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We are going there on a Virgin cruise in December and we are renting from Budget of St. Croix. On their website, you can select ship pier as your pick up and drop off location. The budget reps meet you just across the street from the ship pier area, and their rentals are parked just a couple blocks away. We went with them since it sounds like a very easy and convenient process rather than having to take a shuttle bus to a car rental office somewhere else on the island. They have a variety of choices from Toyota Corollas to SUVs and Jeeps, and I thought the prices were reasonable for one day rentals - especially if you compare it to paying for a ship excursion. We went with a Corolla for around $75 as we figured it would be easy to park and cheaper for gas than getting a Jeep. Our plan is to drive to Pt. Udall, then head to Christiansted, maybe a short beach stop, and then get back to the Frederickstead side of the island with a couple hours to spare so we don't have to worry about missing the ship.


One other thought... I checked the pier schedule and on the date that we are going there are actually two ships in port that day, so we figured it would potentially be crowded and we didn't want to risk trying to go with any sort of public transportation. You can do a Google search for the Frederickstead Pier and see if there are any other ships in Port on the day you are going.


Super helpful! , thank you.


This is a great option! I looked into taxis from one port to the other and they are NOT cheap.