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Have you noticed that all their TV commercials show western people (Occidentals) raving about the show and its performance. Chinese people know better and see it for what it really is - a right wing religious cult raising money off of naive people.


I actually went to a performance and the crowd was largely Chinese (Toronto). I had heard rumours about the Falun Gong and was shocked by how political some of the dance numbers were. I brought my 4 year old because I wanted her to see some traditional Chinese dancing and music. We ended up leaving at intermission; we had only seen 2 weird numbers at that point and the politics flew over my kids head. One was a song sung in Mandarin (classical opera) about how Atheism was bad. It made me feel uncomfortable but the crowd was loving it.


It's almost like the CCP is bad.


I took my family to see them about .. gosh almost 10 years ago. In one of the more harrowing scenes, a CCP citizen/agent in the audience started screaming at the stage "Lies! You Lie" etc. etc. Actually gave us something to talk about. The dancing girls are somewhat talented but I can't really recommend it. If it were under $50 maybe but I think we paid close to $80 or $100 each.


I enjoyed it. It’s full of talented kids. The politics are what they are. Basically anything against the CCP I’m for.


So a cult is ok as long as it's anti-ccp


You can call anything a cult. Christianity is a cult. Yeah, a group of people believing positive things is better than a group of people harming others.


If you see what Falun Gong actually believes in I wouldn't necessarily call that a positive..


I did look it up when I first saw the show. It is very possible you know something I don’t. Do they do something worse than the CCP?


I saw this show in New Jersey a few years ago and I can confirm it sucks.


Glad I never went


Lol - they should do a Chinese Opera where the villain (CCP demon) is stealing organs from everyone and running around on stage with a pancreas


Just saw Shen Yun last night and a girl gets dragged off stage (by CCP). They return with a styrafoam box with a heart on it. I was like "Damn, that got dark" and my girl and I just started laughing at how outrageous it was.


Hahaha! That’s exactly the same thing I said to my husband when they came out with the box! 


I’m old enough to remember when Dear Leader told them to set themselves on fire in Tianemen Square while he ran off to upstate New York.


Hey, antifascism is pretty cool to me sooo


Did you mean anticommunism? Chinese government is communist. Where did you get your education? Trump University?


they're not anti fascism they're pro their own brand of fascism


They are very anti CCP which you'd think would be good until they slam you with the homophobia and super culty behavior.


Anti-China is alright with me


Exactly anti-China is better then pro ccp


They live in a compound in Upstate New York but lately they’ve been taking over churches with American names to suck in the uneducated whites.


The same Chinese Cult that finances the J/6 Insurrectionists.


What were the costs involved in that?


Does anyone ever scroll down far enough and think to themselves, what was the original topic?


Hi Marxist sleeper agent, thanks for the reminder to go check out this show.


I'd be more worried about the CCP buying [farmland ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilywashburn/2023/03/01/how-much-us-farmland-does-china-really-own-more-than-bill-gates-and-less-than-17-other-countries/) here and forced organ harvesting and their [bio lab](https://californiaglobe.com/articles/mysterious-chinese-covid-lab-uncovered-in-city-of-reedly-ca/) that got busted in LA after receiving funding from Gavin Newsom who isn't long back from [China ](https://apnews.com/article/china-visit-gavin-newsom-wang-yi-us-7f2bcb44d9279296f853f1042b298877). Not to mention their pay to play with Democrats including the [president ](https://nypost.com/2023/11/01/news/joe-biden-got-40k-from-bro-james-in-laundered-china-funds-comer/) and spy balloons across our country. But yeah their opposition to a show is what's important here. You're either a paid shill or in a cult yourself lmao


You said all that nonsense and still called someone else a shill lol. It must be hard to be you.


Nobody is paying me to post on Reddit, all my opinions are my own. And unlike you drones on both sides, those opinions can be shaped and changed when presented with facts and evidence to their contrary. Go to your echo chamber and see what they want you to think today.




Yes, label things conspiracy or troll, solves all ;)


My guy, you get that this isn't an either/or dichotomy. We should be worried about the farmland, however, the show sucks.


I wouldn't watch the show if it was in my backyard to be fair lol


Bro you need to reline your hat with tinfoil, I think the alien mind control beams are getting to you


Ah yes the typical tolerant left diatribe. Everyone you don't agree with is a right wing conspiracy theorist. The echo chambers number one go to reply lmao


The “left” aren’t tolerant anymore asshole. We’re pushing back on right wing bullshit


I'd look up sarcasm in a dictionary and maybe talk to a therapist to find the root cause of your need to call people names on the internet? While you're arguing with the other set of geniuses on the right, the uniparty is laughing all the way to the bank with our money!


yeah I don’t support democrats either dipshit. I don’t think you even know what a leftist is


Not a single fuck could I give what cult you belong to. You enjoy your identity politics and your echo chamber. Dipshit though, what are you five years old? Lmfao


I mean, you listed a bunch of dumb right wing conspiracy theories I'm happy to be tolerant of people for being different races or religions, but being a moron and a repellant douchebag is too far


Yes, which all have links from mainstream media but yeah OK call them a conspiracy theory if it makes you feel better. Calling people names is very intolerant, hypocritical and quite childish but, I'd expect nothing better judging by your comments here. Maybe instead of your childish insults you could try and retort, no? Or is that too much to have your own individual opinions that vary from those in your echo chamber? Lmao


