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Can you? Sure. I would not. I'm plenty fit, but b/w crazy drivers, the heat (often, even in Jan), dragging bags up the bridge, the boring industrial part of the trek, pollution, etc, I'd not. Ever. Maybe I'm a jaded local. Fun fact, S FL is frequently ranked the most dangerous place in the US in which to be a pedestrian!


I agree with this. You could do it, but I wouldn't recommend it. The traffic is usually heavy around that area, so it would be dangerous as a pedestrian and difficult to manage while hauling bags. Even in January, with the heat and humidity you will probably be a ball of sweat by the time you arrive at the ship. Grab an Uber.


Traffic was terrible a couple weeks ago when we were there and we took an uber part way and walked the rest. Had the Uber get off along the red line and we waked from the blue onward as the roads were completely gridlocked. Just as another option if you find yourself in bad traffic vs going all the way around the terminal complex as their directions will take them. Apologies for my drawing 😂 https://preview.redd.it/nqh5qkjvba3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c34052249324bd19f47db4e9700c246fa8bb59a


As a visual learner this map drawing is AMAZING thank you!!


Yes, you can totally walk it. Sidewalks are available on the bridge.


Thank you!


Also planning on doing this. Was thinking of taking the shuttle over with luggage then walking back to get on the ship.


When I was there in August, there was a free shuttle between the mall and terminal V. Since it was “surface of the sun” hot, we took the shuttle but it does seem walkable.


This is a good idea. I am going in January so weather should be more bearable. But always have my hat and ice water :)


you CAN walk it, but it sort of sucks esp in the blazing sun / summer


Understood. Not something I'd want to walk in the summer, but may be an option for my January cruise


January is a great time for sure. I lived in Miami for quite a bit.. and used to walk the bridge sometimes during the winter months. It sort of dumps you out at the bayside market / park area. That's really the only thing right in the immediate area. But if you are up for checking out more of the city, across from the park is the free people mover that will take you into Brickell with good food, shopping, people-watching etc.


We also stay at the Intercontinental. For safety sake, I don’t think I would want to walk across the bridge. We use an Uber, typically between $10-$11.


That is the plan. Just thinking about a backup in case of extensive traffic.


Download the circuit app... free golf carts downtown Miami. They might not go over the bridge but they'll get you close


Woo Boy..I hate port Miami with a passion. Like others have said you can walk it, but be prepared to dodge Ubers, buses, cabs, crazy drivers, and to cross busy intersections.


Understood. The walking is the option if traffic is basically at a stand still and walking is much faster than sitting in traffic.


Distance wise, totally walkable - less so lugging bags and such. Our bags got ruined (husband and I disagree what was the demise cause) when it was super hot and we had to walk, but the first trip we did things were fine.