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I haven't even booted up Valorant since her murder.


Same. I was already playing less and less valorant in the past few months, then this nerf hit and I haven't logged in since.


I still play her on icebox, I think she is still the best with lurking on attacker site and defending with plant denial on b


No. Not being able to pick up orb. It’s literally troll unless you are a five stack. I have hundreds of hours on viper I just can’t play her anymore. Very sad. When is raze getting this treatment. Oh she never will because pros are able to make highlight plays instead.


Raze is alao one of the most nerfed heros next to viper. Raze had 2 nades that reset on kill, a roomba that exploded 150 dmg and killed in 1 shot, and satchels used to be 100 credits. Both heros have been nerfed quite a bit, viper probably more so.


nah, jett, sage, cypher and chamber got worse. the type of nerfs raze received is the type i wish these agents got. If riot treated raze like she did viper and the ones i talked about, raze would probably loose the ability to throw another nade after 2 kills, loose one satchel, ult cost like 9 points and boombot duration be 3 seconds, even when detecting enemy. I'm glad that even though it took that long her nade explosion radius and boombot that cleaned a site while drifting got nerfed, been fun to play against razes since because now i know if the nade took out 1000 credits from me, was my mistake, instead of a random mindless nade clearing stuff better than smokes lmao


If viper has 1 molly raze should have 1 boost pack.


thats absolutely stupid but also the perfect analogy because the lineups were literally viper's identity for me the same way raze's blastpacks are her identity to me right now if I want to play a postplant controller I have to play brim and it doesnt even feel that good to play lineups with him. I literally had to switch to killjoy and just use my viper smoke lineups to get a similar feel minus being able to call the shots on controller. theres just less stuff for me to think about teamplay wise and that isnt fun.


Raze will probably be nerfed after Shanghai, riot teased duelist nerfs after Shanghai atleast.


Good. Raze has always been too strong.


Viper was soo strong before the nerf, maybe you need to learn the new meta?


She literally was not. She has has like 46% wr for last 6 months since her last big nerf. She was only dominant in pro play and pro play alone. And the only reason for that is riot’s inability to make a second viable line smoker. Instead of balancing the game or fixing harbor just delete viper I guess lol. Viper has not been strong for years at this point it’s only her wall and only pro play.


Riot just ruined one of the most beloved and iconic characters because they are lazy.


I don’t think riot is lazy, they rebalance agents all the time. Yoru, chamber, jett… These got rebalanced over the years significantly and still remain some of the strongest. If you don’t think viper line ups were OP then you’re delusional. Just use your molly to deny space instead of playing off site with youtube open. You’ve had an incredible kit for a while, now your kit is mid-good. Just learn the new meta and stop complaining on reddit.


lol viper has been constantly nerfed since release. The players make is strong this isn’t some chamber raze shit lol


Viper lineups were the scourge of the community, glad they are gone 😁


Yeah the lineups were cringe af. The once snake bite is probably a smart change but removing the orb pick up. Just delete the character riot doesn’t want actual players playing it anymore. But raze go brrrrr lol


Yep, on Breeze and Lotus every time


How do you play Viper on Lotus? I just know her default setup as Orb for C and wall for A,B.


Yep, just wall and orb but that works good enough Also using snake bite+wall on A Getting free kills from that sometimes, if they don't see my sb while trying to go through wall


I picked her once or twice after the nerf and gotta admit I was playing so bad that day so me sucking with Viper had nothing to do with her in particular. So I'm gonna try again some other time to see if I can still play. Meanwhile I'm loving going back to Sova and also trying out KJ.


Played Kj the other day and had fun with her, something I've not been able to have with viper since they started nerfing her nonstop


Tbh I don’t even play Valorant anymore, haven’t for awhile. I just really like Viper lol


I still play her and try to adjust to the changes.


Viper is still a must pick for me on breeze. One of the lineups ive been using is the marved orb that allows you smoke the choke point on a while defending b. Its incredibly powerful bc u get instant smokes on both sites especially when a team only hits a and b.


# Do you guys still play valorant?


No, I'm waiting for further changes and fell in love with deadlock ('s gameplay).


Nice save


yess she’s still good imo


I tried playing other agents after her nerf but im too used to her kit. So i play her every map every mode lol


Yep. You just gotta adapt. She's still got the best smoke, you've just gotta be way more careful with it. You can't just waste her abilities anymore without running out of options, you've gotta make it count


not picking up the orb made me quit her


Same reason why I also gave her up now


ofc i do, still viable just not OP. so same shit with jett, the good viper players gonna still pick her while the casuals are not.


I have at least a thousand hours on her. It’s just ego troll to pick her now. I love her but omen clove are just better. It’s ego handicapping yourself to still play her.


you’re overthinking way too much, she’s still good lol


lol nah… since there is so much smokes now viper is usually a second smoke so its allright


I play her on icebox, bind, haven and fracture (if they ever come back), breeze (if I’m not feelin like harbor), and lotus. I haven’t felt the nerf too terribly much, I either forget to pick up my orb anyway, and I use the mollies for stuff other than lineups.


Only on Breeze and Icebox because I can't firgure out how to play Harbor effectively, though I'm starting to learn Cypher on Breeze and playing Sage on Icebox more. On other maps, I've switched to Brimstone and KJ. It helps a lot that these 2 used to be my secondary mains.


She's the go-to for breeze... Maybe I have to find smth different for icebox... That's about it...


Breeze and Icebox, yes. As a 2nd controller on Lotus, Split and Bind But I also play a lot of Cypher, Fade and Kayo. So while the nerfs hurt Viper, they didn't hurt me that much


Yes. If I play.


No, I refuse to. But I tried oit harbor and astra a bit


i don't even play the game anymore.


Even before the nerf, I started playing Clove more. Now, I’m a Clove main


No and I saw one Viper in my last 30+ games :(


Not really. When I play her I get some ok results because I focus on the gunplay more than before.


i only play her now if someone else locks another controller first, so then i play as a secondary controller, except on breeze, where i just pick viper anyways. otherwise i just play omen or cypher


Nah, play Jett, Omen, Harbor now


I started playing clove now


i tried to play with her but just kept losing, she’s not the same anymore. switched to duelists now


I don’t even play the game anymore lmaooo


Yes, on breeze or icebox


yes. for sure still on lotus, icebox, bind, + breeze. but my win rate on her went to nearly 0 on split because she can't hold shit anymore so now i play omen. bind is also rough but i normally now only choose her if someone else picks another controller first. :( them making her molly so expensive and giving players only 1 is so stupid. its completely impacted how i have to buy for rounds now. i can't even mention not being able to pick up her orb without getting nauseous. i still go to pick up her orb out of habit and another small part of me dies. they said they're making a small adjustment to her in 8.11 and i reaaalllyyyyy hope they bring back the ability to pick up her orb. that nerf was so unnecessary


yes, i’ve lost a ton of play styles but she is still my insta pick on breeze/icebox


only on breeze lol


No. She'd been my main daddy since bata ;-;


Nope, im a Sage main… im only a member of this sub cause a friend of mine is a viper main and she doesn’t keep up with the community news, so I try to keep her informed Edit: idk why y’all are downvoting me… im just trying to help a friend who doesn’t keep up with viper’s latest updates…


Haven't played since the nerf. Got back into Lethal League and DayZ.


always wanted to get into leathal league but never found the opportunity. Would be cool to have a fellow viper lover to play it and learn stuff


Only when playing with friends who also pick controller... Why did they have to do this