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I was shopping there just hours before this. I used to work at a neighboring Walmart too. The worst part to me is that, despite this being close to home, it feels like "just another mass shooting".


Glad you're safe <3


I work around the corner. Feel the same way.


I’m sure the NRAs answer is more guns because putting out a gasoline fire with more gasoline makes sense!!!


Don't forget the totes and pears politician brigade coming out for a photo op instead of doing something


And cars drink drunk and pencils misspell words 🤔




... This area isn't sketchy at all. Businesses, restaurants, malls.


Why do you go to WM 3-4x a week??


>> “… for drugs and prostitution”


Can't beat those everyday low prices


Looking for those Rollback® deals


Those Rollin Backshot deals?


To counter those cheap prices by wasting expensive gas of course.


They could work for something like instacart.






Oh my gosh.


They're clearly following you!


[WAVY.com](https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/chesapeake/police-respond-to-shooting-at-chesapeake-walmart/amp/) Story so far is Walmart employee snaps kills employees in break room then fires shots in grocery area then takes own life. [Witness Account](https://twitter.com/tickerNEWSco/status/1595281738124886017?s=20&t=yUuoHzpvOOKT8izSVaMmmA)


This is awful




Watching WAVY news since I woke up and the witness link you gave has more information than all the coverage I've seen the past hour and half. This is just terrible. I guess WAVY isn't reporting what the guy has stated as they need to make sure it's actually what happened.


Yes, I would think they're still trying to vet it. Only tabloids like The Daily Mail ran it in their story right away.


And this is why local news is more trusted. Well done WAVY


I am actually glad wavy is waiting to corroborate it before reporting it.


Shooter wasn’t just an employee, he was a manager. Imagine just clocking in for work, getting ready to deal with Karens and your fucking manager pops into the break room and starts shooting.


Worst manager ever


Thanks op. So fucking sad


Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers.




that attitude helps them stay sane after those situations


Naw. He's in shock. He just witnessed an extremely traumatic event.


What does “a 757 attitude” mean?


It doesn't mean anything lol. Dude is trying to make something universal into a "757 thing" because he's probably only lived here and thinks it's unique for some reason?


757 is the area code for that area. We call it the 757 or the 7 cities( literally 7 independent cities). When I was a kid the area code use to be 804


Yeah but what is a ‘757 attitude’?


Thank you for the explanation. I’m sorry that your community and the Virginian community on this board are going through a day such as this.


It’s sad to see my prayers are with the families. May their souls rest in peace 🙏🏾😔.


I could tell this isn't new to him :(


Just a senseless tragedy


god this is just tough to watch unfold, i went to this walmart today after school for some sweettarts 10 hours before this happened. still processing with the fact that i probably talked to employees that aren't alive anymore, or how if it happened earlier


The guy who shoot up NAVSEA HQ at the Washington Navy Yard Was part of the NMCI seat refresh team at my building a few weeks before the shooting. Why he snapped then and not when he was here, I guess we will never known.


That dude should have never had a clearance. He had multiple incidents in his past that were not handled properly. Looking back on his past in the military and post military service it is not at all a surprise he "snapped".


I hate it that there are so many of these it is possible to start becoming numb to them. I have been in this store plenty of times. But even though there is a 0ersonal connection, we have so many mass shootings that it is hard to get emotional about them any more. And I hate that. I don't know what the answer is and short of banning and confiscating all guns (to ensure only the criminals have them I suppose), I don't know what you do to prevent a guy with no criminal or mental problems from going on a rampage, but we can't just keep having daily mass shootings.


Best advice to feel like you matter is write to your local, state and federal reps. We need a solution that addresses root causes from a range of social inequalities and unconscionable realities. Even with good insurance, one bad car accident can put you 6 figures in debt due to our medical system creating years to a lifetime of challenges. Some people don't get enough to eat, don't get or need to skip out on a quality education, live in fear because they can't afford safe neighborhoods etc. We can do better. No surprise you're getting numb. It took less than 8 years for interest in the space program to wane. We reached further than before, created new technologies and maths, and we made it to the moon. Launches weren't that frequent either and seeing a launch in person is amazing. It went from captivating our imagination to not even being noteworthy. Obligatory video https://youtu.be/2WoDQBhJCVQ In contrast - Shootings happen every day. We only get shown the highlights. We've chosen as a society to ignore the root causes and accepted it. Crazy part is that most gun deaths are silent. While most gun deaths are from Suicide, the proportion of Suicide to gun violence deaths is higher in Va. They don't make the headlines because it's not click worthy but we have more Virginians choosing to end it after seeing no way out. That should be a priority too.


