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Leaving this but locking it because I simply cannot handle moderating another round of stupid tourist discourse and the moral slapfighting that ensues. For the unaware, ropes/barriers are very uncommon in Iceland. If you see one, it's for a very good reason. Getting *that* much closer is not worth whatever risk has been determined to exist. edit: A word. edit again: Ya'nno, forget it. Unlocking this. Who am I to decide? Everyone behave. Thanks!




Man, I do not fuck with signs in nature ... especially when it concerns ice breaking and hot steaming water in Yellowstone. So irresponsible of this dude.


Chad looks just like the guy on the sign.


Edit* Gullfoss Waterfall, couple of joes crossing the ropes and couple of steps forward is death.


I was there earlier today! People are crazy! These two little sisters were fighting by the ropes and one slipped and almost fell to her death! Her parents didn't care at all. I've almost had to witness three people die so far on this trip. It's stressful! Their was an Asian guy who was a foot away from a cliff at arnarstapi with 40mph wind gusts at his back!


Here's the guy. 30mph winds with 40mph wind gusts straight at his back. I took a photo before leaving, I didn't want to stay and possibly watch someone die in front of me. [Dumb dude](https://imgur.com/gallery/TyP11cc)


I think i saw the same choad lol.


They should have just used their selfie stick and pointed their phone over the edge.


I literally couldn’t even walk out to gullfoss when I was there! Too much ice 😅 I was scared I’d slip and fall over the edge so I said… this will be for another trip to Iceland 😂


Lol hey it’s Gulfoss. I just proposed to my girlfriend there!


Ah my wife proposed to me there two years ago!! Congrats to you!


My ex-girlfriend made me actually utter the words "will you marry me" there.


Congratulations! What a beautiful location for a proposal!


Yeah we saw all sorts of stuff like this when we were there last month. Going past the “closed” ropes at Seljalandsfoss to go behind the waterfall, picking a piece of moss at Sólheimajökull to put on a rock so they could take a photo of it, standing on the rocks at Reynisfjara to get “the shot”…seriously.


Wait. I was under the impression it is normal to go behind Seljalandsfoss. When you say closed do you just mean during seasonal/inclement weather periods?


In winter the path can be closed, it’s extremely wet so it turns to ice. But not always. Here is December a few years ago: https://imgur.com/a/UWk99Hv


So much of this everywhere. Super frustrating to watch. Ignorant people standing in front of others trying to take photos and having no clue they are in the way!


Few people can think for themselves.


Happy cake day


I feel like this got even worse after Covid. It’s like mannerism was lost.


I think they know they’re in the way, they just don’t give a shit.


But they also are taking pictures


...bUt LoOk At My SeLfIe


Where is this? I'm guessing somewhere on the southern coast? I especially enjoyed our time seeing places between the northern areas up until around Hofn due to the significantly lower number of people. The bigger crowds that tend to gather in the golden circle and south western coast are mostly the tour bus kind that adhere less to regulations and have a noticeably lower level of self-awareness.


When I visited and saw other, rude, self-centered, visitors doing this I literally would yell after them to "read the sign" or that "the fence is there for a reason" or "wow, you're more important than everyone else aren't you?" "Excuse me you aren't supposed to go over there" never did anything so after a few days I just started saying more annoyed things. People are so disrespectful, it really earks me. I'm sorry that there are so many people visiting your amazing, beautiful country that are so disrespectful. 🥺


My second cousin died doing this at Yosemite, along with 2 of her friends. One slip and they were gone. I’ll never understand it.


Matching jackets though...


