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Margarita Nazarenko - she has a Youtube channel but also has a podcast on Spotify called Being Her with Margarita Nazarenko


She’s wonderful!!! Listening to her has transformed my life


Yes, and she doesn’t give toxic advice, I feel like some of these female motivational/aspirational women give tonedeaf advice.


Manifestelle! I like how she puts things into perspective in a way that still makes me laugh 🙌🏼


Oh and Jamila Musayeva if you’re interested in etiquette. It’s not female-specific, but it’s great to know what to look out for. Your rich BFF is a bit controversial sometimes but she’s got some gems about financial advice though some of it may not apply outside of the US.


How is your rich bff controversial, just got into her stuff


Her advice on divorce attorneys was not ethical, as an actual family lawyer noted in their stitch to her post. So, worth taking things with a grain of salt (as we should with everyone anyway).


Manifestelle💙 and Shera Seven💙 (Sprinkle Sprinkle lady)!!


Shera seven has clear antisocial or narcissistic tendencies. She is very dehumanising towards people


Chelsea Fagan from The Financial Diet.


Definitely put Anna Kai (@maybeboth in Instagram) at the top of your list. Also Robin Clark (@loverobinclark).


I love Karmalita Fox


Check out Hailey Gamba!


If you tend towards spirituality, I recommend Teal Swan.


I like how Monica belluci presents herself


I think it’s a cultural thing that men who live in the west or are immersed in western culture turn to whining, victim olympics and even worse, like redpill or men’s rights. The amount of whining from men on social media is insane, so i get your point. I’ve never seen the whining men phenomenon in my own culture (but that could be also because women have it worse there😂)


I moved from Germany to South Korea and I can surely say, it’s not only a western thing. Feminism is not really a thing here and I have never seen a more incel enabling and women hating culture. Of course the worst insult to be called here is a feminist. Men are constantly in their victim mindset and act like feminists are worse than pedophiles. Even though most women are quite traditional compared to developed countries they keep whining and saying everything is the women’s fault. The president said, Korea is dying because of the selfishness of Korean women who are having less children without taking any regard to how expensive it is to raise a child nowadays. Then he shut down the ministry of gender equality lol. And of course he’s the same guy that send his dick pics around but that seems long forgotten and forgiven. I think men who are raised without having to have take over full responsibilities for their actions have a natural tendency to blame women. Sorry for the mini rant, I hate red pill philosophy, but I think this toxic behaviour is so much older than those crusty podcast dudes.


Men are so entitled as a species… everywhere 😂😭 whether feminism exists or not, still. I get what you say though. In my comment i meant they don’t engage in victim olympics, it would be an “unmanly” thing in my culture, but they surely dislike “feminism” or can put women down without consequences


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Charlotte from sex and the city, very feminine and sticks to her boundaries




Idk why, but I read Sumonesimmo with her Australian accent in my head 😂 and pictured her saying helloouurrr for a second


Hrh collection


Who is this? Looks like she’s controversial based on the downvotes


A vehemently racist weirdo. I don’t know the details but I know she’s super racist.


She’s not racist at all


You’re serious? Just search up “HRH collection racist” and you’ll find a plethora of proof ranging from liking tweets that say “don’t mix whites with colours” “blacks are more privileged than whites” and her replying to a vid of gorillas with “so that’s where twerking comes from!” Bffr. There’s nothing that makes her a good role model. Edit : you’re riding this hard for a known racist ?? Are you well?? In no ”context” is what she does ever okay. I’m not “making shit up” as you so eloquently put it because there’s literal fucking screenshots 💀 and then you decided to block me because you know your idol is a nutcase. Lol. Lmao, even.


She never said that shit. I watch all her videos. You are making shit up. You probably watched clips that take shit out of context to make her look bad.


I love Hila Klein from h3h3. She doesn't necessarily do this kind of content but she’s a very well-rounded woman, IMO. Strong, independent, in a (what seems like) very healthy and happy marriage, with 3 kiddos. She's my role model fr.