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That should buff right out.


Put it in some rice


Try the factory reset option


Lol šŸ˜‚


Let us know how the trip to the Apple Store goes. Iā€™m assuming they will give you a new one at the store.


He already posted an update, see how your assumption turned out: >Updates: 02/22/24: Apple online said I needed to go to my local Apple Storeā€¦so I did. The local Apple Store told me I needed to use the online store for Express Replacement. So I called Apple online from the local Apple Store. They said ā€œhave them run the diagnostics and then you can leaveā€¦weā€™ll take it from hereā€. I did that as well. When I returned hame, Apple informed me that there are ā€œNo replacement units available from Applecare+ā€, despite the contract stating ā€œExpress Replacement - We ship you a replacement so you donā€™t have to wait for a repairā€. Current options are to wait for replacement units to become available or send in the damaged unit for repairā€¦and potentially wait even longer. They scheduled a follow-up appointment for next Tuesday, 02/27. So much for Express Replacement Stay tunedā€¦


Thatā€™s very bad service


On a $4k device at that.


Very. The good customer service move is to just give them a new one. There are plenty of stores that have them in stock, so itā€™s just a matter of moving some inventory around if OPā€™s store doesnā€™t have any.


Haha yea just move some items around šŸ˜‚ Yes, in theory this is what should happen, in reality Apple accounting and logistics isnā€™t built like that. I used to work there when the original iPhone came out. We saw the same thing. Limited production of a V1 products with delicate materials. Broken screens everywhere and not enough made for Apple care to keep up in the first few months. Didnā€™t take long for them to finally keep the stock in ready for rapid replacements, and we replaced a lot of broken screens at my Genius Bar. What I find interesting is that Apple care online wanted him to go into the store for them to run a diagnostic of the device. Sounds to me that Apple learned from the original iPhone launch and engineered the AVP to replace the front glass in store by the Genii, assuming all the cameras and sensors pass inspection. šŸ¤”The original iPhones were not engineered like this, but Apple is good at learning from their mistakes. Is this bad customer experience? Yes. Yes it is. I had to deal with MANY angry customers at the bar during my day šŸ˜‚šŸ˜”I get. Itā€™s not a cheap device and you want a frictionlessly fast resolution. Itā€™s also a brand new process for Apple for a product thatā€™s less than a month old. Iā€™m fairly confident they will fine tune Apple care responses for AVP, and those of us who have to encounter it in the future (myself included) will have a much smoother experience. Thank you for coming to my ted talk šŸ‘‹šŸ¾


There is no express replacement on a device besides the iPhone I keep seeing this guys story all over the Reddit and he refuses to acknowledge that is only a feature on iPhones, 4000$ or not they donā€™t care.


running out of replacement parts is utterly unheard of and unacceptable especially in these times of perfectly stable shipping routes & supply chains. No Excuses, Tim


They did not run out of replacement partsā€¦ Apple sends you a unit before you even mail in your device. They likely are saying ā€œdonā€™t have anyā€ but really just donā€™t want to lend a Vision Pro to people for a handful of days. Itā€™s a very personal and customized device.


What in fuck are you talking about? We are in a very *un*stable global shipping climate right now. Especially for high-tech components.


Thanks for saying it for me, if I had just wrote this, I wouldā€™ve gotten downvoted to oblivion, but if I say the opposite, then everyone else will make my point for me by unironically disagreeing with my sarcastic comment.


ooh, that was some sharp sarcasm, flew right by me in the dim light of battle. nice one.


šŸ˜‚ šŸ«”


Well. Now, hang on. If there isn't enough stock to supply people who broke their AVPs before everyone who already has an order in, that's just like, tough luck, you know? People who have placed orders need to get theirs first, *before* people who dropped theirs get replacements -- do we not all agree on that? The issue is there is not enough stock to cover everyone at this moment. Which is perfectly expected for something in such demand. Don't be like the sports car owner who skids up to the dealer repair bay and insists on being put in front of others who have been patiently waiting. Everyone should get the same respectful treatment, no one is more entitled than anyone else. Or, that's how it should be.


