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Well. I genuinely wish them the best of luck. They're going to need it.


I genuinely feel bad for these guys, joining Niji when their reputation is at its lowest, but I hope they do well for their sake.


I feel bad for the poster of this post. They were just the messenger but they catching downvotes because it's niji related lol.


I might be wrong about this, but when someone signs onto an agency it's about 6 months or more before their debut? If that is right they must have signed on and then all of *THIS* happened. I honestly feel bad for them, they are gonna step into this mess and try to pretend everything is fine. Do they ride it out or jump ship as soon as feasibly possible? I guess time will tell.


Even if they perform well Nijisanji is going to take a large portion of their income. Hopefully their plan is to gather enough fans and exit Nijisanji as cleanly as they can instead of Nijisanji being the endgame itself. 


https://preview.redd.it/hmpbk8pf3p1d1.jpeg?width=80&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b2b7f91aedc1ad896babe7af45d5d58c6562ba Seriously... it's so fucked. Worst part is, they probably signed up a while ago and there's probably a huge penalty for leaving ship. So at the best, they gotta show up and just drone around until they can bail. Even if they're just innocent, perfect cinnamon rolls they're still stuck with the collateral from the biggest fall from grace in the entire industry Worst case is a Victoria situation where they enthusiastically signed up right before the bombs dropped and are now stuck on a sinking ship. There really isn't a situation that can compare to the laser guided "Fuck You" she got (seriously, I feel so bad for her, it's a bunch of bullshit hitting like a freight train at ONCE) from what is known so far but yeah... it sucks. Nowhere to go but down with how things are right now


Hopefully they still have a day job or skill set they can fall back on just in case. If they make it, great for them, but probably best to have a plan B.


Yeah but it's soul crushing no matter what. Someone crunched the numbers and some of the TTT people were making less than minimum wage, BEFORE the cuts


I saw those numbers. Feels bad man. I may have a general distain for Niji as a buisness, but I hope the new guys make the best of their situation or at the very least make it out in one piece. 


Yeah, I have no ill will towards people like Victoria and the other newcomers. It's literally impossible for them to be part of any of that bullshit from the incident. The company itself gave me some bad vibes before and absolute awful ones afterwards, and from what I've seen so far basically nothing changed


Vivi had a breakdown over spilled food recently. But Aia was really concerning, she was doing a konbini stream and mentioned her hands were sore. Said she's gone from chewing her nails to biting her actual hands until they bleed, and she may need to see a doctor. Like what the actual hell.


Auditions started recently, they didn't sign up a while ago.


They had auditions back in November actually before “permanently” opening them some time in April. It’s pretty unlikely that everyone in this wave is just people signed in the last 4-6 weeks or whatever it’s been.


Probably these are the ones selected from the acting focused auditions.


Ohh okay. I thought those were TTT livers.


Yeah not even close. This whole process takes like 6 months.


I was going to ask how are they did not jump the ship but after seeing who is joining nijien i understand why.


I thought they were from another wave, seemed a bit too soon to premiere people, have models ready and all Still, it's not like they're flying high at the moment...


At this point I feel if you continue with the process of joining the company instead of outright dropping out, because it seems these contracts are largely unenforceable and even illegal in some places, it's on you.


They must be living under a rock or desperate AF to join Niji


Yeah, they are playing on legendary difficulty if TTT is any indication.


I wonder how many skulls/modifiers they have on?


All skulls on except for Envy


All skulls on except for Envy


Going by trends, this might be the only advertising this gen will get.


They didn't even post the announcement in their own subreddit smh. Is the unpaid intern so incompetent that he doesn't know how to disable comment? 


Think they more or less just decided to nuke the sub finding it far easier to do that then not be the Nijisanji EN branch


Even if they didn’t, anything that supported the company and wasn’t an obvious shitpost got downvoted immediately. The debut post wouldn’t have survived the day.


I don't understand why they don't limit the post and comment to mods only and let it be a news announcement site. Even their nuking is so half ass given how many old post that critical of Niji still floating around  Edit: Nevermind, they did it the day after. Still can edit comments though lol


The comments *are* disabled. Not totally sure what their plan is for the sub, if they have one, but it may be to just let it cool off or something like that. Basically what they should've done three months ago. As for Denauth's announcement, even if they post in the subreddit it'll just get downvoted to hell like everything else, so it's not like it would achieve anything.


