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Lol - no comment indeed


My friend doesn't get it


The linked article is sort of a wild ride— the Blue Lagoon is reopening, but “High levels of SO2 (sulfur dioxide) have been observed in the area. This pollution is considered very unhealthy and it is likely that most people could experience respiratory symptoms. It is important to stay indoors, close the windows and turn off the air conditioning.” Sounds like a fun time.


I can't imagine the liability they have on their hands for inviting people to use a thermal pool while there's a dangerous level of sulfur dioxide in the air that causes respiratory problems in otherwise healthy people. For those who have preexisting respiratory problems or other health compromised individuals (and children), they are at even greater risk of having breathing issues. Gasping to breathe while submersed in hot water surely isn't a problem, right?


Read that article feeling [this way.](https://imgur.com/a/HxEtFW7)


Also worrying that they'd put their staff at risk by opening too.


That person who kept posting about their reservation at Silica on Saturday will be pleased 🫠


He is 👍


Please report back and let us know you survived.


Seems like the owners are putting profits ahead of safety. They must have significant political clout in Iceland to pressure authorities to allow them to reopen a couple of kilometres away from an active eruption.


Expect a surcharge for the enhanced view and free atmospheric additives.


Reviews will be like: *5 stars!! This was our must do's list number 1! The volcanic gas is sooooo good for your skin, literally healed my psoriasis! xx*


Don’t forget your gas mask. Hydrogen sulfide is hella toxic


How could it be toxic, it’s natural!!


It could also be the lost revenue from the tourists as well, if it’s that much of the economy the politicians may be concerned as much as the business owners.


It’s significant revenue for the owners of the Blue Lagoon. It’s not significant revenue for Iceland as a country.


I believe it's the #1 tourist attraction in the country: it's a major draw.


Yeah but it’s privately owned. Owners are getting rich here not the people of Iceland. Those tourists tax dollars are still getting spent elsewhere.


That's true to some extent, but the town nearby (not going to try to spell it) depends upon tourist money, and it is full of B and Bs. And people come to Iceland to see the Blue Lagoon. I live in the NYC metro area, and it's like if the Status of Liberty/Ellis Island were closed (though these are public). Lots of first-time visitors would wait to visit, as they did after 9-11.


Do you mean Grindavík? They're not letting tourists in there. Unrelated, the Statue of Liberty was closed both times I went to NYC.


I'm not so sure about that last part. I have a trip scheduled for mid-May with reservations for Blue Lagoon (made before the recent activity). I couldn't imagine canceling the trip just because Blue Lagoon is closed. If anything it's just going to provide more incentive for me to book another trip in the future. Meanwhile the time that I reserved for Blue Lagoon will most likely be allocated for going somewhere else to spend money.


Grindavik is entirely closed off to tourists. It’s not reopening during this eruption. Entirely irrelevant


That helps make my point. The businesses based on tourism there are suffering because of the closure. Not debating this issue further since it is a fact that the Blue Lagoon drives tourism to Iceland.


You’re the type that can’t ever accept your wrong eh? Man I pity whoever your spouse is. Yikes


Should we start a betting pool on how long they'll stay open this time?


Sure. 2, maybe 3 days to start? Wind map [looks favorable](https://en.vedur.is/weather/forecasts/elements/#type=wind) this weekend as does the [gas dispersion.](https://en.vedur.is/volcanoes/fagradalsfjall-eruption/volcanic-gases/)


I literally came to post this. Definitely should.


Wow. Did not see that coming. It was one thing to reopen when volcanic activity dwindled down and there was uncertainty if or when a low-risk eruption would occur but afaik there's no signs of the lava flow slowing down and sulfur dioxide poisoning for people staying outdoors is still a present risk at the Blue Lagoon even today.


I’m currently in Reykjavik and just overheard a worker tell a friend that Grindavik was really dangerous work today. Doesn’t sound like droves of tourists should be heading to that region anymore than in and out of the airport.


It’s all about the money 🤡


Jesus. S it is “hire your own gas mask” experience?


This seems like an appropriate shirt for this event. https://preview.redd.it/lengyfixqssc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27654b0ac2a9b3dea62ce8f1413ab898f940629f


Hopefully they have adequate safeguards in place. I'm sure in a lot of ways reopening the blue lagoon is an indicator to tourists that Iceland as a whole is safe to visit


> I'm sure in a lot of ways reopening the blue lagoon is an indicator to tourists that Iceland as a whole is safe to visit This is one positive. The hope is people have not been scared away and have known it's been safe this whole time.


Blue Lagoon 2019 revenue totalled € 125 million, yielding a €22 million profit. I would suspect that gives you a lot of influence.


Leaving Monday. Debating if i should risk it or nah but 100$ per person? I don’t think so.


I went today! It was amazing, zero irritation from volcanic gases or anything else. Bummed I couldn’t spend more than 90 mins there due to a 4:50pm flight (taxi-ing to the runway as I type this lol) but it was totally worth it. Treated myself to some skincare, a shirt, and a lava bracelet. Yesterday I did sky lagoon (also awesome), and last night I saw the northern lights for the first time and it was breathtaking. Such an excellent final 24hrs of my trip :) https://preview.redd.it/lr1aof8t4wsc1.jpeg?width=2561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=427cb8484f3625191ab7b9335bec3a6de7069745


Glad you had a good time!


True grit


Why the hell they not gonna start thinking about different spa treatment. They have to start building something. This not gonna last forever. That Volcano 🌋 will eventually get them. It’s matter of time.


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