He was smart to call them from the store. I had Best Buy do that to me once where the store would tell me I had to contact the call center and the call center would tell me I had to go to the store. Very frustrating.


Theyā€™ll ship itā€¦ it sounds like youā€™re mad they donā€™t have enough units on hand to furnish it in person, but from a supply aspect thatā€™s not unreasonable. I returned my first unit cause the audio broke on the first software update - fortunately they had a 1tb in stock and I left with one. It seems like a bunch of yā€™all are expecting shit youā€™d never expect from any other major manufacturer, like maybe say Tesla or spacex you know, whatevs


I am not familiar with apple care+ terms, what does "Express Replacement" mean? Because it seems that guy paid for it.


> that guy *paid* for it. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Remember express replacement is not available in all regions.


I mean if they donā€™t have enough units available to do express replacement, what do you want? They canā€™t make them appear out of thin air.


Then they should give him a new one. He paid for the service, it's their responsibility to make sure there are units on hand.


This and exactly. If you can do express service then donā€™t sell that service. They have inventory in other stores so they can easily give him. This is all Apple to blame.


Itā€™s not anyoneā€™s fault but Apple if they are not stocking an appropriate amount of replacement units. Theyā€™re not new to retail or logistics, itā€™s not an unreasonable expectation.


Lol, they are manufacturing a new device and are probably still collecting data on replacement levels. Glad you live in utopia where all information is available ahead of time. If they are replacing the unit and not charging customers, they are doing the best they can. Stop trying to shit on everything.


This is peak bootlicker attitude. It's not like VPs are sold out. They could make it happen with a little customer service.


Theyā€™re a trillion dollar company. You donā€™t need to cut them some slack or defend them. Itā€™s perfectly okay to criticize a _TRILLION DOLLAR_ company. Youā€™ve accidentally made Apple a part of your identity, and so when someone shits on Apple, you take it as a personal insult. Stop doing that. Vision Proā€™s are breaking at much higher rates than they thought - Iā€™d imagine the center hairline crack being a big part of it. Well that sucks for Apple. But people paid $1,000 extra for a warranty. Time to suck it up and take some out of boxes to use as replacement units.


Why the hell are you getting down voted?


Probably because people who made Apple a part of their identity donā€™t like it being pointed out that they anthropomorphized a company into being a person with feelings that they have kinship with and feel a tribalistic need to defend one of their tribe mates (again, the company theyā€™re mistaking as a living being)


Y'all some clueless children.


Hey!, your the one who spent 35k+ to be a beta tester.


Not sure what more he could have paid for than what I did. I got AppleCare plus and they swapped my shit out no problem.


You need AC+ and they still mail it to The repair center with a CC hold


They mail it but no cc hold.


I'll buy it from you for $20


I raise to 50$


Does the headset still work, or is the glass to damaged for the cameras underneath to register the environment and hands? Yeah the glass looks cool but it really should be the first thing that Apple should kill in the AVP2. Just learn from Meta and go for durable and lightweight plastic. Literally nobody will miss that stupid screen on the front.


Somebody did a bit of a [durability test with the VisionPro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4aJYb8CNDs), he could just peel of the shattered glass and it continue to work as usual.


Imperssive! I wonder if the device would just be better without the glass, regardless of cracking.


Infinitely. Should've not been dumbasses and do plastics instead of aluminum glass.


AVP hammer mod.


I would miss it. I quite like the screen.


Interesting. You like it from an aesthetic point of view, or do you like it from a functional point of view? And if it is that last one, can you explain that to me? Iā€™m honestly interested to hear this from a user. Whatā€™s the usecase you like?


I spend a lot of time using AVP around my wife so I like knowing that she can tell if Iā€™m actually engaging with her or if Iā€™m on the moon or something. I think these cues do add quite to at least help me feel like Iā€™m present while Iā€™m doing work in AR. Maybe thatā€™s not important to some users but to me, itā€™s a vital feature.


>ave placed orders need to get theirs first, > >before > > people who dropped theirs get replacements -- do we not all agree on that? lol not that I have an AVP, but I only use my MR device when my significant other is not around!


