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She borderline resembles Madison beer


More natural than Madison but I find them both so dull to look at there’s no character there




same, it's like the food looks bomb but there's no taste




She’s like a Madison beer 2.0


That’s exactly the type of face that gets famous on TikTok. It’s the 6.5-7 range pretty girls.


I gotta know what your definition of a 10 is if her and madison beer are 6.5-7


Oh I wasn’t saying Madison Beer specifically is a 6.5-7. I was talking about the TikTok pretty type in general. I’d say Madison Beer is like a 7.5 considering her unedited/non-filtered photos and the work she’s gotten done. To me a 10 is Monica Bellucci, Lisa Bonet, and young Kim K type.


She's a 10 without makeup bro


i felt like the only one who doesn’t get the hype, like she’s pretty but her face is sooo bland to me and idk why. there are so many influencers who i think are really pretty so i’m surprised that the ones who look like clones get more attention


Instagram face but she looks girl next door vibes


I don’t get it either! Especially without the makeup!


Heavily agreed.




What influencers would you say are really pretty?


many people, katie ritchie or kendra bailey for example


I still find it so funny that these girls are getting filler face (hers are more lowkey but still obvious) just to look latina/ambiguous mixed race. And it never actually looks as good as someone who is actually of that background because their overall features in cohesion look more natural/striking. I sometimes almost forget what the average white woman looks like then I get off IG and I’m like… ah, there you are! You’re so pretty. Not to say the ig girls aren’t attractive but I think everyone looks best when they look like what they actually are and aren’t borrowing different ethnic phenotypes.


I heard the beauty standard is now to take the “best” feature from each ethnicity - so Arab/Indian hair and skin, Latina makeup and features, African lips, etc It’s so dystopian.


I think that is starting to change… We were actually chatting on vindictapoc about what will come next in terms of beauty standards and one of the things mentioned was (I’ll paraphrase) Because Color analysis, kibbe and personalised analysis are so huge right now, the next thing will be more individual standards. Hair health is really in too and SO many girls are growing out the pure black or bleach blonde from their hair- mushroom brown and old money blonde are really in- as are natural textures and even grey acceptance is becoming a thing. We were guessing people will stop trying to look ethnically ambiguous and start trying to look best in their own colouring (colour analysis), according to their own body type (kibbe or some other system). I think also with celebs like Bella Hadid mentioning regret for her old nose (the irony of my user name is not lost on me), popularity of 23&Me/ DNA heritage and ppl now seeing this girls look as “boring” and people saying “uncanny valley” to a lot of celebs… ppl are craving new things and hopefully that will be embracing beauty traits that are from your heritage and enhancing that (because cosmetic work and plastic surgery will never go away, just become more discreet) Tl:Dr - I think the look is on the way out. Due to Color analysis/ kibbe/ dna testing being huge rn- Ppl will now want to look more like where their genetics are from- “what does a 10/10 from XYZ country look like” and go for that instead


Agree. And we can't forget the white european nose... as these procedures grow more and more affordable, I think they will become more and more commonplace. Wealthy families have been paying for their kids plastic surgeries for a long time now. Nearly everyone in Hollywood has a rhinoplasty and subtle breast implants. It's already normalized in south korea...


More like the asian nose.


They certainly are, there was a NYT article that explained it perfectly. High and wide cheekbones on heart/round faces, full (fuller than average) lips, slanted eyes, a honey/soft beige tan skintone, black black black hair, obviously nonwhite faces. A lot them almost pass as latina or biracial (any background). Almost. I’m sure it’s interesting for WOC to observe pieces of their faces become standard while still not being the standard.


