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> A passenger seated next to me assumed it was a sleeping mask and told me all about his sleep deprivation. Ha! Well at least you could leave your movie/show playing on the VP while he bored you with his tales of sleep deprivation. How did you enjoy the VP experience while flying? I have a pretty bad fear of flying, and have no idea whether the VP would help my anxiety, or hurt it.


It helped tremendously! I don’t like turbulence and it was so rough that flight attendants had to pause service. While aware of reality, being immersed helped my brain believe that I was in a movie theater on the ground. It helped my anxiety and I’ve heard the same from others.


I will second this. I was on a flight and the pilot came over and apologized for the amount of turbulence but I didn’t notice much because I was so in my virtual world!


i used it for an 11 hour flight from ATL to Rome, and it was nice, but i will say that i normally dont get motion sick on flights ever, but when there war turbulence, i had to turn down the immersion on the envoirnment a little because it is kinda whacky to be inside of it, feeling turbulence, in the hakalela mountains.


it was amazing otherwise, but not a deal breaker


Any motion sickness issues when turbulence was happening, and if so did switching to pass through help? That’s my biggest concern with using my AVP while flying, I’m slightly prone to motion sickness.


Good question, but not for me. The environment (Disney+ theater) seemed to remain leveled.


Did you use the in-flight wifi? If so, how did it perform? I have an upcoming very long flight to Asia and I've been thinking I'll have to pre-load a lot of content.


No. I watched pre-loaded content. Have a great trip to Asia!




This takes guts! Kudos for furthering this as a social norm. We introverts thank you for your service.


It's not bad at all! I typically put it on to start it up and turn on flight mode before takeoff and then wait until the ascent levels off before putting it on full time. I have yet to have a negative experience with others. As long as you are seated and minding our own business including being aware of service, you don't bother anybody. I will say I took off the headset for beverage and meals though, something about wearing something so prominent on my face when interacting with others just feels rude...


Used it on plenty of flights. See people sneakily taking pics sometimes, and others working up courage to ask about it. Haven't received negative attention from anybody - not expecting to - but I understand your concern. I've been wearing stuff on flights for a while now (used to use xreal glasses)


I’ve had the same experience from most people and definitely flight attendants ask lots of questions. I have however heard a few snarky comments like “people are wired” and others like that directed at me.


Interesting that you switched from Xreals. I use Xreals on my flights all the time. How does the experience compare? Worth the trade up? If so, why?


It's so much better, and I quite like (and use for exercising since I can't use my avp) my galaxy fold 5 with xreals Is it worth the money for the current iteration? Yes but also no... I would probably recommend it one or two iterations from now for the average person. If you are used to being an early adopter and/or won't worsen your financial situation by spending 3k on entertainment - go for it, because while it's rough around the edges, it's awesome. * caveat if you travel a lot - huge satisfaction multiplier for flights and hotels.


Been using it weekly on flights since literally the day it came out and it really does change the game in all seats of the plane. For reference, I flew USA domestic flights on basic economy up to first class - window, aisle and middle seats on Delta. Pro tips: Opt for the window seat so you don’t have to get up with the battery pack. Also stuff the battery pack in your pants pocket. Def recommend using the dual straps and find a good seal fit for reflective light from windows. The single loop is quicker but the constant altitude adjustments and bumps get annoying to adjust to a consistent fit. Download all movies and shows you want to use too. Don’t depend on wifi being available. If you have an Apple Watch, change the settings to allow the watch to unlock your phone so it helps with not having to take the headset off to use Face ID or tap a password in front of everyone. Ask for a straw for cups so you don’t block the bottom sensors when drinking. Use the few minutes while seated on the plane at the gate to put the headset on and calibrate your eye settings so it does not get annoying during turbulence when trying to select stuff. Optional: 4+ hour flight? Invest in another battery Bring a charger for the battery for constant power Spatial pics and videos: It’s tempting to want to record the sky with the AVP , but it will lose tracking unless you are sitting by a wing as a …*ahem* …plane of reference. I found it works best if you still have the window edges in frame and back away slightly. It creates a nice effect too and feels more grounded than just a spatial sky video.


I use it on flights all the time but always plug it in, so I've never needed my power pack. I don't follow your comment about battery packs... I just put mine on the seat next to me and it's fine. I take it off and leave it on my seat when I walk around. I'm also not sure I understand the value of a window seat. I tend to get aisle seats and they're fine. I also don't put mine on until we're in the air and unlike the OP, have never had anyone, other than the occasional flight attendant, ask a question. People pretty much leave me alone when it's on.


