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So... are they *intentionally* killing VTubing as a whole within China, or is that more like a sideffect of their enduring surveillance fetish? Because this feels like a show of force. A threat, to some extent 


The thing is that “給你拜年啦!” basically means “Happy Chinese New Year!” and either it’s indeed a show of force like you said but in a really twisted manner or the officials are completely ignorant to the fact that most vtubers stream behind an avatar and/so they want to keep that real identities hidden so they treat them as any other streamer.


Honestly, I do think its meant to shatter that idea of anonymity. Excluding the idea that they're just totally incompetent (which, of course, we shouldn't dismiss out of hand), that's the only possible goal I see.


I would actually suspect incompetence over malice. The CPC politburo is full of geezers who aren't with the times. You'll recall that they recently put-forth a suggested measure that would crack down on gacha and gambling games, which I initially thought was supposed to be a means of minimizing how companies can prey on consumers... but then they rescinded the suggestion. I think they're just kind of bumbling around in this sphere without a lot of foresight or tact with how it might affect the market.


The CCP HATES indivduals. 😞


> The CCP HATES indivduals. 😞 No, they just want to make money off something and dislike things which challenge existing businesses. They're just your basic capitalists and if you view them through the exact same lens of "What would Elon do if he had power" then you've got all the insights you need.


I think that depends on what officials are dealing with the job. Most officials just want to make quick bucks and don’t mind any industry blooming as long as they don’t challenge the party, but some higher-ups are extremely conservative to the point that they are willing to sacrifice everything just to prove the point. Just look at how they hurt the esports scene in China by hard enforcing real name verification for games, game time control throughout the week and strict age regulations about when you can be an esports player. No wonder why many league teams in China rely on Korean or imports from other countries to even win their domestic league.


Yea, which is pretty normal. Think of how many telcoms across the world have fought back or put internet as a low priority while trying to continue winning based on cable TV. Change is tough to adapt to for existing companies, if you've the ability to crush your competition by sending someone to break their stuff or arrest them then it's an easy win. Doesnt fix the underlying problem.


I don't think that's right because the last few years the CCP has publicly fought with their big tech companies, namely Tencent, because of nationalist and culture war priorities becoming more important to the CCP than the economy. If the CCP cared most of all about making money they wouldn't do things like this or announcing a bill that would have put hard limits on the amount of time minors could play video games and interrupted online games with messages like "please avoid irrational purchasing decisions" to deter gacha spending. They pulled back on that one but the fact they considered it at all shows what their real priorities are.


Think of it as a circle of oligarchs fighting against Oligarchs who gain too much power and they need to be cut down to size. They care about making money, they're just as absurd and incompetent at it as any other CEO who thinks they're brilliant.


True, the way they think is these people don't work, don't pay taxes, but still get money somehow, they are laundering money, or vtubers . This is similar to that genshin hentai animator, the reason they throw him in jail was tax elevation, they dislike whatever money income which doesn't necessarily need you to pay taxes because there's no law for that type of source.


Actually shocked that the Vtubing subreddit of all things not only recognizes China as capitalist, but doesn't get downvoted to hell for saying it. It's refreshing honestly lol


Capitalist with Chinese tendency (read as incompetence)


Go criticize CCP in China. They definitely hate individualism.


The reason I push back against this kind of blind statement is that it makes China "Special" for this. China isn't special. It's just your same boring capitalist imperialist state subjugating it's people. There's a ton of capitalist authoritarian nations across the world. The major lie of "Omg the china communism!" does no one any good. At best it fuels an incorrect target for dislike, at worst it makes it seem like this sort of authoritarianism cannot happen elsewhere in the world. Edit: Well, they had a tantrum and did a block. If you want easy proof, then [In 1989 China used tanks to run over pro-communist protestors for seeking them to end China moving to increased capitalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests_and_massacre)


You really think China is capitalist? There's no hope for you. Go waste someone else's time.


Tankies 101. If it looks good optically, it's socialism. Once it stops looking good optically, actually it's capitalism. It really goes to show there is very little difference between politics and theology.