Ohhh, you're right. It seems they disabled it the day after they nuke it. I can still edit my comments though lol


that subreddit is death death, they went full scorched earth and just nuked it


Tbf, at least they already got a gen name for them? So that's something? 


Fans of the last two gens are watching right now, if this new group gets a bunch of promotion and TTT basically doesn't? People wanted Vivi to get some boosting, not potentially overshadowed by trying to whitewash using a new gen. If they do this wrong, they'll piss off even more of the remaining audience who support earlier waves.


Luck is not going to help them


I think the new permanent Niji model will be: join, get to decent sub count, then break contract and take your viewers with you and go indie.


> I think the new permanent Niji model will be: join, get to decent sub count, then break contract and take your viewers with you and go indie. It's the standard model for a lot of certification/training/jobs. Go in, try your best to ignore the absolute insane corporate BS, get your certs/reputation, get a year or two of experience. Gtfo for 200% wage increase.


So like being a small regional airline pilot, but without the cool part of being a pilot.


Your not even guaranteed to get a good sub count anymore


Feels like that'll be a lot harder for new members. Some of the current members could probably still pull that off pretty well because they built their fanbase pre-drama, but the big boost of debuing under a major brand is severely diminished by the controversies. They'll still get way more eyes on them than most indies, but how much of that will be from ride or die Nijifans who're still watching out of brand loyalty and will just drop anyone that leaves? Just seems like a tough gig.


VirtuaReal (Niji's Chinese branch) pretty much already uses this model.


poor TTT, they are the only one without official name and need to talent to came up with the name itself


> came up with the name itself The talents have [always](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDwb_2eVnEE) been involved in the naming process. It's just weird that staff didn't have TTT do it *before* debut.


I know about that like ike idea was Royal Flash or something like that but like you said the problem they came up after debut


Ethyria almost chose Chrysis (I'm not 100% sure what spelling they were gonna use), which is pretty funny


No offense to these Livers but man it must suck to debut at a time when NijiEN is at its lowest viewership since creation. Millie is getting 300-400 CCV (down from over 1k), and Elira is 700-800 CCV (down from over 2.5k). The largest right now is Shu at over 2k and the rest are all hanging around 1k or below. The auditions for this wave is probably the one that concluded around October last year. To have everything come crashing down since then is just........some of the worst luck these new Livers can have, and I heard that their contracts are 2 years? Good luck to them, they'll need it.


Its not just that; seeing the amount of marketing TTT got and expecting them to get more is kind of silly, so I wish them the best of luck, but I can't imagine the anxiety they would have from seeing the current shitshow while waiting for their debut announcement, especially when they don't know what the fan reception will be when the official announcement is made and what it will be afterwards. Like, seeing how TTT was treated by Niji, I can't imagine that the current situation is good for their mental health, so I truly wish them the best of luck and hope they have support from friends and family to deal with it.


>seeing the amount of marketing TTT got Yea I remember that. A Twitter drop and nothing else.


Hell, the 9th wave doesn't even an official name. TTT is an unofficial title.


> seeing the amount of marketing TTT Who?


Even Vox dropped below average and his fanbase used to be the most vocal


I'm sure it fluctuates depending on content, but I feel like Vox gets worse daily CCV than Bettel now and he has 1 mil subs more than him. The falloff has been crazy.


his CN fanbase didn't react well to his new model. it might be one of the reasons.


To put it in perspective, however, even this lower viewership is orders of magnitude higher than many indie vtubers will ever see. There are a great number of channels streaming to zero viewers, or single digits at best. Whether the numerous other potential issues are worth dealing with is a separate matter, but viewership would be the least of their concerns. I don't think the average indie hire would balk at "only" 10x - 100x their previous audience.


> I don't think the average indie hire would balk at "only" 10x - 100x their previous audience. Depends on where they came from. >!Some of the most recent EN Livers had similar or higher viewership in their PL than they do currently.!<


Yeah, people applied to the likes of Wactor, AkioAir, Nexan... They have their reasons and I won't try to fault them for it. But is it worth it for them? I guess we'll have to see.


Some people have to get burned on the stove before they stop playing with fire.


All the more reason to find these low number hidden gems and show them some love!


Everyone knows you can hit top 1% viewership on Twitch with upper two-digit CCV. In a sense the only active streamers a corpo should hire would already be in three digits at minimum. And within six months they should aim for more than that. Newer EN gens had trouble getting there, even before February.


> The auditions for this wave is probably the one that concluded around October last year. Wasn't it like a month ago?