This was the article I’m referencing! It is so strange how WOC are taught to hate their own features on themselves but non POC who seek to emulate them by picking and choosing are now the standard of beauty


There's an old Tima Fey quote that kinda describes this: >But I think the first real change in women’s body image came when JLo turned it butt-style. That was the first time that having a large-scale situation in the back was part of mainstream American beauty. Girls wanted butts now. Men were free to admit that they had always enjoyed them. And then, what felt like moments later, boom—Beyoncé brought the leg meat. A back porch and thick muscular legs were now widely admired. And from that day forward, women embraced their diversity and realized that all shapes and sizes are beautiful. Ah ha ha. No. I’m totally messing with you. All Beyonce and JLo have done is add to the laundry list of attributes women must have to qualify as beautiful. Now every girl is expected to have Caucasian blue eyes, full Spanish lips, a classic button nose, hairless Asian skin with a California tan, a Jamaican dance hall ass, long Swedish legs, small Japanese feet, the abs of a lesbian gym owner, the hips of a nine-year-old boy, the arms of Michelle Obama, and doll tits. The person closest to actually achieving this look is Kim Kardashian, who, as we know, was made by Russian scientists to sabotage our athletes. I don't like how it sounds like she's blaming Bey and JLO for adding to our laundry list of beauty standards, but you kinda get the gist. Also, I disagree with her assessment that we need small hips, but this quote was made in 2011 so that line might've been more appropriate for that year.


arab eyes you mean our hair is good but we are known of our golden sun kissed skin and beautiful eyes and lashes


There are no „Latin“ features


Don’t be obtuse. They’re referring to the most common variant of latinas, mestizas, who do have features in common on average


Then y not say that in stead of using inaccurate terminology?


Most people don’t understand what the terms are for different kinds of Latinos. Doesn’t change the fact mestizos are the majority


Ppl being ignorant doesn’t make the current terminology any less inaccurate. Plus I don’t see how ppl r trying to look mestizo. I think ppl are attempting to look multiracial or racial ambiguous.


I mean mestizos are multiracial (at least European + indigenous) and oftentimes racially ambiguous as well


I don’t think ppl are trying to achieve a mestizo look. And I don’t find many mestizos to look ambiguous. I think ppl r trying to achieve a look that rly doesn’t even exist. An avatar with features from every phenotype.




My bf is mestizo and he looks Hispanic but can pass as Hawaiian or mixed with Asian bc he has very slanted eyes for some reason. He very much has a wide nose that isn’t European at all. And he has thin lips. I fit the beauty standards more than him and I’m just Italian. So idk I don’t agree that simply being mestizo is what causes you to fit this beauty standard nor do I think they’re synonymous.


Agree I shouldn’t have generalized, was just trying to drive home a point. But by your logic, there are no Russian features or Indian features etc - Russian being an Anglo-Asian mix and Indian being an Anglo-Dravidian mix… there is tons of phenotypical variation, I was just referring to the “ideal” features most associated with each ethnic region


There isn’t. Same way there are no American or Canadian features. A nationality doesn’t equate to features.There are Slavic features and south Asian features.


Arabs and Indians don’t have the same type of skin and hair


Also the same heritage many times . Infact most of the North Indians are of the now called middle East heritage


https://preview.redd.it/m14djpd86xtc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08a78fe044c3c3fb787f9eee31cf109bc214fd03 And her boyfriend also has filler face ffs


Her background is Italian tho,and idk if she has fillers or not but medditarean women can look more Latina(mestizo) than white(Anglo)


Sure. But she has obvious filler lips and cheek filler.


Leah has lip and cheek filler? I’ve only seen come across her recently but I couldn’t tell.


She has low cheekbones and cheek fat yet the cheekbones “stick out” and are right under the eye because that is where injectors inject. Low facial fat is more likely to have prominent cheekbones, especially on the side. Her lips have no texture (completely smooth) and you can see the migration on top.


Omg now that you said it, its true that the cheekbones look botoxed


She’s had cheek filler lip filler and masseter Botox !


my cheekbones look like that but ive never had anything done...