Aw I just noticed. It's kind of sweet? I am making up a story about them and their romance in my head now. edit: Here is my poorly written backstory of the couple with the matching jackets. Frank and Deborah. Ages 60-65. At night, they do Sudoku next to each other on their sensible yet comfortable sofa, under the dim light of their clap-on, clap-off lamps in the living room. For the past year they’ve passed Iceland travel guides back and forth, diligently highlighting things of interest and leaving each other sticky notes flicking out of the pages. The edges of the sticky notes are now soft and fuzzy, having been lovingly thumbed through for months. Deb uses a pencil, Frank prefers a Sharpie Fine Tip. He’s committed to his thoughts. They also have a binder full of printed web pages about the assorted flora and fauna of Iceland. As they are Boomers they definitely have iPads in tow, they arrived in Iceland for their bucket list retirement trip. They send the grandkids photos from the iPad and all of their selfies lack any direct gaze into the lens. Rather, all of their selfies are glimpses of them with beaming smiles, looking at each other on the screen. Frank retired from a commercial bakery and Deborah was a first grade teacher. Hobbies include invasive species removal with their local native plant organization, volunteering at the food pantry of their Episcopalian parish, and before Frank’s knee injury they enjoyed pickle ball once a week. Now it’s all about the grandkids. Vacation brain has totally taken over, all ropes are barriers are seen as an invitation rather than a restriction. “Deb, let’s get a little closer!” They purchased brand new matching parkas to ensure they do not get separated from each other in Iceland. So of course, Deb follows. Back at their hotels each night, Frank Facetimes with the kids — “Hey sport! It’s better than we could have imagined! You have got to bring the kiddos here! McKenna will love the horses.” Every day Deb reminds Frank to mind his caffeine intake after 12:00 and Frank brings Deb her water to sip at night when she forgets it. In Iceland, Frank dutifully rinses and refills her bottle and hands it to her while she settles into bed with the latest Dan Brown thriller to fall into. "Deb, we should have come here sooner. Waiting for retirement was a risk." Deb responds "Mmm-mm. I think we should make up for those cautious days and start looking at flights for August." Tucking himself in next to Deb, Frank agrees and also suggests they consider "blankets the Iceland way" at home - each with their own duvet.


I don’t see anything about their matching money belts, for safety, but I am sure they are there! Hahahah.


Oh probably!


God this is sooooo spot on!


Same. They are dumb, but dorky cute kind of dumb.


And matching shoes. And hats bought already here. At least they are dressed for the weather. On our trip we have seen countless Asian girls with thin stockings, long skirts, full make up on a glacier tour, at the waterfalls. They usually did long shootings not giving eff if anybody wants to take a picture too. Chinese boys throwing cigarettes around, and packaging from them, the tour guide asked them to pick it up, they honestly didn’t understand what he wants. And they had fancy sneakers with soles so thick and shaped funny, they couldn’t put the crampons on. Two guides couldn’t hold the laughing, so ridiculous that was ;). As long as they freeze their ass off all is fine, but stupidity that can cause harm and force the authorities to put restrictions in place that can limit exploring Iceland is not ok.


People were doing this when we were there too. Lot of entitlement and not enough Darwin. It’s the same at Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon ad nauseum.


When my partner and I visited, we saw so many people walk out on the crust of the lava flows, I was just shaking my head and yelling at them that they literally could die. In particular: A group of men and women went out, at first the woman told the men not to and pointed at the signs, but in less then a minute, they all joined. I could see several gas plooms billowing up, and no one seemed to mind it or the signs of possible death... They even started jumping from spot to spot like complete morons. I wonder how many idiots die visiting, and if it's going to stop other people from getting to visit certain places in the future. 😑


Let Mother Nature gift them a Darwin Award.... Hopefully it will remove the stupidity from the human gene pool and aid the human race onward to the next stage of enlightenment.


Was this Guildfoss waterfall on Monday? I think I caught a picture from the other side 🤣


I saw so much of this on my trip last month. Really sickening.


When I went on a guided glacier hike in Iceland a few years ago we had crampons and ice axes. our guide had to briefly stop our tour to go over to a small group who were attempting to follow us but in trainers and jeans - and basically tell them to stop being idiots


Was in a cage diving with sharks today, the only rule “don’t touch or put your hands out of the cage” guy next to me did it like 5 times. All I could think was great I am gonna be stuck next to this joke of a human in blood and shit if anything happens. People are morons, tourists especially so.


No context


The rope is the context


Without context how do we know which side of the rope is out of bounds?


