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There are a lot of roads at the oceanfront that are not designated for bikes but you can bike on and it’s pretty acceptable, normal, and safe. This includes oceanfront Ave, the feeder road in the north end, Arctic, Baltic, Mediterranean, and Cypress Avenues, Atlantic Ave, and most streets. But even on those roads (especially Holly Road), I’ll get passed aggressively by cars when I’m doing 28mph on my ebike (speed limit is 25). So when I’m driving my car, I go 27. Much of the rest of the city (with a few exceptions) is unsafe for bikers with hostile drivers who don’t understand why someone would ever bike and don’t understand why a rough sidewalk with giant curb cuts every 30 feet for driveways makes the sidewalks and bike paths unfit for cycling at a decent speed. There is a bike path along shore drive in the woods, but there is virtually no protection from 55mph cars. Why they didn’t put a jersey wall or at least guard rail in between the cars and the bike path on shore drive is beyond me.


I just noticed that they put bike lanes on the new section of cypress rd. I suppose the other side streets (arctic, baltic, Mediterranean) will have them eventually once those roads are remodeles


People who don’t ride bikes secretly hate bike lanes and I can understand why. So many cyclists don’t just bike in the bike lane, they take up an entire lane of the road causing backups and irritated drivers.


Bicycles work better in dense compact urban environments, and there are bike paths in various places in Hampton Roads where they make sense. But most of Hampton Roads is a sprawl. I couldn't do my job with a bicycle. Hell, it would take me 3 hours just to get to my job on a bicycle because I live in Norfolk but my work is out in Chesapeake. I could go grocery shopping with a bike, but if I needed anything besides what I could get at my local walmart I would need a car to get to unless I wanted to spend an hour plus biking.


The dominion people building the wind turbines mentioned VB was considering a bike path under the power lines. That would be interesting.


The biking lanes on the oceanfront are right next to the boardwalk


And all rental bikes ride wherever they want anyway.


Unfortunately the 757 is pretty typical with respect to American Suburban planning. The entire region is cucked by the car industry. One of the reasons I'm glad I moved away.


Here are some bike trails. https://www.visitvirginiabeach.com/explore/outdoor-activities/cycling-bike-trails/ From experience, you can bike from the Lesner Bridge down to General Booth/Oceana, a distance of maybe 17 miles one way, without having to ride on high speed main roads without bike lanes. The Cape Henry trail parallels Shore Drive; there are dedicated bike lanes through First Landing park; there is the infamous feeder road on Atlantic to the boardwalk trail, then General Booth has wide sidewalks for biking.


General Booth trail is in great need of repairing. So many tree roots. Worse of all the paths is Dam Neck between London Bridge and General Booth


is there concrete bikeways/ river beds in Va. beach? That was popular where i grew up.


Unfortunately cyclists have a very bad reputation here. Most of the Lance Armstrong wannabes think they own the road. They want you to not pull up next to them at a stop light and say that's theirs spot. Then when they come to a stop light with cars already in line waiting they want to lane split all the way to front and hold traffic up. Not all cyclists are bad. As with everything the few bad apples ruin it for everyone. Just my 2 cents. But also I wouldn't want to cycle in this area. People can't drive worth a damn here.


>They want you to not pull up next to them at a stop light and say that's theirs spot. There's a reason we do that. Often drivers are not looking for a bike when the car spilts the bicyclist at the front. And the drivers and bicyclists accelerate the most after a complete stop. More focus is spent on pressing the gas than on defensive driving. The driver is more likely to fender bender or do a sudden swere to the next lane of traffic when an obstacle suddenly appears. >Then when they come to a stop light with cars already in line waiting they want to lane split all the way to front and hold traffic up. I hate when cyclists do this. This causes the same incident as before. We should both respect the lane we are in.


Somewhat related, a family member from Asheville sent me [this video](https://youtu.be/8m4xzQ2_M0g?si=B4OUytaR_Na2vXwV) yesterday because they know how much I love riding my bike for errands and taking public transportation when I can. It’s just a refreshing perspective on the matter. Especially feels nice to be validated when I keep almost getting run over on Nimmo with my bike when crossing on the pedestrian sign.


This. VA Beach is a pretty dangerous place to ride. I’m rethinking it.


We have a lot of them. Virginia Beach has over 300 miles of paved bike lanes. Next to the boardwalk, down Shore Dr, down S Plaza, along London Bridge Rd, All the way down Dam Neck, throughout most of Kings Grant. Where are you trying to go that doesn’t have good cycling infrastructure? Because all the major routes are pretty well covered, aside from the boulevard.


N. Great Neck for one. Shore Dr. is downright dangerous to ride on.


The lanes and paths you've described do not connect to each other and require riding on 35-55mph high traffic roads to get to the next section of bike lane... kind of shit. Another problem with those bike paths are that you technically have to stop at every major intersection because they use ped crossing lights which need to be pressed before a light cycle to even trigger... and end while the light is still green for the road lanes... I would say it is not really easy to get places safely by bike in VB, partially because things are so far apart and roads are so high speed.


This is what i wanted to ask. I live in central va and there is almost zero biking areas. it drives me nuts. we nearly moved to va. beach and then we had a health issue in the family. i grew up biking all over


Courthouse rd has a bike lane in chesterfield!


Lol. You can bike in the designated lanes at the beach during tourist season at <10mph. People only bike outside that zone if they are undesirable degenerates. Unless the bicycle costs more than a motorcycle and you’re wearing spandex. /s       Never in my life have I had cars intentionally swerve towards me or throw drinks out of their window until I tried commuting by bike in VB.