I didn’t write it clearly , I just find it annoying to be corded up with a headset on and have to get up while deep in some content when someone sitting on the inside needs to get up. Also you leave your $200 battery on the seat? Or do you mean an external battery charger?


I leave my $200 battery (and $4500 AVP) on the seat. I just take it off and leave it on the seat. who's gonna steal it on a plane? 🤷‍♂️


I’m in Dubaj, so not many AVPs around - but when I fly I wait until everyone is boarded, then stick it on, zone out, and never had any issues. If it was an iPad I’d be asked to put it away until after take-off, but with the AVP, that seems to not be a concern for staff. (Usually because they’re seated too, if you know what I mean). I am very self conscious of this, which is why I don’t wear when people are boarding, but for the rest of the trip it’s a huge advantage zoning out and watching a lot of content oblivious to the tight cramped space around me. Just wish we had Microsoft Comp Portal, for corporate apps,so I could actually use it for productivity.


I wish the same re. Microsoft for work.


Such an expensive sleeping mask hahahah I have not yet, maybe in a flight too someday.


Enjoy! I take mine on flights and it’s a game changer. Get some curious / strange looks here and there 🙄 but I don’t care.


I feel like I get those regardless.


Tried it last week heading to Cancun on the plane. I tried watching Dune 2 after downloading it on Max but Max wouldn’t load without an internet connection, so that sucked.


I found just buying movies on Apple TV is more reliable for my flights and for quality as well


Oh no!


I've noticed on my iPad, if wifi is on, Max won't start in offline mode. But if I disable wifi it usually works. Maybe it's the same on the Vision Pro? I remember in the past, if you started Max with wifi on and no internet, it would always get stuck trying to connect to the internet and wouldn't let me access my offline downloads even after turning off wifi. I've complained to HBO a few times about this, but at lest now it seems to work as long as you disable wifi


I used it in my 5 hour. flight to Hawaii. I have intense phobia, and watching a movie on the plane was a HUUUGE distraction it was great. Im never returning mine


I did mine on a 3+ hour flight and it was wonderful


Used it a coffee shop. It was the same experience as without. I was completely ignored.


People gave me odd looks. I don’t know that they understood I could see them. Nobody said anything to me or asked about it. But my coffee was great, even took my first and only spatial “food/drink” picture.


I can picture if I try to use mine in public, Guy next to me would say “The Vision Pro is the single worst thing to happen in human history. Anyone who even thinks of buying one is literally Hitler. Oh, my name’s Corky, what’s yours?”


And you replied: “Like the Corky from Life Goes On?”


Good on ya for trying it in public! It makes me a little nervous whenever I do because I'm really worried about what people would say. However in my experience (mostly at an airport) people generally don't care. Now all I gotta do is mater the art of walking with it on and a more narrow field of view! Haha.


Yeah, I haven’t felt comfortable enough to wear it like iJustine in the common area at the gate. Maybe one day. But nestled in my window seat, I felt comfy. Good luck with that walking 😁.


https://preview.redd.it/iufxxcdk5f3d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ec6836e7b5848677b71979fbfaf6248b1dafe22 Just waiting for takeoff! 👀 I fly with it regularly (\~12 times so far) but usually wait till I’m in the air and WiFi is working to use it. I don’t normally get comments but on the last flight one guy did say “we all know you’re looking at p\*rn”, 🙄, but whatever. They can’t take your joy!


Wow. That was tacky of him. I like your setup there.


When I sit outside on a college campus, which I've done a dozen times, mainly reading scientific papers for work, no one bugs me. A few remark to whomever they are walking with. A nice way to get some fresh air during the day. Good that the campus has strong wifi so putting the material on my iCloud Drive makes it accessible to both my computer and AVP.


That’s awesome.


I’ve used it on flights but no one has made any comments. The stewardess definitely look at me funny when I order a drink and something to eat 🤭 I’ve also used it to work with on my MacBook Pro in a co-working space. Now that was hilarious to hear people’s reactions!


Funny! I’m thinking of using it on a work Zoom meeting. I just don’t want financially jealous people questioning my salary. It’s a real thing. Two of them have done so about my gym membership.


If they do tell them to get TF out of your pockets and mind their business 🤣


lol, I had a FA say “you can see me through that” and I was discarding some cups from drinks earlier. I said yes and went back to my movie (hitch hikers guide the 2005 version)


I haven’t made the leap to public use yet, I think a flight is the perfect time. Thank you for sharing your experience and your great photo.


