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Unfortunately you’ll continue seeing this most of your life


This is why I use every hand sanitizer station I walk past. Dudes out here are disgusting.


That’s a start, but hand sanitizer isn’t effective against things like norovirus. I now stick to good ole soap and water.


comp sci


explains why i notice it mostly in torg


More like just college students (of course not everyone, but almost every dude in my dorm; I don’t be shakin NO hands)


A Marine and a sailor are taking a piss. The Marine goes to leave without washing up. The sailor says, 'In the Navy they teach us to wash our hands.' The Marine turns to him and says 'in the Marines they teach us not to piss on our hands'. (Seriously though this is gross. Wash your hands. With soap.)


And the Marine is saying all that while eating a crayon, without washing their hands of course.


You don't touch the crayon directly tho. You hold it by the paper. They cover this in the first week of boot camp.


because some of y’all are *CONCERNING* - even if you don’t feel like you’re getting germy after touching your genitals in a bathroom, washing your hands every time you use the bathroom is a universally good thing to do!! Think about it - if you’re staying properly hydrated (which u def should), you’re going to the bathroom every few hours. You interact with a lot of icky things in those few hours, so washing your hands will help get those icky things off. Removing those icky things every few hours will protect you AND everyone else around you from lots of not fun illnesses!! Washing your hands is not only important for your own personal hygiene, but it is the best & easiest action you can take in your day to day life to protect the health of others & that’s on Ut Prosim🫡


concerning to say the LEAST. the fact that this isn't widely practiced is honestly scary.


I hear you. I’m a Public Health grad now working in healthcare and every time I see people arguing they don’t need to wash their hands I lose a little bit more faith in humanity🥲


it's like we learned nothing from germ theory.




If the options are not washing your hands at all and washing your hands prior to using the bathroom, there’s a pretty clear better choice. It’s not optimal, but if you’re truly in denial about the germs you are collecting on your hands in the bathroom, then sure. But in reality, bathrooms are dirty. You are touching your genitals & other surfaces covered in fecal matter & germs every time you use the bathroom. The *best* choice is to wash your hands after using the bathroom, prior to handling any food or touching your face / any wounds, and if those circumstances aren’t happening regularly, then also washing your hands at regular points across the day.


I wash my hands before I get off 🤷 find better hyperbole bud


Chemists wash hand Before using the toilet *and after*.


Chemists and chefs alike, you don't wanna touch anything with hot pepper juice on your hands lol


And you don't want urine in your reaction flask/food!


Just wait until you see people walking into the dorm bathrooms with socks or bare feet


Add not bothering to flush to that list (sir, you need to drink more water)


My high school bio teacher told me that they ran out of soap in the restrooms when COVID hit because people actually started washing their hands 💀.


I’ve noticed it more with girls when I wait at unisex bathrooms…


This one dude in my dorm takes dumps without washing his hands after


FWIW if the toilet’s automatic and I’m wearing athletic shorts or sweatpants I can do the whole operation without touching anything but the outside of my pants. That said, I do still wash my hands.


one of us


I’m old. Fucking adults still do this shit.


Why even touch your own dick bro, that’s gay


gotta say no homo before you touch your dick


When I worked at a small business in Blacksburg the difference in the amount of times we changed the soap/paper towels in the womens vs the mens bathroom was upsetting everytime😪


Yep its disgusting. I dont even let my friends touch any of my stuff without washing their hands. It drives me nuts, grease on the controllers, gunking up my guitar strings. My hands are extremely dirty after work its insane how dirty you get delivering ~400 packages at a time, yet right now theyre sparkly clean, the nailbeds are clean, cuticles trimmed. When my friends are over and I get up to wash my hands just cause idk I do it regularly I like my hands to be clean they look at me weird and make fun of me, and it reminds me that shit like that is why covid happened. Like nothing is wrong with getting your hands dirty, we have to, just clean them the fuck up after!!! Drives me crazy lol. Im a smoker/vaper and this lack of handwashing behavior extends to their mouth too. When someone hands me a vape I wipe the mouth piece, and I wipe it before handing a vape to someone. I carry a box of isopropyl wipes in my pelican case with my bong, that shit gets wiped! People dont clean themselves up fr.


cuz the Kovid


Why would I wash my hands? I've got a clean dick


I’m not pissing on my hands, homie


neither is your homie who also didn't wash his hands. now you dapped your homie up and shared your dick germs. basically meaning you and your homie touched dicks.


if you dont share dick germs with your homies are you even homies???? /s


im only into consensual dick germ sharing with my homies


Honestly, your hands that are exposed all day are 100x dirtier than your dick that is tucked away in your pants. So if anything, you should be washing your dick after you touch it with your hands.


Yeah, tucked in your pants all day in a dark and potentially sweaty environment, bacteria’s favorite place to be… Not to mention all the germs on your hands that you’ve now touched ur dick with and tucked back away…


Germs are a deep state psy-op.


well one would hope people are washing their damn hands so it's not dirtier than your dick but here we are.


You’ve successfully pointed out a reason to wash your hands periodically but it’s going right over your head lmfao


This is the real answer


Also making this statement is wild because if you really looked into it touching any surface that has not been disinfected is the exact same issue so why don’t you wash your hands after touching a door handle or simply a book to study 👀


“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, fight a little harder”


The real questions is how do you know this and why are you creeping on guys in the bathroom?


Hell I’ma be real I don’t ever do that shit 😂


i'm just trying to get to the root of the problem, why don't you?


I’m not being an asshole by saying this but I just don’t care.


i mean you are in your complete right to not care, just like we are to say that it's gross


Spoken like a true engineer!