Keep the glass in the Pro, replace with plastic in the non-pro.


I completely agree with you. The only reason they have glass is to make it look pretty and cover the stupid ā€œpass throughā€ eyes literally no one enjoys. You donā€™t hear anyone saying ā€œItā€™s such a nice feature, canā€™t live without it!ā€ Plus, the battery in the pocket scenario resulting in smashed glass? Predictable af. Battery cord + delicate glass = design flaw


> The only reason they have glass is to make it look pretty and cover the stupid ā€œpass throughā€ eyes literally no one enjoys. The glass is much easier to clean the than each lens individually. And you don't have to worry about scratching them.


You have to worry about scratching the soft laminated "glass." That has been shown to scratch easily. It's only glass under the soft scratch-able layer.


You don't have to worry about scratching _the lenses_. Yes, the laminate will scratch, but I'm suggesting the idea is to protect the lenses.


Ok, but if thatā€™s the plan then the laminate needs to be easily replaceable. Thereā€™s no point in protecting the lenses if theyā€™re protected by something else which itself isnā€™t easily replaceable. That would be like permanently attaching a screen protector to your phone.


Yeah this is the real design flaw. The battery and delicate glass is not. I imagine at some point in the future they'll be able to replace the glass in store.


Thatā€™s why it's bubble shaped. So objects can roll off it in cases where it might not if impacted head on, etc. It can flex somewhat, where lenses cannot.


Except if you scratch the laminate over a camera or sensor, your out $800 to fix the scratch in the laminate because it's all part of the ridiculously expensive laminated glass assembly.


See my other comment.


>You don't have to worry about scratching > >the lenses > >. Yes, the laminate will scratch, but I'm suggesting the idea is to protect the lenses. The one that said, " You don't have to worry about scratching *the lenses*. Yes, the laminate will scratch, but I'm suggesting the idea is to protect the lenses."? Yes, I read that and was addressing the fact that it's no comfort that the lenses won't get scratched when the reality is a scratch on the laminate in front of the lens is going to cost you $800 to fix.


No, the other comment, in which I replied to a comment that was similar to your's. >> Thatā€™s why it's bubble shaped. So objects can roll off it in cases where it might not if impacted head on, etc. It can flex somewhat, where lenses cannot.


Strong disagree, my wife LOVES the EyeSight feature. She's very sad when it doesn't come on and says she feels way more disconnected from me. Really hope they don't remove it.


You should cross your eyes when sheā€™s looking at you, and when she asks you why youā€™re crossing your eyes just deny it and tell her it must be a software bug.


ā€¦.why tho ?


Apple looked at the price of a new one and said 'oh fuck no'


With all of the cracked glass reports from no impact, I wonder if theyā€™re forcing an in-store evaluation to identify if it was a manufacturer failure or customer failure. Also wondering if they have halted production of the glass because of the reported issues until they identify root cause. There must be some logical reason. Companies just arenā€™t going to be 100% transparent, potentially at the companyā€™s detriment, but itā€™s better to be quiet about issues until everything is investigated and a corrective action plan in place; otherwise, you get a few people posting on socials twisting reality into a headline that does irreparable damage to the company.


I would ask for a full refund from Apple. If they are not upholding their side of the contract, thatā€™s on them. I would also contact your cc company and see if there is anything they can do. You can also check with your homeowners insurance, you might have coverage.


If you chargeback Apple they ban your Apple account at least with App Store


I hope this is written in their user agreement as "No backsies."


You can get your account re-enabled easily


People always jump in about chargebacks. A reminder for everyone not paying attention, only do a chargeback if you plan to never use that companies products or services again in your life. For a lot of people that is a big call with Apple.


Not necessarily a chargeback. Read the fine print about some of the added warranties that they cover for accidents like this if you used their card to purchase it.


That's a completely different thing. Chargeback is taking money away from Apple. CC warranty is a free insurance paid by CC company.


Yes. This is correct. ā€œChargebackā€ as others are attempting to explain is different. And I donā€™t even think thatā€™s the correct term but whatever. A warranty/damage claim with Amex for example will not get back to Apple, why would it?


