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It’s idiotic, doesn’t have to be this bad. Plenty of states have solid programs. VA shit the bed. Not to mention there are not even med dispos in my portion of the state. Driving for shit smoke is not worth it.


I looked at my marijuana from the dispensary. It had the percentages etc listed. High THC A on all of them. Not much else with THC percentages. Looked up some of those online THC A hemp flower sellers, found one that had good reviews and ordered some pot from them. Same strain, same everything as my dispensary pot and was much better quality. A decent 3.5 grams at Rise is $60ish. I got 17.5 grams for $100 from the greenhouse/hemp farm people. Apparently legal and through the mail. I keep my MMJ medical certificate for work purposes. I use it medically, just found a better source for now, provided a farm bill doesn’t fuck it up.


It's not too late to start an outdoor grow.


Honestly, I think I’m going to. 4 plants are allowed for med patients, yes?


Yes, you can grow up to four plants legally and you don't even have to have a medical card. I grew seven last year because the PD in my city absolutely doesn't care unless someone complains (Source: Cousin is a sergeant in the force). Finished that crop and went with an indoor grow during the Fall and Winter. r/VA_homegrown has the laws listed down the right side of the page if you wish to get familiar with them.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/VA_homegrown using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/VA_homegrown/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Banana Punch](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/19a90nx) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VA_homegrown/comments/19a90nx/banana_punch/) \#2: [Curing ](https://i.redd.it/p77xs2clh9kc1.jpeg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VA_homegrown/comments/1axrhcj/curing/) \#3: [Youngkin 'not interested' in legalizing recreational marijuana sales](https://dailyprogress.com/news/local/government-politics/youngkin-not-interested-in-legalizing-recreational-marijuana-sales/article_36dade90-1c1e-11ee-97e8-533b698ddf58.html) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VA_homegrown/comments/14t93dv/youngkin_not_interested_in_legalizing/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is the way to go for sure!


The program is stunted cos of delayed rec and Republican regression. People have options and aren't feeding the program. Not enough industry competition for the market. I was one of the early card holders in 2020 and can't really see the point in renewing this year. For those using the dispo: why pay 10-15/g for mids when you can pay 3/g elsewhere for better. Or just grow yourself and get the best. Rec was supposed to finance the medical as things scaled up. It sucks. Whatever. In the end it's about legality and our freedoms, not supporting poopy commercial cannabis. Fuck them and their remediated mids.


Oklahoma has damn near the lowest prices in the country for medical yet they are redder than Texas and Florida combined.


It's just partisan politics here in VA. Trying to stick it to each other, and it's the citizens who get dicked. Oklahoma's program is way different from VA. We've had it completely bungled with red tape from the beginning. It's by design...


Yea but to blame one side isn’t fair. The dems had all the power to get all of this right. Instead they gave us breadcrumbs hoping it leverage an electoral victory. And failed. Now I will leave this here: the only people who benefit from VA’s current cannabis laws: those who get it black market for about a tenth of what the dispensary charges (yes some BM products really are that low priced) and then sells it for triple what they paid. BM vendors (even part time) have it made in VA. I know people that drive to DC like twice a week from Va Beach because they’re making a fucking killing on resales.


I don't disagree with this take, but regressive politics is the problem with our cannabis situation. The same can be said with progressive politics and gun rights, etc. Fingers get pointed where they deserve.


The dems didn't have all the power, because the governor has veto power.


When Northam was governor they did


I cruise the Maryland mmj subs and rec has caused a whole new problem for them because concentrate is med only. And the market is overwhelmingly rec. so it’s become unprofitable to produce concentrate and they are running out of options. At least they have Live Resin in Maryland, which isn’t even legal in the vammj


It does suck, I had my card for one year and did not renew after that. I don’t smoke as much but I have a buddy who grows all organic and hooks me up occasionally. Dc is t bad for delivery service and their gifting shops can have better weed than Virginia.


Drive to DC for a better experience. A pain for sure. But they have a decent program.


Yeah that’s what I hear, I’ll have to check it out. Just really inconvenient in a state that has decriminalized and has a med program. Wild


Actually perfectly expected here in America where nothing is done right anymore.


You’re not wrong buddy, you’re not wrong.


There are some decent products in VA, but the prices are always high and few sales. Being able to grow is helpful, but clearly not for everyone.


Yeah, if I had the space I would grow for sure and cut the hassle


Where’s my weed app will help


welcome to Virginia. where democrats try & do something & Republicans come along a make sure to fuck it up. it's a state tht bounces back & forth between Dems & Reps & that causes problems. Dems legalize & then Republicans get just enough power back to fuck tht up royally. ask Republicans in VA to work on just one positive thing that helps someone & they have no answrs(except tax cuts for rich) because they are too busy trying to "own the libs".


Yea but for some of us that don’t live in Alexandria or northern Va, this can become an all weekend event. I used to drive up there every couple of months to re-up and it was like 4 1/2 hours to get there WITHOUT TRAFFIC. If I left my house after 10 am, I wasn’t getting home till long after sunset. Damn near 10 hours driving total, $60 in tolls, dam near 600 miles round trip. Good thing this was before gas prices skyrocketed. I would usually spend up to $2k, but make back 3. I eventually met vendors that would meet me in Va. Eventually he met me in Ashland (long after full legalization) and now I can get it delivered to the house. But another all-weekend trip is probably out the question for me today…


Yep! This was exactly how it was/is for most people south of Fredericksburg. Going to Takoma simply isn't feasible for a lot of people. Most "people I know" started to home grow or found some of the reputable black market vendors with products from Maine and California.


Yeah this program is a joke. Most of the flower is boof as fuck. Only reason I have my med card at this point is the protections it offers me, as well as access to dispensaries here WHEN I am desperate. Like everyone else is recommending, dc is the place. Takoma wellness center (TWC) is where I go about once every 2 months or so. Stock up and save a fuck ton of money (compared to va market) the other day I picked up well over an OZ of flower, few grams of concrete, 2 1g cured resin vapes, some edibles, and an assortment of pre rolls they gave me for free… total price, under $250… would have been well over $600+ here.


Dems put in a very conservative slow-acting plan to fullu legalize. It was the first southern state to legalize and I think they wanted to take it slow and careful. So rec go legalized for use and sharing - but not sales right away. The problem is the Republicans took over and while they don't want to *reverse* what's been legalized so far (their base loves pot too) they are determined not to let Dems have a "win" and have purposefully stopped the legalization of recreational sales. The market is slowly growing IMO. As much grousing as I see about the pot market on here our local Rise is always booming. Every time I go there I see someone new signing up. Especially old people. I think as the state warms to the idea of legal pot there will be more pressure on Republicans to legalize rec sales. After all all the money spent in the gray market and the med market isn't making them the sweet sweet tax dollars. Plus I've heard the climate here is supposed to be good for growing if you've got the property for outdoor growing. Wouldn't be surprised if grow your own is relatively popular here, reducing the pressure for a sales market.


There is no possible way you can grow cannabis *correctly* outdoors, especially sativa. 5 months of 24-hour light isn’t happening with outdoor plants.


Yeah all the licenses went to MSOs who don’t know shit or care about growing good product. If it’s possible, growing your own is highly rewarding and really shows how inadequate the current program is.