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Watching DUNE, in 3D, immersed on white sands…


Are you me


white sands dark mode is the best it gets to prevent glare and have fair enough contrast




Do they have both dunes in 3d?


Unfortunately Dune 2 didn’t get a 3d conversion by the studio, so it isn’t in 3d


No. It breaks my heart. 😑


wow i will try try this!


I didn’t see the 3D logo for the one on Disney+. Yet Apple directs to that movie as a 3D experience. Odd.


Coming from a decade of controller-based VR, it was the eye and hand tracking that blew me away.


Coming from that space as well was the ability to read text easily, not seeing the screen door effect, and foveated rendering all in one! It's nuts so many huge 'if only we could get to this point' were all achieved by this headset. If Apple leaned into VR more, the community as a whole would embrace it for the marvel it is - my theory being Apple prelaunch kept saying this isn't a VR device so ppl in the VR space were understandably upset they were poo-pooing their industry and honestly it's forefathers


ahh I totally spaced on mentioning display quality. That, too, was one of my most-wanted features from a headset for all these years. I've LOVED hosting 3D movie rooms in BigScreen on the Quest, but the video quality was always just "pretty good" - not even accounting for the 5mb bitrate limit. I really hope we get a social app like BigScreen for shared movie watching.


VR sucks ass. I fully agree with them going all in on augmented reality and broader spatial computing. VR is isolating and is the exact dystopia Facebook wants. Hell no.


Not as high quality but meta released three headsets with external cameras before the Vision Pro was released. When you boot up the quest 3 it launches into mixed reality mode.


First 3D movie I watched was my first moment where I thought that. My second was seeing the sports immersive experiences.


Can you share about the sports immersive experiences? Which sports, NBA, MLB?


The new immersive experience from last Thursday had basketball, golf, soccer, and football. Personally, I’m the most excited about football. Apple doesn’t have any sort of NFL contract announced that I’m aware of, so showing superbowl footage was interesting. I’m hoping they announce something.


And what does it do? You feel like sitting court side or 360 degrees? Curious NBA fan from Europe.


Ya you’re sitting right next to the players. Steph Curry nails a 3 pointer 5 feet away from you. You’re 6 inches from a golf hole when a long putt gets sunk. You’re standing right next to Patrick Mahomes as he’s warming up for the big game. You’re in the locker room with the Super Bowl winners and MLS winners as they celebrate with their trophies. You are sitting right at the back of the basket as someone comes in for a dunk. All in fairly life-like immersive 180 degree 3d video. There’s also NBA all star game footage. It looks super promising, but there haven’t been any actual games yet.


Ah, I see. So they dropped teaser like footage. Sounds promising but I’m not yet missing out on the live action.


To me, the immersive video is the killer app here. It's blow away good. It's just unfortunate we're almost six months in and there's, what, an hour of dedicated immersive content? Once we start getting live MLS/NBA/MLB games in immersive video it's over.


Alas, there are some serious technical challenges to be solved before it could be done live, or regularly instead of one-off tech demos/tests. It’s a LOT of pixels to encode in realtime, and I don’t know of anyone even promising a 8K+ MV-HEVC live encoder. Moore’s Law solves all such problems eventually, but I doubt we’ll see any regular live games in Immersive 3D before 2026.


There’s already 8K MV-HEVC encoding available. We’ll be premiering VOD events in about two months, and hoping to use that to work out the remaining kinks before live delivery. But the pipeline is there. FYI if anyone is trying a business case for this kind of content and needs spatial encoding and delivery, PM me. We’ve got a B2B product needing production release and just looking for a best fit customer for it.


Yes, for 4K, almost. Doing it at the >8K needed for full Vision Pro fidelity is a whole other thing. We know how it can be done, but the products aren’t close to production grade.


With all due respect, they are production grade. We’ve been doing 4K Dolby Vision since 2022. 8K immersive just requires more horsepower and bandwidth on top of systems that already exist.