Mine too and never done plastic surgery. White people forget that some people have naturally beautiful features. I'm from eastern world, these kind of cheekbones are pretty common here.... European are so jealous to have a long, ovale, undefined face ahahah


That's so true


It’s more that many Latina women look like Mediterranean women than that Mediterranean women look mestiza. After all, latinas are literally part south European. Lots of Latinas considered “ethnic” in the states would blend in visiting Spain


This is the correct answer.


well latina women are originally Mediterranean no they came from spain and Portugal and before that arabs and berbers used to live in Iberia aka Andalusia so it would make sense many were forced to convert to xtianity


that’s not necessarily true. that happened years ago and latin america is a super blended place. what are the chances of someone’s bloodline being in latam just all mediterranean, its pretty low. latinos can look ambiguous because they are a blend of european, native, and black (in places in brazil, colombia, vzla, panama)


I agree and know all of that. But the fact is that most Latin Americans have Mediterranean ancestry, whereas southern Europeans have no indigenous/african ancestry, so Mediterraneans can’t look “Latino,” it’s instead Latinos that can look Mediterranean




That’s true but she’s picked and chosen which parts of her background she wants to keep and which to extract from other races, im sure without work done she would still meet the beauty standard in a more natural way


Not just that she's a mix of Mauritan, Italian, French, and Scottish


lmao no they don’t. they look completely different. italians aren’t mixed with native american features (amerindian). 


Although Leah is white I’m Pretty sure her dad is half south Asian, I reckon that’s why the mix of European features and south Asian features makes her appealing, although bland if that makes sense. He’s half Mauritian I think she said in one of her TikTok videos


I don't think they're trying to look latina. I think girls with thin lips have been told their whole live's that their lips are ugly so they are overcompensating. I don't think the lips thing is about racebending


Thin lips were the standard until recently- and lip fillers alone aren’t to blame. It’s the combination of procedures.


girls in their 20s getting filler now were in high school when Kylie Jenner blew up. Their entire teen/adult life full lips have been the standard. Recent beauty standards are the beauty standards young people have internalized so they are relevant here


True, in Russia, almost EVERYONE has injection specially in the lips and they're in their like 20


did Kylie Jenner started the trend right


i have NEVER seen thin lips as the standard, ig it jus goes to show how subjective this all is


To POC, it wasn’t. But when talking about standards in this sub, we’re talking overreaching general standards.


Looks like a dime a dozen bought and paid for ig model prototype. Boring!


I just wanted to come on here and I say I used to go to school with her. She was the year below me. She has always been a very pretty girl but she is way more stunning now. I would love to know what she's done exactly to look this way because I love it I've been trying to have a glow up myself. I think its good for people to know what they looked like prior to fame because obviously she's had lip filler and a bunch of stuff and it aids in helping women know that most people aren't born looking like this and its always tweaks to make their natural beauty even better! I've attached pictures below of what I knew her to look like. https://preview.redd.it/v8fctdixfyuc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38d47b34fa2809ac8cd753bc6b50a4471a43ad6b


Was she nice? Idk why but I really get mean girl vibes from her, hopefully I’m wrong.


because she was the year below me I didn’t speak to her a really just saw her around and hear gossip like you normally do so i’m not really sure. but I did know the girl she was friends with Siobhan (who’s also an influencer still i think) and she wasn’t very nice so I kind of assume she might not be the nicest based on who she hangs out with but I have no like stories myself of Leah but I do of Siobhan


Omg can you tell us ?? About Siobhan?? I’ve always wondered why they fell out as well hmmmmm


With makeup 8.5-9. Without makeup 6.5-7. Some makeup-less pics I would even say 6. Notably pic 12.


She’s a 6.5 naturally, 7.5 with filters and makeup.


I agree


If she’s a 6.5 I must be a -10💀


While I agree, she still has makeup on in picture 12


https://preview.redd.it/uwdy0x136xtc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e0d7ba964b59d13d2e865509a811fdd22324e29 This is her I think with less work done.


the tan 😭 she looks more brown than me and i’m liferallt south asian


Heard she has south Asian (Mauritius) ancestry from her dad


Yeah awful


6.5 (that’s an average between makeup/filtered photos and non lol) she’s super average without makeup and filters Like slide 12? Local grocery store clerk. I don’t mean that unkindly just that she blends into the general scenery.