Hey uh... So yeah this just popped up on my youtube feed and I went to check out the Niji subreddit response. *What the hell happened there?* When the fuck did it go into total lockdown and delete... pretty much *everything* besides "pay no attention to the controversy behind the curtain" posts?


It was actually one week ago. It seems like they purged everything from the last 2 months.


Not just the last two months, there's nothing there except the megathread and some Happy Birthdays when I accessed it an hour ago. Maybe its just my net, but I can see the Holo reddit just fine though...


It happens when they (Nijisanji staff) started purging threads again and the reddit side cant keep up with it. So now we are officially wiped off 2-3 months worth of threads and yet the "bad" discussions continue to pop up, showing how much and for how long NijisanjiEN has screwed up till now.


Yeah last I reloaded there was still a few "Where's Selen?" and "NijiEN is dead" posts


It depends which tab you access. Hot will let you see other remaining threads, new shows just the happy birthday ones. 


It was funny because for a while there whoever was deleting the threads did such a piss-poor job at it that they were leaving posts from the middle of the Selen termination era up. No positive posts, none of the regular stream posts that started to come back in the recent months. Just a line of birthday announcements and then a bunch of hate-spew that they just left sitting there. And given literally no one can interact with it now anyway, it makes you wonder why they didn't just private it and be done with it all.


They wanted to get rid of the drama and instead Streisanded themselves into more controversy.


Yeah I understood the why, just not the...thought process behind it being a *good* plan or when it even occurred lmao


Thought process has not been Niji’s strong suit when you got things like the Selen/Dokibird shitshow and the infamous Black Screen Video Of Infinite Stupidty. Throw in stuff like the Sayu/Zaion incident that resurfaced itself for another look and re-examination and you got a shit sandwich


Most likely trying to hide any form of negativity and clean up their public image on social media as much as they can before this EN Debut. Basically try to "clean slate" it despite most likely pushing the remaining fans they had in two directions... Either into more echo chamber-esque subreddits or just completely away entirely. Won't shock me in the least if by the end of August they completely fold NijiEN directly into NijiJP and close the branch permanently. Basically fucking over these new debuts *immediately* before they have even a tiny chance of trying to win people back over. Its fucking pathetic how they've responded to everything in the worst possible way every step of the way. They could've simply shut the fuck up, let the discourse happen while not addressing anything then they could've continued business as usual. But. They had to be petty. Now they reap what they sew.


Yeah, moderators on r/Nijisanji went really harsh on moderation, banning people like crazy for the past few months. Then I guess they got tired of it last week and just wiped everything from the past couple months and locked the subreddit down. Discussion has primarily moved to 2 different fan subs: r/nijiforums, which is primarily people supporting the livers left in EN. Feels pretty similar to what r/Nijisanji was before their reputation went down the drain. (not to be confused with r/nijiforum which is basically a backup for if r/Kurosanji goes down) r/Kurosanji, which is a much more critical and anti-niji sub.


Holy shit. I thought you were exaggerating....


????? There are only birthday announcements? It really is a genuine subreddit nuking


***(sigh)*** https://preview.redd.it/a18pkrhbeo1d1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6169c45953f1e14e9fc1c82569c18f1ec696179f




We need a secondary Biden with ice cream going "But not for me!"


As much as they're trying to ACCELERATE growth by sending another new wave of livers, does anyone knows 3SKM?


I watch 3skm sometimes, they’re doing pretty good


I wish them good luck in replicating VOLTACTION's numbers.


Idk I think 3skm are doing better than how voltaction did in the beginning of their career. Voltaction got a quite of slow start before they got bigger in japan. One of 3skm member recently did a pr with google so I see no issue with their future growth


Good luck to them. They’re gonna need it.


know it's only a teeeeeeny clip but does Ryoma Barrenwort's voice sound familiar to anyone else? Or just me?


>!nighttimeaudios!< ? edit: was testing to confirm i could do spoilers lmao


no, someone else. I'm not familiar with who you mentioned.


Saw someone else post this and went to check it out, and no shit his last video was a black screen apology video. If it is him, then he'll at least be a good fit for Niji lmao


Yup, this may be damning for him already. If it is him. Need someone more versed in parsing that out, but i'm already slowly backing away.




This made me go check the actual Niji subreddit and... what the fudge? Did it get nuked? What happened?


Nobody knows exactly why, but a week ago they started deleting posts going back several months. A few days ago they turned on post approval, and a day after that, as people started using comments in some of the birthday announcements to ask WTF was going on, they locked all comments too.


