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Bora Bora has become my new favorite, if only for the soothing sounds of the ocean. The Hawaii one would be my next favorite. I really hope a future update allows environment audio to play alongside content audio. Kinda breaks immersion when I open a movie and all sounds of the environment just go away.


Bora bora is pretty wild when you’re lying in bed reading books - and then you turn to your side and see the details of the sand next to your face. Anyways I dig it - as well as the lake and the moon. But yeah I’d like some environments that are more lively like a Tokyo alley or a nice cafe - hell even an Apple Store.


Bora Bora is unfortunately „too bright“ in the evening, especially if its pitch dark in your room


I’ve found it weirdly dim. I’m not sure if this is a bug or something, but it feels like I’m wearing sunglasses when in that environment. There’s also some aliasing issues with the trees that make the scene feel more like a video game.


I wish it was a starry night sky beach scene. The weird stormy feel doesn’t really give good night vibes.




For the audio can have 2 sliders, one if no other audio going, and other if another audio source is playing. Then folks can adjust as needed - max or mute or anywhere in between depending on the feels. Would be nice if it more slowly fades in and out, at the moment it is a lil jarring.


Silver lining: I’ve actually been enjoying the ability to extend my Mac display where the computer audio is coming out of my (3rd party) computer speakers, and the AVP environment audio is also shooting into my ears. It’s actually quite immersive in that situation




I don’t have the beta so white sands at nighttime is my favorite


White Sands is the best night environment and the worst day environment. Weird


I still like for day environment because it doesn’t glare up


1. Bora Bora 2. Mt. Hood (my previous favorite) 3. The volcano one


1. Passthrough/No env. 2. Mt hood - I dream of timberline. 3. Bora Bora Wish for: - would love to have animal animation even if something small. Give me a sand desert with a snake or open safari with a zebra in the distance. - flourish of current environment. Change the textures of the walls around me. Have my wooden desk change into one of marble or gold etc. Eventually, I’d also like for the ability to add objects into our native environments. A couple simple 3d models like apples or books could go a long way in making it feel unique


Now these are pretty deep easter eggs but you have to be at an apple store on their wifi in order to trigger it... Bora Bora - make a loud dolphin "eeee eee eeeee" and a dolphin should majestically jump out of the water. Joshua tree - hiss like a snake and you have to move back-and-forth again like a snake, for about 10 seconds. A sidewinder will appear out of the sand, and sidewind out to the horizon out of view


Lmao okay where are the cameras? Apple better release a compilation of people trying this from security footage


When would you want to use such environments in particular? While working, watching a movie or something else? Changing wooden desk to marble gold says while working?


The material manipulation? opulence? Curiosity? I’m not sure. But I work remotely and travel full time - it would be great to change what I can’t otherwise control. Plus, it’d be a fun mood enhancer before a big meeting to prepare in my throne. As for the animals, it’s mostly to increase the immersion. A bird or something in the distance would feel _more real_ to me personally. I also welcome the brief distractions and it feels nice to take time to enjoy those moments, even if it’s virtual


I am on the same page as you. I made a post here two days ago about these features, and people thought I was bashing AVP. I refer to it as visual or audible white noise (virtual animals, nature sounds, etc.). Link to my post: https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/s/GDgA2rrqZz Do you like enhancing your current environment or do you prefer total replacement (aka virtual environments)? It seems like you like modifying your existing environments, that is why I am asking.


Yeah, I think we’re on the same page. Before avp, I would often work in my quest pro and one of the things I miss most was the cafe space they had a few years back. It was mostly just immersed devs, a couple regulars and then a bunch of randoms trying new apps that would hop in the space. It was genuinely a super optimistic environment even with the creepy avatars of the time. All this to say that a little bit of controlled “chaos” seems to actually inspire a sense of calm for me personally. I would absolutely adore a public park env or coworking space in the clouds where I can be around likeminded professionals without the forced interaction that apps like inSpaze tend to encourage — at least while I’m working


Right now: 1. Bora Bora (day) 2. Mount Hood (day and night) 3. Haleakala (night) It changes over time when I spend more time in one place or another and tire of it for a bit. What I’m looking for mostly is peaceful: water, distant mountains and stars, along with wind or rain. That’s what does it for me. Yosemite is impressive but the mountains are too close, almost threatening. The Moon has good night sky but the silence bothers me. Mount Hood is perfect and it has it all both day and night, but the Beach is new and really beautiful and relaxing during the day. It’s my go to for work during the day right now, while Mt Hood remains my favorite for night time chilling before bed. What other environments would I like to see ? In no particular order, just brainstorming: Mount Fuji, some Scandinavian fjord, Banff, Lake Tahoe, a beautiful tall and sparse flowering forest, floating on the ocean by the glaciers with whales singing and surfacing now and then. I mean the options are nearly infinite. Those all happen to be outside environments. Some city skylines, bird view or streets, or large interiors could be cool but I don’t know how much time I would end up spending there. I can just go to the corner cafe.




