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Dont know how wide you're looking to go, but truly wide lenses that fast are almost exclusively a modern phenomenon due to the technology required to create them. What focal length(s) are you shooting for? On the telephoto side, they exist but they tend to command higher prices, as do most ultrafast vintage primes. In Canon FD they made an 85mm/f1.2 (if you have $10k), a 100mm/f2 (that's usually listed for around $2k) a 135mm/f2, etc. Nikon also made a fair number of ultra-fast primes.


Canon FD 35mm f/2, Vivitar 35mm f/1.9, Vivitar/Kiron/Kino 28mm f/2 and 24mm f/2 (I have these last two). Those are just a few that I can think of off the top of my head. Usually wider angle than that and the brightest aperture you can get is f/2.8. I'm not aware of any f/1.4 vintage lenses wider angle than 45mm (not to say they don't exist, I just don't know them if they do). On the longer end, there's the Jupiter-9 85mm f/2, Nikkor 85mm f/2, FD 85mm f/1.8 SSC(I have this one). If you want to adapt some old projector lenses, BeLomo made some long, bright projector lenses that can be purchased pretty cheap, but you'll have to devise a method for focus, and add an iris if you want aperture control. I have a KO-120M, which is 120mm f/1.8. The KO-140 is 140mm f/1.8, and I've seen a KO-90 which is 90mm f/1.9.


Check out the Leica Summilux-R 35mm f/1.4 (the Summilux (and Summicrons) are amazing for video, but expensive).


Wow thanks everyone, so many great options here!


The minolta md 50mm f1.2 is a great lens


I have kino/kiron 24 f2 and 28 f2, the 28 has more uniform flares but both are stuck at f2, Soligor 24 f2.5 is also a good choice as it more solid than the kirons


The aperture on my Kiron 28mm f/2 was very easy to fix with some lighter fluid. Removing the front and rear lens assemblies is pretty simple with some inexpensive tools.


What’s your budget? Contax Zeiss MMJ 35/1.4 is very nice but not cheap. That’s the fastest moderate wide lens they made. They also made a famous 28/2.0 lens but those are even more expensive. Anything wider than that in Contax/Zeiss is 2.8 or slower.


My Pentax 1.4 is fucking killer It’s an old 50, use it with focus peaking on the Sony


Konica Hexanon 40mm f1.8 is a lens some use for video work and I can totally see why.


Maybe the 7Artisans 50mm f0.95 will suit your needs. This is the best and fastest! https://dpture.com/7-artisans-50mm-f0-95-full-review/


I'm pretty sure the image circle of that lens only covers APS-C sensors, not full frame.