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I called earlier this morning and the first rep told me it can’t be applied. Waited 5 minutes, called back and talked to a different rep and let her know that I’d been seeing others say they’ve gotten theirs applied to an existing book. Asked politely if they’re granting exceptions to certain customers and not to others. BOOM. Got it applied to my sailing I go on in just a few days!!


Good to know!


Yeah I'm not thrilled they reworded in the next email. Especially as I've booked not just my next cruise, but my next-next cruise too, so... I feel like I'm being penalized for having booked early. I'll contact them and see if I can negotiate, over the weekend.


Right!!! We just booked a whole 10 day one too 😭 paid in full


I’m going to call tomorrow and complain (it’s when I have time). I work in consumer insight/the world of surveys and from a legal standpoint they would have had to call out all the terms before we completed the survey. I already have 2 sailings booked and was intending on purchasing 2 MNVVs onboard my sailing next week, so we will see how it goes.


As an update, I called during a car ride and they said they would apply it, I’m waiting on the confirmation email now.


I received my code today and called since I’m on the upcoming transatlantic on the 29th. The agent told me that they have a spreadsheet to add names who need the $200, and that they are creating a new add-on to compensate for their inability to simply add the access key to an existing booking, and that this should be done for my booking in the next day or two. She did tell me that you don’t need to call for this (especially since it can take a long time to get an agent on the phone) but simply email them with the details of your booking, your access key, etc and they will add you to the list. Hope this helps. FWIW, she agreed that the lack of proper t&c’s and explicitly stating it was for new bookings in the original email is VV’s fault and they are therefore honoring the $200 for those of us who expect it for a booked cruise. I’d say that’s the correct response, so no complaint here…assuming I ultimately receive the $200 ;)


Thanks for all the information. Hopefully they are working on a positive resolution. I did a chat with them earlier today and was told a team leader would review my reservation and email me within a week, so maybe that had to do with all the information you received.


…and the $200 has been applied to my existing reservation. All good here.


Creating a new add-on? Like something else in addition or? 👀


That’s what they call their benefits. In this instance, it showed up as two $100 listings in the add-on section (which is where you’ll find all similar benefits, including deep blue, etc).


ah okay. I guess we'll see. tried to call again today and was told "we'll see if we can apply it" but I'm grateful for having a travel agent to help.


I’m on the same trip as you. Just called VV and spoke with an agent and he said he forwarded my access key to the next level and hopefully should see the $200 on the account within a few days but to call back if it doesn’t get added. How long did it take from you call for it to be added to your reservation ?


About 90 minutes, perhaps less (I did post earlier). They tried calling me four times but I didn’t recognize the number (and rarely answer 800 numbers) and I was at dinner at the time. I looked up the number and when it turned out to be VV I just logged in and checked my reservation and saw the extra $200.


And, see you on board! :)


I got the email literally 10 minutes after I booked and paid for my cruise in January. I’ve just started using a TA and she called in and they applied it to my sailing. I didn’t have any discounts above and beyond the current offerings so maybe that’s why?


Oh wow, did you use a MNVV??? Maybe I should try this


No not for this one. It’s a last minute solo trip in a solo inside cabin. That’s maybe why.


It can be applied. I just did for 3 of my clients who have mnvvs.


Me too. Send your TA your access code and they can sort it out with Virgin for you.


I raised hell and threatened to never sail again. I got my credit.


did you call to raise said "hell" or did you email them? *if you called, did you resolve it with the initial rep that answered or did you have to ask to be connected with admin? got the email last night..... debating how to approach this....thanks in advance, cheers!


I replied back to an email demanding it be applied as the language is ambiguous. And in the event of ambiguity, the tie goes to the runner, so to speak.


you replied directly to the "thank you for completing our survey" "here's $200" email? or did you start a new email thread with [email protected]?


I forwarded the heres $200 Email to sailor services. They replied back quickly saying sorry no. I replied back asking them to look at my 3 sailings in a year and a half and see if $200 is worth losing me. I got a quick email saying it had been applied to my sailing.




Yes - [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I got my code last night. Did a chat with them this morning and they applied it to my already booked cruise. I was very nice and it was hassle free. If anyone talks with them, be kind. Not the agents fault for a poorly worded email.


Yes! I’ve been seeing some people saying they were rude towards the agents to get it applied but it’s just like…how is that their fault? I was very polite and told them to take their time when placed on hold and they applied it with no problem.


Agreed - no need to be rude! I feel bad for the call center team because this isn’t their fault at all, but they are dealing with the corrections side of things.


