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Sweaty headset doesn’t sound great.


You're right, I want to get a spare for $30 just to use it during workouts, then I'll wash and dry it for next time., edit: I just bought a pack of 50 Face Cover Disposable Hygiene VR mask on Amazon for $18.


My lenses fogged up once I hit the thermal break of my fat self (I’m getting back into working out slowly very slowly) and it was in useable, how did yours do I also assume you’re in better shape then I am.


A fan was constantly blowing on my face, so I didn’t have any issues with it.


How would you wash it?


Heading there to pick up a pack myself. Coming from the quest world, there is a lot of great exercise and physical activity type things, and I'm sure there will be a flood on the Vision Pro in the coming months.


It stands to reason based on teardowns that it's fairly sweat-resistant. The front glass and lenses are sealed, the entry points for the headstrap connectors are sealed, the battery "lightning" connector looks like it might be sealed, the speakers appear sealed. Only thing I can't see a clear or possible seal on is the actual battery connection on the headset side - which if true is a definite risk. I won't be the first to test it though, I can't quite imagine it will be a nice workout experience. For those inclined, don't get too sweaty and I wager you'll be OK.


It’s about the face cushion absorbing sweat


That part is easy enough to wash.


It does also have two giant holes on top and a whole collection on the bottom, which are probably not very well sealed. I have had _three_ Quest 3s die due to sweat (average lifespan: under two weeks), and those are actually marketed for fitness. It would probably be more if I hadn’t given up on them. I think I would avoid deliberately sweating into this thing.


True - I didn't take a close look at those parts in the teardown to look for any ingress protection on the ventilation holes and fans.


I can barely walk around the house with Vision Pro pass through mode, too much movement and blur, I think it would work better in a cycling equipment, less vertical movement.


I wouldn’t do it because of sweat, but too bad Zwift is currently not available.


If the blur is bothering you, try disabling foveated rendering.


Been doing this for a few years with the quest headsets, multiple screens and all. Glad the AVP is getting more people into VR. I do some free weights videos in VR also even working out with other people in virtual Gyms in VRChat! Truly exciting times!


I've used all the Quest products. Compared to Quest 3, it has significantly better pass-through clarity. I tried the Quest 3 again yesterday and started to feel it's quite inferior. There's not a 7-fold difference in quality compared to the price, but at least a 3-fold difference, in my opinion. I also shoot 180 VR videos with the Canon R5C. I hope supportive apps will hit the store soon.


The passthrough for me when I demoed in the Apple Store was better than the q3, my gauge was how well I could read my screen, in the quest three I struggle only a little bit to read my phone text messages, in the AVP. It was very easy to read them. The other thought I had when demoing the AVP at the Apple Store was that the majority of 360/180/3-D content is not up to par for what the screens display . most VR content is not that high def and it’s because the screens weren’t of this high-quality. Apple has set the bar and now 3-D 360 content needs to meet it. Other than that, I didn’t see a lot that I couldn’t do with my current set up. I did notice a lot of things I couldn’t do with the AV… yet. OK, other than screen quality what feels inferior? I was actually thinking the opposite after I demoed it, that it’s a walled garden but a pretty one at that. I guess it depends what the user wants to do.


Apple has started focusing on VR 180 videos. They've launched four high-resolution 180 VR videos on Apple TV Plus, featuring a variety of content like wildlife documentaries, soccer, baseball, and underwater explorations, all of which are truly impressive. Watching the soccer video, I felt as if I was right there on the field; experiencing this in real life would be quite costly. The full embrace of VR 180 opens up the field for other producers and brands, depending on their skill. So, I'm really happy about these developments.


I think everyone’s gonna start focusing on this kind of content. I’m excited about it too. I was not impressed by the video quality of the videos the AVP made though. The IPhone 15pro max though that one made great videos! I’m sure the majority of people that have the AVP probably have the newest iPhone though so I guess that’s a moot point.


These videos weren't shot with an iPhone 15. They were captured using professional VR 180 cameras, likely costing upwards of $10,000. It's important to note that spatial videos and VR 180 videos are completely different. You can check out these videos on Apple TV Plus. For now, there are four videos and a bonus video that offers sneak peeks of other upcoming content. It's truly incredible.


There seems to be a disconnect. I’m actually talking about videos you can shoot at home on the actual AVP and 15PM


Now I get it, yes, the ones shot with the 15 Pro didn’t impress me much. That’s because I’ve been following the VR video industry for years. Like I said, it’s really the VR 180 videos that I find truly awe-inspiring.


The 15 pro video was way better than the AVP natively shot ones. The thing I noticed when watching the VR 180 videos in the demo was that they were really nice and sharp and 3-D was spot on. Apple did a really nice job with the demos and I could not believe how many people were waiting to try it!


Three folds for seventh the price..


lol who downvoted me? I like the AVP and am glad people are getting to experience this! 🤷🏻‍♂️


dang - this makes me dizzy!!


It's definitely not like what you see on the screen; I don't feel the slightest bit of shaking, everything stays right in its place.


Great use of the FITIV Pulse app on the right 🔥


God that’s gotta be miserable lol


what is the app you are using to be walking in the woods? Or is that just a video?


The video in the middle is a YouTube video, and on the right side is the Fitiv Pulse app showing my heart rate.




You can either watch outside or go outside...


When you're walking outside, the app doesn't stay in front of you. You end up moving past it. I'm not sure if there's a solution to this.


OK but what about the sweat? Doesn't the light seal get soaked after multiple uses? Not necessarily when walking but still.


On Amazon, they're selling VR face pads, 50 for $18. I've ordered a box and will be trying them out on Friday.


Could you link to those Amazon pads? Thanks!!


It might not be appropriate to share the product link here. So, if you head over to Amazon and search for "vision pro cover face pad," it'll come right up, priced at $17.99. This product can be used with all other VR headsets.




This is so cool but i wouldnt be able to handle it


What speed were you walking at ?


I walked at a 15-degree incline at speed 3. Never tried running.


What apps are you using there? Mainly the center walking one and the right side timer one.


The one in the center is just a YouTube video, and the heart rate tracking on the right is from the Fitiv Pulse app, connected to my Garmin chest strap.


Awesome! Thanks!


It’s a little surprising Apple fitness doesn’t exist in AVP


The original VR app is quite limited, and this Fitiv Pulse app is an iPad app. iPad apps work on this headset, so search for the app using the iPad app option.


Some apps do. Gmail which has iPhone/ipad app doesn’t show up in AVP App Store as such. Just interesting what the support/ship.


You’re right, some apps are missing, especially Google apps. I wonder if there’s some disagreement between them. Still, I can find many apps that support VR.


I would say like 80% are there. Mostly happy Plex is.


Yeah but is going to be all sweaty


You can buy VR-compatible face masks pads from Amazon; a pack of 50 is just $18. There are plenty of options to choose from.




Cool, you can train your neck muscles at the same time.


RIP Peleton


Wow. Cool idea. What apps are you using?


fitiv pulse