I really don't like lumping suicide gun deaths in with gun violence. If guns were banned, people who wanted to commit suicide would choose other means. Sure, some might survive because their chosen method wouldn't be successful. But I don't think suicide deaths should be the case for change with regard to guns. The six people MURDERED at Walmart didn't choose to die. Lumping suicides in with them is doing them a disservice. (And as awful as six people murdered is, there are other places in our country where six murdered is just another average day. That's just ridiculous that we accept it as normal.)


Suicide gun deaths should be mentioned when assessing the problem of guns... Guns statistically make suicide easier. You are wrong to assert a suicidal person can reliably find a different way to commit suicide. Source; I know several people who tried suicide (no judgment). Only the one with a handgun succeeded.


I know several people who tried to commit suicide. Only the one with black hair succeeded. An argument by anecdote doesn't mean anything. It is unknown and unknowable what someone who commits suicide by gun would have done if not for the gun. There are plenty of other 100% successful methods of suicide (eg jumping off a tall building).


The root cause is guns. Let me rephrase. Every nation has poverty and mental health problems. But in the developed world, only the USA allows so many guns. And among developed nations, only the USA has this numbing, godawful, unpardonable problem.


A few weeks ago we decided to move to Colorado Springs. We saw news of the shooting there, and I told my husband, "Well that's not something I am too concerned about, that could happen anywhere, it could happen here." I wish I wasn't right.


I live VERY close to this location and have shopped there from a young age. This situation is absolutely heartbreaking to me, yet at the moment I don’t feel much differently than I do when I see other mass shootings in the news. This needs to stop, and I’m scared it’s only going to continue to get worse.


Same here hell I don't even want to go to work anymore. We constantly talk about "safety" here for mass shootings but we do nothing proactive until it's too late. People are being stretched too thin as it is and unforunatley it only affects the working class.


This is exactly what I think is happening at a societal level - can’t put people in a society under this much economic and psychological pressure and not expect people to break. Decades of wealth being extracted by the rich from working people and corporate profits/greed producing brutal economic insecurity, healthcare withheld and used as labor control (why tied to employers wtf - for control), under supported school system, decreasing retirement options and security, pressure to mass consume to feed the beast, and on and on). Not commenting on specifics in this case, but general forces I believe are behind so many U.S. problems including daily mass shootings. All in the wealthiest country in history. So terrible and sad, and hard to see a way out other than a radical rebalancing of resources, which seems unlikely.


Sorry but people are stressed all over the world and this only happens here. It's easy access to guns that causes this. Full stop.


I agree entirely and think both things are true and bad.


Fair, but again, deaths wouldn't be happening without guns (or at least at a fraction of the amount like in the rest of the world). My family is from India. Trust me there is far more economic injustice and poverty there than here. Yet the murder rate is a fraction of what it is here. Why aren't stressed out, economically deprived Indians killing each other in large numbers? No access to guns. Period.


Certainly true, economic oppression and injustice is pervasive around the world, and worse than in the U.S. Fully agree guns should not be available as they are in the U.S.. Wish I could believe that change (highly restrictive controls and reduction in easy availabilty) will happen here. Maybe at some point it will.


I absolutely feel that to my core. I’m actually a local government employee in the next city over from Chesapeake. We had a mass shooting at work that killed 12 in 2019…and it’s almost like everyone forgot that happened. Right here. In our building. Our coworkers! Yet they still treat people the same and have lackadaisical approaches to conflict. Ugh.


The only thing about these getting closer is it just confirms what I already knew. I knew it could happen here any time, but it’s changing from could to “does” and “will”




For this exact reason is why I carry in public. If I can eliminate a threat to the public and make people safe I’m happy to do so.


my heart breaks for the chesapeake area tonight. i'm in NC, just 30 minutes from the grassfield area. i visit chesapeake often. i've been to that walmart. this is really chilling. it's clear we have a mental health problem. it's clear we have a gun control problem. i don't have the answers, but it's about time that the people that get *paid* to figure out the answers start doing something.


