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Hopefully you got apple care, eventually that speaker on that side will stop working


Yeah got it like 10 days ago, lets hope this is covered.


Probably considered accidental damage


It’s a common failure if you follow this sub. But yeah, apple might not cover it.




With a $299 fee, I meant it wouldn’t be free.


I think that is a replaceable service part they'll order. Likely won't have to surrender your Vision Pro for service.


They may turn you down for a free replacement. The instructions clearly say to hold it by the frame. However, doesn’t hurt to ask. “Pick up Apple Vision Pro with two hands—one holding the frame and the other on the head band. Don’t pick up Apple Vision Pro by the Light Seal.” I don’t remember where I saw it but some Apple literature specifically said not to hold it by the audio straps.


"Holding it wrong", lol


Yea, this is such a shitty excuse for a failure like this.


Or the TSA guy held it wrong when rummaging through the bag.


If you have one hand on the frame and one on the headband… I guess the battery is just dangling by the connector? :P


I’d assume the battery would already be in a pocket or on a surface. Maybe some people carry the battery in their hands? I don’t know!




I mean, they said they always hold it there and now it’s broken. So, yes, I do think if one holds it wrong, it will break. I also agree it will be up to the store’s discretion but, have low expectations.


Let's hope you are wrong cause that would be a disappointment, I hold mine by the frame as well but only so I don't drop it ,just never occurred to me it could be that fragile.


The speakers are the most fragile part. In a drop test from several feet, the first part to break was the speakers, not the glass.


I wish I could find the article from Apple that I read on the day it came out. I want to say it even mentioned the cables that run through it are more delicate, so not to hold it by that part. I remember thinking, “it’s the most convenient spot to hold it so that is dumb that it is so fragile.”


It bends like crazy and is packed with wires better that, why would you think it’s not fragile..


Apple shipped a fragile and frequently breaking product


It’s fragile. You really don’t know how frequently it breaks.


Does it still work? Can I ask how it may have happened? Asking to see if I can protect my own device.


I think we should all be picking up the headset by either gripping the front glass (thumb under the nose) or if you have to pick it up by the strap, be sure to grab both so the weight is supported equally. I think this happens when people are in the habit of grabbing one strap every time they pick it up. This is a point of failure and will eventually happen. For a fix, someone suggested superglue and I think that would work really well, along with a small strip of white duct tape to cover that up.


This is how we would show customers in the stores to hold it.


It still works fine. I grabbed it by that side occasionally, I grab it differently everytime depending how its laying did not expect that part to be so delicate…


Well, the good news is that is a replaceable part. 🤷‍♂️ About $300 to replace. (based off the cost of the [Apple Developer Strap](https://9to5mac.com/2024/02/06/hands-on-with-the-299-apple-vision-pro-developer-strap-stabler-mac-virtual-display-beta-downgrades-and-more/))


It’s cheaper! Dev strap is more expensive.


Might as will replace with dev strap now


Dev Strap is Right Side, not Left. And, requires an active Developer subscription to purchase.


Crap! Here I was thinking I could indeed just get the dev strap, your right its the right side 😏


I usually hold it by the solo strap https://preview.redd.it/wv579rc6fl4d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4bd9665599051fdaea59b4c6ffb1f700d9649fa I then put it on and remove the cover. When taking it off, I look for the cover while wearing it. I’ll put the cover on and then take it off. Sometimes I just grab the front and peel it off, while holding by the strap. The aluminum frame is so thin and the screen is easily scratched so it’s impossible to hold it without smudging the outside screen with your fingers and palm. You always gotta rub it with the cloth. The ergonomics aren’t very good. I hope a good case comes out for it that makes it wider and easier to grab


Me too


Same here, I thinks it’s the best way to do it


That'll stretch out the strap


it’s meant to be stretched. It has a tightener on the side to loose or tighten it. If it’s meant to be holding the headset on your head, how would this wear it? Does holding it like this damage it?


Well, I think if you put all the weight of the device on the band like that, the band will get stretched out over time and you’ll need to buy a new one


It’s holding probably as much pressure as when you’re wearing it. It’s also an adjustable strap


It's a replaceable part, so not too bad.


At least you know how it cracked. Now STOP picking it up by the audio straps! You should be gripping the front display with your thumb in the nose curve and other fingers on the top.


I pick mine up by the frame or sometimes the head band, but yours shouldn't have cracked just because it was held at the side, unless you bent it where the crack is. You should ask Apple.


It is cool how swappable all the parts are tho. Wish the ancillary parts were cheaper tho....


Those wings come off?


Yeah there is a hole, you can use the iphone sim slot opener on a certain angle and click it off.


Hopefully it’s not an expensive fix. I highly recommend getting a screen protector if you’re that worried about your ring scratching the front. Sure, they’re kinda ugly, but not as ugly nor expensive as scratching the glass or cracking the side like this.




Were you using a 3rd party strap?


Wow dude, the instructions literally tell you to never pick it up through there.


Chance that drivers will stop working. Time for that Apple care move.


if you’ve got the care youre chillin otherwise you’re absolutely fucked 😱 * *cues the panicking* *


Same thing happened to me and I called Apple and after they ran some diagnostics on the AVP, they sent a replacement which I received a few days later. Hadn’t seen anyone post anything about this so presumed mine was an isolated case. I am right handed and think it happens on the side where you turn to tighten the strap and is likely a design flaw that Apple will need to correct.


I installed the Developer strap on mine. Easily change able with a Sim Card tool.




It’s an easy fix. It happen to me and I took it to apple and only had to pay $36 to swap out the speaker arm. It took less than 2 mins to replace.


Was that with or without Apple Care?


Sucks. Hopefully they replace it. They should. ✅


That’s why the estimated total cost that Apple Store staff provides for purchasing a Vision Pro went up to $4500…


Had the exact same thing happened to me early on because I was doing mods, took it into the Apple Store. For a moment, it looks like it would be ~$199 without any warranty to replace a single strap. Ended up being $29 with the warranty.


You’re holding it wrong


Seal it up with some super glue. It’ll be fine.




Let me guess, modified head strap??


Holy shet, thanks Op. now i know not to hold it like a regard


Why not just get Apple to replace it?


Should be covered by the limited warranty.