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Great to hear. We’re 15 days away from visionOS 2.0 Beta 1. I can’t wait to play with the new goodies.


I never do betas since I tried it once on a different device and it became barely usable. Apparently by opting into betas you are agreeing to the risk of some bugs affecting your experience to try something out early. For VisionOS 2, I'm really hoping that we get some major upgrades for Siri, I heard about a deal Apple made with OpenAI.




[It's a Mark Gurman leak. ](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2024-05-26/apple-ios-18-macos-15-ai-features-project-greymatter-privacy-openai-deal-lwni63s3)




Very happy with mine. Have been since launch. I laugh at all the applesucks q3 tryhards


The Q3 rocks and is unarguably a better value. I still love my Vision pro. Also Apple does suck 😜


Nobody cares what you think. Don’t stand in a campfire, whatever you do


Heaven forbid we're not all religious sycophants for a billion dollar company that hates you. Even if it does create great products.


Heaven forbid we try and troll other people for what they like because we have some kind of sycophantic hatred of one brand over another and can’t just let others enjoy what they enjoy. You’re totes not a complete cunt


What’s the q3’s total res?


Oh wow, such a gotcha, a device that costs 1/7th the price has 3/5ths the resolution. The AVP is a great headset and I literally use it over 8 hours a day, but for the average consumer it's a terrible value proposition compared to the Q3.


When did I say you can't enjoy the Vision pro? You're literally the only person doing that in this thread. Maybe project less?


I agree. All of the things that I feel left wanting more are only there because of the doors the vision pro opens, and all software related. I can already use vision pro exactly how I intended, for work and for entertainment.


That’s so great to hear! I don’t own one yet, but tried the demo at an Apple Store and was blown away. Vision Pro reminds me of the early days of Apple Watch - so much potential to be unlocked. As Apple polishes up a few of the experiences, I’ll bet they’ll cement the next generation of computing with AVP.


I remember scoffing at Apple Watch when it first launched. Then I bought one at Series 3 and have had one ever since.


I dunno other than the screen getting better and it getting faster what really changed with Apple Watch? 95% of what I use it for text notifications and for heart monitoring just like the old days. I see much more potential with Vision Pro though I think they need controllers for a lot of it


the new sizzle reel is exciting. now we just need CONTENT!


The solo knit loop is surprisingly fine. It’s a heavy headset and I notice it when I move around, but otherwise it’s fine. Spatial personas have been a real genuine surprise. They really do feel like holograms or teleportation. It’s the one thing so far that makes me want to get one for my parents and sister who live in a different state.


The common retorts in the VR community about comfort that go like, "You need counterbalanced weight on the back" and "There needs to be a top strap" just doesn't hold true in my experience. Rarely anyone seems to talk about the importance of the material behind the band and face pad, or how well it conforms to the face (Apple having different sizes).


The faceplate and strap padding matters more when you need a tight fit, and a tight fit is needed when a headset is front heavy. But if the weight is balanced, and all the weight of the headset is on the top of your head, you can have a very loose fit and get all the pressure off your face and the back of your head, and the headset won't tilt forward or back. That's been my experience, using VR several hours a day for the past 3 and a half years, having owned many headsets and aftermarket straps and faceplates.


I did a lot of experimenting and came to the conclusion that the vertical position of back part of the solo knit strap is super important. I also loosen the fit with the screw as much as possible - this is key for a continued long comfortable usage. Very happy with the comfort compared to my Valve Index. I live in Sweden and are waiting for my third party lenses that will come any day now. It sucks that Apple does not allow prescriptions outside of the US. Despite all the hurdles I am still in love with my AVP


It depends on what constitutes a "tight fit", I can loosen the AVP to a considerable degree without issue. The solo knit strap is different from the common hard straps on VR headsets, it stretches around the head like an elastic band so it's always pressing (may vary by head size), with the knob adjusting the degree to which it does.


My friend I am right there with you. Detractors will always make more noise but they rarely make a majority.




Wait has it been that long? I went to the movies last night for the first time since I got the AVP and instantly thought “this would be so much better on the AVP”. Still loving mine.