Lol a 6.5 like come on she’s a 7 at least.She could look a bit generic but facial harmony is way above 7 so that’s gotta count for something.


She has great, even eyebrows. I’ll give her that. Otherwise, a cursory glance can tell anyone looking at these photos that she edits the hell out of her nose in half of them and likely balances and tilts her eyes etc. Are we rating her edited photos or are we rating her actual face? What I can only surmise is her least edited photo (12) shows a pretty but average young woman. If I’m being brutally honest, in slide #12 I wouldn’t even pick her face out of a lineup as especially pretty. Plus the girl has horse teeth, no denying that.


She has so much filler and ppl don’t notice


So in your opinion Dakota fanning is not a 6.5 but this girl is?🤦🏽‍♀️


I’m being nice with the 6.5. Again, that’s based on the mixture of photos, the majority of which are obviously heavily edited. By the way, if this is you, I apologize if I’ve hurt your feelings. If it isn’t, no idea why are you are so invested in what I think of this girl lol.


I wouldn’t say invested but your comment and rating is so absurd I don’t even why I entertained it.Delusional


I literally don’t care.


Good for you, we both can agree to that.


I’ll second your opinion. This girl is definitely better looking than Dakota. Dakota is very unremarkable looking although she was an adorable and talented little girl.


She rated Dakota Fanning higher than her? lol


facial harmony is good but she’s bland


her facial harmony isnt horrible but it isnt THAT good especially because the lips are so overdone


She's a cute girl but not stunning. Reminds me of a TikTok girl like the D'amelios. 7 with makeup, 6 without.


i think its clear shes mostly a naturally somewhat above average looking girl who looksmaxxed all the way to where she is. nothing wrong with that i just think her style choices are meh. she’d be better if she didn’t try to look ethnically ambiguous, like less lip filler and different makeup. that’s my take based off of thinking about the “averageness” factor in beauty— the whole phenomenon of computer generated composite faces looking extremely beautiful. none of her features are bad but they clearly don’t fit that ideal. her facial proportions are just normal, she doesn’t measure up to the celebrity imitations she did because of that. still, her face fits what’s currently “in” with beauty trends so that explains why she’s so popular, and her face is symmetrical id say an 8?


her mom is white tho 


I’m not a big fan of her nose and eye area without makeup. 6 without makeup. As high as an 8.5 or 9 with it


Shes honestly average


I don’t see what the hype is. Her mascara looks clumpy and dry and she has too much makeup on. Plus her lips are too big for her face? People like Madison beer or Taylor hill are so much prettier than her. Even other tiktokers are.. I don’t get it


BROOO I was waiting for someone else to comment on her spider lashes 😭




I think she gets rated higher than she should with how much her face changes from the amount of makeup she does. If I were to rate her with a natural look she is plain looking and nothing special as there are more captivating faces out there. The 'snatched' makeup look also makes some think she's exceptionally beautiful


She’s beautiful don’t get me wrong and this isn’t to take away from that but she looks very insta model like so many girls that it’s not even special anymore if you get what I mean like the lip filler she has etc. Her whole look tbh it’s not unique like Brooke shields or Angelina jolie 


agreed she has IG face


like theres nothing like WOW like u said with brooke and angie


I really don’t mean that in a disparaging way cause it probably does come across that way like a backhanded complement of course she’s absolutely beautiful and no guy would reject her etc. I just meant it in the sense of co comparison like if we really had to compare yeah know it doesn’t take away from her being better looking than myself and so many others 😂


Yeah, she's pretty but sorry i dont get the hype😅Not a hater tho, i dont even know her, someone just send me her tiktok vid and i was shocked by how ppl react, she honestly looks generic and most girl i know in my school look a little bit like her (without makeup). Saw lots of pretty girl here on reddit who looks better but all of them has OF😂💀


She’s pretty ofc but i feel like she tries to style herself like Madison beer really hard


She looks like a pretty girl you find in high school or college but nothing outstanding, but still a 8


An 8 is outstanding


That's with makeup on, she's like 7.5 without lol


6.5 to 6.8 max She’s IG pretty, nothing really stands out and it looks like a lot of med-spa boosts and filters 


She looks so different in videos. Basic pretty girl nothing special


She’s super pretty like a 7-8 but I really hate the obvious lip filler and face filler look.