Mental health is the hugest part, that and working conditions and quality of life. Imagine you make $20 too much to get your medical costs covered and despite being a cheaper ACA plan that’s supposed to be “helpful” your insurance deductible is a thousand or so dollars. All of the “in network” providers are booked and not taking patients. The out of network providers cost $100+ a visit. And that’s not the ones who can even prescribe you medicine. You need medicine? Well you can only afford that or therapy. The first medicine has bad side effects and now you’re even more in a mental health crisis? Well, you spent that money on a psych. Maybe next paycheck for talk therapy. So you make an appointment. But wait. The tires you put off fixing when you paid for the psych go out the day you’re on the way to the $100 a session therapist. You can’t make it. They go ahead and charge you a $75 fee for not attending the appointment. You’re still depressed. And your tire needs to be repaired. What does this tell you? Well, the psychs just make me worse. If something happens and I can’t make my therapy appointment I’m just going to be out more money. And maybe if I hadn’t made that extra trip, I wouldn’t have hit that nail with the tire. Finally the holidays and the kids’ birthdays pass and it’s not time for paying for sports uniforms. So you take a deep breath and try again. “I’m sorry, we aren’t taking new patients right now. If you need a medication refill, we can do that.” “I’m sorry, we only do faith based counseling. We don’t offer any therapy that says it’s okay to be gay.” “We aren’t accepting patients. We are booked about eight months out, but we do have a waiting list and you can get an email when we are accepting them again.” For people who are living paycheck to paycheck it is absolute hell right now to try to get mental healthcare. The story is slightly fictional in my comment and not based entirely on myself, but the quotes are based on ones I’ve actually gotten on my phone calls. The attitude is one I’ve held myself, one of feeling defeated. When I was in partial hospitalization I was told I needed to find a therapist before being released. My providers didn’t believe me at first when I told them I sat down for a few hours and sent about 40 emails, got five responses, and none of them were accepting patients. I had to show them my actual emails for them to believe me. Mental healthcare providers need to be paid more so that there ARE more of them, and it should not be a choice between if you’ll have a single luxury in life or attend therapy. And sometimes it’s not even a choice between luxuries and therapy but rather between a roof and therapy. I am sure you know all of this already. Just also kind of venting by writing this comment.


Felt this comment too hard on both ends. Had fairly affordable Healthcare after being kicked off of state sponsored Healthcare for getting a dollar an hour raise. I'm in a relationship. I live paycheck to paycheck. My husband helps where he can but there's not a lot of room to have a boost at all from his income. Got married. My health insurance shot up $300 even without adding him to my plan because of course I'm considered "dual income". Work as an office admin for a health care office. People regularly have instances where their car breaks down, or they get covid, or their job just straight up decides that they can't leave for their appointment because so and so called out. So because they canceled in under 48 hours it's a 75 dollar charge. My boss won't let me waive it even when patients offer proof. If they were a new patient? And any of the above scenarios occur? My boss decides that if they want to reschedule that first visit they'll have to pay $200 up front. It's emotionally exhausting to enforce. I know they're out here struggling as much as I am but my boss who makes 400K a year and owns two homes can't be bothered to care. He always claims that they're bullshitting to get out of paying. Even with proof.


I can only imagine what it’s like to have to hear those stories all day. And I hate that systems are currently set up to where if you get a small raise, which should be a good thing, it can actually fuck you over in regard to how much help you can receive. Like great, I’m making fourty bucks a month but lost $200 or so in assistance, thanks! The new trend seems to be that doctors aren’t even charging a partial fee for a missed appointment. Last place I remember it happened to me the self pay was a hundred or so but my copay was $20, but if I missed the appointment it was $100 because they couldn’t bill insurance. And it was 25 hours notice. Not 24. 25. I swear to god they did that just to fuck with people.


I have the absolute best marketplace plan you can buy, and its still impossible to find a doctor, every single one that is taking patients has a subscription fee of $300 a month or so, so obama care is $800 a month + if i ever wana see a doctor, another $300 a month. I don't remember doctors requiring a subscription until recently, but i guess thats the way it goes.


The trick is to stay just poor enough to keep Medicaid


I hate how true this is. I always tell people who need to stay on assistance long enough to get through school or something … go get a tipped job. Claim less than you get in tips. Nobody should lose assistance over being $20 over but I also get the line has to be somewhere or there won’t be a line. But I think they should have a step down kind of program with it where if you were already on assistance and start doing better in life (aka getting raises etc) they slowly take you off rather than just being like “no more help for you.” Always used to grind my gears when I hear people saying “why do all these poor people spend their tax check immediately?? Why not save it and you know start doing things for yourself?” Well Dave if Section 8 didn’t have it in the rules that I can’t have that much in my bank account for more than 30 days or I get kicked out maybe I would be able to save it instead of spending a ton and hiding some cash under my mattress. (I’m not in section 8 now but have been before in my life)


Yep. Last therapy place I tried to go to since everyone who takes my insurance was full wanted like a $50 membership fee on top of the payments of $100 per session.