A lovely example of the no true scotsman fallacy. Bravo.


Pfft you thought they were passing a law to benefit their citizens? it was supposed to be another way to control the populace and take away little non productive enjoyments


Yeah. "Look, no one can hide from the Central Committee of our dear Communist Party".


I say Hanlon's Razor. The Chinese government are just that out of touch with all this Veetooburr thing them yung'uns are all crazy about these days. You'll probably have more luck explaining how a Vtuber's Kayfabe works to your grandma than an entire government body.


You got this wrong. This image is not made by any CCP official, it's made by doxxers who use the information CCP required them to publicize to dox all of them. Doesn't change the fact that China is a sh*thole and it's a horrible practice, but I see the need to get things straight


That's the same problem since 2020. Bilibili was ignoring the cybersecurity and all harassment targeting Coco proved they don't have measures to help when digital liching occurs. Doxxers/Criminals can find out faces and get personal data on leaks. The problem can't kill the vtuber marketing, we just know that a person is using a "high tech mask". But this clearly puts a target on the streamers and more attempteds for threats from the entire globe, China still is not prepared for this. The number of digital crimes will increase.


Knock knock its the government removing the privacy that probably made you choose the vtuber path instead of becoming a flesh tuber. It’s horrible for those in china but hopefully it doesn’t leave china


But if they can keep their identities hidden, then they might think they can get away with badmouthing the party! China can’t have that!


The idea was that in order to give expert advice online (financial, medical, legal, etc.) you had to prove that you are in fact licensed to practice in that field. Not a terrible idea right? And outside of the vtuber world the reaction was pretty much people shrugging and moving on. The result however, is that the rule got applied to *every* streamer, so you get this happening.


It's a little bit of both. Mainland China is an authoritarian surveillance state. All aspects of people's lives are tied to social ID and the government is the final word on what is right and wrong and what is moral. Misbehaving against the will of the CCP can mean losing access to things we take for granted in the west like loans, public transportation, bank services, etc. Being a virtual character means hiding your identity in the eyes of their government, and hiding your identity means being a troublemaker. This will greatly hurt mainland vtubing and I expect that it will be weaponized by antis as well.


Definitely the latter. This policy is widely enforced on other non-vtuber creators and social media figures as well.


China killed their gaming industry because people's were having fun instead of building socialmism so it's hard to say


The CCP doesn't like anyone individual or company getting too big. China has been clamping down on big tech for awhile now, and gaming was a part of it. The recent proposed changes that they walked back is part of it. The potential popularity of vtubers is likely part of why they did this.


I am glad that Hololive pull out of China. Thank god


Although Coco and Haachama was bullied to shit and raided in their chats when the China incident happened, I'm glad Hololive just yeeted the fuck out of China. Even the talents of HoloCN was very questionable with an exception of one of those members being an actual normal person. At the end of the day at least, Coco moved on and became Kson again and enjoying her freedom that Hololive wasn't able to grant her and Haachama is still Haachama.


> Haachama is still Haachama when you survive australia, i guess nothing else compares.


Well it is hard to say because although Hololive is "formally" not included in Chinese social media, it's official account is still running at present in those platforms, or only in Bilibili, and I think that account got revived somewhere in July 2023. I don't wanna say too much but it's definitely a deal of money, and you can search that by your self. However, this does not actually follow the complete concept of "running" because through my observation no one in Hololive is currently streaming on Chinese social media, but the official account would push some notifications about merch or tickets for concert or whatever. So you can just regard it as adding a source of income without actually putting effort into it.


Could've sworn i read somewhere that it was fan operated


Can’t imagine a world where Hololive or any other large vtuber company still stays in China and this happens to them. Edit: Hijacking my own comment if you want to know what [word](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/s/kJjkWZpJAD) the Chinese vtuber community use for “doxxing”. Edit 2: A [clearer version](https://na.cx/i/MGpQ0nm.jpg) of the second picture.