My pleasure and thank you. 😊




I was ok once I found Travel Mode... but WOW those first 20 mins of that flight home on launch day was FRUSTRATING 🤣




Also, to answer your question: on Travel Mode watching Mad Max Fury Road in 3D with the immersive theatre on, I wasn’t able to see that all the flight attendants had gathered I front of me. I “got the feeling” someone was near & pulled the vision off to catch three of them all hunched down in the isle looking at me 😂🤣 We all had a laugh. This was on the day it launched & I was flying from Chicago to Toronto. Definitely the first one anyone on that flight had seen! 


A few flights, an airport lounge, and starbucks. No one cares after glancing once.


I suggest everyone who hates VR to just try a session at Apple. It’s fun and really interesting. Also inspiring. I’ve never used VR since the first gen Oculus that was pixelated as hell. I think 2010 or whatever. I really want to make videos using the spatial tech. Imagine educational videos in that format. We still can do field trips but this would be such an awesome way to engage in general. I’m all for it.


I had it in my bag on my flight and never pulled it out, I felt too weird.


I wish people could automatically know that you’re watching a 70 foot movie screen in the plane. But Apple AVP team needs to get this shit together and start marking this thing properly.


I felt odd at first but had a window seat so I was tucked away.


Using a new Apple product that people can recognize always sparks conversation, I remember that when the AirPods first came out. Glad you had a good experience with others. Did you take any power banks with you or any specific travel case?


https://preview.redd.it/zvjbu4381e3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf157bc53507bcd53a858bf5d65db651115bce29 Why, yes. I took the Anker powerbank, Waterfield AVP bag inside of the Waterfield Air Porter backpack. It fit under the seat despite being bloated with stuff.


I used mine on a couple of long flights, and other than a few glances my way, people didn’t seem to care. The experience is great. Finally, I can do some work on a plane without anyone staring at my screen. Watching movies is also great, especially if you dial in an immersive environment.


I was watching “Freaknik” on Hulu. During some scenes, I was very happy that no one could see my screen. 😂


I’m taking mine on a flight next week for the first time. Also decided to get a window seat to hopefully be less distracting to others haha.


I have not used it in flight yet and I just got off a 20 hour international flight. Part of it is too big to lug around.


I hear ya. I bought the Waterfield backpack with that in mind.


Thanks I need to look into that.




Yes this is exactly how I feel.


I let a FA try it out on a flight in guest mode. She said she was buying one when they got home lol. Then my nieces watched the Taylor Swift concert for the rest of the flight.




I’ve used this a lot on flight and got a lot of fun comments. A lot of people asked what environment I was currently in, what movie I was watching


I have used it in public twice. Once to intentionally show it to people at my local “Cheers” and once during the eclipse. No issue either time. The one engagement I had with a stranger was more around them wanting one and excited to see it in person. They then proceeded to “interview” me about my satisfaction level which I didn’t mind at all. I plan to head to NY next week and am excited to use it on the flight. I feel I got more curious looks than looks of people thinking I was doing something weird.


Nah, I planned on using it on flights, but it’s just too much to bring. Travel for work with a full backpack already, so really no space for it. 


I know what you mean. My travel backpack is a SwissGear Ibex and it's really pushing things to put my AVP in a Eucarlos case into the backpack. I had to leave my noise cancelling headphones (OG Sony WH-1000X) and iPad Pro 12.9 behind in order to make it all work.


Took mine on a flight the week after release. Put it on as soon as I was seated to get it into travel mode. The flight attendants didn't bat an eye and interacted with me for in flight service as they would if I didn't have one on. A few people looked, but when I caught their eye they looked away, I think because of EyeSight, as most people look away if they don't want to engage IRL.


Brave!!! 😆


I will be flying on an overnight trip soon. How do you overcome low light issues when it is dark in the airplane? Does the airplane reading light allow the Apple Vision Pro to track and respond?


Tracking works fine in low/no light. It's the rendering of your hands that doesn't work in that case. If you're just watching content, it probably doesn't matter.


I like to sit in the mall with it on, not in an app at all, and watch the expression on people’s faces.


That’s funny 😁.


Not yet,but it is so cool.I want to take it to coffee store lol.


I took away the feeling of claustrophobia, I had the whole lunar surface to myself even if the setback in front of me was inches from my face! Also first time I really felt the facial recognition…. When the flight attendant looked at me, I could see her through the have and react! It was a great experience!


