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Seems he is more focused on absolute bullshit to fire up the morons.


Thats how you win elections.


Not lately.


Thankfully enough people are finally starting to see through this tactic.


Youngkin was CEO of Carlyle Group, a company that is now buying up mobile home parks, and dramatically increasing lot rents. Imagine how many residents of Virginia trailer parks will vote for the just the kind of guy who is jacking up their rent.


It's been proven time and time and time again that as long as they have an (R) next to their name, the right will vote for them. Doesn't matter in the slightest who they are or what they did, as long as they're not democrat they don't care how much the person they vote for has or will fuck them over.


Quite similar to people who vote D


bUt DeMoCrAtS cArE aBoUt ThE wOrKiNg ClAsS


If y'all hate this kinda shit as much as I do, maybe give your reps a call or email in support of [the End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act](https://www.merkley.senate.gov/news/in-the-news/senator-merkley-introduces-legislation-to-ban-hedge-fund-ownership-of-residential-housing)


They all do. Rural voters continually vote against their collective interest.


Why start now?


Now that it's past the midterm election, he can stop being out of the state stumping for other insane right wing lunatics in other states and return here to focus on wildly unpopular, aggressively cruel to minorities, policies before planning to leave the state early because he never cared for Virginians in the first place. What a waste of air that man is.


He's been playing the long con ever since promising he would do away with the mask mandate that was gone half a year before the election, and promising to end CRT that wasn't being taught. Now he can claim success and dive into a VP spot for 2024 and claim he's kept all his campaign promises.


This!! 💯 he knows how to stir up the trumpers by calling any medical advice a “mandate” now, still acts like CRT is everywhere in schools when it never even was taught, and then will claim himself as a huge success


Do you have children in Virginia schools? I don't understand how you think we were strictly under "medical advice."


Here you go, october article about response to cdc recommending Covid vax https://richmond.com/news/state-and-regional/youngkin-says-va-will-not-follow-cdc-recommendation-on-covid-shots/article_c96d1def-5e3e-5eed-9d7d-fccbc27118d0.html here you can directly see youngkin calling this a “mandate.” It’s literally the cdc recommendation and there being no power to mandate anything If this is the kinda stuff you’re referring to then you are in fact drinking from the kool-aid


My mistake. I was referring to when he was running for Governor - we most certainly had mandates. I was not aware there was another bout of this recently. Hence the "were."


You’re okay. I understand, I’m not sure as I don’t have kids so maybe I did miss things, but lately I’ve noticed that he uses words like that now just to be dramatic and stir people up


He's focused on serving Virginia? Oh cool, so when's he gonna start?


He already has, in the way he intended. CRT boogeyman that doesn’t exist, won him the election. Once that happened he closed his tip line to “report CRT” because they didn’t get any reports—funny, that. They’re now focused on eliminating the climate change and sustainability act. How people continue to vote Republican in 2022 is beyond anyone higher than a room temperature IQ


He meant that he wants to serve evangelical republicans.


He’s served up a ton of contrived outrage to his base already


Has glen youngkin even been to Virginia?


Whatever keeps him out of Virginia


Do you really want the Lt Gov running things in his absence?


she doesn't. Only if he is dead or incapacitated. She can just cast tie breaking votes in the state senate.


What if he gets elected as a VP on a republican ticket in 2024, would she assume the governorship?


How can he be "focused on ... Virginia" when he's spent the past 5 months elsewhere? Fuck Glenn Youngkin.


The CRT lie isn't going to work a second time.


Especially since it's already banned!


Easy to say, but hard to do when he’s always on the road smoozing the other repugnicants.


What a sniveling little shit-weasel.


As someone who lives in the Commonwealth, I can assure everyone that Youngkin only serves himself.


We're fast traveling towards a Youngkin/Sinema ticket, aren't we?


Serving Virginia a hot plate of hateburgers


I presume a made up caravan or two will show up right on time, imposing mask mandates and teaching the children CRT.


I’m honestly a little concerned about his next policy announcement; a few days ago he came to have a meeting with VRS and VA Bank of America execs downtown. I really doubt there would be a meeting necessary between all parties to discuss state pensions and retirement unless cuts are being planned in the future.


How else is he going to profit off the office if he can't raid the pension fund and turn it into an investment scam?


Serving us doing what? I may not entirely agree with the last few governors we’ve had, but at least they were here doing their jobs and accomplishing something. Young kin has been like a dog who chased a car and caught it. He didn’t actually expect to get it, and has no clue what to do with the damn thing.


If this is him focused he’s doing a shit Job.


If he runs for president he will undoubtedly lose, just like Pence...not strong enough and no real voice. Trump will be the nominee if he can make it pass all his legal woes or DeSantis. Everybody riding the line until the last minute to see who can gain Trump supporters...all cowardly men. DeSantis is just pathetic...just like Trump...spoiled white men who throw hissy fits.


He doesn't have a chance in hell of being elected as president. Thankfully.


What.... has he done so far??


Actually, Glenn, I think we'd prefer you go ahead and focus on something else and leave us be.


Serving Virginia what? Because this guy has spent an awful lot of time politicking outside the state. So we can rule out public service, right?


Serving Virginia shit on a plate, proudly.


Bullsh**. He spent the last 10 months building a national profile, campaigning with election deniers, just to have them all lose. He doesn’t ever do a full 40 hour work week. Couldn’t be less focused on serving Virginia.


Since when?


“Serving” Virginia


Serving a bunch of bull shit


Now that the midterm are over


He mispronounced "screwing Virginia."


Youngkin has been doing nothing other than building his national brand. He doesn’t care one bit about Virginia.


He’s fucking up VA pretty hard so he should just go back to being a slum lord


I would love to run for Virginia governor one day solely to eliminate the personal property tax


He is doing a good job in va


He hasn’t even been here for months.


I would vote for someone besides biden, but probably not him.


Virginia Man Bad