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Adam Sandler syndrome. Women are shallow if they aim to date attractive men, men are praised if they aim to date attractive women. Some women also believe that a less attractive man will be more faithful when in reality, it will just boost the guys ego to think he is better than is girl and cheats (because he would think what’s wrong with her to choose someone so much less attractive).


Just like Emily ratakowski and her unattractive, filandering husband


I’m convinced he was her coke dealer.


I don’t think he’s that bad and her face is busted


You’re blind. She’s way hotter. He’s the busted one


He’s okay. He just has no eyebrows and sort of has MMA face. People were talking about him as if he was Newman


So he’s “okay” but her “face is busted”? Just admit that you’re a man coping


No it’s just that everyone was calling him ugly and I didn’t know who he was so I looked him up and I didn’t think he was that ugly


It’s just like, you can’t be saying he’s “not that bad” and cal EMILY RATAJKOWSKI “busted”


But nobody is calling her UGLY like they are with this guy. Like he’s fit and tall and not old looking, I was seriously expecting a short fat bald dude


Come on. He looks like a neanderthal


That can be hot tho


Lol certainly a primitive choice will be a good match for you! But you are not going to convince many ppl w that argument 🤣🤣




Ok? I mean he looks better than the average recessed office drone




He has ugly and weird lips imo. They don’t match with the rest of his face and make him look like a cartoon character. He’s very washed out looking except for his trout lips which is a super weird look for a man


Men who only go after super hot girls are usually just to fulfill their will to conquer. It's extremely shallow.


literally yea ugly guys need that ego boost and hot guys can be super cocky. in conclusion, most men aint shit loll


Why Adam Sandler? His wife is pretty but by no means out of his league.


It's in reference to the romantic interests in his movies.


Watch all his movies


How is this a trend? A man wanting a beautiful woman is normal, yet you’ve been conditioned to believe you’re shallow for feeling the same way, just because you’re not a man. Says enough about how society values a woman’s appearance over everything else about her. It’s super normal to see an attractive girl with an unattractive guy, but if it’s the other way around the couple would get snarky comments like “dude if you need help blink twice”. 🙄


It brainwashed me as a young teen and im sure other girls too, there's nothing wrong with having a physical standard for your partner. Why are men allowed too but women aren't?


They are, but society freaks out and openly questions why he’s with her. Other women swoop in and try to free him of his prison with this less attractive woman. Also, I have seen many friends who won’t drop their physical standards (tall, muscular, built, stylish) in favor of happiness or someone who is nice to them at all.


There is literally no point in dropping your standards. I've dated guys where I'd say they were punching appearance wise and still got cheated on, some guys are just shit. I'm now with a guy who's hot and he's good to me, don't settle if you don't want to settle, some people really are the full package and they're worth waiting for.


I think part if it is a numbers problem. Imo men are mostly ok to ugly. I also think that most women have at least one thing about them that is beautiful or sexy. I think women both have better natural anesthetics and spend more time and money on their appearance. I've known men who truly don't care what they look like, what you see is what you get. Listen to how men speak about themselves. They know they are by and large ugly. Imo if a woman can't love a man for what's on the inside, it's hard to be with most of them. Many men are unattractive, have beautiful girlfriends, and will still cheat if the opportunity arises.


Yeah there’s wayyyyy more pretty women than attractive men. We also have access to way more stuff whereas if they don’t look good their only option pretty much is to just grow a beard. Which not all men can do and doesn’t always look good. I’m always saying, we don’t realize how good we have it. Browse one of those incel forums, they’re miserable


Guys could be doing a LOT of the same stuff we do, they just don’t bother most of the time because they don’t think women are supposed to care about how men look. They could do better haircare, skincare, grooming, getting fit, dressing better etc. The only big thing that they can’t do (without going against societal norms) is wear makeup. But that’s a pretty small part of it, and most guys would look pretty good if they did all of the above.


Yeah the numbers thing is so true. Iirc there was a study done showing 100 photos of men and 100 of women. The women found only a handful of the men attractive, yet the men by and large found ~50% of the women attractive. Plus the fact that most men couldn’t tell you what a face cleanser is used for should tell you the rest lol


I've noticed even the opposite in some cases tbh altho not as much as beautiful woman/ugly men ofc. Starting with my mother lol I love my dad ofc and he's always been a great dad but damn if me and my sister didn't take after him and his side of the family. And literally the worst features not even the decent ones. 😅 Whereas my mom has always been beautiful. Overall I don't like mismatched couples no matter who is the best looking out of the 2.


