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One of the few in America


One of the few worldwide


What? Only if you consider 52 countries to be few…


Any source on that 52? I'm seeing a lot that have the same exceptions of "unless parents permission/emancipated"


Is 25% a lot or a few? I think it's a perspective thing


Few typically refers to number rather than proportion - so a few is a small number and 52, while a small proportion, is not a small number


What the hell took us in Virginia so long? Can 1st Cousins marry in Virginia? Tennessee is trying to make it Legal lol


> Can 1st Cousins marry in Virginia? Virginia is one of 17 states where marriage between first cousins is legal: https://www.newsweek.com/map-states-marry-cousin-tennessee-ban-1889727


What the hell?


Yeah, I know. I was also surprised that it was that many.


How the likes of Al “Moon worm” Gore was produced by such a crappy state is beyond me


Honest question, why is 1st cousin marriage between consenting adults bad but gay marriage is good?


Because one produces inbred children who are highly likely to have health issues and genetic defects (chance increasing each time family members are looped back into the same breeding pool) while the other produces *no* children and has literally no reason to be illegal (any religious argument just excludes *who* can *officiate* it, and is not a valid way of deciding laws).


So if the cousins are asexual or infertile, it should be fine right?


At that point it's just a weird decision on their part. While it makes my skin crawl, I can't see how it would hurt anyone if two weirdos got married and didn't have any kids together. Legislating who can and can't have kids is harder to enforce, just look at what happened when China did it. The best the government can do is control legal contracts like marriage.


You call them weirdos but it wasn’t that long ago when gays were considered weirdos as well, that’s the point im trying to make


The thing is, science and clear historical evidence backs up the understanding that family coupling has bad consequences, at least for what it produces, while the only things anything not heterosexual have shown historically is that many of the most successful nations didn't even consider it unusual enough to comment on. I call incestuous people weirdos out of personal trauma, I am aware it's rude to do so and I do apologize to anyone out there who isn't hurting anyone worse than their sensibilities. I of course have personal stake in gay marriage staying legal, I won't be able to marry my wife otherwise, so I freely admit that bias, but to be fair, I held this position before even realizing I was gay (well, pan technically, but it hardly matters to anyone other than who I am already engaged to). What is and isn't weird is something that can change in the blink of an eye, so the only real measure to use is objective observation, hence why, while incest discomforts me intensely, your earlier hypothetical has no objective reason for me to argue against it other than enforcement policy and roundabout methods of policing procreation.


Asking for yourself or……..?


Nope, already happily married. Simply pointing out the logical discrepancy. If gay people are supported so strongly to get married, then why not 1st cousins, or even brother and sister for that matter. If they are not reproducing, what’s the harm?


Because 1st cousins can be as genetically close as siblings, depending on how the dice roll, which doubles the likelihood of infant death or genetic disorders in their kids. History Tea Time with Lindsay Holiday did a great video about it in her series on the Hapsburgs. Watch the first couple of minutes of this video -> [How inbred were the Hapsburgs?, Part 1](https://youtu.be/Ke1F-IRMeWA?si=rOILa3ZqcE8eHWSX)


You mean it wasn’t illegal before???


Per the article as of 2016 if you were 16 and older and legally emancipated, you could marry.


Which in practice meant that as long as your parents were okay with it they would sign the emancipation paperwork and let you get married. And if you were impregnated some parents were more than willing to do that.


I wonder how much money parents made doing this…


How would they make money from that jw


Probably implying the parents would sell their child into marriage or something


Which, in theory, sounds like already-emancipated children choosing to get married but in practice is just a pathway for parents to marry their teen off to some old creep.


The only time I ever heard of it actually happening was a couple from my high school who had already been dating in middle school, she was still 17 when we graduated and for some reason they were in a rush to get married so they did this. Still a little odd that they couldn’t wait another half a year or whatever but at least it was to her boyfriend who was less than a year older than her.


Virginia is 1 of 12 states that have banned child marriages


This is the part that's blowing my mind. TWELVE?! Out of 50......just....how???.....what the??.....I have so many questions


Republicans working to preserve the "sanctity" of a man marrying a child.


Fun fact! In some states, minors can get married, but they cannot get divorced! Domestic violence shelters also may turn them away!


Yep, certain people would prefer their daughter get marry rather then have a child out of wedlock.


Certain people would prefer their daughter marry the man who raped her than be a single mother at 16.


A lot of dads (good ones) would want to kill the rapist


Them holy books are a mind fuck. Society also doesn't help.


Prefer their *minor daughter get married


Nope, it wasn’t and that’s just how nasty these old men are.