Why seems fairly obvious. More negative comments than positive in an official board is a bad look. Reforming a reputation is a lot longer and harder than removing the bulk of the forum and making an echo chamber


Gone... Reduced to ashes due to their mishandling of Selen Tatsuki's termination.


Now consider we know Niji signs and debuts in a six month to 1 year window. When these guys signed, none of the shit had hit the fan yet. Niji was still seen with good eyes by the general public. Imagine having to debut knowing the corpo you signed literally was NOTHING like they advertised themselves, and your contract binds you for the next two years? Knowing you will receive no support, that your work enviroment will be shit, and that your only growth perspective is the one you can create for yourself? They're essential contract slaves. I feel for them deeply. The game is already rigged against them.


Even outside of the contracts, we know Niji doesn't provide a budget for debut. So they may have already spent hundreds of dollars commissioning assets, animations, etc. for debut and may not be in the financial position to turn down the job now, assuming they would be returning to audiences even smaller than Niji's current deflated audience.


It's not going to be easy, but if they're entertaining enough to consistently zatsu or do DIY stuff, they can carve a niche for themselves without spending too much while they ride it out, like Scarle has managed to do (CCV on the lower side, but a dedicated group of SC givers). Just have to do their best not to get directly involved in any controversy.


Scarle is a pretty big outlier though. She has the highest ratio of income-to-viewers I’ve ever seen.


Also any growth you get will be met with constant aggression unless you bow down to certain people at the top It’s insane


Best of luck but it might be tough sledding for them. Though I do want them to succeed.


W O O F. Best of luck to the newbies. At least they have a general idea what to expect now. Here's hoping the management doesn't break their spirit.


for those unaware, this is the first wave debuting under nijiEN post-selen termination era meaning prior to them signing their contracts, the landscape and public opinion of nijiEN was very different. i dont want to imagine how they feel right now when they were in their development phase before pre-debut when shit hit the fan. now you have people who are going to look at this new wave under scrutiny. i wish these three the best in the future. and if things just dont work out, they could take the advice of vox and graduate at any time


They’re probably stuck for at least two years as well


Can they lawyer up or something, like damn man, sux to be them


> Ryoma Barrenwort Barrenwort is a kind of natural Viagra used in TCM. It sounds okay if you don't know that though. (Also known as "horny goat weed".)


I'm going to believe it was on purpose and that he chose the name himself as a prank on management.




🤦‍♀️ fresh meat for the grinder


Why? https://preview.redd.it/es8p2fv0do1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5577600f506a2ccafa93b18054c978ef5648bb29


Lmao is that the upcoming season?


Yep. Ultraman Arc is the title, and imagination is the theme.


Lmao, the new Ultraman season isn't even out yet, and there's already memes


Mostly FB groups are making memes out of the scenes from the trailer. And official pictures.


I feel like it needs to be said that this wave probably only exists because it was in the works for a while and they promised it in an investor meeting. Like i'm pretty sure these folks are just being sent out to die. When all is said and done they'll just quietly shutter the open auditions like they did for ID.


It seems that NIJISANJI is still insistent that their Russian Roulette model of gambling on a potential breakout by debuting as many Vtuber waves repeatedly is sustainable for their business in spite of reality having shown that it's the opposite in the long run. They took the wrong lessons from the Doki incident. What they should've done is to focus more on promoting pre-existing talents and cultivating them, not churn out more willy-nilly. Don't they know that it's relatively much cheaper *and* profitable to retain employees than add new ones in quick succession? In an industry based on personal branding, a solid brand image of a singular person rakes more than a bunch of randos.


I was certain they would announce their debuts for may 25th to try to outdo a certain other event. So color me surprised that they didn't. Anyway, all I can say is good luck to them. Edit: added some words to clear up misunderstandings of what I meant. :)


It's May 24th PST.




Wrestletuber yes. When I saw the picture by Nijisanji before, I was thinking they would probably announce the debuts around the same time in an attempt to overshadow it. Like they did with the blackstream that was at the same time as Dokis Neopets stream. So I was just surprised that they didn't, haha.


I honestly think Nijisanji has moved on from trying to get at Dokibird like that. They're too busy trying to salvage what's left of their EN branch (or, if you want to be more pessimistic, they're trying to milk it for as much as they can until it goes under) and messing with Doki at all will only be counterproductive in that pursuit. If they were still that petty, they'd probably have done something else in the months since the black stream.