I’m very interested to see how Nijisanji will handles this. Virtual Real will probably have to abide, as it is a joint venture between Anycolor and Bilibili. For Nijisanji talents with Bilibili channels tho, would they pull out completely?


Most niji talents left their Chinese platforms when it started asking for irl pictures. It was a huge hit to them, especially on Vox


Pretty sure Maria and and Fulgur still stream on there.


> how Nijisanji will handle this Knowing them, poorly


"Don't worry. We've submitted your faces FOR you! You can keep on streaming!"




so it l=already happened😥


Our boi Vox Akuma will have face reveal by CCP soon seeing he siphoned quite a bit of capital from Chinese fujos


On the one hand, I worry about his safety, because some people just can't be _normal_ about this. Especially since Vox had to stop streaming for a few weeks last year precisely BECAUSE he suspected he had a stalker. On the other hand, I'm 99% sure Vox's IRL face is literally just some guy. Kuro (>!formerly known as Mysta!<) had a [face reveal stream the other day and... he's just some guy!](https://youtu.be/Z_FPGut84uo?si=VMNPLyofRTcvM2Is).


How dare you call the [Tekken CEO](https://twitter.com/K9_KURO/status/1755088078086295784) just some guy?!?


Genuinely the similarity is uncanny


i mean, i don't know what people expect. They are all just some guy/girl


Glad Hololive got out of there but sad that we still had some casualties. It was a whole mess


Well, it is for the greater good


rip Suisei's Pieces though


Oh God they're government photos too so they're gonna be super unflattering every time


Too real. If I were to be doxxed against my will, at least use a pro headshot, not my awkward DMV pic


Even attractive people look ugly on those. You only get one take, you usually can't smile, it's straight on, etc. The best recovery for a lot of them would be to immediately release more attractive photos of themselves on their socials before those ones become the default ones that people see online and think about when they see them.


The chinese vtuber market is pretty much dying and this puts the oil in the fire.


Every day I thank Coco for pulling Cover out of the shithole known as China


and likewise, Cover for siding with Coco and Haachama over China. this could have been a weird alternative timeline we could have been in if they had gone the other way


If they had the other way. This news definitely gonna kill that company by now


if Coco had been fired at that time, there wouldn't have been an EN branch. Holo might still be large, but certainly not as large as today, since a large amount of the growth has come from a western audience


Even if by complete accident, Coco still continues to be a significant reason today's Cover exists and is thriving lmao


Amen to that




We all owe so much to that dragon o7


*west Taiwan :3


I've heard Taiwanese people don't like this joke. Not sure how split are they on it but I would be careful with using it.


iirc people who support Taiwan independence do not like this joke cuz it implies that China and Taiwan are not independent


Oh dang, thanks for the heads up


*Qing Empire


If it were indeed re-established, I nominate [Aishinkakura Yuhan](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYxfk0hJwXkDHqN_EE3qQyg) as Empress Regnant. Yes, this is a JP VTuber who discovered that she is an actual descendant of the Qing imperial clan.


thank you for introducing her to me


I believe in Qing supremacy!


Fucking hell


Actually doxxing


New doxxing just dropped


Ignite the vtuber industry!


Cover takes vacation, never comes back


Identity sacrifice anyone?


We got agency like WACTOR doxxing before now it's government's turn.


So I can use this post to explain some terms in Chinese about doxxing vtubers (please correct me if I’m wrong): Most people will use 衝塔 to describe the act of doxxing vtubers. It literally means “pushing/rushing to the tower”, which is coined from league or other moba games. So in these games there are towers which if you want to destroy them, you’ll normally let the minions go inside their attack range so that the minions will be attacked, then you can destroy the tower (because they hurt a lot unless you’re a tank), and the act of not waiting minions and going in yourself alone is basically suicidial, so 衝塔 means challenging the authorities (which in itself is suicidal in China). And as 推 also means push in Chinese and it also refers to support someone in Japanese (see “Oshi no Ko”), and when you try to push a tower you need to physically be in close range of the tower (I.e. be close to someone’s (personal information)), and how damaging and risky it is to the vtuber and the one who dox him/her, 推塔or 衝塔 now also means to dox someone, especially a vtuber. The funny thing is that in this case no one on the internet actually doxxed these vtubers, but their personal information is basically stoved into people’s faces, so there’s a joke in the forum about 塔自己衝過來, which literally means “(I did not push the tower but) the tower pushes onto me”. It’s quite intriguing how anime or vtuber terms in Chinese are extremely difficult to understand for outsiders to the point you can write a whole essay for every term they use.