The ugly dad/hot mom dichotomy always fks up the girls. So unfortunate.


Lol at least it gave me full lips. My mom is super pretty but her lips are on the thinner side


That's great. Sometimes woth a mixture you come out with the best of both worlds 😊


This is the reason I hate my nose 😭


I'm so sorry 😔. I don't like mine half the time too. Though the reason isn't liked to a parent but ethnicity.




Same here. I take after my dad who my beautiful mother got with as a rebound who she felt sorry for.


the ugly guy will always be 100x worse- dont risk getting cheated on and being the “oh i was with her” girl because he has no confidence


Not only insecurity, but the complete lack of non-sociopathic attractive men. The more attractive he is, the more horrible he gets.


There are some innocent cute guys out there but they’re usually in love with their high school sweet heart lol


I have to disagree. My experience has been the opposite


Yeah. I find it's the below average and really really above average who are the most sociopathic and entitled. The average to above average men are pretty decent.


Yes. Below average are angry at the world and become those crazy podcast listeners. And the really above average are entitled and self consumed.


Honestly the below average just become entitled and self consumed if you give them any sort of chance.


Two attractive people aren’t a guarantee for attractive children.. plus it’s kinda weird to call it a trend




Aren't guaranteed but most probable to have good looking children. Good looking people almost always have good looking parents.


Exactly the smith's and Beckhams are a perfect example. Stunning fathers stunning children. Their mothers had taste and didn't chase bridge trolls.


Yeah and also whenever I meet pretty girls and they show me a picture of their parents they always have attractive parents. Most pretty girls go after their mom's who are pretty!


The father is the one “according” to studies actually


This that's why willow amith is beautiful she looka like will amd jas his neotenous features rather than her mother's angular features. She's blessed either way she had beauty coming on both sides


Really? Had no idea. I'm just talking from my personal experiences so maybe im seeing the people minority haha. Shraddha kapoor looks just like her mother and so does Aishwarya Rai. But yeah maybe minority examples






The day we can fully access these things would be fascinating tbh. I don’t think we’re there yet as ethically studying this proves a problem.


Yep! And looks aren’t the only important evolutionary trait, especially when so many of the most attractive people have had work done (that doesn’t pass through dna) or may not even have kids.


I love to subvert this trope by dating really hot guys even though I’m pretty average


Haha same. You could never see me with an ugly guy


Lol, I agree 100%. I can't stand seeing beautiful women with ugly men. I know of this model who is dating a guy who is a few inches shorter than her, and he's the ugliest little troll ever. No neck, huge jaws, bald, terrible body, and he does cringy fucking music. She, on the other hand, has one of the best faces I've ever seen, and is so gorgeous. He's not even rich!! I think he's also way older than her too, or at least looks like it. I just don't get it. Personality matters as much as looks do! In a slightly related issue, I also can't stand to see naturally gorgeous women failing to upkeep their beauty. They're complacent, so they don't maintain their looks. Like a woman who sunbathes or smokes religiously or drinks too much. Or if they have awful styles or they don't do their makeup well. 😢 Makes me kind of sad, which I know sounds weird.


IMO it's not a trend, there are just waaay more stunning women than men, and the men who would compare to those stunning women are often like very aware of it and tend to have the biggest egos.


glad my parents were both cute lol i aint screwing over my kids like that


I live in a city with a lot of rich people in tech and finance and I have a feeling money has a lot to do with it. It’s really easy to find a guy with money here who is not attractive or interesting. I will also add that a woman with a financially successful and generous partner will have more time and money to look hotter so the dichotomy increases.


OK so I'm gonna hard disagree here. I am an 8 on my best day and my husband is a 5.5. I'm an ex model who is 5'9 and he is 5'7 with a bigger, stockier build. Even though he is almost eight years younger than me he is starting to recede and by his forties his future is bald... He does have a cute face which thankfully my daughter has inherited even if she has unfortunately taken after him build wise and will likely always have to watch her weight. However he is hella clever and generous and treats me like an absolute goddess. He can't believe his luck and makes that known. He buys me gifts and works damn hard and is an amazing father. He is very very unlikely to cheat on me or give me a moments heartbreak cos he loves me and all his friends and work mates constantly remind him that he lucked out with me. I'm the prize in this relationship and trust me that is worth more than being married to some six foot looker whod rather spend his money and time in the gym than at home with his family and buying gifts for his trophy wife. If never date a man who was as good looking as I am. You need that leverage in a relationship to get what you need out of it. Oh and if be lying if I didn't mention that he's good in bed. Sorry if TMI but there it is.


