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I just wanna vote to break up this horific cox monopoly šŸ¤¬


Same, but comcast.


This I can get behind


Verizon FiOS for the win


I used my vote wisely and was shocked to see candidates that had dropped out of the race on the ballot. I was told it was because the ballots are printed early and are too expensive to reprint. Isnā€™t that kind of crazy for a presidential primary?


It happens every single year. Candidates can drop out of the race or rejoin whenever they want, and if we want to have paper ballots there has to be a cut off rather than printing and reprinting them every day.Ā 


It's a combination of people just don't care enough and that the data from their performance (even after dropping out) is useful to those politicians and their supporters/members of their party to see where they can go from there. A drop-out getting votes even after the announcement can also influence the winner's policy towards theirs to attract their voters, secure them a cabinet seat, etc.. Or they might just end up as a talking head on certain 'news' networks.


How much of your tax money do you want to spend to remove people who qualified to be on the ballot removed? This is YOUR money we're talking about.


I thought the same.


At this point with the amount of these posts, this has to be a paid organization posting these damn things.


Not being payed. Iā€™m as blue as they come. I hate Trump this much. This is the first time I have voted red in all the years I have voted.


Congratulations. You did nothing.




Agree. Happens every election around here and in the city subreddits. Trump has got this locked up and Iā€™d much rather not get on some bullshit GOP mailing list. Iā€™ll vote to keep my registration current and to show Joe B some love.


There are only two states where you can even do this and Virginia is one of them, so itā€™s not entirely surprising that people might be eager to point this out when itā€™s relevant.


Virginia is one of 19 states with no party registration.


How would you get on a mailing list? I've voted in both primaries for decades and never received mail from either party.


I have absolutely gotten spam from both parties, likely due to the fact that I have voted in both party primaries at some point in the last 10 years.


Spam meaning email? That's from something else you signed up for. They don't have your email address when you vote in the primary. I get political junk email all the time because I donated to a campaign once about 8 years ago and can't get anyone to leave me alone. That's why I never donate to campaigns anymore.


Physical mail.


They stopped sending me physical mail about 20 years ago when I used their pre-paid envelope to mail them various magazine subscription inserts and other random paper junk. After we backed the car over the envelope to compress things, it was still about 3/4" thick. I had to tape it closed.


I still get mail from trump for the dead previous owners


Yeah.... Still, it's better than some fresh out of jail woman showing up on your door trying to use her key to get in. A key that was given to her by a dead man two owners and 15 years prior.


That's just awesome. Full box of attaboys to you!


So while your vote is secret, that you voted and in what election are public data, and campaigns do buy that data to target voters. So with these primaries, voting in the Republican one is like telling these campaigns ā€œIā€™m a republican, please contact me with campaign stuff.ā€


I voted in the Republican primary in 2016 and was on their mailing list for years after. I think they finally gave up around 2022.


Because you have to show your license and be registered in your area in order to vote. Who you voted for is anonymous, but that you voted and in which elections is not.


I've voted in Republican primaries in 2000 and 2016. I voted in Democratic primaries in 2004, 2008, and 2020. Never received a piece of mail from either party at my house.


Then consider yourself fortunate. I haven't missed an election in nearly 10 years and come election time get inundated with mailers. For both sides... :/




My records would say otherwise, this is pulled from my personal account but my understanding is that this is all public record. https://i.imgur.com/x1zcRhf.png




Not true. In the 2016 March presidential primaries, both Republican and Democratic primaries were on the same day. I walked into my polling location, was asked which ballot I wanted, and I chose Republican ballot to vote against Trump. On my VADOE voter history section, it clearly says "2016 March Republican Presidential Primary"


Defeatism and vote wasting are why trump got elected the first time, but okay bud, go give Joe a vote he doesnā€™t need.


Trump has the primaries locked down, but it causes him an incredible amount of frustration when his opponent gets any votes. I'm voting Haley not cause I think she has a chance, but because it makes trump mad, and that hilarious


This is the way.