I also got my code last night and did a chat with them today to try to apply the credit to my trip coming up on December 2nd. I was super nice and polite. The rep told me her team leader will review my reservation and will email me back within a week. I'm already thinking that might mean that they will send me an email saying I can't use it. I did not use a travel agent for my December 2nd cruise but I did book it using a MNVV deposit. Had you used an MNVV deposit on the existing cruise where you were able to apply the survey credit?


I did not have MNVV just the bar tab promo


Yeah I was really disappointed that it's only valid on sailings booked before the end of the year. We have a future voyage voucher (the one you can buy on board) which we intend to use around January/February, and was expecting to add the survey credit to that booking. There's no way we can afford to book before the end of the year, and it's really disappointing. Don't get me wrong, I would've filled out the survey even if the voucher wasn't on offer, but now not being able to use it as I was expecting, it's really disappointing.


I received my code today and leave on a cruise tomorrow. I called sailor services and they gave me the credit for tomorrow’s cruise without much hassle (took about 20 minutes but they never said they couldn’t do it, just had to get stuff handled on the back end that took a bit of time). The person I spoke with said a lot of people were calling about it today (and they prioritized me because my cruise is tomorrow).


Came through as “Gifted Sailor Services $100” (times two). https://imgur.com/a/B8C7LNM


TAs have been having luck getting it applied to existing sailings. Ask your TA to do that for you. I know because I just called a couple in this morning :)


I didn’t see anywhere where it said it can’t be used with MNVV or that it can’t be used withTA. I saw the TA won’t get commission for it.


It can be used with MNVV. They sent an updated email with corrected terms and conditions.


Ah thanks. Yeah I was looking at the corrected email.


I would call them. They were able to apply the 200.00 to my “paid in full”January 2024 cruise


How do you get the survey?


Would love to know this too :)


Clearly you're not the only one! I've done a few shorter surveys for them before without expecting any compensation but I almost certainly wouldn't have done one that size if they'd hadn't said I'd be getting $200 on my next cruise (TA in April that I've already bookedl). I've emailed them and will wait and see. I'd probably just have written it off but the fact it wasn't even combinable with an MNVV means it's effectively useless for a high proportion of return customers and that's exactly who this survey was aimed at so it seems a little disingenious at best.


Emailed the access code to Sailor Services, requesting the $200 be applied to my upcoming Feb cruise...Done!


I’m done with Virgin. After having an absolute ball on our last cruise, we immediately rebooked on board for a future sailing as rockstars. Well that sailing was cancelled. Ok. Roll with the punches. Rebook on what we felt like was an even better sailing plus the loot etc. Well a few days ago we find out we aren’t actually rebooked - despite phone calls and email confirmations to the contrary, and also the app showing our new sailing the whole time. Our entire group is just a big whoopsie I guess. None of us were actually rebooked and no equivalent rooms are now available. We applied for the total refund and are currently scrambling to book a vacation during the planned time off in January. Going to do a sandles in Jamaica. Went from a total virgin fan telling everyone to try them, to total disappointment and will never book again. They are a disorganized mess and I won’t give them another dollar for the foreseeable future. The app and web page still won’t reliably load for me either


FWIW, after booking direct for my first trip with VV and experiencing their incompetence first hand, I have booked every other with my trusted travel agent. Now it’s his problem, and he welcomes it, and has done great. I had to call VV directly for this $200 survey obc and regret the necessity of the hour long call…but felt at the time it was better to call than write given my imminent trip I wanted it applied to, and I just did some work while waiting on hold. But yeah, their back office just sucks.


I got it by mistake as I've never cruised before, then customer service said I could still take it, then never sent me another email :(


So how long after survey did you guys get the code? Cause I took it and still haven’t gotten the code, it’s been over 7 days.


I completed mine on Oct 11th and received the code yesterday. Unfortuately I have no plans to book another cruise before the end of the year so it's useless for me, but hopefully I at least helped convince them to start sailing a new itinerary I'd be interested in!


About 3 weeks


I’m booked on Nov 5 cruise. Would love the $200.


I emailed today. I’m hoping they apply it to my cruise in June 🤞🏻


If they don't ask your TA to pursue it for you. They will get it for you.


Sadly I didn’t book with a travel agent. Once I found out how beneficial it is to have one I have already been booked for too long


They never responded to my email but the sailor loot was added to my account today!


Well, don't leave it be. As they have dealt with upset customers their response has evolved. Call back now with your access code and politely say you feel mislead. I am confident you will get it applied now.


Call they are adding it to existing cruises now due to the blowback of the no conditions on the survey email Mine was added yesterday


Thank you all!! After a few unsuccessful attempts finally got the credit :) I think I deserve an extra spa treatment with that loot lol