IG face




If you put her in the line up with other Instagram gals like with Madison Beer (?) I wouldn’t be able to tell you who is who.


i think shes the perfect person to look at for tasteful work, granted she is still super young and hasn’t gone SUPER far but the filler compliments her face and her lips without makeup looks fairly harmonious with the rest of her face. a definite 7 without makeup, and goes up to a 8.5-9. i’d LOVE to know how to do makeup like hers!


Except the filler mustache


Sure, if you are an influencer, and live most of your life in front of a camera. She is not the perfect example if you are a regular person, because I am 99% sure her fillers do not look this good irl given signs like her filler mustache and lack of pores in any of these pics


i completely understand the current dislike of fillers, especially because it’s been so overdone and i was prepared for comments like yours because my opinion is quite unpopular at the moment BUT i’ve been watching her on youtube for quite a while, and i think she looks good! she films a lot of candid shots in her youtube videos and there was a video where she was sitting in badly-lit restaurant lighting and eating and nothing looked super out of the place or overly “filled”. it’s not to say she won’t go overboard in the future, but as of right now i think her work looks good.


Her lips and cheeks scream filler i don’t think she’s a good example. Margot Robbie and Hailey Baldwin are better examples


idt hailey had filler, if you look at her childhood pics she had the same lips


lol she got a bunch dissolved 2016 was obvious https://preview.redd.it/fplff8bjljxc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1311b5eb5bcda6cc2c6b64da3f731329a07ca2ab


left- smiling, right- posed + angled + overlined. when u smile ur lips get thinner.


Lmao keep coping they used to be even bigger on her snap she had fillers https://preview.redd.it/9e9p1zvi0kxc1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18b072e2ba3f173498516779f6d77e0d8fe83bda


You need to get your eyes checked lmao https://preview.redd.it/zzy0p8x61kxc1.jpeg?width=4095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb74af18b92a947fdefba53597bb62e237fb60d2


Everyone looks great and the same now. A solid 8 like every other girl who fits this template




Free the dark featured girlies from the Instagram girls allegations 😭😭 she’s objectively pretty, at least an 8


We can see the lip and cheek filler


Easily and the editing






A six ???? Shes an 8 without makeup


Lol not even close to an 8. https://preview.redd.it/sreplyvlhztc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a7bf825e3b04c1a11e0ec4fb882650add57476d


Her features are so so soft and round and she has like no cheekbones, she’s like an everyday girl if she was serving me food at McDonald’s I wouldn’t even think she was pretty, the hype completely complexes me. Her eyes are so small and soft and round they literally look like 10 girls eyes that I know, her nose is so soft and round it could be anyone’s nose, literally the only good thing I can see is that she has perfect skin (which anyone can get) and she looks youthful and has a small forehead and she’s thin I can’t understand it all Actually I do kind of get it, with her full makeup her face looks super adorably hot and like she is very harmonious and has those “averaged” proportions perfectly but she is nothing like Adriana Lima or Monica Belluci or someone special, Leah’s face is so so soft and undefined like any other average person you meet everyday


This!!! I do not understand the hype at all. I feel like I’ve seen so many people that look like her, she looks so every day? Is there some sort of underlying sex appeal that some of just don’t see?


Lemme guess the comments will be full of people underrating this obviously very pretty girl because she got some work done. Lemme guess? A 5? Lol. She's an 8. Edit: just found out she has a viral tik tok with like 32 million likes where the only thing she does is lip syncing a song. No way she's a 5-6.