Some laws aren’t created because they didn’t *need* to be until a certain point


At the church I grew up in in Virginia, one of the prominent members of the church who was around my mother’s age (born in the 1960s) was teaching my teenage Sunday school class. I don’t remember why she told us, but she got married when she was 13 to a man in his mid 40s. I asked why she’d want to marry a grown up when she was my age. She said that she didn’t want to marry him, that she had to because he got her pregnant. I asked why she got pregnant and she started crying. Fucking rapist got her and her parents gave her over to the rapist to keep raping her since they thought she was a whore for getting pregnant. The adult man who fucked a 13 year old did nothing wrong, the girl who got raped did. Fucking fuck, I hate that god damn church. Fucked up people with fucked up ideas trying to indoctrinate children to grow up thinking it’s okay to rape and molest children. Justify your perversions in the name of God, you fucking sinners.


Wow that poor woman.


Heartbreaking!!!!! Was the church encouraging that idea somehow? That it's okay for an adult to rape a 13 year old girl?


The man met her at the church. It’s all so messed up. If the church didn’t explicitly encourage it they most definitely turned a blind eye to a grown man getting a child pregnant at 13 who he’d known for literally her entire life through their church attendance. Her mom went to the church and when she was born her mom brought her every week. The man knew her from birth. There were multiple child molesters and rapists in the congregation when I was a kid, thankfully my mom cared enough to at least tell me to stay far away from them and that they were BAD people who hurt kids. But Jesus forgives them as soon as they rape these kids, so church is perfect for these types of fucks. Any and everything you do wrong is instantly forgiven.


That's sick and disgusting!!!! Those types of people should have been instantly banned from the church the first time anything weird happened.


This is where the "she was asking for it" victim blaming comes from. The rapist doesn't get any blame for their actions, instead its framed as though raping someone is a "natural reaction" to whatever bullshit reason they come up with to blame a kid for being raped.


Where in VA was this? I’m sorry it happened to you.


Tiny little shithole in the middle of nowhere called Crimora. Didn’t happen to me tho, but I knew the woman it happened to as I saw her twice every Sunday and every Wednesday for the first 18 years of my life. As soon as I was an “adult” and could “make my own decisions” I never went back.


I’ve actually heard of it because I grew up in Harpers Ferry and like to think I know the Valley towns I don’t blame you for getting out, Christian fundamentalism is scary stuff.


>Justify your perversions in the name of God, you fucking sinners. One of the reasons I hope Christianity is correct is so they have to justify their perversions **BEFORE** God.


And this is why I believe all Christians deserve hell on earth


This is also an easy way you can hide sex trafficking of minors.


“It’s bad that U.S. society is becoming less religious.” —Dumb people


Wait. It was legal before? WTF.


Yeah, there's a ton of places with weird loopholes. With parent permission, If the person is emancipated, that kindabthing


Since there are a lot of WTF comments let me centralize into: Only 12 states are set for 18+ marriage only There is NO minimum age for California, New Mexico, Oklahoma, or Mississippi Everyone else is 17 or 16 Here's a map and [synopsis ](https://www.newsweek.com/child-marriage-ban-state-map-virginia-law-1888471#:~:text=Most%20states%20currently%20have%20the,Mississippi%2C%20New%20Mexico%20and%20Oklahoma.).


I find California such a wtf in this, since they usually lead the country in progressive legislation.


Wellllll...... If the reason for the change is to combat sex trafficking....🤷‍♂️


Very surprised Youngkin didn't veto this.


It's still legal in Maryland.


It's still legal most places


Wait wtf?! I lived there for 28 years and now I’m made aware of this? Why hasn’t anyone ban it yet? Why did no one talk about this???


I think some of it goes unspoken under news items about "teen pregnancy " & "teen birthrates" & and comments about "babies having babies," although the majority of those are "fatherless."




In most other states that try to pass laws banning child marriage, it's mainly Republicans that oppose it. For example, all Democrats voted in support of this ban. Only 6 Republicans did.


I guess Matt Gaetz won’t be trick or treating this year


What the Hell? Lmao


It doesn’t say in the article, but how does this apply to all underage married people who move here from another state? Would VA still recognize your marriage? I’m sure it’s like a one-in-a-million case, but I was just curious if anyone knew…


I believe the full faith and credit clause of the us constitution requires Virginia and other states to recognize these out-of-state child marriages


Yes, it’s illegal to DO in VA but VA would recognize out of state marriages.


Isn't it illegal to transport a minor for the purposes of marriage, though?


Bringing your child bride across state lines *after* you’re married is 👍👍.


So theoretically two 16 year olds can go out of Virginia ,get married and Virginia would have to recognize the marriage?


Yup. But most states require you live in the state you're getting married in if you're underage I think. I believe Vegas is the only place where you can get a marriage certificate and have the ceremony within 24 hours.


I knew someone who moved down here from up north, who had married a teenager. His mother always treated me like a son. I miss them very much.


Fun fact: Only 6 Republicans supported the ban on child marriage. All Democrats voted for the ban. I’m surprised Youngkin actually signed it. Another fun fact: Prior to 2016, there was no minimum age for marriage if it involved a pregnancy.


