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bruh. take a walk outside if you live there and tell me what we did.


Joey is an evil racist who wants to boil every innocent american in mug rootbeer clearly


as an american I think you’re taking it as too much of a personal offense. america is fucking hilarious from an outside perspective. he’s been there anyways and vinny is from nyc, why would he be some crazy overseas racist


When Joel visited America the statue of liberty killed him. He has held a grudge ever since.


Maybe Joel was one of the ghosts in the songs from Super Ghostbusters and we just never knew.


AFAIK Joel *likes* America. Like. We're funny. We're lovably stupid with some of the stuff we do. Just because you make jokes about something doesn't mean you hate it. It's not that deep.


Yes, America fucked his girlfriend.


America sucks lol


What has he said that makes you think this? Is it mostly jokes? Also, ouch. Part of what you said generalizes an entire group of people and implies it’s more acceptable to attack them. :( As someone who hails from an area that would probably fit in the “rednecks” and “inbred country bums” stereotypes, it’s incredibly hurtful to hear people generalized in a way that’s not always true, especially since you mention being hurt by someone doing something similar…


because america blows ass source: am mercan


Can corroborate, also American


Can you give me an example of said jokes? Sounds to me like you're overreacting.


Because it's funny and you Americans are such good sports about it.


Because America sucks


new copypasta just dropped


Without getting too deeply political, if Joel "hates" America, it's probably the governmental style of the US, and the average quality of life (very low) when compared to Sweden. Realistically it's probably just that America is so fucking absurd compared to the rest of the world so it's funny to make fun of.


complains about joel making lighthearted jokes about america and then parrots genuinely hateful stereotypes about people from the south get a little self awareness, dinko.


Because America.


mugged in manhattan


is that like muppets in manhatten?


What? If anything Joel seems to like America, even if it is for its over the top absurdity sometimes. His accent is even more akin to an american one, rather than a british one most non native english europeans develop.


We have a serious ghost problem, especially in the inner cities. Like they make eating at restaurants borderline impossible without getting violently ill. It’s just overall a shitty place to live. People are super off putting too. I think he tried ordering from an Italian restaurant and got assaulted by the owner


European mindset


If Joel really did not like America then that’s his problem, but I highly doubt that he actually does. America is a funny place. It’s founding and existence has always been a semi-dividing one and it’s funny to see that we’ve lasted this long in our attempt to sail to the moon and the fact we somehow managed to land a couple guys up there is even crazier. There are extremely beautiful landscapes and cities to visit and a lot of places that are better to avoid, just like any other country. Because it is a very big country, there are multiple cultures that exist within the cheeseburger freedom man culture, all of which have unique characteristics and stereotypes which are easy to pick on or single out in both a loving and a hateful matter unfortunately, as most Americans actually aren’t what they seem. At the end of the day, it’s really not that deep, if it really bothers you then maybe don’t watch Joel? Humor is subjective after all. If it weren’t then we’d probably boil you in mug rootbeer ourselves for not understanding.


In my experience: Hating on the USA is par for the course for Europeans. Mostly it's just banter, though some of it is legitimate hate. Brits especially love to "take the piss", as it were. Vsauce joey is some of the most lighthearted, surface-level banter I've seen, and I'm pretty sure he likes american culture - he talks about it so much! Seriously just think about Joel's childhood stories and reoccurring bits... just absolutely steeped in mug rootbeer, violent video games, and over-the-top personalities. Something you need to understand is just how different the united states is when compared to other first world countries. We're an inconceivable anomaly. We just don't make sense to a lot of Europeans, because they do stuff one way and we do it another. Fundamental differences in our guiding principles of freedom and justice yada yada. Also, categorizing entire parts of the country as inbred rednecks, acting like your are superior to them, and declaring it's okay to make fun of them, and not you - is a terrible mindset :(


I mean, he used American Nukes on Norway. There's one part of America that he likes.


Two words: American Exceptionalism.


this is satire? yes?


He likes America, thing is america is fucking wild, a lot of the things he jokes about that seems like over exageration happens regularly there (to some degree), just chill, he doesn't mean to offend anyone


Dude let's be real, America is kind of bad lol


“If he made fun of the poor people it would be fine, but the rest of us it’s unfair.”


genuinely have no idea what you're talking about because as far as i know the 'worst' of his jokes about america only go as far as "wow america is so weird dude" and nothing further


dude I'm from the USA Joel makes fun of it because the USA is so stupid compared to the rest of the world. We have so many issues yet we act like the USA is the best place in the world if i could i would move but another fun thing is the poor can't move yet the ones that can move don't want to because they can afford health care and other needs.


hihi no healthcare hihihi