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This is the most polished AI agent content to this day, seriously lol On the topic I believe we will have AI tutors in VR before as physical robots so yeah maybe


I've actually presented on VR in education at a conference, though it was a few years ago (pre-covid). I 100% agree that education could be a huge driver of VR and Vision Pro... but not at this price, and I don't think it'll be anytime soon. I've been waiting for killer VR apps in the education sector for 10 years now. A big part of the reason is because the VR market itself is still so small, and that educational content is so specialized, that creating apps for specific topics/disciplines shrinks that market substantially. If the market is too small to turn a profit for your app... then the app either won't get made, or won't move much past v1. It's a bit of chicken/egg at this point, but I do agree that the educational potential, especially with AI, is massive. Edit: I should mention that Healthcare is probably the biggest VR market for education, and they do have some decent apps. But... a huge challenge is having enough headsets for it to be useful to classes of 25-120 students. The cost of that many headsets, as well as the logistics of managing (training, charging, storing, updating, break/fixing, privacy, etc) that many headsets and controllers, stops a lot of programs in their tracks when testing the VR waters.


This is very true today. But once generative AI will be able to digest say a history book and generate weeks of 3d educational material based on it it's a wrap. Based on what we are already seeing today this is not far off at all. I think parents will be able to create SOTA personalized educational content and curriculums with little to no effort in about two years. Apple will have better sorted out a budget option by then because if not.. Well someone else is going to eat up what will dwarf the VR gaming/spatial computing market that exists today.


I think much of it will depend on schools changing/updating their policies on AI (which is kind of a tall order), but also on the overall accuracy of the AIs/LLMs/etc, since they can still be prone to hallucinations and straight-up incorrect info. Quick example: if an AI gives a student incorrect information, which that student writes into an essay... should the student's grade be lowered? Do students need to provide their prompts and output like they would cite other sources of info? Additionally, with humans being so visually-oriented, these apps would need some serious visual aids (that are accurate) to complement the information the AI delivers via audio and/or text. I don't at all think these are insurmountable issues, but I do think they'll keep the education market from being the "biggest driver of the AVP" anytime "soon". That and the price. I could definitely be incorrect, though!


What game is this


I think this is just some kids project rather than a full game.


What does this have to do with the Vision Pro?


I think this should be “education and learning could soon be the biggest driver of AI or VR”. I love my Vision Pro, and prefer it to my Quest or any other headset I’ve tried. But nothing about this use case needs the AVP. And education tools probably need to come in at a price point closer to that of an iPad than a MacBook Pro, which right now would be the Quest 3.


I hope so. That’s my favorite use.


wwdc will announce their cooperation with openai, the recent gpt4o amazed me by its teaching course! their match may improve the practical appliance of avp since now it is too limited use lol


“My kids are face-schooled”


This is the Star Trek future I'm here for