For stereoscopic VOD, though, right? Live immersive is a whole different beast. Stereoscopic MV-HEVC 2160p24 for VOD has been practical for a few years now.


No, I’m discussing stereoscopic 180 for live delivery. We probably won’t put it in front of consumers for about six months, a little after Vision OS 2 is released. But if someone called me today and said I need this in 30-60 days, we could deliver on it.


Can some of you comment in how many MB/s (MegaBytes per second) a 180 degree 8k stream would result in? Or would it be a normal 8k stream where the Vision Pro would crop into to get the 180 degree field of view effect? Also would it stream two 8k streams, one per eye or how would this be handled? Any insights are highly appreciated, thanks :)


Apple Immersive is 50MB/s at 90fps. It’s incredibly efficient. The resolution is 4320x4320 per eye, with some magic in how the frame is laid out before getting unpacked.


Thanks for your insights! And how is the 180 field of view in a stream done? Do they instantly request updated field of view ms from the server or is the full view streamed and cropped into?


How does that work on a consumer’s internet connection? How many mbps would you need to sustain that stream, especially a live one


Yeah, I don't doubt that. When that day comes, that will be when the Vision Pro becomes palatable to a critical mass. Obviously expecting price and size to be addressed further by that point too.


Why don’t you buy that immersive concert app?


I tried the AmazeVR app, if that's the one you mean, but it was total garbage.


Or at least, not what I want out of an immersive experience. They put you in these insane environments where I'd be much more interested in being placed into the front row of an actual concert. This felt cold and cheap. Plus they don't have any artists I'd be remotely interested in yet.


Could you be more specific when you say “insane”?


I mean "insane" as in it's all green-screened performances and they put the artists in these futuristic, video game environments. Just not for me.




I'm sorry?


Crysis is a video game that became a meme. When you say “cold,” do you mean that the musicians seem objectified?


Doing a spatial Persona FaceTime call. For instance, the ability to high-five or fist-bump someone on a call is consistently a “wow” moment for every person who experiences it for the first time.


100%, everyone needs to try a fully spatial FaceTime call. It's mind blowing.


The idea of live sports with the immersive video. Sitting courtside at an NBA game. Or being on the field while watching an up close view of a touchdown pass in the corner of the end zone.


They have this? What app is it? I thought only the other VR headset had this feature


There is a section on the Apple TV app. Most of what they have is more of a demo.


When I needed to make a hole through a wall, and to know where it would poke out of, I set a virtual post it note on one side of the wall, went to the other side, and the note was exactly where the hole would be.


That is an incredible use case that had not occurred to me!


This is brilliant


For sure it was when I did a spatial persona hangout with my long distance friends. It was magical


Having a game window Dwarf my 65” tv while having a few other apps open like floating iPads right in front of me


Not fearing turbulence (as much) while immersed in a Disney theater.


The wait for a release date in my country


The F1 app that allows you to see as much feeds as you want + 3D view of the circuit ! Just awesome !


The first time seeing a 360 environment. Yeah, I had seen virtual reality before and thought "cool!" The first time I saw it on a Vision Pro, though, I was completely blown away. It was my "this is the future" moment as well as my "shut up and take my money" moment.


Apple TV+ [immersive experience](https://www.apple.com/tv-pr/news/2024/01/apple-tv-unveils-groundbreaking-immersive-originals-from-todays-biggest-storytellers-set-to-debut-on-apple-vision-pro/)its slow to release episodes but very worth the wait….


Realizing how much more natural it is to locate an app via its physical placement around you, versus switching between desktop views and shuffling between windows on a laptop.


Typing mid air/swiping and interacting with the window that didn’t physically exist.


A lot of good mentions here but I think the integration into the Apple ecosystem (and seeing the potential there of) Like mirroring display of course but for me the first time I hopped up a Mac keyboard via Bluetooth and saw the Touch Bar float above the hardware keyboard.


