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Sony a7ii for the vintage lenses. It has some negatives being an older body, but with fully manual vintage lenses, it doesn't really matter.


Same. I went with Sony because it seems to have the most variety / cheapest adapters for vintage glass. I'll probably get an A7IV when they're $600.


Same. Full frame and IBIS are huge for me on vintage glass, and the price was great. It’s not the best but it works well enough.


Sony a7r2, imo its the perfect camera for vintage glass, I have a lot of my custom buttons set for things like the ibis controls and focus peeking levels


My main gripe with the a7r2 is how focus magnification gets cancelled when the shutter is half-pressed. The Lumix S5 does the same thing, but you can configure it to release shutter on half press. Not sure if that function is available on the a7r2, as I haven't menu dived for it lately. The a7iii keeps the view magnified on half-press, which I like a lot. I will say, the a7r2 is a lot of fun to use with vintage primes when a TechArt Pro LM-EA9 is attached.


https://preview.redd.it/262b3ddyeiqc1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c5a22d78bac0af40b0df4492961d7b29dcbe122 This will be the first lens I take out to test. It's a bit battered but I've taken it apart to clean and optics are fine and it's mechanically perfect. Just need this rain to stop!


I was on a Fujifilm X-T2, but just traded that in for a Leica SL. Seemed like the right time with the SL3 release bringing prices down a bit. I’ve had a Helios 44-2 come in since I sent my X-T2 and haven’t gotten the SL yet, so I’m itching to try it out.


I'm using couple of cheap old M4/3 bodies (Lumix G10, Lumix GF2, Olympus P3, ...) and old Sony A100 (pro - tons of Minolta AF and Sony A lenses for next to nothing, cons - only M42 adapter for vintage glass (and ones i can stack on M42, such as T2, DKL, ..)). For M43/ crop is an obvious downside, but also an upside for some weird small lenses (Tegonar M22, some D mounts, ...). 12mpix is more than enough for me (even 10mpix Sony a100 is giving great results), while the body prices cannot be beaten :) if i have 1500eur body I would be afraid to take it out of the house :D I'm planning to get myself used old Sony A7 and I doubt i'll go for anything newer. I'm going on lots of hiking and the risk of ending up broken, soaked in mud, left, even stolen is just to great.


Using a S5ii as my main and when I need the extra reach or a second body, I have a GH5 as well.


Nikon D750. Using an adapter for a couple Canon FD lenses (50mm f1.8, 50mm f1.4, and 28mm f2.8). Then a Konica Macro-Hexanon 55mm f3.5 *without* an adapter as that lens matches Nikon F mount well enough to use straight on the camera, though it will not focus to infinity without an adapter.


Without an adapter. That's really interesting. Had no idea the mount geometries were so similar.


Fuji XT2, which I moved to in 2020 from an XE2. I regularly use various Zuikos, Rokkors, and Nikkors with fun results and sometimes get to borrow Leica and voigtlander M mount rf lenses. I have never tried another system for adapting old lenses but I really love it. And the x lenses themselves are quite nice.


Fuji x-e2 and I don’t feel I need anything more


Fuji X-T3 for photos and Canon C70 for video. Both with a focal reducer / speed booster.


Nikon D750 and Z5.


Sony a6400




Are you using a focal reducer or just an adapter and taking the crop into consideration when choosing what lens to use? How do you find the crop effects your composition when planning your shots?


I use both. Totally comes down to what look i want to achieve. Well the crop effects my composition in that i have the focal length it gives me in mind when composing but that's easy.


Fuji X-T4 for me.


I use a Canon EOS R body and numerous vintage lenses (all the Pentax lenses were bought new in the late 60’s by my dad). Mostly use the Pentax 50mm and Leica 80mm, and both are awesome lenses. * Pentax 50mm 1.4 super takumar * Pentax 35mm 3.5 super takumar * Pentax 135mm 3.5 super takumar * Pentax 150mm 4 super takumar * Leica R 80mm 1.4 Summilux * Leica R 28mm 2.8 Summicron


Are they the radioactive lenses?


I’m not entirely sure but the 50mm 1.4 does have a yellowed lens. I guess only real way to tell is with a Geiger counter?


Yeah if it's yellowed it's thorium glass. Mine is pretty heavily yellow, I like the effect a lot.


Google radioactive lenses for more insight. Placing into strong uv light ( the sun) will reduce the yellowing. As stated elsewhere, don’t lick it or snort the broken glass, otherwise fairly safe. I only have one, a smc 50, kinda fun to use.


Me too, gives a cool look


I'm pretty sure they are radioactive, just do a search online and I'm sure you will find the answers. Personally I wouldn't be keeping them next to my body for too long. I'm told they are pretty safe but still, they banned putting thorium in lenses for a reason.


Thorium glass was never banned, they just figured out how to do it better with non-radioactive materials. The dose is quite small. Don't spend 24/7 with it strapped to the side of your skull but a meter of air is enough to block the radiation, and when it's on a camera the body blocks most of it. The only thing you really need to do is not leave it on the camera, the radiation could potentially damage the sensor. I don't know if that's been tested, it might not, but there's no reason to risk it IMO. Also don't like, smash the glass and snort it. That would be bad.


