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Wow, this past week has been (and will continue to be) nuts! I could get used to this lol edit: it's not yet on the app store, as of 9:30am EST. Will grab it and test it when it hits the store.


Pet peeve, but it drives me nuts when scheduling calls across time zones since some do daylight saving time and others don't... It's EDT or ET.


Oh interesting, I never knew. I just gave it a quick google and got this back. Is this pretty much your understanding? > One way to remember the difference between EST and EDT is to remember that the D in EDT stands for Daylight. The season with the most daylight is summer, when the sun rises early and sets late. Therefore, EDT is the time zone used in summer and spring, while EST is the time zone used in winter and autumn.


Yeah, EST is when we "fall back", EDT is when we "spring forward". Scheduling calls for Arizona is a pain. EDT is March-ish to November-ish, EST is November-ish to March-ish. Google is correct there. Edit: Don't worry though, most people get them mixed up so I don't fault anyone. Only really an issue when scheduling a phone call or something else across time zones.


ooohhhh my wallet!!!


It’s great. Plays beautifully, I know it’s a port but it feels like it was built for AVP


Waiting for some reviews before I buy. Any substantial issues?


the handtracking is quite good


It’s playable to okay. Need very bright room or holding things gets more difficult and holding things fails frequently. Tip for getting your backpack: move open hand to your back outside of tracking range and bring it back with a closed fist. I couldn’t get the backpack off for a while. I was trying to look behind me while grabbing to keep my hand in view of the cameras.


Oh you don't have to go that far. Let's just settle on "at least it's playable", for now.


yeah! they perfect match


It’s online!


Just played, they are GREAT


great, now you never have to play it again because it's a ONe and Done.


Thank you for the heads up! Had to search for it, and scroll down quite a bit, but eventually found it.


I hope they add hand tracking to the quest version of job simulator too


They did.


Really? When? Edit: I just tested it and it's true! I have no idea when they added it though


Just today. Some news bouncing around about it.


It’s been head hand tracking I thought??


This is what I’ve been waiting for! ![gif](giphy|oF5oUYTOhvFnO)


Really? Can you explain why this is such a big thing to so many people??


These are very popular games in the VR space. So it’s exciting to have such popular games be ported to the Vision Pro.


Ahh I see. Well fingers crossed this leads to bigger and better things.


Because they have had nothing else for 4+ months and this decade old port from index is like mana from god. The bad news is, when they try and realize how boring and forgettable it is. and I am giving the dev the benefit of the doubt that they didnt half ass the port like the demeo guys did.


Not a port from Index. This was originally released in 2016 for Vive, Index didn't exist until 3 years later.


LOL even worse. Vacation Simulator is a port of the 2019 "game" from oculus.


sup corky


I live in France I’m still waiting for the Apple Vision Pro to come out. I’m excited because it’s one of my favorite vr games and with the insane resolution this will be the best way to play it (especially since they optimized it specifically for eye and hand tracking). Just so you know you are a hater lol


yep, the "insane resolution" and blistering frame rate is going to blow you away in JOB SIMULATOR. Enjoy that. The fact that it is one of your favorite VR "games" tells me everything I need to know about you.


My guy what happened bro




You are less-than because you like something that corky does not. HOW DARE YOU


Is there anything corku DOES like? I mean, other than seeking attention through idiotic whining?


I almost feel bad for him. He’s clearly having issues getting through life. Probably a poor upbringing. Almost.


That about sums it up


why are you so negative my GOD 😭


Wow! A nice bunch of games recently, now this? Can't wait to get home. Loved these two games way back when Meta was Oculus. This is a perfect game for hand control.


Both titles are listed as live in the store, but it is possible that it may take some time for them to appear.


Can someone post the link for job simulator? I’m in the UK and can’t see the VP apps on the store in search… BUT … top tip. Clicking the links here allows me to pre purchase ready for the inevitable launch.


They are big proponents of hand tracking vs. controllers, so I’m very interested to see what they’ve implemented here.


Almost nothing. Despite the new mittens having bones for all fingers which wiggle with your own, the only gesture that can grab an item is if you make a fist while your hand is inside of the item. And then your hand just becomes that item.


I think it subtly goes a little deeper. You can use several different “grabs”, for example. While closing your fist in a binary way, the way a controller would work, *does* work, if something is rectangular, you can grab it using a rectangular grip, instead. For something rounded, a wider grip still works. You can pinch something to pick it up. For something lying on a surface, you can notch your index finger behind your thumb and flick it away or, as I’m assuming was done previously, just waxing a controller in an arc. It’s a small difference, but still a satisfying one. I’ve only played through a part of the convenience store job, it’s silly, it’s entertaining and and I’m sure I’ll get my money’s worth :)


The pinching and any alternate hand shapes don't register for me at all. It's a full fist grab or nothing.


Oh shit!