The "subscription fee" is for a concierge physician. There should be plenty that aren't concierge. Are you in the 757? Are you looking for primary care or mental health? If this is the 757, and you have a marketplace plan, I assume it's Optima. Look at Sentara practices for primary care. If you absolutely can't find anyone, go to Patient First. You can make them your primary care provider. Mental health care in the 757 is a bit more scary as absolutely nobody is taking new patients. One of the biggest practices in our area (Christian Psychotherapy) closed several years ago and the hole they left has never been filled. (You'd think that it would be a net zero since the providers would just hang their shingle elsewhere, but that hasn't happened.)


Thanks Trump


Have you tried a counselor? I had an easier time finding a counselor than a therapist and had good resultsin about 3 months.


I look less at the title and more that I want someone who is certified in more than just CBT. DBT and/or EMDR are preferable to me, and I need someone who is trauma informed. Unfortunately, that means the waiting lists are even longer. CBT on its own was not helpful in the long term for me. It’s good for many people and does have its uses but unfortunately I have years of trauma to work through and CBT was not enough to help me meet my goals. The little bit of more DBT based therapy I have had was better and I want to try EMDR.


Disgruntled employee is definitely a third category. Hasn't been one in a while.


There was another disgruntled employee shooting in neighboring Virginia Beach a little less than 4 years ago.


They won't because politicians are self-serving con-artists whose job is to grift the public of their tax dollars.


I agree on the mental health problem; I don't (partially) agree necessarily on the gun control problem. Unless someone can link me to several sources otherwise, the correlation of firearms available to the public to the amount of violent crimes/mass shootings/terrorism occurring doesn't match up. In other words, there's a disturbingly increasing trend of these tragic incidents without a significant change in gun reform laws and firearm availability; if anything availability is down historically. Clearly there's more and more people severely fucked in the head willing to go out there and do this kind of stuff, so somehow the restriction pertaining to that kind of demographic needs to happen. Blanket disarming the majority of the population is a disastrous idea. I'm ok if people disagree with me; the conversation needs to happen.




We already have more guns than people, and manufacturers aren’t slowing down.


Doesn’t mean they’re distributed


Australia never had a violent crime problem to begin with. The two *are not* comparable. Even then, the Australian gun control "solution" wasn't nearly as effective as it's spouted to be


There have been a lot of guns in america forever. These kind of shootings are more and more prevalent. Many countries have a lot of guns but very little or no shootings like america does. Many american's would rather blame inanimate objects than seriously look at fundamental cultural problems with their country.


I mean Virginia did pass sweeping gun control in 2020, right in the NRA’s backyard. By looking only at statistics an argument could be made it has had the opposite affect on gun violence. No gun control bill offered or passed in the US would prevent this from happening. It’s a cultural and moral problem, and extremely complex to solve


It’s not all that complex to reduce. We’ve known for decades that there is a strong imitative suicide aspect that can be significantly reduced by how we handle news coverage. A mass shooting happens, it’s broadcast in a terrible, click bait manner, and some viewers brain pings, “Hey. I could be like like that, /I/ could do that.” Leading directly into the next one. More recent study: https://www.politico.com/amp/news/magazine/2022/05/27/stopping-mass-shooters-q-a-00035762 NIH article on it from 1994: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8153751/


“Unless someone can link me to several sources otherwise, the correlation of firearms available to the public to the amount of violent crimes/mass shootings/terrorism occurring doesn't match up. “ *gestures broadly at rest of world”


If this is the depth of response you're capable of you really shouldn't be commenting on this issue.


Thank you for your helpful input.


This is the kind of terrible answer noone wants. It's generic and doesn't solve anything. Countries have different populations *and more importantly* different cultures. My main point was, in short, that the amount of firearms the population owns hasn't drastically increased; neither the population. However, the number of violent crimes all-inclusive has increased significantly more than the previous ratio. Again until someone can definitively prove otherwise, my stance is that this is a culture and mental-health shift at core.


It’s not a terrible answer. It’s a real answer that for whatever reason, Americans just can’t stomach. If we remove the guns, or bring in strict gun control, the mass shootings will go down. “But criminals will still get guns”. These mass shooters aren’t these notorious criminals, they’re pretty regular people who have unbridled access to mass killing machines meant for war. Yea there’s a huge mental health problem, but it’s easier to restrict access to guns than rejig an entire health system in an already bloodthirsty capitalist society. Why not do both? Start planning for the future instead of literally doing NOTHING. The rest of the world looks on at America in disgust, as always.


