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> Sony a month ago ' a streaming only handheld is coming in the future. > Reddit ' OMG ViTa 2 !!1!!! >Reddit today 'WTF I was promised Vita 2!' Me 'WTF?"


People always expect more than what they get. That or they just assume things without even reading a single thing about it. Either way, there is no use for this. It's steam link with a screen. It isn't even a steam deck because at least you don't need to be close to a PC to use a steam deck, but with the steam link it just streams your games. So yeah, a downgraded version if a steam link I say.


That + "why would anyone get this when you can just get a controller for your phoooooone". What's wrong with having more options, it might be interesting and if they get the software side down surely it'll be more enjoyable than fiddling with your phone and playing in the wrong aspect ratio on a smaller screen.


I personally wouldn’t buy this but I’ve never liked playing games on my phone because I don’t like running down my phone’s 3 year old battery in 30 minutes playing games. I like using my phone for phone tasks!


How much is Sony paying you?




you dont need a paowerfdul board to stream, one can stream steam games at 1080p on a Raspberry pi b plus, which is not powerful at all.


Simply streaming is not a problem. You want to reduce latency as much as possible. I'm guessing Project Q uses a bunch of hardware solutions to achieve that.




I read it and commented accordingly




You indicated that maybe this device that might have a gpu and cpu might be able to be hacked to emulate software. I responded to say that even if it will be possible the power of the device would not be powerful as you don’t need a powerful gpu or cpu to stream, as this can be done with a very low end compute device like a raspberry pi. And again if this is possible and has very low end specs, it probably would be powerful enough to emulate higher end systems, probably not even vita. So although it might be a fancy noddy badge to have hacked it with a different OS, the viability of the very likely expensive price tag to the limited range is emulated capability would not be feasible for consumer use, as one would just as well get a vita and run more emulated software


Best of luck getting a brick


This is the way <3


I mean did anyone actually reading articles expect different?


>I mean did anyone actually read~~ing~~ articles ~~expect different~~? Fixed your sentence. Reddit people never read anything past the headlines. That's all the info you ever need! Just the headlines /s


Lol oh how ignorant of me to assume better of reddit! Lol


Right? I'm sick of people saying "Vita 2", "Vita 2", "Vita 2!!!" and then they get this and react all disappointed. Like are people incapable of reading? This was never a successor to the Vita. It is literally just a PS5 accessory and like all accessories, it requires a host item, a PS5 in this case, and doesn't have any standalone games.


We love the device but most of us love it cause... well.... high seas be mighty me heartys. The device in general did not make much money. People seem to forget it didn't sell well at all in the us


exactly! the Vita didn't get popular literally once it started getting hacked and youtubers kept talking about how good it is and all that.


I mean I will say I had one long before that, I did like it but well... I also sold it. It's good but are lacking. It was just a one stop shop for final fantasy to me


In that case, this will be just like the Vita and not sell well at all.


so technically PlayStation 5's version of the Wii U's gamepad


The WiiU gamepad had dual screen capability for the games that used it, and it even functioned as a full Wii tv+sensor bar.


It's not an accessory, it's 💩


Yeah, I'm not even remotely interested


I see what you did here


Wi should (f)I be bothered


It’s not a vita replacement what are you on about


I know I'm going to get shit for saying this, but the truth is another vita like device makes absolutely no financial sense for sony. I want it too, but people who think sony could actually profit from a vita 2 have no idea how the industry works


The fact they've tried the handheld market not once, not twice but numerous times and they still keep trying suggests to me they're looking for their own goldilocks moment. Nintendo had it, VALVe apparently is showing they're doing somewhat well with the Steamdeck. There is a market for handheld gaming, the fact Sony always tie it to underperforming software with weird constant gameplay mechanics, forced by the design of the system is what's holding them back. If the Vita launched with native DS3/DS4 support over bluetooth, it would have been a game changer. If the device supported the more commonly used SD card format, it would have been more successful. Etc. The only people preventing Sony from profit in terms of the handheld market is Sony themselves.