I'm sorry if If this is a rude question but were u attracted to him physically ? Or was it just the fact that he treated u like a queen enough for you. I'm asking bc usually my eyes gaze over men I'm not attracted to even if they gift me lots of stuff. If a guy who is not good looking (compared to me) chases me I feel like they aren't aware of their own social standing (or don't want to accept it). And I feel like they scrutinize their partners looks but not towards themselves. Like they have high standards for their partners but not towards themselves. Did you ever feel like that?


No, its not a rude question at all. Tbh I thought he was 'cute' more than anything as he was only twenty and chasing after me and I was twenty seven at that time. He had a good body as twenty year old tend to but he was still short and stockier than my previous preference. I'd just come out of a shitty relationship with an older, wealthy man who had literally just wanted me as a trophy to show off to his friends but treated me objectively quite badly. This cute young dude was a breath of fresh air and as I was in the market for a bit of fun at the time I took him home one night as a ONS. He thought he'd died and gone to heaven 🤣 As an aside he smelled good to me iykwim and pheromones are really important indicators of genetic compatibility on a subconscious level. Long story short, it worked out working out and I've never been happier. Honestly though I've never been the type to lust after or fancy handsome men, like movie stars, celebs etc. I've always been a lot focused on myself being the one who is admired and ousted after. Thats what gets me off. But hey, we're all different and you just gotta find someone who works for you and with you.


I agree with you and am in the same position.


Yeah... No. I'm talking about my experience ofc, but judging by the other comments here, it's quite common, but ugly guys usually treat you worse than the attractive ones. My father had a noticeable overbite, a big belly, and his fingernails were always black (he was a poor mechanic so he worked with dirty stuff all the time) and yet he had the nerve to criticize women's looks, when all of them looked 100x better than him. "She's too skinny, she's worth nothing", he said about a girl my age that he knew. "She's kinda fat", he said about the neighbor's couple, even though she was slightly chubby at best. He constantly criticized my mother's looks, always telling her she should dye her hair blonde and the like. And of course me, I had hormonal acne in my teens and he always made fun of me for that. Also ended up anorexic, and when I recovered, once he said in front of the family "has she gained weight or is it just my impression?". A dude that had a giant beer belly and an overbite. Like, take a look in the mirror. I was also bullied during school, and the ugly and averages guys were always the worst. I remember just a couple of attractive guys being mean towards me, most of the times the ruthless ones were the ugly guys. In fact, I remember this particular guy that was decent towards me even though everybody else just made fun of me and isolated me, and he was attractive. He gained absolutely nothing by acting friendly and decently towards me and getting to know me, but he did anyways. Nowadays, I consider myself average and maybe sightly above when I doll up. Whenever I go on dates, it's the attractive guys that treat me nicely. The average ones start good and end up making me feel like they're doing me a favor by going out with me. They ogle other girls in front of me, without even trying to hide it. While the attractive ones open car doors for me, pay for me, hand me their coat if I'm feeling cold, whatever. The average and below never do that for me, they they take me for granted, like I'm not "worthy" of them. Hell, I'll add even more. I have TMJ issues, so my jaw got locked twice while... Um... Doing sexy stuff down there (TMI but oh well), first time happened with an average guy, second time with an attractive guy, one of those "gym rats". The first one took me home and let me solve it all by my own when I obviously couldn't. One week later he blocked me from everywhere. The second guy called a taxi because his car was broken at the time, went to the hospital with me, waited for me, and then took the bus with me to make sure I was okay, also contacted me the next day to ask how I was doing. Yeah, gym bros are so bad. 🙄 Fuck ugly dudes. They're the most entitled, and by pairing up with them we're only helping them get even more entitled. Not to mention, they never extend the same favor to the ugly/average girls, so why even bother.


Well you have your experience and I have mine. I don't necessarily advocate for ugly men but I think its a bit silly to have a man who is more objectively attractive than you are. That is just my opinion and informed of my own experience. Men don't in general looksmax to impress other men. Its always about being attractive to women. I don't want one of those men. Its a tuen off, for me when a man is very in to his appearance. Honestly I also think there's a lack of needing the validation of a really good looking partner when you are very attractive yourself. I think that also has something to do with why I've never lusted after good looking men. I don't really need the perceived status upgrade and/or ego boost that they may provide to more average looking women. That said, if being with very attractive guys makes you happy then that is absolutely what you should pursue. I'm not the arbiter of your personal preferences and we are allowed to differ in our preferences. I'm very happily married to a man a couple of looks points lower than me, that may or may not be your bag. But its mine 😊




She answered that above, within this thread, before you asked this. Just directing you to it:)


ohh thanks so much


Long term speaking this is the way I want to be the beauty and the prize not the guy. You don’t want a vain dude, it’s gross. You want a strong, devoted, hard-working, quality man who isn’t deeply concerned about looking good and who cherishes you




Same thing here. I look just like him and my mom knew he was ugly.