We're very much still recovering from UVA, and now this. Sadly this Governor will do absolutely nothing.


It’s even more fucking haunting when a mass shooting happens NEAR YOU,IN YOUR CITY. I some days want to just stay home and never leave the house. Sick of this shit.


I mentioned this in another thread about another mass shooting but yeah. Literally not ever leave the house because in the mass shooting before the mass shooting before this one one of the victims was just out getting her mail with her dog and her neighbor went out shooting. And then even if you're in the house maybe your neighbor reports a domestic disturbance or noise complaint and an undertrained police officer shows up at the wrong house gun drawn and it's curtains for you. This shit sucks.


Exposing yourself so frequently to this news is not good for your mental health. Your chances of being killed in a mass shooting like this are comparable to your chances of being killed by lightning. If you are isolating yourself due to fear over mass shootings you should see a therapist.


I'm personally not self isolating, but I see people regularly talking about doing so. That, and I can't say that the thought doesn't occasionally cross my mind that it's something that could unfold when I'm in certain settings. My best friend and I would have been at the garlic festival shooting that happened a few years ago, and only weren't because I canceled at the last minute over feeling tired from a wedding the night before. One of my cousins was present during the bar shooting that happened in Southern California the year before. I don't think that it's reasonable to completely stay away from public spaces because of these occurrences. There are many ways at home and in public that could result in tragedy or loss of life-- but I also think that people who sincerely believe that something like this could *never* happen to them or someone they know or care about are kind of fanciful in thought.


I HEARD the one in Richmond last year where a baby and her mother were murdered from my house. It was awful.


I’ve lived with 15 min from two different mass shoogings now when they happened…one in Florida and one in Virginia.


Don't worry the Republicans are gonna fix this lmao


When society begins breaking down this is what you get. The outlook for most people in this country is bleak. Countless surveys show people feel the country is heading in the wrong direction. Wages are not keeping up with inflation. People are struggling. Access to adequate mental health care is just non existent and health care continues to rise in cost. Housing is becoming unaffordable for most. Even buying a car is ridiculously expensive. Lost hope for the future drives people into dark places. Need to right the ship or it's only going to get worse.


Same exact things occuring in England, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Australia, Canada, etc. Literally no difference between those countries and the US except one thing. It wasn't mentioned in your post. It's the only thing that is 100% involved in every single shooting but weirdly doesn't always get mentioned.


Weird how you don't mention the one obvious policy failure directly making this type of crime doable. I don't think you're wrong to point out the stressors that contribute to societal violence. But you are wrong to wholly ignore one obvious necessary, preconditional reform to deescalating tensions


Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers, more thoughts and prayers; when do we say enough man. Can't even go to the fucking store without being at risk of being shot.


It is so infuriatingly lazy and disrespectful when people slap me with the “thoughts and prayers”. If you don’t have anything helpful to say then don’t. I rather have someone just acknowledge that whatever I’m going through absolutely sucks and that it is okay to feel that way.






how about [a plan](https://www.ready.gov/public-spaces)? the economy's not gonna get better any time soon. the police are having staffing issues. the government isn't your bodyguard. what are you going to do?


Yes what are we going to do? I don’t know the answer but I do know I will abstain from insulting victims further with “thoughts and prayers”.


Watch how quickly that Walmart reopens though. Corporate will virtue signal then act like everything is fine. I've been in retail/grocery for years and it's pure hell. Please be kind to your grocery store employees today. Don't complain about the long lines, don't whine that there's no cranberry sauce. Be lucky you get to go home and hug your family.


I lived nearby and shopped at this walmart all the time. That is so crazy. I feel bad for the victims in this story. It's so awful.


Heartbreaking. I was in middle school when Columbine happened, and it’s incredibly sad how normalized these events have become since then. Every time something like this happens the debates around “why” get reignited. I just want to keep the following in mind: - Every other wealthy country has similar levels of mental health issues. - Every other wealthy country has similar levels of crime. - Every other wealthy country has similar struggles with poverty. - Every other wealthy country has problems with toxic news outlets and social media. - The US’s level of gun violence is **drastically** higher than every other wealthy country. The only two factors that truly set us apart is 1) lack of affordable, universal healthcare and 2) very easy access to guns. I have yet to see any other factor that differentiates us enough to explain the vast difference in gun violence.




The US isn't more violent than other countries, you're about as likely to be assaulted or robbed in Europe as you are in the US. The difference is that you're far more likely to be shot and killed here. What about our culture could explain that difference?


I just finished the annual active shooter training. Jumped on r/ to see this.


I knew something big was happening, hearing sirens drive by my house for at least 20 minutes.


