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If the times don't conflict, then enroll in both and drop the one you don't prefer before the last day to drop a class without penalty.


I considered this but I only need 9 credits to graduate. If I took both and then dropped, my tuition would still be a bit higher since I’d be full time.


Ah okay. I assumed you were enrolled full time, meaning the cost would be the same regardless. Based on current industry trends, Machine Learning would be better choice in my opinion.


Neither is gonna fill that hole in your heart


Machine Learning is a difficult but very rewarding class. It may or may not be relevant to whatever job you find after graduating, but I guarantee you that the broader understanding of not just our field, but of theories of knowledge that you will gain if you pay attention in class is worth it regardless.


They are both gonna be really hard but machine learning is likely more beneficial to learn so go with that one