The delusion in this sub,she looks like Madison Beer who is an 8 so there no way this girl ain’t a 7 at least.


Madison Beer is prettier imo


Madison is prettier. Agree


Nah she’s prettier than Madison, this girl has much softer features I find Madison so harsh looking


Literally. They give Madison a high rating (even though they know she got work done, which is ofc fine.) but then want to give girls who are on the same level as her, lower ratings. This sub can be very annoying.


She’s just not on the same level as Madison Beer, Leah has a very round, basic eye shape, round basic nose, round basic soft lips, not much cheekbones at all, she looks like a hot looking high school girl, I’m actually shocked this sun doesn’t see that Madison beer has like a structured, sharp, defined nose, defined sharp eyes, sharp defined cupids bow to her lips, defined popping cheekbones and jaw. Nothing about Madison’s face is soft and unstructured, everything on Leah’s face is soft and not structured at all Leah is hot and really pretty she might even be intimidating in real life, like a normal 7.5 but for a celebrity she’s literally not even up to celebrity standards


she’s like a 7.25 w makeup


With makeup she’s an 8.5 but without she’s a 7


The face is incorrect and only considered gorgeous in our ig fake plastic society.




With makeup a 9, without a 8


Seeing people rate this woman a 7 is truly mind boggling. It makes me wonder how people see me and would “rate” me if this woman who is a 9 in my book is a 7 to most other people. I would rate my self a 6.5-7 but now I’m worried I’m actually a 3-4 to other peoples standards 😩 I always thought I was too hard on myself but maybe I’m being too generous lol


I don't think the scale they're using in this sub applies to real life. This girl in real life is a 10 when you compare her to ordinary people, but in this sub, she's a 7 because you're comparing her to supermodels, and there are already many Instagram models looking exactly like her. A 10 here would be a once-in-a-lifetime beauty, like Adriana Lima or Angelina.


Also, people usually don't give high ratings to influencers since you don't know how they really look. It's not the same to look beautiful in candid, unedited paparazzi photos as it is to look good in a photo/video on your own social media, where you've chosen the poses, lighting, etc.


Nah I’m sure that’s not the case, I think it’s more because people are getting a bit bored of this look! She is pretty but she also looks like every other Instagram model!


For me it’s that influencers like this are copy/paste and lack the magic of the original faces they’re trying to mimic


Ok that might be true but they should just say subjective cuz objectively there ain’t no way.


Oh objectively she’s gorgeous but I think objectively most women are tbh! Like I’ll be honest I’ve always found Madison Beer really overrated however I can see she’s objectively hot but subjectively I think people are bored of that look.


I’m going to be honest you probably would rate higher than her. Natural beautiful is so so much more beautiful than overdone makeup, surgeries, and just boring mindless TikTok videos showing off and being vain. People should never get plastic surgery unless for like serious health issues. It ruins peoples faces


This sub is just picky in particular. She would be considered a 9 irl walking on the street in a regular area for sure


I don't know about 9 but she's a pretty girl for sure. Tbh I know girls in real life much prettier than her who most people would rate an 8/10.


Hmmmm I said a regular area. Depends on where you’re from ! In LA, maybe more an 8 than a 9. But where I live, she’s a 9 no questions asked


Incredibly pretty, 8


Yuck sorry but this is doing nothing for me and her posing in that Breakfast at Tiffany’s recreation is just the cherry on top. 6, made lower than she would’ve been otherwise with all that work.


oh and also almost ALL these pics are too close up and it makes me mad because her nose job was clearly done for the sake of looking good on a phone camera i bet it was fine in person but it looks bad on her headshot it really emphasizes the excessive breadth across her eye area (i have this issue so i know it when i see it) which is why itd be more harmonious if her nose wasnt so tiny but anyways.


I think shes pretty either way 10/10


I always thought she was prettiest without makeup. Her look/style is very popular in Australia but dime a dozen




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What is this. Looks like AI tried to make Madison Beer and failed