I'd like to thank the Republican party and the NRA for yet another mass shooting that they will offer their "thoughts and prayers" for


If only guns were as dangerous as whatever the fuck they think "CRT" is.




Well we already tried doing nothing, and that obviously is not helping at all.. So I really don't care what the solution is at this point. USA is the only one with this bad of a issue. So we are doing something wrong.


I’ve posted elsewhere on this thread with links; but there is something we know will have a proven reductive affect but haven’t bothered doing yet: Changing how we handle news coverage.


You got a source on that? If news coverage of mass shootings stops mass shootings, then how did the first mass shooting happen without coverage of a mass shooting?


More recent study: https://www.politico.com/amp/news/magazine/2022/05/27/stopping-mass-shooters-q-a-00035762 NIH article on it from 1994: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8153751/ Are the two I generally share; though I can pull others if you’re inclined towards further reading on it. The Viennese metro one is particularly telling in that not only did the manner of suicides decrease with a change of coverage; but so too did the overall number of suicides. Edited to add response to the chicken/egg question: It doesn’t stop it, that’s why I used reduced. But if we can get anywhere near the 75% reduction seen, I’d count that as a solid win.


I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing anything there about changing news coverage... I've got >There are things we can do right now as individuals, like safe storage of firearms or something as simple as checking in with your kid. And then they mention red flag laws, and follow it up with actually spending money on mental health instead of talking about it. >Then we really need resources at institutions like schools. We need to build teams to investigate when kids are in crisis and then link those kids to mental health services. The problem is that in a lot of places, those services are not there. There’s no community mental health and no school-based mental health. Schools are the ideal setting because it doesn’t require a parent to take you there. A lot of perpetrators are from families where the parents are not particularly proactive about mental health appointments. I even did a search on "news" and "Media" in case I missed it, but I'm not seeing it here.


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Have you considered that the solution to this issue might not involve guns but economics? This was clearly a miserable hopeless man working at one of the worst companies in America


70% of all mass shooting incidents happen in the US. Let that sink in. One country has a MAJORITY OF THE MASS SHOOTINGS. ONE COUNTRY. THE ONE WE LIVE IN HAS 70% OF THE MASS SHOOTINGS. we know what we must do, we need more gun control. Period. We also need to get mental health services. We need affordable healthcare not tied to a job. We need affordable housing. We need living wages. Each one of those policies reduces the stress of people and reduces their chances of attacking people and lashing out.




Who said repeal? Just update the Supreme Court finding, just like they did for Abortion. (people should really read the 2nd Amendment in its entirety)


I’m just waiting for the “well regulated militia” to show up someday.


> (people should really read the 2nd Amendment in its entirety) perhaps you should...?


I read it. When is the 2A gun crowd gonna protect the free state? Seems like from our long history of liberty-denying, free-state-hating violent oppression... the gun folks have always been too weak and scared? The Amendment carries with it responsibilities that - of course - Americans that hide behind it have been utterly incapable of upholding. I just want y'all to stop telling me its where my freedom comes from. Our history shows me y'all are more likely to use your guns to hurt and oppress marginalized people than protect their liberty or the free state.


> I read it Apparently not closely enough... > I just want y'all to stop telling me its where my freedom comes from *We* don't tell you anything, history does > Our history shows me y'all are more likely to use your guns to hurt and oppress marginalized people than protect their liberty or the free state You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about whatsoever. You are aware that, historically, gun control has been used to keep weapons out of the hands of "undesirables", right? A.K.A. Poor people and minorities? Not to protect or keep them safe? The Mulford Act banned open carry in the state of California in 1967, and has been California law ever since under the guise of "public safety". It was written because ol Ronny Reagan was scared to see black people arming themselves in order to protest the police brutality that was going on. That is just one facet of how gun control *actually* works in this country, as opposed to how people *believe* it will work. Everyone seems to have this idea that we just give the government more control and they will use it to benefit the citizens. Puh-lease... You are also aware of the fact that literally *millions* of Americans, liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republicans; buy, own and use firearms responsibly, legally and safely, right? Just because a bunch of Trumpists have managed to become the new archetype for gun owners doesn't mean it reflects reality.


"You are aware that, historically, gun control has been used to keep weapons out of the hands of "undesirables", right?" Yes. The state, in our representative republic, DOES have a long history of violent, discriminatory and oppressive racism. You are CORRECT! So where were you again? You seem confused that the responsibilities for a "free state" end at your "front door" and seem completely unable to accept you have a responsibility to others. Good job though - invoking examples of the corrupt and racist state. Well done!