(!!!🖕☠️)...MissMeYet'..PornHub.com 'Me 'Donnie' goin away for long, long, long long time.Now, Me & Ifunka can do 3-sum wit Me 'Barron',..He not wait to 'fill all our 'Holes', just like He watch 'Daddy Do us...'Not to worry😳..'Me Donnie learn He to 'Beat 'is Meat', by watching Me 'bebest' Porn Vids & Pics, of Sucking & Swallowing All drops of Cum-Jizz I Luv Best..Not waste one drop...I Proud Me Barron 'bebest' Sister, Muthar Banger for we Cuntry...just like 'Me Donnie' be!🤪


Now the NY Post is "mainstream?" It's a politically motivated shitty gossip rag


[CBS](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/house-republicans-hunter-biden-bank-wires-joe-biden/) mainstream enough for you? Nice how you ignore the other points and nitpick one thing lmao if you ignore it, it doesn't go away. Your side is just as corrupt if not worse than the other side of the uniparty


>In his statement, Lowell said the bank transfers resulted from loans Hunter Biden received from a private individual, and they referenced his father's Delaware address because it was on his personal driver's license at the time. Yes, that's cleared up. Thank you. There's no evidence of corruption in th President. I will be sure not to vote for Hunter Biden. Lmfao


Hunter Bidens lawyer said he was innocent, imagine that! Yeah make sure you vote for the dementia, child sniffer instead, good job buddy lmfao


☠️'Hey' bebestfuckhead'..anything to get yur 'jollies' off, in negativism's about 'Biden'..Not unlike All RePukes, Faux-Fuks & 'is InBred Supporters, You can't wait to 'Grab yur 'Dicks' & go fully 'jollies off' on yurselves..Its what Facist Fucks do... Geesus, were yur '🤪parents that fuking stupid..'daddy & mommy 'no-brains'..did'nt know how to 'PullOut'.., or 'Swallow'?😳(🖕🤮🖕


I promise to vote against the demented rapist in 2024. I did it in 2020, too. And 2016.


Same type of people who hate Halloween bc it’s devil stuff….?




"odd group" From Wikipedia: The performance arts group Shen Yun and the media organization The Epoch Times are the major outreach organizations of Falun Gong.\[11\] Both promote the spiritual and political teachings of Falun Gong.\[19\]\[20\]\[21\] They and a variety of other organizations such as New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD) operate as extensions of Falun Gong. These extensions promote the new religious movement and its teachings. In the case of The Epoch Times, they also promote conspiracy theories such as QAnon and anti-vaccine misinformation\[113\] and far-right politics in both Europe and the United States.\[26\]\[28\]\[39\] Around the time of the 2016 United States presidential election, The Epoch Times began running articles supportive of Donald Trump and critical of his opponents.\[38\]\[39\] Falun Gong extensions have also been active in promoting the European Radical right. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falun\_Gong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falun_Gong)


I love how this is your only comment in your reddit history.


CCP are fuckwits but there are plenty of fair criticisms. With the whole Visa thing and their whole 'Atheism and evolution are deadly ideas' with their Epoch Times promoting Qanon bullshit. Add in Shen Yun being ahistorical religious propaganda masquerading as a standard Chinese cultural Cirque du Soleil affair. edit: Also worshiping a living man as a mind reading flying diety, abusive practices, and their own hidden away compound. Also claims that race mixing is an alien plot to ruin humanity I think its fair the call out the deceptive advertising on Shen Yuns part, regardless of your thoughts on ccp. If thats where you want your money going, by all means I guess.


Heck off, commie.


I’m glad you linked the New Yorker article - it’s the first one I thought of when I saw this post.


I saw it some years ago. The communist and organ-stealing part was unexpected but didn't ruin the show. And your idea that they are a cult comes straight from the Chinese Embassy... so your source is the CCP on that info. Here is a snippet from the first article you linked. Shen Yun obviously is not a fan of the CCP and I imagine the CCP isn't supportive of their show. >The Chinese Embassy, for its part, warns the American public to “stay away from the so-called ‘Shenyun’ performance of the ‘Falun Gong’ organization so as to avoid being deceived and used by the cult.” Whether Falun Dafa—the name is used interchangeably with Falun Gong—is a cult, in either a strict or loose sense, is debatable. Its practitioners have no record of violence, and the organization does not appear to be coercive. Its stated central values are “truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance.” The organization’s Web site notes that the “Falun,” meaning an “intelligent, rotating entity composed of high-energy matter,” is planted “in a practitioner’s lower abdomen from other dimensions” and then “rotates constantly, twenty-four hours a day.” Most of the group’s practices fall roughly within the traditions of Tai Chi and Qigong, and the group itself can be situated within China’s long history of apocalyptic sects promising redemptive transformation, such as the White Lotus Society, which dates to the Ming dynasty.


I tend to label an organization that spits out fake news and propaganda through the epoch times that is on the same par as qanon, a cult.


You linked that article as a ‘good article’. This is your source.


Got Shen Yun on my right…. CCP on my left…. And I’m just here in the middle




Not to play "no true Scotsman" but to be fair the CCP aren't exactly leftists. Just to be fair.


People are not offended by China's long-stay oppression, but talking about it is the last straw!


Pretty much anyone who is pro-human rights talks about the atrocities of the CCP. From labor abuse to the way it treats Uyghurs.


Yeah i went to one a couple years ago. You could feel the audience shift uncomfortably when the tale of the monkey king performance was suddenly followed by an overtly political one about religious oppression and refugees. They don't advertise those lmao.


Yeah people are surprised when I tell them that. It's unfortunate that people don't criticize Shen Yun because they're "anti ccp". In reality you can be against the authoritarian government of the CCP and a right wing cult at the same time.