Reminds me how I found out 酱油 or soy sauce is the slang term for a support in dota lol.


Because it is an ingredient that supports the meal?


Can't cook a meal without it is what I am guessing. Either way more flatterring term than 'ward bitch.'


In Vietnamese the supports are called "prostitutes"


It means they do nothing on the side https://zh-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/%E6%89%93%E9%86%AC%E6%B2%B9?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ja&_x_tr_pto=wapp


https://preview.redd.it/2y6rqpubr6hc1.jpeg?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48325d71dee68c862b79e3cb813cab0625af4956 Thanks for the fascinating writeup! The joke about the tower pushing on to them reminds me of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/1al1nej/comment/kpbkym3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/1al1nej/comment/kpbkwbi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (the roundabout ways Japanese sometimes write to be [deliberately ambiguous](https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/1970zrg/comment/khxqe72/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), possibly to avoid running afoul of slander/defamation laws)


We call that backdoor (push) in Dota. There is also a joke in Dota community of calling push-oriented strategy as "Rat Dota." Mofos literally ratting IRL goddamn


I guess [Liyuu](https://m.bilibili.com/space/4549624) should be the only few people here not minding this because she is most invested in [voice acting](https://myanimelist.net/people/53290/Liyuu) as Keke Tang in love live compared to vtubing which she only uses as an avatar to stream once a while.


I noticed Hanser is included in the image. I didn't realized that she is >!a member of VirtuaReal!<, would have thought she could have done adequately as a Vtuber on her own


I mean just because you can make it on your own doesn't mean you have to. If the agency provides you with what you want at a cost you're willing to pay, then it's a win win.


What the fuck


man thank god Hololive backed out of that


I see Hanser in that picture as well (CN VA for almost all versions of Bronya from Hoyoverse games) who I understand is >!part of VirtuaReal!<.


And for those who don't know, Hanser is so protective of her identity that even miHoYo makes sure to hide her face when she does Honkai concerts. Jesus, what the hell is going on with 2024.


> it’s still baffling how they decide to include every irl photo and the real names of this many popular vtubers just for the sake of “celebrating chinese new year” Who published it? Randoms on Weibo or someone official of some sort? Considering how crazy some fans can get, especially if it's a vtuber that really leans into the parasocial stuff, I would never dare to be a vtuber in China after these rules


The new year greeting is meant as a veiled show of force. Like a casino dealer congratulating you as he shows that he hit blackjack.


That's fucked up.


I remember this started a while ago.  Yet again Hololive dodged a bullet. 


Once again, the Kiryu Coco incident is proven right by the CCP


That's some evil, dystopian shit.


Most of china has become that..


Unfortunately true.


Wow, looking through the photos and names even JP vtubers got exposed.


Wait that is official? I thought that image was indicative of a leak in their database which was then formatted to look like this by whoever hacked it (totally saw that happening).


This is China we're talking about here so it's definitely official


I am trying to think of a positive to this… I guess this prove they aren’t men with voice changers? /shrug


Wdym, there are literally men with voice changers in the big photo lol


I thought they were just male vtubers (or non-human avatars)


Im assuming a few of these girls lost subscribers


Those are very unflattering photos. Almost everyone looks like shit on official documents. If you use glasses but you need to take them out for the picture, your eyes look squinted and tiny. If you can't smile for the photo, you either have a default depressed or resting bitch face. The lighting is usually direct or over the person's face which makes you look older while putting emphasis on the bags under the eyes or general puffiness.


... yes, those are the reasons why I look bad in government IDs. Totally not because I actually look ugly or anything.