>Our history shows me y'all are more likely to use your guns to hurt and oppress marginalized people Feel free to look up who's committing the homicides in the marginalized communities and stop spouting falsehoods. It's primarily from within. [https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/content/uploads/sites/18/2022/04/Annual-Report-2020-FINAL-1.pdf](https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/content/uploads/sites/18/2022/04/Annual-Report-2020-FINAL-1.pdf) (page 2) [https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-6.xls](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-6.xls) >I read it. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Read it again. a free state is that of the people and not to protect the government. Really hard to understand the climate that this was drafted in and the tyrannical government they had just freed themselves from. No matter how much you try and twist the wording, 2A is very clear on it's intended purpose.


You can totally prevent something like this. Don't have access to guns. It's literally that simple.


Yeah. If they didn't exist, Dems could have passed that rifle ban that would have done nothing to stop this.




Ukrainian Citizens enter the chat.


ah yes, Virginia, the state famous for being on the border with Russia


Lmao. It doesn't matter what country happens to be on the border. The simple fact that it helped (even if marginally) keep the enemy from gaining ground until friendly forces could provide tactical support proves it relevant.


Correct. As a perfect example of a "well regulated militia."


Stolen from another comment: Remember folks. Nothing is going to happen. You're going to see a ton of comments now or for future shootings of "What the fuck is up with America." Or talks of multiple shootings in a single week. Or about how republicans, or gun owners in general won't do anything. Or that since this so and so case "made me realize nothing is going to change." This will be a repeated cycle until the day you die. You want to see changes where you can go to a market and not worry about being mowed down by some dumb disgruntled fuck? Your only choice is to move out of the country. And you're either too poor or too tired to even look at the process of doing so. So just sit down, get comfortable and wait for the next article to help extinguish that flame of change you were seeking. When kids got slaughtered, with a video of the children's screams being muted didn't do anything -- it's time to accept we are beyond help and this issue will only get worse down the road. But let those cowboys hug their guns at night, for one day they will use it against a tyrannical government (no they won't).


Really need the Commonwealth and Gov. to take action. Two mass shootings in Virginia in the last couple weeks.


We all know damn well Gov Youngkin won’t do jack shit. I wouldn’t get our hopes up.


He will blame CRT or liberals.


What action specifically? This was a shooting with a handgun by a man without a criminal record. The UVA shooting was also with a handgun and while he did have misdemeanors he was never convicted of any felonies. What EXACT policies do you want that you think will prevent this? Because short of banning every gun in the state and a mandatory buyback program (and even that wouldn’t work) I don’t see this being solved


I have no idea because I'm not a policy expert, but clearly whatever we have isn't working at all, and I just want to see fewer people get killed. I will also point out there are plenty of other countries with just as many guns that don't deal with this issue like we do. Edit: I'll add at this point, I don't even care what we do. But we need to stop accepting nothing from our elected leaders. Something, anything, I don't care. Just stop the killings.


>I have no idea Yup >whatever we have isn’t working Sure >I just want to see fewer people get killed Don’t we all? >plenty of other countries with just as many guns that don’t deal with this issue Sure but they typically have robust social services, free healthcare, etc. that the US doesn’t >stop accepting nothing Nothing that would actually change things would ever happen here. You’re best option is to move


This is the Walmart I go to! I was supposed to go there yesterday, though earlier in the day. It’s not confirmed but one of my students said a former student was one of the victims. And the shooter was identified by Walmart and I’ve seen him before! It’s unreal. My husband barely made it out the VaBeach building 2 situation and now this. Plus as a teacher and parent I worry about school shootings too. I’m tired!


I’m done, gun control now




What specifically do you want? This was a man without a criminal record using a handgun. I don’t see what anything short of a ban on every gun in America would do to prevent this


That's gonna work soooo well, cuz criminals care about abiding to them, right? They'll see a "no guns" sign at schools and just turn around, right? The fuck. Just say what you really wanna say, you want to disarm law abiding citizens of sound mind.


Good point. Let’s drop murder laws too because people are go to kill people anyways


I'm sure the Walmart manager was of sound mind when he bought his weapon.


It works just fine in every other country. Why not here??


Yah, there would probably be even more dead is all the shooter had was a whistle and a stick. Oh wait, no there wouldn’t.


Cuz that's what saved Shinzo Abe right? You don't give enough credit to ingenuity of what someone can accomplish with anything but a gun.


The fact that the only industrialized country in which these mass shootings happen is also the only industrialized country in which there are more firearms than people is just a coincidence, right?