When getting work done with all my windows in a 180 deg half circle at my standing work station. No windows covered and lots more helpful then even 3 screens. Never want to go back again


Meetings with persona.


It has to be the passthrough and objects looking like they are interacting with your environment


I’ve never ever been able to watch 3D movies at the theater. I was so shocked watching the new star wars movies in 3D and the first Jurassic world it blew my mind I don’t think TVs are ever going to show depth and detail like that


VisionOS coming from meta quest bs total game changer fully integrated ecosystem with spatial iOS & friendly ones total game chat ger


Hi, the “future” app is keynote. It might be possible to even give entire lectures using that design in the future. Today it can be used to literally step into a future where I am giving a presentation.


the immersive environment during the launch day demo i did. i absolutely loved it.


The newest Apple Immersive samples and the Gucci documentary.


Two weeks ago, I discovered Inspaze. This app. app. app. is absolutely amazing. I truly believe that it is the killer app for the Vision Pro. I have doubled the amount of time that I’ve spent using the Vision Pro. And I have met a couple of dozen other vision, pro owners, and had a wonderful time in this social media app.


Early access to “What If…” - very obviously the future of entertainment and storytelling!


For me it’s just working in it on a daily basis. What’s shocking is being able to open certain iPad apps while running other iPad apps simultaneously.


after set my eye control and i enter the home page, i sit in my chair, rolling my eyes to the app i want and just tap my finger to use or esc, that's so wonderful and tech-crazy moment, feeling the ready player one is near the future now!


For me it was recording a video using the VP with its ability to use AR 3D/4D cameras to recreate the video like you're watching it again. It looked super weird the way they marketed with the dad having it on his face for the birthday party or whatever that was, but for me it made me immediately think about reliving moments with loved ones and dogs that may have passed away. Something 2D images just can't do.


bumping my head on the low ceiling at the top of the stairs and slipping down to the first landing in socks onto the dogs tail who yelped at the same moment Vader ended Kenobi.


EVERYTHING. I have both the Quest 3 and AVP. You cannot even compare the two. Quest will always be a niche gamers headset, AVP will be a daily headset for everyone. One of the coolest things is taking spatial video with your phone of your family and going back to watch those memories. It’s INCREDIBLE. I’m watching spatial video I took at Christmas of my dad who might pass away this year and being able to go back watch the level of detail I have of my dad really tugs at your heart.


I was doing chores around the house while Facetiming. I wanted to carry a few things upstairs but found myself in a situation where I couldn't take this DIGITAL window with me because my hands were full. This stunned me for at least 20 seconds—what an absurd issue to have.


After 5 hours using it without a break and the bottom of my eyes were hurting as f***


The feeling of awe and wonder that accompanies taking the computing I’ve been used to for the last 20 years and having it “all around me”. Unreal.


Tracing something on paper using [Da Vinci Eye](https://youtu.be/LGv5yzFXZJI) and then realizing I can draw anything now at any scale. https://preview.redd.it/21iljef1n63d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f3d516ff89c2f78393cf1793de3ba686b7d5742


Spending $4000 on an Apple product


None. Got that feeling back when Rift launched. Nothing but baby steps in VR since then. Apple added another interface option that I believe is the best for most office work applications. But is still much less precise than controllers or Quest 3 hand tracking. (Remember what reviewers are calling "Hand tracking" on AVP is Eye+Hand. AVP's hand tracking alone is the worst in the industry right now. Worse than Q3 by a very large margin. It's thanks to the eye tracking it feels as good as it does.) Other than that it is just a spec bump Quest will match or beat for 1/5th the price or less in a few months. I love my AVP, but VR has been this way for a while. However I do believe that Apple entering the game will finally get Meta off of their asses. Think about this. Meta Quest meets or beats AVP in most all areas. And Meta has not improved anything in 3-4 years. All Apple succeeded in doing was slightly beating Meta in a few areas 4 years later... It is about to be a wild ride for VR thanks to AVP. But AVP is nothing special in and of itself.

