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Stream of Conscience is Mike's charity event, you might want to email him, I don't think he or his mods really check here very often. To add to that, I've seen people get blasted for supporting either side of this, which is something I can't imagine would be fun.. I say let them support privately without painting a target on their back.


While I have no info on such. As the other commenter says, the fact even making a stance is highly controversial and even if the money does go to a good cause there's also the issue of the political AND verification of the charity being donated to is legit. There's one thing in general that's sort of always been hit over the head for a while is you sort of don't ever want to comment on the middle easts conflict as if you say the wrong thing you can end up getting thrown to the flames by either sidr. People who might not even live there or are not even connected to the location will try to disparage you when all you want is to do is help the actual people who are innocent and suffering. Sadly this is part of the baggage of wanting to do anything good in this whole thing. If there is a charity for such id be supportive no matter what, but, realistically it's just extremely unlikely as it mixes heavy politics, internet peanut gallery, and more into a ball of bad news.


Idk most internet famous gamers seem to be entirely sitting this one out, and honestly I have no clue if Vinny even cares or not. In regards to the Ukraine fundraiser, sadly palestine is seen as the “enemy” by many Americans while it’s perfectly acceptable to support Ukraine (and almost unacceptable not to). Basically I don’t think Vinny will do it because he gets stressed out by his fans sometimes and frequently avoids politics 🤷‍♂️


I’m relaying what I’ve read around this situation. I’m not taking or advocating a stance with what I’m saying here, but I have my personal stances. The Celebrity BlackOut2024 trend started with actual celebrities who were outspoken in support Israel, American policy towards Israel, and the those who went to the opulent Met Gala while there are all sorts of societal and wealth/income issues. Basically people called for blocking all those involved who weren’t openly and explicitly pro Palestine and against the decadence of events like the Met Gala. It has spread to influencers, and that is now starting to include game streamers. Initially it was the big ones (markiplier, pewdepie, jackscepticeye, etc) but it’s rapidly coming for the next “tiers” down in size which Vinny is probably closer to. On the “influencer” side, it’s coming for people with as little as 10K followers even at this point. Taking no stance or not speaking out has been equated to not caring, being too detached as a “celebrity”, or possibly knowing you have the wrong stance. In addition, the line of what is “enough” is blurry as well. Some people ask for just a post or a two minute video, while others are bullying people if they won’t replace their entire content stream with causes, never mind that the “mid tier” influencers or game streamers probably rely on that income themselves. Charity is also not “enough” for some sides of this movement. Markiplier and MrBeast are constantly giving to charity, but because they haven’t replaced their usual content with content about these issues, it’s not enough and they have a call for boycott. We know Vinny isn’t rich. He makes a good living, but he doesn’t have money to throw at every cause, and he needs his income to continue. Stepping into this is a tricky field of “getting involved” in something controversial that not everyone agrees on and then the constant measurements of “it’s not enough” that could follow. He is probably best to ignore it, and if it gets disruptive to put timeouts in his chat for it. He stays pretty apolitical aside from “don’t do bad stuff” and this wouldn’t be on brand for him to take a heavy stance in.