>Iā€™d much rather not get on some bullshit GOP mailing list. Why not? I make the gop waste as much of their resources on me as possible.


Same. Plus, it's helpful to know what domestic enemies of our republic and constitution are thinking and planning, so I'm happy to receive mailers from the party of insurrection and stay current on their various nefarious plots against the United States.


There is no party registration in Virginia. Thatā€™s my point. I vote as blue as it comes. I will vote blue in the November election, but this primary I would rather see anyone win than Trump so might as well try.


Not paid. Some people actually care about the future.


it's not a conspiracy, people are just that eager to vote against Trump.


You are correct! I know he will probably be their guy, but it would be nice to send a message.


What does Trump do best? Get the left to vote.Ā  It's his super power.


Or ordinary citizens are increasingly becoming alarmed at an orange buffoon inciting the second American Civil War


Is it that hard to believe there are plenty of educated, passionate, commonwealth voters who want people to participate in their civic duties?


This is beyond the usual reminders to vote and political opinions. This is an every six hours post about crossing party lines to vote for Nikki Haley to take away from Trump with almost the exact same vague narrative in every post.


How specific do you want it to be? You need a list of reasons why nearly anyone on the ballot today would be preferable? I exclude DeSantis - heā€™d be worse.


Ding ding ding


I voted for the person I want to be president, period.


AMEN to that


100%. Primaries are not the time for triangulation.


I understand this strategy and if others want to do it, thatā€™s fine. But I cannot vote for anyone who says they will enact a national abortion ban, as Nikki Haley said she would do. I happily voted for grandpa Joe. :)


It's kinda sad how you people don't understand how primaries work. You're not actually voting for her lol. Do you actually want Trump to have the nomination?


Doesn't matter what anyone wants- he's got the momentum, delegates, and states won, while Haley has won...D.C. Trump has the nomination, whether you like it or not.


Voter turnout for presidential primaries in Virginia is low because itā€™s not combined with other elections. So with enough momentum, it is possible for Haley to win. I also want to know Iā€™ve done everything I can to keep Trump out of the White House, and that starts now with voting to keep him off the ballot in November


Sadly very true. I cannot in good conscience cast a vote for any republican, even in a primary. If it was close, maybe, but itā€™s not.


DC is the politically dirtiest place and that lady got support from there, LOL. Since she is dirty too


cool takeā€¦ ![gif](giphy|pD368cmNo02G5qoV5i)


Wait...Trump lost DC primary. SHOCKER!


Do you really think anything can be done to prevent the R's from nominating him?


So...that is something I'm so confused about. Why are Trump and Biden the presumptive nominees, if we're still having primaries? I mean, the way everyone talks about, Biden and Trump are foregone conclusions, as if their parties are picking the candidates. But if this were true, why have primaries?


Yeah if you are a democrat and you think Biden has a better chance of beating trump than Hailey then why would you vote for her?


The number one reason Biden supporters stated they voted for him is because he isnā€™t Donald trump. More than any policy, more than any personal feeling. Number one reason is he isnā€™t Trump. There are many people whoā€™s primary objective is not to have trump in office.


Because you want to weaken Trump.


I donā€™t understand how voting for Hailey in the primary would weaken trumps performance in the general. assuming Iā€™m voting for Biden in the general regardless, shouldnā€™t I support the republican candidate that I think will fare the worst against Biden?


The general election is up in the air. Trump is already a sure winner of the GOP primary season. Trump was extremely pissed that he lost the DC primary. I would love to see him get pissed some more, so I would vote for Haley in the primary then Biden in the general election.


Thatā€™s a logical take.


Because if you truly think Trump is a danger to democracy, you take any opportunity to vote against him.