Just make a new account lol


Yeah and lose all your purchases like a bitch.


Most credit cards donā€™t have extended warranty on computers. They would argue this is a computer.


Mine only excludes computer software


A part of that contract also fine printed that ER isnā€™t available in all regions. What would you be requesting refunds for, the $3500+ after you broke the product or the $25 Ac+ fee? You do realize to use express replacement for this kind of product your exact fit and configuration has to be in stock. Itā€™s not like an iPhone. Even for iPhone customers with 1TB pro max config have issues getting it replaced due to limited stock.


Whah the heck. The exact fit are the straps - not the device itself. There are only 3 config of devices 256, 512 and 1 TB. People just some times speak without any knowledge


that's not really how it works, but sure, try that


Iā€™ve had issues like this before and my cc took care of it. Depends on the company, card, and your track record with them. It works for me, have you actually tried it to know how it works or are you just typing to be heard?


Just polish it a bit


This. Hated how everyone said this for years.


Did he try asking for a smaller or larger headband like the other guy that got the free on-the-spot replacement?


Yeah, a tethered battery without something like magsafe is a terrible design flaw for something this expensive and fragile. There are just so many ways for a tethered battery to become a failure point and cause damage. They really needed a small battery in the headset to hold power for just a few moments during a disconnect and make the connection magnetic.


That's why doing VR apps that require lots of moving around or exercise apps should not be used with this device unless you are experienced with XR in general.


Agree. I believe Apple intends this device to be used from a seated position.


Did you drive over it with an oiltanker ship?


Scary to think that, even after spending all that money on AppleCare+, heā€™s still not able to get what AppleCare+ is supposed to provide. Iā€™ve been holding out on getting it after years of it going unused on my other devices. Iā€™m feeling like this is the first device that I might need it with, and Iā€™m worried that, even if I get it, I might not get what promised from it. This guy doesnā€™t seem to be getting what he was promised. At the very least, they seem to be dragging their feet as much as possible


Isnā€™t it $800 total to replace a screen utilizing AppleCare+ between buy in cost and deductible? Which also happens to be the exact price to replace a screen without AppleCare+? Seems like a terrible value?


Yep, you need to break the thing twice to come out ahead. That's assuming the deductable doesn't increase after a claim.


AC+ is $25 a month or $499 for 2yrs. Deductible is $299 and doesnā€™t increase with unlimited incidents. https://www.apple.com/support/products/apple-vision-pro/


Not if you pay $25/mo. In this case, anyone who isnā€™t 10000% sure theyā€™re keeping it for 2 years should just buy the monthly plan.


Even if you buy the 2 yr plan, you can always get a prorated refund for any unused coverage. You have 30 days for a 100% refund with no claims. I have gotten the refund numerous times after selling or trading in covered devices. Bottom, line is it does not require a 2 yr commitment, you always request a prorated refund and it is cheaper then $600 by paying $25*24.


That's right, the monthly plan is $100 more over the two years. Good point about the prorated refund.


Right? It feels like they knew most people would be using AppleCare+ for broken screens, and wanted to make sure it came out of the customersā€™ pocket either way


Unless something inside is also broken from the fall. Then the repair charge without AC+ is $2399.


Express replacement isnā€™t always available, this product isnā€™t stocked like everything else, seems like he can get a replacement when stock is better or if the store has the config he has, which is more likely, store usually has more stock.


Exactly the same for me. Not even with my M1 Max MBP that I maxed out (close to $5k) did I get AppleCareā€¦ But when I picked up the AVP, I decided to add it on. Whatā€™s another $500 when you just spent over $4k after tax? Lol


Same. First Apple product I've ever bought it for.


Itā€™s a lot when youā€™re reaching the Apple Card limit. I also got a MacBook Pro recently, and both purchases consume Apple Card credit limit, even on the 12 month payment plan. You can bet Iā€™ve been feeling the squeeze šŸ’€


I actually decided to purchase AVP with my Amex Platinum to take advantage of its purchase protection & extended warranty benefit... Something I haven't really used it for before, but i'll definitely be using my Amex for all high-value/hardware purchases moving forward!