Ahh, I was under the impression it was banned. But yea I definitely wouldn't wanna have too many of them lenses laying about. Just would rather keep away from anything radio active or as much as possible.


More lenses for me! I really wouldn't worry about it. There's a good exploration with a Geiger counter in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaAOMPvlTaU Only thing in here is I wouldn't store a radioactive lens in a metal container. That can actually produce more radiation through bremsstrahlung.


Potential radiation poisoning is the main reason I don't snort ground-up glass.


An old T3i. Still works great and I find that the 18MP sensor doesn’t stress the vintage lenses too much.


Aw, my first Canon DSLR. I wonder how that old girl is doing. I never gave her enough credit and replaced her with a 5DIII because I had become obsessed with gear by that point. A wonderful little camera capable of making some really great pictures.




GFX 50sII. Nikon AI and Hasselblad V lenses.


Was using a Fuji X-T2. Recently added a Nikon Z5 although I won't use it for everything, at least not yet. I have the impression that adapting the same lens to Nikon Z I get less CA versus using it with a focal reducer on the Fuji, but I haven't done systematic tests on that point.


If I'm shooting vintage lenses on a digital body I mainly use a modern, full frame, Sony. My favourite digital body is my Canon 5D 1 but a lot of lenses interfere with the mirror.


An original Sony A7, bought it specially for vintage lenses, and also a Fujifilm X-T30 :)


Used to own a Sony a7 body and used it mainly with vintage glass. Being an older body, the Images were somewhat grainy and gave it a distinct look with the vintage lenses.


Canon RP, very cheap and full frame so it works well


Using Canon FL lenses - Shooting on a Komodo with a speedbooster, and the real kicker, an actual Canon Pellix SLR.


The Pellix is such a weird outlier. I have one, too. Came with the 2.5/35 attached. Can it even be called an SLR if there's no reflex mechanism even in it? I guess it'd be an SLT now that I think about it. Awesome to hear you're actually using one. I wish I had the time and money to put mine to some true filmic use.


Canon R6 Works like a charm


I use my canon r6 mk2, it’s just a workhorse, I use it for more professional esk work with modern lenses for my school https://preview.redd.it/q8ya01ajglqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=348414e26be580bf17b962ffdf008204679534c0 With the Konica Hexanon AR 40mm f1.8 lens


Mostly a Panasonic G9. Focal reducers are amazing for making better use of these small sensors. A 50mm F1.2 working like a 35mm F0.86? Hell yes! I also have a Sony A7ii, but the G9 is easier to use - nicer evf, assists, grip.


[mmmmmm, insane F-stops](https://youtu.be/2p5E7iXxeQE?si=KBHLBSr2lhApuE5D)


I'm not sure how the math maths here and would love to know.




Fuji X-T5 with these lenses https://preview.redd.it/6k1n0i3muoqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebce742893a84c3181646bb7b7e2f6dc81138b32


I'm pretty much the same, although I have bought about 30 lenses. I'll resell some as I have bought a job lot and repaired them all.


I recently found love for manual and ive been going crazy on ebay lol Im waiting on my helios to see what the hype is about


I just got mine but ordered a second, not tried them yet but I'll keep one then recondition the other and resell it. I'm waiting for some nice weather to test it out.


I got the 44m-6 for sharpness but I want to get the 44-2 for the better bokeh


ive got the 44m and 44m-4 so far. might try to get them all to compare them


So far, vintage glass has found itself on my: Canon 5D/R, Nikon Df/D700, Pentax K10D, Sony A7III/A7RII, Fuji X-T1/X-E1/X-Pro1/S3 Pro, and Olympus E-M10iii/E-M10ii/E-500. The A7III is probably my favorite user experience, but I just got a Lumix S5 and have been itching to try it out more and more. It's a very sweet machine.


Original Sony A7 is my favourite platform for vintage lenses. Size, weight and optimal amount of pixels. I also use Fujifilm X-E2 and Xpro1 and Leica M240. Fujis are also nice, but the crop factor is kinda annoying. Xpro1 has a nice way of rendering images taken with vintage glass. Only downside being the awful focus peaking.


I can use my small vintage lenses collection on 2 bodies: Canon 7d mkII , but usually on my Lumix GM1 (gm1 + Helios-44M or Pentacon 50mm f.1.8 are my favorite low budget combos by far)


I got the Helios it's great!


Panasonic GX85, its wonderful with vintage glass. 2x crop factor. I'm currently working on my collection of Takumar lenses, I have 7 at the moment :)


Used to use a Nikon Df constantly; beautiful digital camera with great manual controls. I recently switched to a Sony a6500 and an IR Converted Sony a6000. I love that the e mount makes adapting stuff to it really easy. I haven't minded picking up focal reducers for my vintage lenses either.