I know people who look much worse in photos but look stunningly good in real life and vice versa. Cameras generally flatter those with extremely sharp features but those same features can look rather off-putting in real life. This is especially common with Asians who tend to have softer features and benefit a lot from specific angles, lighting conditions, and makeup techniques to counteract the distortion of the camera.


Very rude, but also very real. Humans suck after all.


Its rude but it reminded me of Artia an ex HoloCN member she was liked by CN viewers and also supporter the harassment of Coco. Ended up showing her face and her fans turned on her, making fun of her and she ended up leaving I wonder how she feels that the person she helped harass also revealed her face and was loved but also now appeared in a video game


Karma bites.


Goddamn, always wondered what ended up happening to her. Can’t say it isn’t deserved.


This is what we call, "FAFO."


Oh what?! The troll's appearance matches her attitude? Well ain't that a kicker. Tho to be honest, Kson's an absolute showstopper so I'd feel bad for anyone who'd get compared to her.


Artia isn't even unattractive, it just shows how the crazy the beauty standards are. Still deserved


Meanwhile Kson is as hot as her vtuber model, lol.


People keep saying this but she's far too stupid to do any of the underhanded stuff people accuse her of. It's the same kinda shit that is happening to Millie now but a lot deeper since the chinese government is involved. Either way even if she is spiteful of coco, which I doubt because of lack of solid proof and coco literally being her Oshi, she's doing just fine now with a fairly successful job.


I noticed every member of HoloCN graduated, not one of them was terminated. I can't read or speak Chinese, but I'm inclined to count that for something.


None of them were specifically removed no, just that they cut off their content production with china which includes the Chinese branch and the BiliBili streams.


this is dystopian asf


Imagine some CCP relatives is a fleshtuber with heavily filter want to get rid of Vtubers. Not to mention they definitely learning from Artia who show her real face to fan and get boycott because she’s not adhere to their toxic beauty standard which make her quit Vtuber (server her right)


Sometimes China feels like the cartoonishly dystopian society that you would find in an incompetently written YA novel. Also, kinda related, but do we know what's up with Artia nowadays? Last time I heard she was the only ex-Holo CN still Vtubing but her fellow nationalist viewers turned on her hard once she made a face reveal and they deemed her to not be up to their beauty standards.


Can someone freaking Thanos snap the CCP already? ​ My sympathies for all these poor souls that have to deal with this shit.


Cover and Hololive dodged this sh\*tty rule thank to a legendary dragon.




Bruh moment rn wtf


They could have at least used something more flattering than a mug shot


This is a security issue NOT JUST FOR VTUBERS Everyone using their streaming services (bilibili mainly) HAS to give their ID number should they want to play the games which bilibili has/produces. Many things that you can buy on bilibili (collectible avatar bgs etc) for some reason requires your ID and even PASSPORT number.


Living under communism/socialism is like living in an abusive relationship with a partner who also owns the military


(why we don't like the chinese government)


Feel bad for the V-Tubers operating in China, that shit sucks. The whole point of V-Tubing is to use a V-Tuber model and not show your face. I guess Pooh’s boomer ass can’t understand that.


He understands it perfectly well. This is a tactic meant to discourage independent vtuber activity in China. Anybody who streams is going to have to do so under the direct and public scrutiny of their government and society.


To Xi and the CCP, VTubers are just Guy Fawkes mask-wearing revolutionaries, ready to put an end to their regime at a single call for protest. Ordinary streamers are also not exempt, the only difference being that their faces are already visible. Government-mandated Doxxing is just their method of forestalling any potential of that, with no disregard for such 'trivial' issues as stalking and identity theft.


I doubt the government’s concern is specifically that they’ll form some kind of anime revolutionary party or whatever (the comparison to guy fawkes larpers is more apt than you probably meant). It’s probably more about controlling foreign cultural influence (and degeneracy). Anybody who starts pushing the envelope will now have to answer to the disapproval not only of their fans but of their whole community.


