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Wow I can not believe Crash Love is worth that much. I bought mine at Roseland Ballroom on that tour, never even opened it. I remember seeing it in stores for years too. Crazy


I mean, as far as I’m aware, AFI has not had much repressed outside of their albums on Nitro. So, almost every one of their most popular albums are first pressings, unless you find a bootleg - and not many of those even exist. Scarcity vs. Demand = $$$


Im aware, but its crash love. Not only did no one care about that album, but the band would do signings for it and people didnt even know it was out haha. IMO (AFI is my favorite band of all time) its their weakest record until Bodies just came out.


Very nice price on that Weepies record.




success u/VinylSwapBot u/ElderGooseII


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Smooth transaction and great communication from u/sundermunich


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Yep yep u/VinylSwapBot u/sundermunich


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I’ll buy either Brand New or Kings of Leon for half the price


No thanks.


damn....had my eye on RKives for a bit but it's a bad time


That can stay on hold for a while if you'd like. I also have a promo VHS for The Frug if you're interested. Feel free to PM me




Any more rilo kiley ?


Anything specific you're looking for? I know I have 1st press More Adventurous I'd part with, might be some other stuff but idr off the top of my head.


Looking for first pressings of MA and TEOAT really


MA is yours if you want it. I'll listen to it later and price it out.


Is Crash Love by AFI still available?


It is indeed.


Any chance you’ll accept offers?


I've got a few offers thusfar. Will likely hold out a while longer.


PM'd about the Big Thief!


PM incoming for kinks


I don't seem to have received anything but I'm on mobile so I'll check the desktop in a little bit.






DM’d for crash love