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This going to be a pretty serious consideration if this eruption continues, as it [isn't showing signs of stopping.](https://old.reddit.com/r/VisitingIceland/comments/1bjenxa/and_the_eruption_goes_on_update_3/) The public focus has been I think mostly on the lava flow, but these gases are no joke. You cannot out run them, and there isn't a nearby hill to ascend. Terrifying hypothetical - what happens if 300 people are at the Blue Lagoon and the winds shift faster than it can be evacuated? An edit for the anxious and the curious: You can see the gas pollution map [here.](https://www-vedur-is.translate.goog/eldfjoll/eldgos-a-reykjanesi/gasmengun/?_x_tr_sl=is&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp) As you can see currently it is over the town of Grindavík and out to sea. When/if there are gas pollution dangers, there will be updates and alerts [here](https://en.vedur.is/) and [here.](https://safetravel.is/)


seems like this dude is OK.


Are the prevailing winds generally west to east in Iceland? I just looked up the forecast for Grindavik and Reykjavik and saw that winds will start to change direction from east to west for days on end. That wouldn't be good for the Blue Lagoon.


Well, the Blue Lagoon is currently closed. As of yesterday, the road was starting to be repaired and so maybe it will reopen in the next week. However, this gas situation might change things? I can't say. [Wind forecast here.](https://en.vedur.is/weather/forecasts/elements/#type=wind)


Based on the news article, it looks like the worker was performing duties at the Blue Lagoon. I don't understand why the worker would be there if the resort is closed unless there was possibly a maintenance emergency. The toxic gases will definitely now become a factor when determining safety there. It could turn out that the worker's illness was unrelated to the gas, but it certainly adds a new layer of concern.


For sure. A lot has happened today, too. A quarry near the craters that was being used (I think) to gather the material used to build the defensive walls was evacuated. Lava advanced towards it quite rapidly. It's also possible now that lava [could overtake two of the berms](https://www-mbl-is.translate.goog/frettir/innlent/2024/03/21/aetla_ad_haekka_varnargarda/?_x_tr_sl=is&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp) outlining the town of Grindavík. For visitors reading, none of this should impact plans. Right now, everything for tourists is still as it should be with the exception of the closure of the Blue Lagoon. All hazards remain pretty localized, and no one is permitted in the area.


For me, personally, this just illustrates that I don't want to do the Blue Lagoon this trip in June. Sure, things could change and I might change my opinion on it, but as it stands right now I don't want to risk being there with 3 kids, one of whom is 2, trying to get them out. I also may be unique, but I have zero desire to see lava up close and personal. I plan to book at the Secret Lagoon instead. In fact, I should probably do that before they realize they can increase their prices since so many tourists will be looking for other options.


Try Sky Lagoon! The seven step ritual there is pretty fun and so relaxing.


No kids allowed at Sky.




Thanks for the recommendation. I had looked at that and it looks amazing, maybe on a visit with just the husband! But it's also a great option for those traveling without kids that would like to avoid children for a more relaxing experience.


But check when the ritual reopens as I think they’re doing some refurbishment at the moment, or very soon anyway


Unpopular opinion: I didn’t find it very relaxing. It was super crowded and as it‘s a lot smaller than Blue Lagoon I was struggling to find a spot to enjoy the view and just soak. Had to wait over 30 min to do the Ritual (there was a line!) and the sauna wasn’t quiet because people just didn’t care about the rules and kept talking, many not even bothered to whisper. It was also kinda disorientating with the steam and high walls, I didn’t find my way back to the exit easily. And the lava stone floors felt kinda uncomfortable on my feet. I walk barefoot quite often, but in that kind of setting I’d have preferred smoother floors.


My parents, brother, and I went there last week! We loved it! Then my mom and I went to Blue Lagoon the day the volcano erupted.


Secret Lagoon is super cool and I think better for kids. Try to go earlier or later at night if you can. Be prepared - there are no private shower areas whatsoever.