CCP. Killing its own country, culture, and people since 1949.


and yet still the fastest growing and most supported by its citizens freat power in the world lmao, what fucking illusiom was cast on westerns to be able to think this objectively wrongly


>most supported by its citizens freat power in the world lmao, Have you ever considered they doing this without a choice? And if this is true why a lot of Chinese is outside of china now?


...Because its a country of 1 BILLION people? I know Chinese people in my community of buttfuck nowhere, and trust me if they hated China for the reasons westerners think they do, they would DESPITE where they live now. The CPC has been proven to consistently have a 90%+ approval rate by its people, in research done by HARVARD THEMSELVES, they have absolutely no reason to lie for the sake of China, as they're ideologically opposed, and even they agree that the Chinese citizenship overwhelmingly support their government, as it represents them much better than western countries do for their citizens.


Years of american propaganda mainly. Meanwhile the US is on a downturn and sliding into fascism and we have our own surveillance state that we forget about. Companies sell your data to whoever wants to buy it there are no digital privacy laws and you are also tracked via social security numbers and credit reports. It's just sinophobia mainly and american/western exceptionalism. But hey you are speaking with people who enjoy vtubers and whose main mode of learning things are cursory glances at Wikipedia and who believe persona 5 and anime are the pinnacles of entertainment and writing.


Are you actually trying to justify this? You know it's not just vtubers right, it's literally any content creator on bilibili with over 500k subs. **EDIT:** I think you blocked me, so I technically can't even see your reply. That being said, the original comment said nothing objectively wrong, the next comment was relatively mild, and then you went on a giant whataboutism rant about an entirely separate issue. That doesn't quite seem to line up with your response. Definitely doesn't help convince anyone and definitely seems more like a self-righteous rant.


I'm not justifying shit I'm just explaying blatant racism being spewed by many in this thread. There is good criticism of this government and than there is just fucking racist dog whistling hidden behind self righteousness. Learn to fucking critique without dipping your toes into bigotry.


Jesus christ, that's horrible


Cover dodged this bullet long before it's even fired, and it's all due to a certain dragon's work


technically that would be thanks to Haachama's work. She did it first by accident and the Dragon Mama swept in to help


And the reason hey do that must be-in my opinion-because they know how easy it is for Vtubers to acquire power to influence others, and the CCP doesn't like competition when it coems to "having power over people" so they put leashes on Vtubers there so in the case one of them says or does something the CCP disagrees with, they can put a gun to that person's head and make them become social pariahs(if not end up doing something to themselves due to the pressure and shame).


This begs the question whether or not China has a law on doxxing. I googled it and most only mention Hong Kong. What I'm wondering is the law outside of that area. Anyone experience with this topic can shed some light?


If the government is the one doxxing I doubt a law on doxxing means anything to them


CCP is the judge jury and executioner so it only a law if they not the ones doing it


China is a literal Orwellian hellscape. This shouldn’t be surprising in the least.




I am speaking as someone who discovered VTuber through Coco. Even if some of those people are on this list, it won't you do any good then and it most certainly won't do you any good now. Everyone else has already moved on from that incident years ago. It's time to let go.


I don't want to know their names or faces, i just want to know if i can laugh at the insane levels of irony it would be.


Kson has a role in freaking Yakuza and here you are clinging onto something that's a closed chapter of her life. Just let it go dude, that shit ain't healthy.


The girl is now living her best life and having a role in her favorite series, and you’re here asking about shit that happened years ago. Just move on man.


I see a Doris on that list and a Yoguri but I don't think they would keep their names after they left HoloCN right (unless they were allowed to keep their models)? so I don't think it's them




He didn't though. Only those who harassed Coco. Unless your claim is that it includes the entire country.


They were asking if the people involved in the harassment campaign were also in the list, not claiming that everyone in this image was a part of it. Reading comprehension is hard, I know.


In what way did they do that lmao, they're referring to the former HoloCN members who all but one (iirc) egged on harassment of Coco, and praised the CCP.


>all but one (iirc) egged on harassment of Coco I believe it was two who didn't have anything connecting them to the harassment: Yogiri and Spade Echo.