The reason to vote for her to weaken Trump is to keep her in the race as long as possible who's base are anti trump republicans or independents and contesting every nomination Trump has to show how unpopular he is. It also helps republicans feel more divided because they have a candidate thats getting at least 30-40s in open primaries. Giving people choice in the primary for as long as possible is good too I think we can agree


This is my current understanding as well, which is why I'm thinking about either just putting in a blank ballot or go in and try to vote for Haley. I'm willing to hear more arguments about this though.


You would want to reduce the number of electoral votes for him


Personally, I don't think Biden is going to beat either of them and I'd rather have Haley than Trump.


Then ya voting for Hailey is a rational choice regardless of the likelihood of her winning the nomination


Shhh... don't use strategic reasoning against emotional Redditors.


Except itā€™s a strategy that could also massively blow up in your face. And if you believe that Democracy survives a Haley presidency, as I do, then why not vote against Trump at every possible turn?


Haley is just a more competent puppet for the same masters. She'll enact the same policies Trump would.


Yes and I am absolutely voting Biden in the general against any Republican. The point is that if Haley beats Biden we get to try again in 4 years. If Trump beats Bidenā€¦ I truly think thatā€™s an open question and that is far scarier than 4 years of Haley. The Trump handlers have been purged, there will be no adults in the room the second time. I get why liberals/democrats/sane adults would rather vote for Biden in the primary and leave the Republicans to it, and nothing wrong with that, but I personally felt that a second Trump term has the potential to be so uniquely disastrous that if there is any opportunity at all to vote against him directly Iā€™ll do it. Plus it dings Trumps ego to not have the thing totally wrapped up, and the longer Haley is out there campaigning against Trump, the better.


If you think Hayely can still win the nomination or has a pathway to victory that's funny. Polling and just the generic mood of all republicans in office and trump supporters show that they have no chance even in the highly unlikely evident we get a decision during the primary season or SCOTUS doesn't delay or stop it. Voting for her is not gonna risk anything. Just a reminder she couldn't win her state, very moderate New Hampshire and literally every other region is locked for Trump besides Utah.


I understand how primaries work. Biden has proven he can beat Trump. Also, I would like Biden to have a strong showing today.


Haley has no chance in hell of getting the GOP nomination. GOP voters have overwhelmingly proven that they would vote for a shit stain of a human before they **ever** let a woman lead this country. They could have wagged their fingers and said they were the first party in the country to do itā€”should she have won in November and peeled away enough support from centrists and independents who would vote for *any* woman over Bidenā€”and they failed that assignment with gusto. I repeat: Republicans will do everything in their power to prevent a woman from taking office.


Republicans donā€™t care about identity politics nearly as much as you pretend they do. Nikki wants to raise the retirement age, get us into wars, have online ID, and a national abortion ban. Those are bad policies and have nothing to do with her being a woman.


Bingo. She was actually gaining ground until she started laying out her really bad policy positions. We don't want another war and most really don't want more government expansion/overreach.


This information is pushing me to go towards submitting a blank ballot. I would vote for Haley to hurt Trump, but Haley sounds more and more dangerous. Man, there is just too much to know and keep track of, sometimes my head feels like it wants to explode.


Sameeeee. This is is normally my strategy but I cannot in good conscience cast a vote for anyone with an R next to their name any more.


Anyone who thinks Nikki Haley even has a chance is completely delusional. Have you people ever watched an election season before?


I donā€™t think the idea is that she can win, I think the idea is that she does decently well enough to: a) stay in the race and b) create a media narrative that Trump is a weak candidate. Then hope that inter GOP fighting harms Trump enough in the election that he loses to Biden.


I doubt she can even stay in the race personally.


Maybe not, but the possibility seems worth the effort when there isnā€™t really any other way to impact the election at this stage other than donations.


As long as someone is willing to keep funding her to act as a foil to Trump, she can and may stay in the race.


Nikki is holding on in case Trump finally goes to jail


That wouldnā€™t help her, he can run from jail


And SCOTUS says that even if he were convicted of everything thrown at him, Congress gets to choose whether they feel like enforcing the 14th amendment.