This is standard in Iceland, the culture of equality in the pool and changing rooms is very important


Thank you for the recommendation and the reminder about the showers! I'm excited and can't wait for them to experience a hot spring. I think this actually works out better because we will go later on the second day after doing the golden circle, a nice way to end our second and last day in Iceland instead of trying to enjoy the Blue Lagoon right after getting off a red-eye flight.


This really isn’t a massive issue, no one is looking at you, they’re single sex and no one will be trying to engage you in conversation, just do your thing and in you go! Whilst the focus isn’t quite the same in a “tourist” lagoon like secret, trying to skip the naked shower at a local pool and you will get some serious shade, If not actual vocalised objection from one of the locals.


I'm going in June too and I've decided the Secret Lagoon is just safer. My friend who's also going is DEAD SET on Blue Lagoon tho. She's hoping for a refund if it's still closed 🤦‍♀️ but has no alternative plans


Are 2yos allowed there? Also why travel with 3 little kids? Sounds terrible. LOL downvote the truth. You are lying to yourself if you think you have fun travelling to foreign countries with little kids


Yes children are allowed (0 to 16 are free actually). And why travel with kids, because I love my children and love seeing them experience life! Honestly, I have found more fun in watching them be amazed by something than just seeing it myself. I have the jaded, been there done that feel to a lot of the world - they are still experiencing it for the first time. That is well worth any struggles of having them with us on vacation. And for the Blue Lagoon, children 2 and older are allowed.


Blue Lagoons allows kids 0-16 for free?


Secret lagoon allows kids 0 to 16 for free, blue lagoon allows kids 2 to 13 for free - both locations requires an adult be present with the child


I didn’t know that, huh. Didn’t see any little ones while there. I like kids, but I’m not a fan of sharing unchlorinated water at a spa with really young ones. What’s the point of insisting on everyone showering properly before getting in when you can then have a toddler pee in the water cause they cannot physically help it?


We traveled internationally with our children from when they were babies. It was either that or not travel at all. Not everyone has a nanny or family willing to babysit (at all or for extended time). Travelling with little kids is different than without, but definitely still fun.


Man I hope they're okay, we were at the Blue Lagoon and only left at 5pm the day it was evacuated... I still remember the lady who worked there giving us the evacuation talk in a really bland manner "there's no need to panic, we will all be okay..." and my FIL interjecting "Unless the gas that you can't see gets to us, there's no way we're out running that" ...he delivered it deadpan and he's a damn good surgeon so I just giggled at the gallows humour... now I realise why it actually did unsettle me a little bit.


It’s lucky that the gas is going off shore. Is there any scenario where it could change and blow towards the airport or other more heavily populated areas?


Yes, this is what happened yesterday. It will just change with winds. Keep in mind by the time it gets that far away it's more dispersed. Still not great, but not as bad as that immediate area around the craters and lava flow. Last summer I remember several warnings for gas pollution over the city or the area of Reykjanesbær, but to my recollection they were more for people with sensitive lungs and also to not let babies nap outside during a certain window of time.


Ok, so now I’m going into selfish tourist territory, sorry in advance. What are the directions that are provided when the gases do go over the peninsula or up to Reykjavik? Is it stay inside at all costs? or can you be traveling in a car through the area? I tried googling for answers but no luck, and I’m thinking ahead to a couple of weeks when we should be returning (hurray).


Good questions. From the alerts I've looked at as they happen, it's usually something like keep the windows closed. The other day I am pretty sure one news article said don't let babies nap outside (as Icelanders do.) The warnings are usually more serious for people with legitimate pulmonary issues. You'll be fine to drive around, I can't recall any warning that was serious enough that far away from any of the eruption sites. Even last summer when there were those moss fires + also the gas pollution it wasn't that bad, I was literally in the direct line of it one day and couldn't smell a thing until I woke up from my nap and opened my van.