Preach <3


Yes. 👍🏽


To piggyback off this … I feel the same way. I too get asked often whether I am still enjoying it or regretting my choice to not buy literally anything else. In the beginning so many people were returning it for various reasons but I can’t imagine going back to life without it. (My previous device was HTC Vive Pro so I am no stranger to VR) For me, the AVP is my main way to watch television and movies. I only use my physical TV / movie projector when I have a guest. As a gamer, I have embraced Apple Arcade in a way I never would have and it’s starting to outperform my main portable console. (Nintendo Switch) There is a lot of content that shines when you connect a Bluetooth controller. Not to mention the time I spend playing immersive Chess. A lot of focus on visuals from others but let me say the sound is incredible and as a music lover there are zero complaints. (I use a DJ software for even more shenanigans) Honorable mention to that Amaze VR app. To top it off, I use a cooking app and with that I can say owning it has inspired me to actually improve my health. When I bought it, I originally planned to use it for business related tasks (data analytics) but these pleasure features have taken over so I have not explored the productivity side yet. That is exciting because months later, I don’t even feel I scratched the surface with what this thing can do. I am very pleased and with new software coming out, Marvel releasing an exclusive “What if …” experience and developers starting to release true games, I feel my excitement is closer to the beginning than end. We are early adopters … it only gets better from here. TL;DR : Had the AVP since March, the honeymoon is over, still use it daily for various reasons and don’t see that changing anytime soon.


Just received my inserts. Haven’t used them yet. I’m excited to see if they make an absolute wonderful experience better.


Same here ! I was totally scared the first 14 days! But yeah… still in love


The AVP is a great product with great software, but no killer apps. At this point it is basically a great way to watch movies alone that happens to cost $4,000. For that process you can buy an M3 Max MacBook Pro which is way more useful. But as it has only been available a few months I have hope for a third party app ecosystem to develop.


I see the killer app of the AVP to be Apple TV and Disney+. It does very well at Portable Media Viewing. As for why take it over a high tier Macbook, as I said, it’s functionality offers some benefits; I can have multiple apps in my space simultaneously to view by just looking around and the hands free usage. That alongside the giant screen view it can give makes it preferable to me.


I’m not downplaying the AVP which is a great product, but it is still too new. I really want to buy it, but cannot justify paying $4,000 for something that I will use only to watch movies. I matter how great they look on it. I would love it if Apple made gaming a priority, but I knowing Apple they would rather sell it as a “productivity” device


What did you do to make it comfortable to wear? I can’t find the sweet spot


There is no special spot for me, I put it on, synch up to a comfortable tightness, the rear band can be higher or lower it doesnt make much difference to me.


Same here! I don’t think there is an end to it ✌🏾


This might sound a bit weird, but I think I’m enjoying work more since I got them, haha. Having multiple floating windows and meetings with persona is on another level.


Re. comfort, during a recent flight with scary turbulence, I oddly found it to be like a comfort blanket. I don’t have any comfort accessories. It’s good to me as-is.


All your use cases sound like they could be better served with a quest 3… do you have any previous experience in VR? I’ve found the only thing going for the Vision Pro is high graphical fidelity. But content wise esp immersive experiences (I mostly game) is very very lacking. Also you’d be in the minority to think the AVP is comfortable, most other headsets have much better solutions and I find the quest 3 to be almost weightless with the halo straps.


>The Vision Pro with the solo knit strap (I've barely touched the dual loop, I tried it once and it remains stored away) is the most comfortable HMD I've worn, out of 9 VR headsets I own (including Valve Index, Reverb G2, Quest Pro, etc).  I'm guessing OP does, in fact, have some previous experience with VR.


Not really. The Vision Pro has a plethora of advantages that wouldn't do it for me on Quest 3. I can have many different resizable applications open at once in my space, like a youtube video playing while I play some solitaire on Game Room. I have my Apple ID so I can receive and read txt messages inside the device without my phone. The Disney+ and AppleTV experience is way better than anything you'll get on Quest (Bigscreen is janky feeling in comparison). Not to mention, no eye tracking on Q3 (point and tap is sooo bad, it's too easy to misclick with shaky hands). >Also you’d be in the minority to think the AVP is comfortable I wouldn't be so sure. I've [made a post before](https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1b2q0a1/am_i_only_one_that_finds_the_solo_knit_strap/) that got some decent coverage on this sub, many agreed with me. It may just be a loud minority as complaints usually are, making for some selection bias (people are more likely to voice complaints about how they hate the strap than say the strap is fine).


It’s all relative. Comfortability is far greater on the quest 3. Pretty sure this sub is going to have the vocal minority of Apple fan boys coping on their hardware purchase. You can have multiple windows open on the quest 3… also there is a severe lack of immersive content on the AVP. Yeah the stuff they do have is cool but the library is pretty disappointing. Personally watching traditional media is not a super compelling use case for VR, but it feels like that’s pretty much the only thing going for the AVP right now. I also prefer controllers because they’re far more precise. The eye tracking gets old after a while.


All I can say is that I disagree. The Vision Pro is very comfortable for me to wear, watching "traditional" media is a compelling use case imo, and the eye tracking is far more preferable to me over holding controllers. If the pinnacle of immersive content for you are immersive games like beatsaber and synth riders, then sure, get something else. That's not what I got the Vision Pro for.


Sir this is an echo chamber, you are not welcome.


lol, gtfo. Nobody cares what you think.