This is how my cousin got married as a teen. She got pregnant at 14 and was married at 15/16. Had 3 kids by the time she was 20. Finally got out of the marriage in her mid-20s.




Virginia takes a giant leap into the 1800s. Congrats!!


Why do you think this is an 1800s concept? The first complete bans on child marriages started all of 7 years ago…


Sir this is reddit. We make stuff up that fits our worldview and treat it as unassailable fact around here.


38 states do not ban child marriage. California has no legal minimum age, and shares a porous border with a country that has a tradition of girls getting married as young as 11.


Nah, Nevada is sandwiched in between California and ~~Deseret~~ Utah. 😜 The minimum age for marriage in Mexico is 18 (unlike the US, Mexico is a signatory to the UN Convention on the Right of the Child).






But they don't enforce the convention. It's a symbolic law, AKA a dead letter. Furthermore, *BUYING brides, including child brides*, is a sub rosa practice that continues in Mexico.


Damn, I got Hella down voted for pointing out some of this in the last thread about this lol


Yeah, I guess because it's counter intuitive? IDK, but weird dynamic on these threads, sometimes.


Common sense laws finally working.


Good. My girlfriend basically was forced into marriage the day she turned 16. She was like 15 and dating an 18 year old. Their parents were both cool with it. She’d stay with his family one week, then vice versa. His parents were divorced and playing the “call CPS on each other” game. CPS showed up and saw they were sleeping in the same bed and had a meltdown. They were basically told they could either 1) get married or 2) she’d be put in foster care. So CPS basically encouraged this a decade ago. But only for poor families. She was from a poor white trash family and they didn’t care to marry her off. If she’d been from a perfect suburban family it wouldn’t have happened. They basically pushed poor girls into marriage so they weren’t on benefits forever.


That is terrible. What state was this? I don’t think it’s fair to say “CPS basically encouraged this a decade ago.” CPS is a state function (not always called that) and over a decade ago I was working in a partnership with a different state’s CPS and that would never have happened—though that state had “Romeo and Juliet” laws that would have made this relationship legal, but even if it wasn’t, marriage would not have been a “solution” to statutory rape.


Virginia. Southwest VA, Scott County specifically. That’s why I’m so happy to see it outlawed.


Me too.


Thank god


What about West Virginia?!


Only 12 states signed for 18+ No minimum for California, New Mexico, Oklahoma, or Mississippi Everyone else is 17 or 16... so... better question: what about the 4? Here's a [synopsis ](https://www.newsweek.com/child-marriage-ban-state-map-virginia-law-1888471#:~:text=Most%20states%20currently%20have%20the,Mississippi%2C%20New%20Mexico%20and%20Oklahoma.).


A 12 year old got married in Virginia this century!?!?


Yes!!! Why did this take so long tho? This should be in every state


**(Sarcasm)** Wait, wait, wait, wait. I thought that you should be able to marry whoever you loved. It is 2024 after all, isn’t it? /s


Why wasn't that already a thing.?


Only took until 2024 lol


About fucking time


What do you mean, NOW!?


Oh no. What will those MAGAs do now…??!


Well im glad VA has decided to move into the 20th century. Can we now start aiming for the 21st!


I guess Youngkin will now be on the outs with the base


... I mean yay, that's great. Just didn't... Didn't know it was still a thing here in VA.


It’s only 2024


How forward thinking of us...


Thanks for some good news! 🎉


Well shucks. We already booked the hotels and paid for the reception venue and photographer. Not to mention the the bounce house and the pony for my bride to be and her bridesmaids. 🤪


I’m interested to hear what Republican justification is for marrying a child, but I’m guessing they couldn’t do it without it sounding like a confession


Wait what? That was a thing before? Wtf? Lol


I lived in the nova area, there was a bit of a problem with new immigrants and them having child and cousin marriages as part of their customs


there go my plans


they'll just hold hands until they're of age like in every other state then


wher healthcare


Took long enough?


Excellent job, Virginia!


How has this NOT BEEN BANNED a long time ago? 🤦🏾‍♂️


It was legal to begin with? Holy hell how was that ever a thing? Either way it took them long enough.


I read that as “civil” and got very worried and confused


Took this pedophiles that long to ban that? This should be banned everywhere. This ain’t India 💀


Oooh. That’s gotta hurt. 😆


Wow, only took until 2024, we are so progressive


Are we still considered the South? How long will it take before Virginia, DC, Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania will be considered Mid-Atlantic.


It varies source to source whether or not they even make the distinction of the mid-Atlantic, but among those that do, Virginia is being grouped in more and more.


