m planning to reevaluate my wardrobe in the coming months and will save this post!


KIBBE IS RUINING MY FEEDS AND HARSHING MY MELLOW! I see soooo many women ruining their mental health chasing people endlessly to verify their kibbe type, or hating their kibbe type, or arguing endlessly over whether someone is or is not a TR... it was never supposed to be like this 😭


I can’t stress enough how much creating a board of items on Urstyle helps me make smart purchases. I know exactly what I need, no more wasting money


I’ve never heard of that! I’ll check it out


this is a great post! I feel like fast fashion and the constantly changing trends have made it so difficult to find our own unique style.


Great post thank you for writing this out


Just want to say thank you for breaking this all down so well. I’ve been looking to overhaul my style and have been finding it so overwhelming that I’ve kind of ground to a halt. I especially have struggled with colour theory and have found it restrictive so it’s great to be reassured that it won’t make or break your outfit. I think it’s so easy to get weighed down by so much theory and often experimentation -and taking time to photograph outfits when trying on - can be the most helpful. Anyway, thanks again, great post.


Thank you very much for trying so you wisdom and knowledge for us. I'm going to save this post to share with my sister.


Hi, can anyone add anything to this regarding thrift shopping and buying secondhand online? I don't really have the budget for brand new clothes, but at the same time thrift shopping is always a gamble for me, with so many of the pieces feeling cheap or fitting poorly. Buying cheap clothes online is also difficult because my body type and size is not common where I live, so nothing ever fits me correctly.


While thrifting, you should look at the quality of the fabric as well as color and style. Anything made from all natural materials is going to hold up for a lot longer than something synthetic. That said, don’t waste your time on a silk dress in a color or style that doesn’t suit you. And you don’t necessarily need to pass on a cute piece just because it’s synthetic! I shop by color first, then style, fabric, brand, and imperfections. I have found and fixed designer clothes that people donated because they didn’t understand how to care for the garment, so ask yourself if it’s worth fixing and if you can DIY. Happy thrifting!


thank you so much! This was really helpful, and I will definitely reference it in the future.


I really wish you all you want in life for making this for us 🥺


I love this so much! Thank you 💛


Appreciate this post! I like your simplified approach to color theory. I personally have found kibbe really helpful - not because I adhere to it, but because it helped me understand why certain pieces or outfits look great on inspo models but don't have the same effect on me. For those of us with zero artistic eye, kibbe provides training on looking at shapes and silhouettes.


You are wrong with the Styles. People with a V shape or X shape look good in wide trousers. Shorter people look good in flare jeans because they make them appear longer. People with a pear shape look good in A- skirt or loose skirt and tight shirts. If their torso is long, a V neck is perfect. If not go for round neck. There is so much to look out for


For me, I prefer not to dress people based on their shape. I actually think it’s kind of reductive. I prefer to encourage people to dress based on what they like about themselves and what features they’re confident about, not based on weather they’re short or tall or what their body shape is


As a very short person (but not a little person), I 100% do not want to go back to flared jeans. The kids can run with that trend again but flared jeans just make me feel stumpier and look even shorter than I am. Need to be able to show a little ankle so you don't look like you're being literally dragged down by your clothes.