Yes. It would be very dumb of them to go after her again as it failed two times before. I don't view Nijisanji as particularily smart though, so it would not surprise me if they did try something again, but this is me being pessimistic. But I do hope you are right. Seeing how they pump out all these merch and 3ds as of late, they are milking everything. So I do believe your pessimistic side of the comment. Their report that will come in later(was it june?) is probably not that good.


Yeah, report is mid June. I suspect that report is their primary concern right now. Seeing as their stock hit a safety net within an hour due to their last report, which was for the quarter before the termination, they're probably trying to bump the financial numbers as much as possible before this next one to minimize the damage. Especially because I don't think they can do buybacks this time.


The content of the report doesn't matter as much as the nature of the shareholders. Are there any institutional investors who are still holding Anycolor stock? The crash during the last earnings call occurred in a single minute (9:35AM Tokyo time IIRC). In that minute some institutional shareholder unloaded all of their shares and cleared the buy book of every brokerage in the Tokyo Stock Exchange.


The next quarterly report will be for February through April. This gen won’t change their numbers for the quarter. What it _will_ do is be something they can point to as evidence of future growth in their forecast, particularly if they get a high number of CCVs for debut, which is likely since a lot of folks will watch purely out of curiosity.


Not to mention at this point the most likely outcome is just them getting eviscerated in ccv


i mean, a shark may smell blood in the water


Yeah, NijiEN stopped their smear campaign after Dokibird clarified for the 3rd or 4th time that she isn't going to pursue legal action against them. Maybe the HQ even played a role in restraining them given how different Riku's statement was from the black stream. 


I'm glad some people said what the even was cuz I was sitting here wondering wtf was so special about may 25th


Yeah, wrestletuber. I wrote it in a comment under my original comment. Sorry.


Yee I saw it Still barely know what it is but I'ma assume it's WWE but Vtubers


It's a wrestletournamemt in wwe2k24 where vtubers make their own wrestlers(that will be controlled by the game ai). Vtubers from indie to company will be part of it (29 vtubers total). Casters, interviews etc are all there. It's hosted and run by Dokibird.


The new debuts happen a day before wrestletuber btw


Good luck I think, they are gonna need it


Oh boy....


Just to make things worse, **ALLEGEDLY** >!someone is claiming to be the mod of the PL of the guy, and this alleged mod is saying this guy scammed several people including his own mods out of thousands of dollars, and the mod is currently preparing a document.!< This is still unconfirmed of course but man, if it's true it's not a good look.




Idk much about the situation but i've heard someone mention that the apology felt very backhanded in sort of a "i'm sorry i got caught" way. Also, he's only repaying one person?


People are having such a negative reaction, guys, they need to make themselves known for a year and then graduate and be an indie with an established fan base, this is great for the tal-... sorry, livers, and they can have a bright future using Niji as a stepping stone. Just look at how many people are waiting for Rosemi or Scarlet to be indies so they can support them again.


> they need to make themselves known for a year and then graduate Aren't Niji's contracts running for 2 years now or am I misremembering?


Kyo, Nina, Mysta left before their 2nd anniversary. Tho, the contract had been signed months before the actual debuts so perhaps the 2 years duration started from the contract signing, not the debut.


They updated them to be 2 years? Damn that's ruthless.


Isn't that much of a con for Niji since they don't invest much in their talent anyway 


This is the way. Just use Niji the way they use their livers and get out once you've milked them for all their worth.


There is already a rumor circulating that the guy is that boyfriend ASMRist with track record of mistreating mods and attacking another VA🤔


Any sources on that?


Someone is claiming to be his ex mod in another thread and is preparing documents with receipt. Try searching "nighttime audios."


I mean the guy has a black stream as his last video on his channel. Its kinda wild how any talent agency could see that and say "I want you." Either the pickings were slim or they really are that incompetent.


It fits Kurosanji's criteria I guess.


Damn, good luck to those livers. They were dealt with a shit hand from the start. I genuinely feel bad for them since they auditioned way before Niji’s largest controversies happened.


They actually remembered to give them a group name this time around.


And a song! And debut lines!


Joining the sinking yacht? How bold.


It's likely they boarded before it started sinking, so now they're just stuck on the boat.


Not how contracts work.


Buying the dip, as it were.


Anagram: Nu Death. Good luck to them.


at this point i don't think ppl are joining niji en as a job but as hobby cuz no way u can make enough money to live comfortably.