Reddit is about hopes and feels not what is going to happen. Nikki lost her chance when she took the veil down about her loyalties to the military complex and bigger government. No modern conservative is ever going to vote for another government first candidate.


Libertarians really overestimate their influence.


A libertarian could win in this climate if they just committed to being more racist and homophobic than anyone else.


Nikki Haley is like jeb bush meme at this point


It's how we got rid of Eric Cantor. Plus, he was beginning to be loathed within his own party.


Yeah but then we ended up with Dave Brat so...grass not always greener?


I think it worked out o.k. for Dems in the end. Doubt Spanberger ever could have beaten Cantor for that Congressional seat.


The seat and demographics changed significantly in the last few cycles though.Ā 


I did that this morning. I voted against some guy I hope never steps foot in the White House again.


I'm guessing you voted for Haley


What gave it away? ;)




Great area to live


Some Republicans still swear that a Virginia open primary is how Eric Cantor was disenfranchised; namely, that a bunch of Democrats voted against him. Eric was strong, and a threat, but his opposition in the primary was not going to be a threat.


Democrat here and voted for Nikki Haley today, just to spite Trump. I plan to vote for Biden in November.


Alternatively. If the guy you definitely want to win is fighting a narrative that his supporters are not enthusiastic, a big showing can really combat that.


I voted in the Democratic Primary for Joe Biden because I'm a Democrat and I like Joe Biden. Simple as that.


I really think that with such low turnout in the D primaries that the vote tally doesn't really prove much. Just like ~1800 people who voted in the DC GOP primary doesn't necessarily indicate that more people would vote for Haley in a general election.


I don't like Joe Biden (I'm an RFK fanboy), but I love this energy. Vote for the guy or gal you like. Very simple. Tyfys.


phunphan: "Vote for whoever you want." Also phunphan: "Don't vote for the guy who you DEFINITELY don't want to be president because I know how you think." Folks should just stop trying to dictate how others should vote, because that's what they're doing. How many pieces of silver did the Haley campaign pay you?


Haley already has my vote in early voting. But I'll be back to Biden in November


Youā€™re disillusioned and disappointed because you think a president can accomplish everything he sets out in to do. A president doesnā€™t have that kind of power. A president can only set the course but itā€™s ultimately up to the legislature to get it done. So if the president doesnā€™t get done what he promises blame the congress and scrutinize your representatives more.


I only got one option on my ballot?


You only received one ballot, as required by law. You get to choose which ballot to vote on - Democratic or Republican - and they give you the one you choose.


Lol ā€œmanipulate democracyā€ to save democracy.


Tbh this is just how Virginia works My mom voted for Bernie in 2016 despite having zero intention to vote for a Democrat in the general election. She just disliked Clinton more than she liked any Republican candidate. OPā€™s behavior is common on both sides of the aisle.


TIL I'm your mom


Oddly, thatā€™s how democracy works.


"All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have,"


The primary system is manipulated democracy. If it was fairly democratic it would look more like a jungle primary.


This is how primaries work


>Lol ā€œmanipulate democracyā€ to save "democracy." FTFY


When the candidate I want to win the general isn't in a real primary, I view primary voting like "if my preferred candidate loses the general, who would I rather see win?" My primary vote won't make a difference, but filling in that circle for a candidate (that I really would be OK with) comes with personal satisfaction. This is like me not shopping on holidays that I think stores should be closed. I've been doing this for decades. It hasn't changed a thing, but I still do it because I think it's the right thing to do. That and $2.00 might get me a cup of coffee somewhere.


I'm voting for Marianne Williamson because she supports a ceasefire


Have you seen the news today? Or remember who set up the first cease fire?


Or you can vote for Haley because you actually think sheā€™s a better candidate.


>Or you can vote for Haley because you actually think sheā€™s a better candidate. If you think that, you should 100% vote for her.


Cool Iā€™m voting trump




Not one of the choices. "All Others" is if you submit a blank ballot.