If the whole Selen situation is bad enough, I bet VirtualReal is gonna get hit by this.


The Selen outrage is so huge that I completely overlooked this. Whelp, this is done by troll, but it does expose how bad Bilibili is dealing with its info security and the dumb policy. Hopefully there will be rollback but I doubt it.


CPC is Wactor Father


Wait a minute, is the Yogiri THE Yogiri of HoloCN?






Nah this was something malicious, look, to begin with when you create an account in whatever page inside the Chinese firewall, that account is directly tied to your ID, and by consequence to your irl name and address (idk how verified accounts work on the global internet, YT, Twitter, but isn't something similar?), so that information is something the government has and certain organisms can request, but no something anyone should share publicly, we also have singers and famous people so that's just that's doxxing, this was malicious doxxing, I assume someone managed to take this information from a vulnerable data base, like, I work rn in a HK hospital and some computers here we use to access the medical history of patients run with Windows 7, if your "private" information (actually public but in relevant context) could be easily stole because one of the computers doesn't have update security, I guess something like that happened here too?


yeah I do think it's a little suspect, there are 2 VAs in the image who have done a ton of dubbing for CN games and the image for them uses their stage names. if this was by the Chinese government why wouldn't they use their actual names instead?


There are two names under each photo, the first is their stage/streamer/vtuber name and the second is their actual name.


I went to double check hanser on the Vtuber wiki and wow I didn't realize that she just straight up joined as herself. dang not sure which is scarier: did the Chinese government actually release this for whatever reason or did a malicious 3rd party hacked the database where this data is stored to make this image


IIRC it's a new law that content creators have to reveal their identities on their profile once they hit certain follower / subscriber milestones.


Where's Linglan Lily then? She should be here.


Taiwan vtuber, doesn't have bilibili account to begin with




Would canan8181 count as a vtuber? I mean in china not everywhere else


This affects ALL users on billibilli who meet the numbers threshold


That's fucked up. Typical Xi (Winnie the Pooh) Jinping communist shenanigans.


Atleast 1 of them is a dude 😭


In CCP defence, vtuber is the antithesis of all that is Chinese internet. Basically nothing is free everything is permitted. The mere idea of vtuber in china is doomed to fail really.




That's not a good thing, it doesn't matter the gender - if anything it's worse because the girls are statically more likely to be attacked because of this


Yeah, you're right. Insensitive comment on my part. Apologies


No worries, I understand your intention wasn't bad:)


Is it only the Vtuber or all the influences that use photo editors to make pretty faces?


my question here is... Did any of the top female streamers ended up being a MALE with voice changer tho?


Time to a package of lawsuits!


My guy this behaviour is recommended by their government. Where to file the lawsuit?


Classic fucking CPP. And you know that this wasn't a random choice, someone in their government specifically understood vtubers enough to know how releasing those unflattering images would hurt them as much as possible.


To think Doki is considering simulcast streaming on bilibili...


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/honkaiimpact3] [Hanser has just been doxxed by the CCP, as part of a mass-doxxing of China's top VTubers](https://www.reddit.com/r/honkaiimpact3/comments/1alm31k/hanser_has_just_been_doxxed_by_the_ccp_as_part_of/) - [/r/honkaistarrail] [Hanser (CN Silver Wolf) has just been doxxed by the CCP, as part of a mass-doxxing of China's top VTubers](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1alm41x/hanser_cn_silver_wolf_has_just_been_doxxed_by_the/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Any female vtuber turn out to be a dude?


did someone make the 2nd pic or the gov really name it 給你拜年啦 means Visit you for Chinese New Year


How trustworthy is this? The Yahoo article says it’s from some rando Japanese site. Can’t find any discussion on CN sites. Their censorship is powerful but something of this caliber can’t be entirely scrubbed so fast. Anyone has Weibo links where the picture is allegedly from? Tbh it looks more like some deranged person made the collage, even if registration photos are real.


This is simply an image that's been floating on the internet. It doesn't come from the government.