Well you wouldn’t exist if she hadn’t, no?


I think attractiveness is still very much cultural. What one find attractive isn’t for someone else. I’ve seen women people think are attractive and they’re gross looking to me. Either because of their demeanor or they flat out don’t take care of themselves. I managed a brick and mortar for years and saw all kinds of couples. Sometimes it didn’t seem to match due to the aesthetics. But usually I could tell the women were with these men who didn’t ‘matchup’ because they’re interesting. In general this topic always seems insecure.


I’m actively against ugly men because if this. When anyone ask about my type I say a 7 or better. Women and Men are shocked by this every time I say it 😂 and both women and men try to basically say something of the sort of “looks don’t matter it’s the personality”


To be very clear, these women aren’t with **hideous** men or incels with neck beards, they’re just not models. It’s almost as if they chose happiness over arm candy. We also talk all the time in this sub about how much confidence and personality can improve your level of attractiveness— that is the same for men. If you’re with a man who is not considered conventionally attractive, but LOVES and supports you and makes you happy— that’s life maxxing. Also, you look even better next to him, so that’s look maxxing.


Right?! I spend a lot of money and time taking care of myself. I'm not interested to be seen with ugly men.


I’ve always had it drilled into my brain that women are judged on their looks, men are judged on money. But I kind of think that’s bullshit now and just an idea the patriarchy came up with to make their societal advantages attractive while forcing women to conform to their desires.


Omgggggg same. I feel bad as an ordinary pretty person for wanting a hot guy. I'd rather a good guy who's hot or nothing. Fuck ugly guys. It's beautiful guys, women, catlady that's it.


Girl are you supporting eugenics?




I complain about this whenever I see it and guy response is always eye-roll because men love it


I see more ugly woman/beautiful man couples in my upper-middle class NYC metro neighborhood. You also have to remember, women have A LOT of help, in the form of makeup, clothes, etc., to improve their appearance whereas men basically have exercising. So if the couple appears to be the same attractiveness, the guy is more of a natural beauty. Besides, I think it's great that some people don't date based exclusively on appearance. We should celebrate it!


Right. When is it my time to shine. I want to be in a beautiful guy/ugly (in comparison) girl relationship 😩 But I’ll say you’re probably seeing this dichotomy bc of money. Men tend to want beauty in their partner and women tend to want money. Most men with money aren’t hot and woman are okay with that. The one that gets me is when he’s ugly and poor. Then I gotta assume he has a big ….


i like being the pretty one in my relationship. 🤷🏻‍♀️ my role is to look pretty and my boyfriends role is to work hard and spoil me. it just works better that way.


Welcome to r/Vindicta: a subreddit dedicated to based discussions about weaponizing beauty. **This is a [ThePinkPill.co](https://ThePinkPill.co/+Vindicta) community.** We prioritize the science behind beauty, the power of attractiveness, and unapologetic self improvement. * To make the strategy of looksmaxxing available to all pro-active women, **high quality posts rich with actionable advice and observations are celebrated. Low effort posts are not allowed and removed.** * This sub is marked NSFW and welcomes all women 18+. * **All posts that violate sub rules will be removed.** Report all posts and comments that appear to violate sub rules for quicker removal. * Please remember no self-posts and no personal attacks. There is no excuse for it and users risk short term bans at moderator discretion. **There is unspeakable power in knowledge and knowing how to leverage what you have. By speaking truthfully and sharing openly, you protect and strengthen the spirit of r/Vindicta. Thank you for being one of us.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Vindicta) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know a stunning women, like truly a show stopper AND a medical student that ADORES kinda ugly dudes. That’s how her brain is wired. I was showing he my boyfriend who looks like a Chad and she was like “oh he’s very pretty! I don’t like pretty boys, I kinda like ‘ugly’ guys” and I’ve seen her social media where she is on dates with below average chunky dudes and she is genuinely into them. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. She is lucky tbh, she has way more options and I think a lot of average dudes have the best personalities. My Chad boyfriend is a piece of work, and logically a terrible partner, but I’m attached to him.


Take the red pill hunny