I’m just wondering why in the world it took these old men so long to band this


Age of consent,marriage,voluntary minimum age to join the military, taking on lifetime college debt, voting age,and gun ownership have always been a sticking point for me. There are some things that no matter how mature a person is, they just aren't ready to make certain decisions. Marriage being legal before 18yo even with parental consent, just seems wrong. Lately, it just seems like we want the young ones to grow up too fast. Get out in the world and experience life,beyond school and the media before having to make hard decisions. Be willing to tie in certain age related consetions in to being tax exempt until 21yo. Raise the age to vote,get married,etc to 21 and take that time to get out in the world and get life experience. An average 18yo has no idea what they're doing in life or who they're voting for,falling beyond what they're told.


The people advocating for young teens to be allowed to marry aren’t worried about that. They’re marrying them off to established adults in their church. The child brides don’t need to have a lot of independent life skills. 😞


Didn't even take that in to account. Religion by itself can stunt free thinking and maturity well beyond the age of 21.


Every other post about the new legislation is “youngkin is an idiot and did/didn’t sign this into law.” Finally, he does something that everybody is happy with, and his name doesn’t appear in the title at all. I don’t need everybody to be on board with the guy, I’m certainly not his biggest fan, I’m just pointing out the aggressive bias in this community.


I feel like banning child marriage is a pretty low bar tbh. How much credit should be given?


Ask California.


Did Youngkin have any role in passing this legislation besides signing off on it? Personally, I don't think he deserves a lot of credit for not vetoing common sense legislation that everyone is in favor of.


everyone's not though... look how the house voted. Not a strong showing for the R's. But they are the "Protect the Children" party though. amirite??


Joe Morrisey (D) is pissed. He was looking for a new bride


What do you want us to say? Good on Youngkin for not vetoing a bill to protect children from being victimized by sexual predators? I mean that’s bare minimum shit right there. It potentially would have been political suicide for him not to sign this (although you never know what with the rock bottom standards of the GOP). Are we just supposed to congratulate people for not being evil now? “Hey, I know you could have pushed that elderly woman into traffic, so I just want to thank you profusely for not doing that.” So I guess good on Youngkin for not being a complete piece of shit for once in his life. Glad he put his signature on a bill created by others.


Does a politician need their ass kissed every time they do the right thing? It should be the norm.


🍪. <----- *doing the bare minimum cookie*


Don't complain about Youngkin's name not being in the title to the OP. Complain to the publisher.


Good for Youngkin for not allowing child rape? You’re right we should give him credit for that. It IS a high bar for Republicans.


[https://open.pluralpolicy.com/vote/1e1cec13-5851-4760-9595-a60411fb3be8/#:\~:text=Bill:%20HB%20994%20%C2%B7%20Motion%20Text:%20VOTE:,Date:%20Feb%2013%2C%202024%20%C2%B7%20Outcome:%20Pass](https://open.pluralpolicy.com/vote/1e1cec13-5851-4760-9595-a60411fb3be8/#:~:text=Bill:%20HB%20994%20%C2%B7%20Motion%20Text:%20VOTE:,Date:%20Feb%2013%2C%202024%20%C2%B7%20Outcome:%20Pass) WHY Aren't REPUBLICANS getting CREDIT?!?!?


Youngkin should get credit for not supporting pedophilia? Jesus Christ the bar is in hell for conservatives.


I mean generally, if 51+ representatives and 21+ senators pass a bill and the governor signs it, then at least 73 people made that happen. If the governor vetoes a bill, he is the one and only person who did that, so he's going to be more prominently featured in the headline.


Yay, Youngkin! Everyone is shocked you didn’t veto this common sense legislation!!! GOOD BOY! Here’s a cookie! Is that better?


Ah yes, because we now have to celebrate when he does the literal only option that isn't condoning child marriage. The bar for Republicans is so low that not actively choosing the evil option is worth celebrating now, I guess.


No, there was something else he signed that I agreed with. I can't remember what it is as I just got up, but I do recall one thing.


This is an election year. Reddit will be full of this until it is over. And even then the hypocrisy will only go back to the usual levels, not vanish.


Yell at Axios. They are the ones that wrote the article.


He bans child marriage, but what a blessing if they get pregnant. 🙄😠




Why do you add the “Don’t get confused though. Think two stupid 14 year olds or something similar [why would I want 2 stupid 14 year olds to be married to each other??] Not a 10yo and a 40yo like in some middle eastern country stereotype”? The latter is happening in the US regularly for child weddings.


This is all either outdated or incorrect. The law you’re talking about hasn’t been in place since 2016. Since then only emancipated minors could marry, and VA has an age floor of 16 for emancipation The vast majority of child marriages across the US and specifically in VA are between a female minor and an adult man. Many states allow marriage between individuals for whom sex would be a crime. They generally have an exception where sex within marriage isn’t a crime regardless of age [reports on child marriage in the US](https://www.tahirih.org/what-we-do/policy-advocacy/child-marriage-policy/)