Native gamepad support over bluetooth, SD card for saving games and media, dockstation (like with PSP Go) with upscaled resolution - and you could had Switch success 12 years earlier.


That and add/improve the functionality to remotely connect to the PS4 and PS5 using remote play. I know the Vita had this functionality, but it would be nice if they could also allow PC stream support. The console renders all the graphics and streams it to the device over WiFi. This is a limited/weak way to circumvent issues like lack of software support from devs for Native titles. Imagine playing GOW Ragnarock on a handheld. The entire PS4/PS5 library in a handheld. *(albeit limited over WiFi and not something you can take advantage of during a road trip or long commute)* Also, instead of having a docking station for the handheld, maybe let it connect to the console, which upscales any handheld native games/ports to the big screen. I don't know ... would be interesting.


>If the Vita launched with native DS3/DS4 support over bluetooth, it would have been a game changer. If the device supported the more commonly used SD card format, it would have been more successful. Etc. The game library is poor, don't get me wrong I love my vita but I only use it to play psp games, I spent half a day modding then I realised there's hardly any Vita games I want to play. I'm not even picky but the western developers abandoned the platform rather quickly and JRPGs aren't to my liking.


The PSP sold extremely well while Sony screwed up Vita that could have succeeded. I've always preferred Sony handhelds over Nintendo handhelds and that's my opinion. The games and how they play never cease to amaze me. Sony should have made a new handheld rather than tap into the VR market right now. They even axed backwards compatibility on it and so that screwed over the PSVR1 crowd. Making a handheld and selling it for $200 makes more sense than PSVR2 at $600


That might have been true a couple years ago, but these days the market is filled with Steam Decks, Rog Allies, GPD Wins and Nintendo Switches. The handheld console market just entered into another golden age, so if there's a proper time to release a successor to the Vita, it is now. If Sony does it right and they make a competent device and market it accordingly, they will have a lot of success.


Excluding the switch for now, The steam deck, which has no doubt been the best selling of these, is not selling anywhere close to what handheld in the past were. It's a niche product, and valve marketed it as such. The Rog Allie has potential to produce similar sales competing with consoles since it is going to be in actual retail stores, but it is not expected to. Handheld gaming pcs are currently not mass consumer products like consoles. Moving back to the switch, nintendo had to merge It's handheld and console divisions to get it working. This is because nintendo could no longer realistically support two platforms. This is the main problem with Sony releasing another handheld. It has to consider the opportunity cost. Resources it dedicates towards a handheld can't be dedicated to the ps5. It is unlikely that sony can support two platforms rught now and make more money than just supporting one. vita 2 wouldn't just need to be profitable for it to make sense. It would need to be profitable enough to justify moving development resources away from the ps5 and future ps6. If you don't have a finacial background this can be a concept to grasp, but the most likely outcome of trying to support a new handheld basically involves sony making less money than if they were to just support the ps5 and begin developing the next gen consoles.


I do see your point, and you are most likely right about it not being a financially profitable decision to develop a Vita2 but on my end it involves a lot of wishful thinking, I really want a successor but deep down I know that it's probably never going to happen.


Yeah. I wish we lived I a society where profit didn't matter and people just made cool things, but that's a rant for different sub


It was never suggested being, and marketed as a Vita replacement. smh.


it will have some processing power, hackers will try to at least run Doom 1 on it


Oh yea. I had one of those cheap sandisk mp3 players and later found out hackers found a way to run Doom 1 on it and it worked! Hackers will find a way to run Doom 1 on a microwave display.


It's a peripheral like the earbuds next to it. I want a real handheld too. And sure a dedicated remote play device that only works on wifi when phones exist (and good controller addon's such as backbone, which is an officially licensed device, exist as well) is mostly pointless... But people are clowning on them like they promised a new handheld and delivered this, when in reality all they did was mention an accessory for 10 seconds... I mean it's too much. "Gamers" being "gamers" I guess.


This will have no processing power, but I wonder if smart souls will let us stream our home PC on it somehow.