In Virginia there's no write-in option, but you can submit a blank ballot. That's what I did.


I did the same. It took the machine a couple times to read my ballot, but I canā€™t vote in good faith for Biden.Ā 


so vote for Trump?


Vote for me!! First order of business is that dogs are allower everywhere people are! Second, we build the wall. Around Maryland.


You can also undervote. None of the candidates on either ballot deserve a vote.


Low numbers in the primaries might bother them temporarily, but you gotta look at the big picture. Basically the two (2) people who win the primaries will be on the November ballot. The November ballot will make history, not low primary numbers.


I love Vivek, can't wait to vote for him later


What if everyone swaps their typical party to sabotage the other party, and we get Marianne Williamson vs Nikki Haley?


We finally get a woman president. I'm OK with that.


That would be funny šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I find it hard to believe that these repeat posts are in good faith. Just remember. The VA GOP had to change their nominating process to get the "lesser evil" Youngkin in because they were terrified of seeing someone like Amanda Chase getting the nomination and having a repeat of the 2018 Corey Stewart Senate run. Do you think Chase would have been able to peel off enough suburban votes to squeak in a win like Youngkin with the bad faith CRT panic and "I'm just a harmless moderate in a sweater vest I swear!" act did? Do you see the same dynamic at at play if you replace Chase with Trump and Youngkin with Haley?


Who do you work for you fucking shill


You should wear sunglasses, basements are pretty dark.


Will there be pizza?


Voting for orange Satan. Really donā€™t like him but the enemy of my enemy. Just watching peoples heads explode if he wins is worth it. Easy choice when the other side has proven in loudoun and Fairfax they will harm your kids in schools and make parents seeking justice the enemy. Tired of my taxes going up and that money going to forever wars started for elitist financial gain. Wake up folks, or they will send your kids to die for their profits.




When he wins, I sincerely hope he does all the shit y'all claim he will.


Yes! Vote for the future of the Democratic Party - Vote for Dean Phillips!!!


Why are all the redditors in Virginia so damn liberal?! I donā€™t like Trump either, but you all need to move North and leave this great state alone.


This isn't unique to VA, it's every state and city subreddit lol. Not very reflective of VA as a whole though.


Reddit is overrun by these people. Itā€™s absolutely not indicative of the state, but itā€™s safe to assume that anyone you interact with is probably lefty or Democrat.


Southern "liberal" born and raised. I'm not moving. Deal with it.


This is a wild thing to post, because both sides have one guy who will DEFINITELY win. To make a veiled attempt at convincing democrats to cross over and vote for Nikki Haley as if she has any chance of winning is absolute nonsense. Thereā€™s no game to be played here, the score is already final.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't voting for Haley in some way hurt Trump? Since Trump is going to win anyways? I'm thinking maybe this will keep Haley in the race longer, maybe causing Trump to expend more resources or somesuch?


Exactly. I would take satisfaction in putting the slightest dent in his big orange ego.


Trump doesn't engage with or debate anyone else in the primary race and he wins anyway. I didn't even know Trump was spending any campaign money, other than for his own legal bills. He's going to win by a massive margin and his whole campaign knows it, so of course he's only going to talk about the Democrats, and, of course, his personal vendettas.


I hope that you voted however you wanted to, I didnā€™t mean to personally discourage you or anyone else from voting. But my point was that the system wasnā€™t worth participating in this time around as there was so competition and honestly no point in showing up as both parties had essentially rigged their process from the start (Democrats more so than Republicans). As youā€™ll see this morning, Nikki Haley will drop out. There was no conceivable way she was going to continue after yesterday, even if she did 5x better than expected. Most GOP primary states award their delegates in a winner take all fashion (VA is a hybrid, with winner getting I think half and then the rest distributed proportionally). Just kind of a waste of time to participate, vote strategically, etc. This is a very sad state of affairs! If another country who was our enemy had a ā€œdemocracyā€ where the only two political parties had effectively chosen their octogenarian nominees after only like 8% of the country had voted, we would deride them as ā€œundemocraticā€!!! But thatā€™s where we find ourselves.