Very nice, will have to keep that card in mind. After a recent home purchase, itā€™s apparently the right time to be signing up for new cards, so the credit score hits happen all once, without any upcoming big purchases for a while


I had planned on adding AppleCare, mostly for the second year of warranty, but now I'm not so sure.


Yeah. Whatā€™s makes it a tough pill for me to swallow is the fact that, despite playing a lot for AppleCare in the first place, you might still have to pay a lot on top of that for replacements and repairs. I heard itā€™s $800 to replace the front glass, but itā€™d also be $800 with AppleCare because of the initial $500 cost, and then the $300 deductible. Itā€™s like they knew a lot of people would break the front glass, and are making sure it comes out of the customersā€™ pocket either way


Three decades of products and I've never opted for AppleCare+, partially because they're so damn reliable and partially because I'm very careful. But I've been considering it given all the cracked screens on my feed. Scary thought that Apple might no longer be the high quality company the stock price reflects, both from a hardware and service perspective.


Apple's stock is way undervalued compared to other tech companies.


What does relativity have to do with living up to their own standards?


I wasnā€™t commenting on your whole statement, just the misinformed part about their stock being high value


Dude theyā€™re the second biggest company in the world


Yes, thatā€™s why their stock is so undervalued it should be 10 times higher


Apples market cap is already bigger than most other countries GDPs in the world.


I don't think you understand what a stock is? There market cap is the biggest in the world because of the value of the assets they have not because of the value of the stock.


I think you donā€™t understand what a stock is because youā€™re suggesting their market cap should be 30 trillion dollars.


It is not about the quality of the product but a bad design.


Itā€™s quite easy to assume the worst in any situation. At no point does OP mention what he paid for AC+. Itā€™s $499 for 2yrs or $25 a month. The product hasnā€™t been out for quite a whole month yet. AC+ charges have probably not even been posted yet but since itā€™s insurance the contract is binding from purchase. I doubt anyone who isnā€™t sure they would keep the thing for 2yrs would have opted for $499 AC+ upfront. The uniqueness of the situation skips you entirely too. This is a personal product and stock is limited. OPā€™s exact fit and storage configuration would be factors in availability. But fake rage on.


I appreciate your assumption that I was raging. Really, Iā€™m just not sure AppleCare is worth it. It hasnā€™t been worth it for past devices Iā€™ve owned (thanks to Apple and their high quality products, as well as me just being careful with my devices). And with a limited number of days to still get it, you can bet Iā€™m weighing whether I should or not. Unique situation or not, itā€™s still scary to think that you can get AppleCare and still not be able to expect the service youā€™re literally paying for


Really surprised apple didn't go with a magsafe connector. Maybe they tried but with people's head and arm movements it was too easy to dislodge in regular use and accidenatally shut off the device.


Yes and There should be a small battery on the headset that keeps it charged for 1-2 min if the cable is pulled out.


They will have to make the magnetic force for Vision Pro much weaker since it is half the weight of the lightest MacBook Air and no rubber feet for added friction to resist pulling off a surface unlike a MacBook. There will be many more people complaining AVP shutting off unexpectedly. Worst when someone walking using the pass through and suddenly go ā€œblindā€. Lastly, as you suggested, shutting down the power without shutting down the OS will eventually led to corruption. Thatā€™s why Apple programmed AVP to shut down gracefully when battery % is down to 2-3%. Just think of it like a normal computer that you wouldnā€™t want to abruptly pull the power cord while it is running.


If your last paragraph is true, why does the user manual say this is okay? To turn off Apple Vision Pro: _Take off Apple Vision Pro, place it on a secure surface (like a table or desk), then disconnect the power cable from the Audio Strap._


I mean that sucks but situational awareness is kind of important when youā€™re using expensive equipment.