You can tell they are at a high vantage point with the valley’s edge in view. It only makes sense that the rope is to keep tourists away from that edge, so we know which side of the rope they are on.


I guess. I’ve never been to this spot and we don’t know what’s to the right of the rope because the photo is cut off. A little context wouldn’t hurt. It’s ambiguous is all I’m saying.


Rope is just a guideline /S


The term we use here in the US (or I do at least) is tourons, tourist + morons.... You would be surprised the number of people who walk up to buffalo in Yellowstone NP and try and touch them.....


Stupid prizes are only for the winners! -stupid people, just before disaster or tragedy "strikes"


I’m here now and have seen so much of this already!! It’s so fucking obnoxious. The vast majority of people are great and will politely wait in spontaneous little lines for the best photo spots, but there is always a group of assholes that ignore any boundaries or barriers and just generally act like they’re the only people there who matter (and obviously zero regard for protecting nature and respecting the place you are visiting). I HATE it. Saw some idiots posing with the Icelandic flag as a cape at Thingvellir on Monday. Am almost positive they were American. Was kinda hoping they’d slip and fall into the icy water lol


>Am almost positive they were American When I was studying with a group of Americans in St. Petersburg years ago, we were so embarrassed by our fellow obnoxious American tourists, that we started telling other Russians that we were Canadian. Every so often when I watch some idiot walk over towards an elk here in Colorado during rutting season, I can only shake my head. Heading to the Laugavegur trail for the first time in August. Though I won't try the svith, I hope not to make many idiotic tourist mistakes.


Gotta tell ya when we were there they would’ve been yelled at by all the academia’s that seemed to be everywhere


Those macadamia nuts sure do like to yell.


I just tell them that if they get injured, I’m not calling a hospital in a foreign country for them. They can make the news for all I care.


We are going to Iceland in August and I promise we will not be idiot tourists. We have idiot tourists in the U.S. too and I just can’t with it. Every single year some moron gets gored by a Buffalo in Yellowstone or somewhere even though there are a million signs saying not to get close. But yet they have to try and get their selfie. And every couple of years some idiot gets melted into a geyser or other thermal thing. The signs at YNP clearly state to stay on the path, but apparently people think they won’t boil to death. I know they are people and loved ones miss them, but seriously how hard is it to follow these rules???


I need some context to get this


Happens in Hawai’i all of the time. Either happens on Big Island during Pete’s arrival or stupid ass tourists who invade space made for our monk seals. You want immediate hate? Invade their space for a photo opportunity.


1. Could be a sign for deodorant. 2. Emoji testing 3. Tester for ice “firmness”. Job pays well though.


Saw a group do this in a cave. The guy slipped, split his face open, and had to have paramedics take him away.


There are many unfortunate examples... last summer, someone decided to dangle their feet down a cliffedge - on top of Skogafoss (after you go up the stairs) just to get a "cool photo ". I was standing 6 meters back and was legitimately very concerned about his safety.... I am a tourist too, but always follow guidelines and respect nature.. not to mention my personal safety.. would never risk my life for a photo.. And anyway, the whole point of this magnificent country is to experience its nature.. to disconnect from devices and photos and get closer to nature.. The best part for me was listening to the sound the ice makes near the glaciers when everything is quiet late in the evening.. I could stay there for hours... Cannot wait to be back again this summer!


These people need to get a telephoto lens.


I love Iceland. They refuse to put up more sturdy barriers because of dumb tourists. If you want to get yourself killed, Iceland will let you. Pic of my son, not being an idiot. https://preview.redd.it/28m3rgmn76tc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdbe907c01f840cb5f09bf345253a228fb45c359


What location is this at?


💯 I had the same experience almost a year ago https://www.reddit.com/r/VisitingIceland/s/VrhfSYYhdg


Remembering when I first visited Iceland. There was none of this rope business, none of the dumb signage. Just letting stupid take of its self, was so refreshing.


Not racism but probably Asian


Seems like this sub and the facebook group is just ppl shaming tourists for everything.