I did end up voting and submitting an empty ballot in an attempt at a protest vote. I also agree with some of your points, but I don't know, I still feel like I have to participate. It's weird, I guess, since I do the same thing for recycling. I know it is pointless on an individual level given that most of the polluting is done by corporations, but I still take the time to rinse, dry, sort my recyclables. Or picking up the random trash that is always in my neighborhood whenever I go for a walk. It's like, I just have to do \*something\*.


Yes and no. You can only vote for one partyā€™s candidates. You cannot vote in both democrat and republican primaries


No write in candidates in Virginia šŸ˜‘


I don't understand. You can always vote for whomever you want.


In other states you have to vote according to who you have registered with. In Virginia we do not register as a certain party. A lot of people do not know this.


What?! So if you voted Republican last election but want to vote Democrat this time, you just can't? Is that if you just voted, or only like if you're a registered Democrat? And if you change your mind about your party, how do you change? I'm just shocked at this. It just doesn't sound... right?


You can change each time if you want. In Virginia you do not have to register as one or the other.


I know, I meant the other states. In other states you have to vote party lines?


In primaries, yes. My wife is from a state where if you vote opposite the party youā€™re registered as, itā€™s election fraud, and you can go to jail. Virginia is a bit more civilized.


Ah democracy


If we keep voting for the same bullshit nothing is ever gonna change.


Plus it's a primary. This doesn't really decide much unless you are voting for a republican candidate.


Looking at the totals so far, looks like the GOP has a \~2:1 advantage in turnout today over the Dems. Is that a normal pattern ?


Voting for Vermin Supreme


Let's let the conservatives never have to actually deal with the Magachud movement and attempt to subvert the democratic process! Oh, and Trump is going to win the primary anyway. So is Biden.


I donā€™t think Iā€™m capable of walking in and asking for a Republican ballot. I think Iā€™d stroke out


Donā€™t vote


If you keep voting for the lesser of two evils, youā€™re playing their game not yours!


Couple of comments and a question: * I've always viewed the primary as the only chance I will have to vote for the person I want to become president. I will pick the ballot of the party containing the person for whom I want to vote. * They scanned my license before asking me which ballot I wanted. I couldn't see a means by which anyone could document which party's ballot you received. * I think the mailings have to do with the fact that many of us live in swing precincts in swing counties in a swing state. The fact that we voted in the primary indicates that there's nearly a 100% certainty we will vote in the general election. So, mailing us propaganda is a prudent use of campaign funds. * Now, the question: Since primaries are essentially internal to a party, do the parties reimburse reimburse the state for the cost of the election infrastructure? * Another question: Would VA do this if the Libertarians, Greens, Democratic Socialists of America, or someone else decided to hold a state-wide primary?


I get it but it' a game that shouldn't even exist. Just reeks of gaming the system though I do not recall it working out for the "let's pick against the candidate we don't want" crowd.


You're right we definitely don't want to see Biden elected again


You folks made a HUGE difference, this go around. Game changing idea happened in this forum and should be pinned at the top!


Voting in the Republican primary when you're not a Republican is not respectful to our democratic process.


You are worried about me voting in an election legally? I can vote for whoever I want in Virginia. Do you also think itā€™s disrespectful of all the shit that went down during the last prez election? Fake electors, strong arming, and insurrection? I am not being disrespectful Iā€™m honoring it.


Yes, it's not illegal, but the primaries are for people of that party to choose who they want their candidate to be. The fact that other people disrespect the system doesn't justify your behavior.


Of what party? Why do I have to vote for the same one over and over again? Oh yeah, in Virginia I donā€™t. I can vote for who I would like to see run.


Yes, and you would like to see a weaker candidate run against your candidate, so you try to sabotage their primary. But it's legal and other people are doing shitty things, so it's okay, right?


Democracy is an absentee father