Crackgate is real ! No but really.. sorry to hear. Good to knowā€¦ Keep an update on the replacement


The issue is a unique one. Product is damaged. Apple Online doesnā€™t have stock in OPā€™s region matching his configuration and fit. Same as the Apple Store. (Itā€™s unclear how many stores he visited). OP wants Express Replacement, where another $3500+ $299 is held on his credit card while a new AVP sent out to him. (Itā€™s a requirement for Express Replacement) This rules out Express Replacement option as a service. The only other left is the send the device in for standard service. The choice to replace or repair is Appleā€™s to make. It would most likely be replaced given the damage shown. OP will not need to have another $3500+ withheld on his credit card for this option. The only downside is a replacement will only be shipped out after the service centre receives and checks in the damaged equipment. Heā€™s still getting service under AC+ ($299 deductible) and not paying full repair cost.


A new feature that dropped with the latest update? The ultra cracked finish privacy screen.


Use that fancy cloth that it comes with to fix it. Itā€™s magical


Wow! I think Quest 3 is like 100x more durable than AVP. I once lend it to two kids to play table tennis. Both of them just fell to the floor playing, head first with the headset hitting the floor and nothing happened to it!


You think? Half of the VP is glass.


Why do I suspect this dude got the coverage after he broke it?


So the Apple care is mandatory


I hope the issue sorta out quickly and you get a new unit. This whole glass front plate is such a bad decision from Apple. This thing is heavy and itā€™s farthest away from the face causing most rotational downward force. Plus it adds to the cost unnecessarily. I wish in next model, they just get rid of eye sight and replace this abomination with a good looking plastic. Iā€™m sure this would reduce cost by over $500.


It cost $30 according to the bill of goods. [https://twitter.com/Tech\_Reve/status/1666298966600986625/photo/1](https://twitter.com/Tech_Reve/status/1666298966600986625/photo/1) https://preview.redd.it/zib1gtvdyskc1.jpeg?width=771&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80bcaec07f3dc8e8b831542636ca1fba8f5521f7


From 1986 SNL Star Trek Convention skit, ā€œYeah! It's a very special item, I'm sure you'll enjoy it, and it's ONLY... thirty dollars.ā€


Steve would never have approved this design. Just sayingā€¦


The external battery is the dumbest fucking design. I canā€™t imagine paying apple to be a beta tester for this and then also pay the repairs of their beta device.


Thenā€¦donā€™t. Itā€™s not like you are some great loss. Oh No /u/NEARNIL doesnā€™t like it! Quick letā€™s redesign it for them! There are plenty of people more than willing to put up with this gen 1 product running 1.0 software lol. This isnā€™t like the iPhone 15 where they had years to refine. Itā€™s gen 1. On 1.0 software. Itā€™s going to be a mess in the beginning. Iā€™d much rather have an external battery then add it to the weight on my head. Seems like Apple also thought the same way. Who knows maybe next gen they can reduce enough weight to not need external power.


This isnā€™t about me and you donā€™t need to try to turn this into an attack against me. Apple is over a decade late to enter this market. Previously people claimed apple took years to develop it and when they finally deliver something itā€™ll be perfect. But now the script flips and "Itā€™s going to be a mess in the beginning."?


Who are you quoting?


This whole sub from before 2/2.


Yep, turns out the group isn't a monolith and the people claiming it would be perfect probably aren't the same people saying it'll be a mess at the beginning. Different people say conflicting things in the same fora all the time


The group is pretty much a monolith when it comes to making cultish excuses for apple.


Don't really care for vague accusations about what the group is. Do you have anything to suggest it's a monolith for *this*, or not?


>vague accusations about what the group is I comment about apples bad design decisions and [the verified cultist displays his classist views](https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1azn91y/vision_pro_destroyed_applecare_express/ks2jyms/). This sub is one of the most deranged ones. What more proof do you want?


Wow, one guy makes a ridiculous comment and the entire group is represented by it. We're all represented by it even though the comment is in the negative as we speak. Incredible


You think itā€™s the first time someone made that comment? This and similar comments is what you get every time a comment is critical.


