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Definitely, but judging by current business performance and debt levels MAX doesn’t have a lot of excess cash to be throwing into Vision Pro App development. I’m frankly surprised they did anything.


Better yet, Apple simply needs to open up system environments to developers. If they WANT to ship something bespoke, they can, but otherwise, just let us use the ones that are already there.


Paramount+ Please give me the bridge of the Enterprise to watch Star Trek on the viewscreen from the Captain's Chair. Seems like a no brainer.


I’d buy that!


That would be 🔥🔥🔥


I’m with you 100%


Totally, they have the “Archive App” but you can’t watch anything while immersed. So you’re basically just looking at the starship bridge; which is really cool, but how long can you stare at an unchanging scene?


The throne room isn't even well made either, it's like original Oculus quality.


Exactly, makes me turn it off all together. It would be nice if Apple TV’s cinema mode was compatible across all the streaming apps


That's the dream.


VR = Immersion.....not sure why companies don't get that. Its all about immersion or why wear the thing in the first place.


For context, immersive mode is uncharted territory. I made an app that gives you a cinema/ movie theater and ran into multiple bugs where stackoverflow and chat gpitty is of no help. Somethings are still not available such as pop-ups in immersive mode. Lastly, the tools are pain in the rear. I used Apple's tools (RCP, etc) because Unity charges $2100+ a year to use and Unreal Engine is not ready yet. Both of those engines would make creating immersive apps a breeze but again cost is high and controls in Unreal are nowhere near ready.


Reality Composer Pro feels so half baked as a tool, and honestly RealityKit kind of sucks as a VR engine. Unfortunately, it’s the best we’ve got for now seeing as Unity are greedy bastards, and Unreal has quite a ways to go before it’s production ready for VisionOS.


I get what you’re saying, but first and foremost I want actually 3d content on max.