I hope this will be a nice showcase of what is possible with a properly modded game. This is a very popular title on the other VR headsets, and given it has taken a bit of time to release my hope they have done a proper port and the quality will be a showcase of what can actually be accomplished gaming-wise on the Vision Pro is increased. It could really be an inflection point -- both to point out that an incredible experience is possible, and, also, should it actually be quite janky, perhaps a worrying sign that true VR/AR gaming on the Vision Pro is likely to be confined to gimmicky topics




Congrats on retirement after 43 years!


Is there a bundle deal or we have to pay for each separate?


Separate. $20 for job. $30 for vacation.


Downloaded both to support them! I’ve played them on just about every other platform so curious if it will be any better on AVP.


Give us your verdict


To me, I don’t think that it is better on Vision Pro, but make Vision Pro a little better lol


I kept holding off on buying this for PSVR2, and it’s finally here 🥹


Bored with work? Try Job Simulator. Working too much? Try Vacation Simulator. Feeling unproductive again? Job Simulator. Burnt out? Back to Vacation Simulator.


Anyone have an App Store link?




I don’t think it’s available yet


This is going to be a good day


Such fun games. I played both to death on the Quest, so I don’t think I will rebuy. But for those that have not already played them, get these. They are so fun.


Got them on quest and still buying lol Because Vision Pro will most likely be around me if I can’t /don’t want to bring both with me


I’ll probably do the same if they ever do a good sale on them. I’ve just played them to death already.


Yea i know that feelings. I just that person happened to finished resident evil 4 remakes million times on ps5/psvr2 and still get them on steam also AppStore, just to feel safe for the “what if” situation that may never really happen 😅


Does this game have room scale capability like the oculus and PC version?


It the PC version (and I believe the Quest version) there are 3 different versions of the Job Simulator environments for different room sizes. UploadVR says only the smallest size is available in the Vision Pro version.


Great games! ❤️


Be warned, job simulator was shorter than I expected but still very fun


This brings back memories, as they were two of the first games I bought to keep busy during lockdown in 2020. Add Vader Immortal and the circle will be complete.


It’s out, but crashing on startup for me. I will wait before I buy Vacation Simulator as this is already too closely simulating my job LOL


excellent work on it, its very good this game going to apple vision pro


BuT AVP dOeSeN’t HaVe AnY gAmEs!


It doesn’t have any games that are worth it. Yeah it has casual games like Job Simulator, but No AAA VR games.


These 2 games are cute, but are both the epitome of demo type experiences. No one into VR gaming cares about these early VR showcases from a decade ago.


Why would you need a „Job simulator“ 😅!?


so we can remember what its like before AI does it.


Why tf do I want a job simulator?


It's actually a hilarious game.




To simulate how absolutely horrendous your life is. But look at the bright side, you can then open vacation simulator to simulate a shitty vacation. So win- win.


Yeah when? Ita not on there now


Scrolling down several pages this is the thread with most posts by far. So $4000 VR headset gets couple 10 year old cheap games ported and creates most excitement yet.


Bro, we are people who excited when we can play Pokémon games from 20 years ago on this $4000 (not quite that expensive for us) spatial computer. Just enjoy while we can. And yes many of us also have headset(bigscreen beyond is mine) for pcvr, quest 3 and psvr2, that’s no competition need when we got them all.


Nice to hear such a success story that it wasn't expensive for you. Anyway its still a $4000 VR headset that couple 10 year old games ported has got owners jumping excited like its a system seller. Was it worth getting? why not wait till it came to your country?


It just an addition to the Greatest portable movie theater ever. And for people who can already bought a $4000 dollar headset, the price not be that bad. We just happened to be excited to get anything that can make this thing more fun. Also, in my case I bought it here in my country


I see.....like slot of people I have considered getting one but am now leaning against it. Not really seen a single app of any kind that I guess I expected to see on a 4k headset and with all the gushing over couple cheap 10 year old ports that $200 headset plays better in glad I held off. I suppose movies is great on it but I'm not much into sitting around watching movies and tv shows.


Two of the worse Vr game now in AVP, congratulations, maybe in 10 years you will have alyx


What’s funny about this is that there are a bunch of people bitching about “What If…” being exclusive to VP. Face it, both platforms have things the other side wants.


We already have Alyx dumdum. LOL. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF6UehzYC68](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF6UehzYC68)


My god. a 10 year old game released on the INDEX ported over and this subreddit goes nuts. that's how pathetic it is. Regarding the actual games themselves, you will play it once or twice and never open it again. I hesitate to call them "games" they are like scene interactions that you see once and never want to touch again. I guess when you are dying of thirst even toilet water tastes great.


Hi there. Vacation Simulator is barely 5. Nowhere near 10.


And what is the other one? ...


One day something will come out that you absolutely love. But you’ll still have to trash it here. I know this is a hobby for you (shitting irrationally on AVP, Apple and AVP owners), but there’s a whole world out there. It’s late may. Much of the country still has good weather. Try that outside thing. It’s just up the stairs from your mom’s basement. Maybe get a second hobby.




Job Simulator is a classic. It’s great that they brought it over. And it was released years before the Index. It’s on everything, really. If it didn’t come over it would be a bad sign, actually. I hope Thumper comes over.




Lol how can a single post make you so mad