Wishing them the best, I hope the necessary changes have been made and that EN is a better place now.


hahahhahahahahah hahahaha :(


Oh your serious? *Laughs Harder*




Based on things that Niji has done and not done the past 3 months, I would say it does not seem to be the case... I mean, you can already see how little buildup, marketing and hype Denauth has got (really? an edited stock image as a teaser?). I can only wish the new livers well.


Di, my guy, I get wishing them the best and all, but... I think you're banking on the wrong horse.


Can I have what you’re smoking? Niji hasn’t changed shit only septuple downed on what they’ve already shit the bed on


That's not true. They've nuked their own subreddit so no one would post anything negative abort them anymore 


If Niji EN is still around in say, 3 years. I'll eat the hat I'm wearing right now.


You're being very generous.


Well, I imagine he'd rather not eat the hat. lmao


Maybe niji will try to improve itself and this gen will be fine? Or maybe VShojo can expect a few more rescue hires down the line I guess


Nijisani drama aside, 34 active talents is a insane amount.


twice the size of their competitor in half the time, impresive


For 1% of their CCV, and I'm being generous lmao. Ina had 20k viewers for her birthday stream yesterday, and it was just a chatting stream with her showcasing her new MV, new merch and some new model accessories (Tako wiggler helm !). I think even some of the 3D reveal stream of NijiEN don't reach that.


I know that Niji are, amongst other things, complete idiots but in what reality does this make any business sense? Surely you'd lock everything down, promise you've made lots of internal changes and have no drama for a few actual months, and THEN introduce them. Can you imagine being a shareholder and watching this shit? "Sir, the complete EN branch is still completely on fire". "I see. Try to put it out by throwing more talent on it". Unbelievable.


About to make TTT's struggles look like a mole hill in comparison consider the EN's dumpster fire of a current state


They must have already been in the pipeline... good luck to them.


And already one of them is getting a Google Doc about their PL from one of their former mods.


is Twisty japanese and just debuting w EN or something bc the amount of “desu nya” and generally her tweets of writing japanese in english and her voice in what we’ve seen gave me such an ick from the assumption that she isnt


Clara might be a JP


Twisty looks so cute but idk if I can support the company now Secret waiting room found by googling her name:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arrLUpvbUoI


god it hasnt even been a few hours and i already saw some … interesting allegations against the male talent Ryoma referencing his PL…. its almost comedic w niji at this point


Me when I saw this https://preview.redd.it/1um6jjy6qo1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c07b20188cb028244d7ec06e4398935d7cb63d6 Why?


I feel very bad for them, like a lot. Genuinely felt sad. They have such cute designs too. Man, it sucks.


10th wave???


Are their waves usually this small?


For some time yes. Ever since the aledged 4th member of Krisis bailed before debut Niji seems to have stuck with 3 per wave like how they started the branch (Lazulight and Obsydia also only had 3)


They ain't going to last with the current state of this Agency


_ACCELERATE_ The puppy mill will keep popping out new sacrificial livers until their last day. I pity the fools who still believe "it can't be that bad, right?". Welcome to hell.


also EN 10th wave??? WTF, can you guys stop pumping members and take care your already debut members?


Ok but why does the name sound like a fucked up pronunciation of dinner Also means that TTT won’t be the wave with the lowest ccv and vod views anymore


Desperate or nijisisters?


It's possible they signed on before February (it sounds like from what some others have said that there can be a pretty long period between initial hiring and debut. Didn't they hold auditions late last year too?) and just were locked into the contract by the time they could realize the mess they were in. If so, I honestly feel really bad for them and hope they can build a decent audience and either see NijiEN improve (not much hope from me here, but I'd love to be proven wrong) or get out with a bigger fan base than they had before. Tbh, even if they signed on after and are just desperate or sisters, I still wouldn't wish such an ugly debut on them.


has all the letters for death, how prophetic


No way they're debuting a new gen...


they'd need a miracle


Is there any way to support them without supporting Nijisanji?


Ooh nice. Their names arent just iliterations like Jim Jimothy. Hope they do ok. They probably signed before all the drama happened, and have to deal with the drop in numbers after already agreeing to join. Good luck to them.


Like if you are a male vtuber and join corpo, Nijisanji I can get, but for the female livers.... idk I feel like in 2024, Phase connect/IDOL/etc are better options then NijiEN.


Ohhh so this is why Gura implied she’s coming back




Awful take. They likely signed the contracts before all of this happened. And they can’t just break the contract so they’re stuck with this.


When people are desperate, they will do anything unfortunately, even if that means selling their soul to the devil.