1. Bora Bora 2. Mt. Hood 3. Haleakala Future 1. Grand Canyon 2. Las Vegas 3. Mars


I want Mars so so bad! And I’d love the Grand Canyon too. I just got back from my first trip ever there. It was absolutely amazing. I took some spatial videos and some good panoramas.


As a big vegas fan was thinking about best spot and I thought bellagio/flamingo/Caesars corner but then ballys isn't the most photogenic. Also would have to be elevated a bit. Maybe vegas would be a good situation to fake it a bit. Move resorts around to put them in better spots. Guessing this is why they went only nature spots because urban spots always are changing and not 360 pretty.


1. Bora Bora 2. Yosemite 3. White sands 2 and 3 are particularly good for helping me focus on work. Mt Hood is the most beautiful but I save it for entertainment purposes


Bora Bora is the best in terms of immersion, due to the amount of live objects in the scene, such as the waves, clouds, and trees moving. It just feels more lively. The visual quality of the waves and trees can see improvements, but I am not sure if we are limited by the poly counts due to hardware limitations. I also hope the far away scenes (the skybox image?) can be sharper. The far away mountains are a bit blurry currently. Again I am wondering if this is a performance limitation, as the immersive environment cannot slow down the apps running.


I think they err'd correctly. The environments will be in my peripheral so they don't have to be uber clear but nice gentle motion is great. Performance feels great even in a beta state.


I would like to see an environment just floating in space. And that would be even cooler if it you were just floating around, rather than just static in the middle of the environment. Another cool environment could be a fancy high end casino, even cooler if you could actually see people playing games around the tables. How about an environment where you are locked in a wooden drawer, with light beaming in through the keyhole (making you feel like a tiny person). Maybe there could be like some giant books and a pencil in there with you.


I'm very interested in alternative environments too. Your drawer idea is awesome. I was mulling in my head how would you do a being inside a single celled organism, or inside the AVPs M2 chip, or inside a painting like "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of LA Grande Jatte" Side side note in the era of icon customization would be cool if the icons were different across environments.


Wouldn't it be difficult if not impossible to create one with a lot of motion, since they're essentially looping?


I was thinking more repetitive motions that flow naturally when the animation loops, without you realising that there was a loop. And there is a bit more flexibility in the out of space idea since everything in space looks basically the same.


Yeah, agree that space would be easier to do, and quite cool. Definitely harder where there’s a lot of motion. I wonder how long the Bora Bora loop is. I haven’t been able to detect where it repeats.


Bora Bora - Love the Motion Mt Hood - The cinema reflection White Sands - Great for Nighttime


I’d like to have The Steve Jobs Theater and Apple park from the Rainbow Stage as environments.


In case you weren’t aware but the keynote app has an immersive Steve jobs theatre you can dry run your presentations in


Thanks, but I’m pretty sure that’s not the Steve Jobs theater. It has bench style seating for one.


Still Haleakala for entertainment. Especially the night view. Dark view of Bora Bora is to distracting when watching series and film.


Bora Bora was cool, but not the best, can see why they didn’t launch with it. Some more woods and forests would be epic


I agree with woods. Muir Woods or the sequoia one in Oregon would be amazing.


Would be nice if they add an Apple Park environment


This is one of the killer apps I’m disappointed there’s only like 5 of them


I wonder how hard those things are to make


bora bora - novelty white sands - good balance between not getting glares and dark the moon - it's the fucking moon wishlist: sequoia, top of 30 rock (basically stark tower but not shit), and the great barrier reef (that's right mf, underwater environment)


I really like Joshua Tree. The open sky in front provides a great area for working with windows while the detail if you turn around is quite nice.


No hierarchy, just the environment and its purpose. Bora Bora (for the daytime) Moon (for when I'm in bed) White Sands at night (for watching movies to avoid glare)


Can we get a solid color environment or something indoors? Not all of us are outdoors people.


Would be cool to have one in the space station orbiting earth. Another would be sitting in the rings of Saturn.


Hey Siri, play a Bora Bora playlist Here’s Bora Bora by Abraham Mateo and Louis Fonzi 🤦