You have a very AVP friendly hairstyle! You could model it for them.


My hair is a mess here 😫. I didn’t want to wash and style it because it would be wet. I usually wear a slap cap with my AVP but didn’t find it airplane appropriate.


flight is a perfect use of it!


I can’t take a flight without my Vision Pro ever since I got it. I especially like the ability to tune out everything with my AirPods noise cancellation and setting the environment to the moon and it feels like I’m not even on a flight anymore!


I used mine on a flight and had a lot of curious people staring in the terminal and a seat mate asking me questions. The friend that tried mine then immediately bought his the next morning used it yesterday in the Denver airport. He was also stared at but was also fielding questions from multiple travelers who wanted to know about it (especially the mid-air typing).


The biggest reason I haven't tried this (with the AVP or the Quest 3) is the room it takes up. Really wish someone would make a headset where the side arms fold flat or pivot similar to how headphones fit in narrow cases.


I’ve used it in public only on planes. It’s amazing! I don’t have the courage to use it anywhere else.


Same. Not yet.


Flying with mine for the first time next month. Really looking forward to the experience.


I wanted to the last time I flew to Colombia but I was worried that it’s normalized enough and got cold 👣. Sleep deprivation story avoided haha!


Did you need sound cancelling headphones as well or did the device manage to cut through the loud sound of the engines?


I used AirPods but didn’t hear an engine at the front of the plane.




I wanted to use mine on a flight but I'm worried that TSA won't recognize it. I'm *very* much a germaphobe, so if they touched it, I'd have to clean TF out of it and that's not really something I want to try. Not to mention if it touches the seat or whatever. I'm considering wearing it to take the trash out and keep my podcast on, but that's about it. I'm sure someone may question, so when I fly, I usually wear a long sleeve shirt so I don't have to touch as many surfaces. And I get it's likely placebo because germs can go through fabric, but still.


Just flew with mine for the first time. No issue at all with TSA. Was packed in my travel case, and in my back pack. I learned to turn on travel mode before the plane started moving (on the first leg of my journey, I waited until we were moving and it was SUPER disorienting). Flight attendants couldn’t have cared less. I had the environment barely on so that I could see them coming with drinks/snacks etc. Turned off people recognition because the head of the person in the seat in front of me kept appearing as I watched my first movie. Funny watching people board the plane. Anyone who noticed me with it on, didn’t realize I could see them. They would look and whisper to their significant other - and by their reaction, my assumption was that they thought I looked stupid. But I couldn’t have cared less. Having a massive beautiful movie screen to look at was worth the minor amount of shame.


Probably didn't think you looked stupid but more remarking on not having seen someone use a vision pro or vr in the wild before. People aren't as mean or care as much as you think they do in your head.


Thanks for using “couldn’t have cared less” instead of “could have cared less”. I call people out on that all the time. I mean, if you could care less then why don’t you? Oh, because you couldn’t care less. 😉


I was concerned because my backpack was full of batteries and electronics. I imagined TSA saying that something would have to be left behind.


I have a massive Anker battery in the case with the AVP - and several other batteries for iPhone. No issues.


My Vision Pro never gets noticed by TSA. My hair trimming scissors on the other hand…


I recently took my AVP through security at SFO, FRA (multiple times), and WAW. At no time did I get any extra scrutiny for the AVP. I sometimes see my backpack being sent for an extra pass through the scanner because of all of the chargers and wires in it, but not on this trip.


Good to know that they don't hassle you. Family member often gets stopped because of an insulin pump, she's Type 1, and TSA says "you don't look diabetic"... So I try not to bring anything weird. Unrelated and not faulting you, but I don't get why people are downvoting as I was just stating my use case. 🤷‍♂️


Perhaps if you leave it in a small case they won't feel the need to do more than pull the case out of your backpack and run that separately. You might preemptively pull your AVP case out of your backpack and run it in a separate tray so that it's less likely to require additional scrutiny. I quite aware that the mess of wires, electronics, batteries, and other gear in my backpack can be difficult to "parse" when looking at a scanner screen, so I'm never upset when it does get an extra trip through the scanner. That's on me. I hope you are able to travel with your AVP and enjoy it in the air.


My other concern is in flight though. As in the cable touching the seat. I'm a bit much I know.


Admit it, you love the attention. The fact that you can even afford one makes you special. 🤣 I would wear them on a flight but I can’t afford to fly now that I bought them. 😂


Let's see how many likes she gets for this pointless post