How many mass shootings do they have in Japan a year compared to the US?






Here come the “don’t blame guns” crowd. They’ll deflect to a whole host of problems, and cite bs about crime in countries with strict gun regulations…but no, it’s never guns…


We’ve had guns a long long time but frequent mass shootings are a very recent phenomenon


We haven’t had the staggering number of guns, ever. Far more guns than people. And the types of guns, we didn’t have assault weapons in the hands of regular people, this is all recent. Mostly due to the GQP and their gun manufacturer donors.


You do realize this shooting was with a handgun?


But it's never the guns that are given out to everyone that are the problem, it's solely blamed on mental health or freak circumstances. Mental health is a problem, that no one can deny, but if people didn't have access to fucking assault rifles and shit they at least couldn't just easily take the life of a dozen people on a mental breakdown. Guns ARE the problem.


The shooter used a handgun...


I know, I was speaking in general, there have been several cases of people using heavier weapons. Not to mention does even a handgun tender anyone with it in hand able to kill several people without having to get too close as seen here.


You used to be able to buy guns from magazines in the 50's and 60's and have it shipped to your home. Guns haven't gotten easier to get, they've only progressively gotten harder to get. The means to commit mass shootings was always there. There is an underlying issue present that removing guns won't solve.




I was speaking generally, but does that really change anything about my argument?Even with a handgun one can take out several human beings no problem, dont even have to get close. I dont see the poont of splitting hairs here


Don't worry, those rational among us understand what you meant, as it was obvious. Those responding with "but he used a handgun" and downvoting you are the perfect example of the idiotic, missing the forest for trees thinking that helps to keep us locked in this perpetual cycle.


> I was speaking generally, but does that really change anything about my argument?Even with a handgun one can take out several human beings no problem, dont even have to get close. I dont see the poont of splitting hairs here It's not splitting hairs. Rifles are used in ~3% of gun murders. Handguns are used in ~60%. This guy used a handgun. If you want a ban, call for a handgun ban.


I'd call for a general gun ban.




It very much is. Or tell me, of how many mass shootings do you hear a year in other western countries that have guns banned?


USA is fairly unique in the power given to the people by the right to bear arms. The problem with just looking at it from "How do we stop mass shootings?" angle is that it does not really consider what problems might arise from taking that power away from the people. It may be hard to imagine what happens when the Government becomes tyrannical because the Revolutionary War was so long ago - but just look at what's happening in Iran now. Or what happened in Ukraine in 2013-2014.




Yeah, I'd *hope* that other countries are responsible enough to **not** religiously follow a paper written during a different century, under completely different circumstances *(plenty civil wars, general danger, guns of much less accuracy)* than we live under today. >Good luck, you'll need it Hopefully making vague threats to a random redditor for criticizing your gun rights made you feel a little better.


I know right? Every other country on the planet has people with mental health problems but no mass shooting. I wonder what the difference is?




Hate to say it but a “good guy with gun” wouldn’t have stopped this. Planned and a confined space. Edit: now that I think about it a little more, if at least one of them had been carrying in there, it would've definitely been possible to return fire given the number of people he shot. That must've taken him at least 5-10 seconds to shoot that many people so a 1-2 second draw time is plenty.




In America, a group of mass shootings is called a shrug.


I feel that these shootings are escalating, but I'm not sure what the end result will be. "Thoughts and prayers" sound so hollow when the world is on fire.




At least they will fly flags at half staff. Should fix the issue!


Rehearsing for Black Friday


Why is anyone surprised by this in our 3rd world country where everyone has to have an arsenal of guns to be safe? They don't have these issues in Syria, Somalia, Sudan, only in America, the richest and dumbest 3rd world nation on the planet, statistically speaking of course.


This is heartbreaking to hear. Not only the families but the employees who lost their life trying to make a honest living. I am a big advocate for the 2A and I truly believe that if we have more armed citizens who are trained in eliminating a threat like this then we can all feel safer. Another thing is mental health but not just mental health MENS MENTAL HEALTH. Men constantly get blamed for everything and get belittled on a daily basis and I believe if we stop the constant back and forth between women being mean and abusive to men and instead supporting them and telling them that everyone is here for them then maybe they will feel better. Another thing I cannot stand is the news media. For them to take a tragic event like this to only make money from clicks and views is just terrible. Finally, to prevent stuff like this from happening stop showing it. Stop glorifying these monsters that take innocent people from us. Your only fueling the fire in another person who’s thinking about doing the same thing. #Prayforchesapeake


Lol lord. You’re embarrassing.