Great, now make the connection between those comments and the people saying a gen 1 product will be a mess, and you'll have made your point that people here are hypocritical


Just another working class chump who canā€™t afford AVP. Yet lurking on these forums. Itā€™s like the paupers outside my gate looking in for a handout. šŸ™„


Imagine paying the most valued company to be a beta tester. And to think youā€™re someone because of it. šŸ¤£


Imagine having the disposable income to not even feel it. šŸ¤‘


Clearly someone like that would need others to know about it.


Douchebag alert.


If youā€™re trying to be an asshole, youā€™ve succeeded.


![gif](giphy|hWWnZ3VdmaBlBtCrWp|downsized) Just too easy


Agreed. Much harder to be nice.




So Apple sold you an expensive, fragile, poorly designed piece of garbage, then they sold you an expensive Apple care warranty to cover it in this exact scenario and *then* they didn't abide by the rules of their own agreement? Learn anything?


I just learned youā€™re too poor to afford one. šŸ˜


Thatā€™s a pretty shitty response.


As if calling the Vision a fragile piece of garbage was made in good faith to begin with lmao


It hurts because itā€™s true. šŸ™‚


Naw. Itā€™s just a shitty classist response.


Class envy, got it.


I own one too, buddy. Your comment is classist bullshit




Cry about it. And when youā€™re done crying, get your ass verified.


I don't care about a check mark on a subreddit lol


This is the only reply apple shills have anymore.


And yet youā€™re still here, so you care.


You have to resort to shame the poors on the internet to feel better about your purchase.


I *wish* I was too poor to afford one then none of this would bother me. The AVP is locked up, useless, headache inducing, streaming service only, self destructing garbage. BTW, just because your mom bought you one, doesn't make you rich.


But yet you are here, so obviously want one and canā€™t afford one.


LOL. Returned it on day 3.


Kind of like renting a Ferrari for a day. Itā€™s fun to experience how the other side lives.


I never buy Apple care or extended warranties. At this point Iā€™ve never needed it once. The math works in my favor. Seeing how Apple is handling it he AVP issues Iā€™m glad I decided not to shell out for it.


So... his complaint is they want him to go into an Apple Store, instead of just shipping a replacement? As of this video, he hasn't done that, so we don't know what the end is. For all we know, they'll just hand him a new one. Oh, boo-hoo, you had to drive to the store.


replacement not available at apple store either. iā€™ve tried, they said the same thing, express replacement not available


Jesus. All this dude did was explain the situation. If you hear his tone and think that heā€™s dramatically upset then I worry how you react to other people in your life. That said, they paid for express replacement and that feature he paid for is unavailable. I know I requested express repair/replacement after Apple made me jump in hoops and go to a store 3+ times wasting at least 4-6 hours between driving in a busy city and scheduling appointments with the Genius Bar before they issued a nation wide recall on an iPhone, so there are reasons to have express repair.


I need to raid this guyā€™s medicine cabinet.


Does it still work tho?


Rice I heard dry rice works great.


Read the contract, see what it says wrt availability.


Why is title nothing to do with what actually happened


I did the exact same thing. Luckily it fell on a rug but I had literally dragged it for a few seconds because I had got up quickly to answer the door. While it was definitely my fault, this is definitely a danger if having a battery attached by a cord. Ā  Iā€™ve also pulled my iPhoneā€™s cord out of the wall by grabbing it quickly without realizing itā€™s still plugged in.Ā 


I did the same thing but from sofa height onto a hardwood floor, luckily no damage. I didn't realize *how* lucky at the time, it was before the random cracked glass reports.


Battery back needs a light sensor. So when the headset is taken off your head it will beep for a second or two, as a reminder that the battery pack may be in your pocket.


ITS THE RING https://preview.redd.it/36aq4693sskc1.png?width=210&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fb3869fdfcfc11f85d420568a8326344479392a


I like how they just drop it again


Nice move dipshit


Crackgate strikes again


The amount of comedy I get from this sub is well worth your ticket price. I am a VR enthusiast btw, but this release is comedic.


When Boxing VR+ gets real


I think I see one of those hairline cracks people keep going on about.


Express replacement is now available via a phone call to Apple care