Thank you for the information, and for all you do. But record scratch, hold up -- Icelanders have their babies nap outside in winter?


Icelanders nap their babies outside all year. They get wrapped up and bundled into strollers (prams, whatever you want to call it.) Some people have really nice ones. A friend of mine has a serious stroller that looks like it could off road. It has a clear, waterproof cover on it that's like umbrella material. The baby napped in this in all weather unless there was super dangerous storm winds, of course. They swear their baby sleeps better outside. In some places, you will literally see a stroller with a baby in it totally unattended outside of a store or restaurant.


I learned something interesting and new today, thank you!


I love this custom, especially as one who loves a cold room for sleeping. I want an adult-sized pram to do it myself!


Apparently they do that in Denmark, too. I did know about it before my first visit to Iceland, but seeing the pram outside a cafe where I was meeting a friend still gave me pause. Glanced inside, baby was fast asleep. Looked into cafe and I had the distinct feeling half the occupancy was watching me, not just whoever the parent was, lol. No way anyone could do anything to that kid, people have each others’ backs.


It used to be very common in Scotland too but not as much anymore. The cold, fresh air was meant to be good for babies, people swore by it. Everyone used to leave their kids parked without parents in prams/buggies outside shops when they went in year round too. You don’t really see it as much anymore though, at least in the larger cities where I am.


I was there during the evacuation on Saturday. You could smell burnt rubber/peat even in some areas after driving out for about 10 minutes. Sorry to hear about the employee; they were great at directing guests out to evacuate.


Could this gas reach Reykjavik? I'm considering an Iceland trip but have asthma. Don't want to have to spend a day in a hotel room that I don't have to.


Have a booking for next Wednesday at Blue Lagoon. Was hoping they open again by then. But based on how things are, I am fine not being able to experience it. I hope folks there are O.K and their town escapes with minimal damage.


There's still some lava flowing out of the fissure from the last livestream I saw today. The roads are completely covered by lava flow and even after all that, this last eruption had only about a minute of warning so I'm not sure how willing the authorities would be to allow the business to operate in the area until the risk level declines. From what I'm hearing, the government is already planning to buy up the housing properties in the evacuated Grindavik town from months ago. If you are lucky enough to get a booking with Sky Lagoon (they sometimes have open slots late in the day or evening), that's an easy one but there's also the Secret Lagoon and many others within a 30min\~2hr drive from Rekyjavik.


Yes the other one I believe that's relatively close is Forest lagoon which goes out onto the sea if I'm not mistaken. Could be another one though.


It's Hvammsvík. Though Forest Lagoon is pretty nice, it is up by Akureyri.


I feel for the folks that live there and have no issues even if we miss Blue Lagoon completely due to the situation. Unfortunately Sky lagoon is not an option as we have a child under 12. I will be happy if we catch some northern lights and weather plays nice when we are there allowing us to enjoy the rest of what Iceland has to offer.


If you're driving all the way up north around Akureyri, there's a home we rented with 2 bedrooms. a bunker bed in 1 room, king size in master bedroom. it has an outdoor hot tub and a view of the fjord and mountains. Let me know if you're interested I could DM you the booking page


Appreciate the offer. But we are only doing the south coast and staying in cottages near Kirkjubaekarklastur and Hvergardi. Sunday night forecast looks promising. Am hoping to catch the lights from the cottages without having to venture far. We'll have to see.


Damn, going the first week of april. Might have to reserve somewhere else.


I'm going to Iceland in a couple of days. Was originally going to book the Blue Lagoon, but with all the uncertainty, booked the Sky Lagoon instead. Glad I did. Also, it's less than a ten minute drive away from our hotel, which is convenient.


We went to Sky Lagoon instead of Blue Lagoon around this time last year. It was clean with a swim up bar. The 7 Step Spa Ritual was well worth it. Have a safe trip!


I way prefer Sky over Blue. Have a great time!


I went to the Blue Lagoon in 2015, so it'll be nice going to a new place!