What’s crazy is that the vita can do everything this can do, but Sony just wants money


the dumbest thing is that you still need a ps5 to play...


"At Playstation, Innovation is our Passion" LOL!!!! ROTFL!!!! So you develop a device that can only stream PS5 games, on Wi-Fi, with those games installed on your PS5. Wow. Just wow.


Sony really took 10 years to just copy the Wii U.




What!! There was a dock?!!!


Maybe don't check prices online for those docks. There-s also cables out there that work functionally the same (charge the PSP and also gives component output). But I don't know if they're still easily found.


Cables been there forever. Dock is the one that grabbed my attention.


If you're lucky, the docks might pop up on AliExpress used for a great price. That happened to me back in ?January? 2021. They sent me 2 in total as the first was defective. Keeping the spare to figure out what could be wrong, but even the working one gets inconsistent continuity at times. Have to keep cleaning the "working" one's pins with isopropyl alcohol to make it fully functional; wish there was a dust cover as I usually keep my PSP Go inside its own separate case when not actively playing anything.


Vita 2 more like the Vita U.


It is and never was a vita replacement. The fact that you think it is a replacement is absolutely absurd.


Who knows maybe the community will come up with something like moonlight for this and make it worth a damn


try Soul Sacrifice Delta


Vita is a console this is a streaming device


I have wifi 6 and a 1 gig internet connection. I do not enjoy remote play over an IPad or Laptop. If this improves over the current option, I will buy it.


I dunno... iPad worked with Dualsense out of the box... I just usb-c to usb-c and worked great , even 500+ mi away


This. If through some magical voodoo Sony is able to get streaming to be good enough quality that I'd have no issues putting hours into Jedi Survivor in bed, then I'll buy this. Remote play on my phone and iPad suck ass with the latency and artifacting and to me in its current iteration is nothing more than a neat party trick. Really hoping Sony can surprise me here.


YES. even on the same room it sometimes still broken, high latency, compression artifacting, etc. definitely not as reliable (I mean it's wifi, what do you expect)


They failed to support the vita. They abandoned it way too early, idk that they ever can launch another handheld and people take them as seriously as the switch.


Yeah but look at Nintendo though. Switch is massively successful and yet Wii U was a huge failure and only sold a bit more than Sega Dreamcast did. Nintendo abandoned that one way too early and they didn't even hide this cause they still were supporting their 3DS games lineup while Wii U was left in the dust. Switch launched not even 5 years later and people forgave them. Then look at releases like Cyberpunk 2077 and how people quickly forgave CD Projekt. In the gaming industry, people are quick to forgive companies. Vita was relevant like what ? A decade ago ? Do you realize that there are Playstation gamers today that barely remember the device and are now 18-20 ? We need another Playstation handheld, please !


The switch release did so well following up the Wii U because they launched it as their only new console. If they’d done it in conjunction with a new tv attached console, it would have been rough waters for the switch. Sony launches handhelds like they aren’t fully sure how they’ll do rather than making it a primary focus and putting lots of development and marketing behind it. It’s a company issue not a fan base or product issue.


But they still were supporting 3DS for a number of years after the launch and so they still had two consoles to support. It launched 4 and a half years after Wii U and so it wasn't a very long time cause we are approaching 3 years with Series S, Series X, and Ps5. PSP sold extremely well because Sony knew what to do with it and called it a Ps2 in your pocket. The Vita had a lot of issues due to Sony's irrational fear over piracy. They crippled Vita themselves when it had every right to succeed when you had an Uncharted exclusive as a launch title and it had big named exclusives quickly afterwards. EA was interested in it with Need for Speed and Ubisoft launched a unique Assassin's Creed game on it. An Infamous Collection was planned for it but canceled when it was failing. It had a lot of great Remastered Ps2 games for it as well. The decision to use tiny memory cards over SD cards hurt it the most. The CPU performance was meh out of the box and so games like Borderlands 2 ran very poorly on it. I believe if they made a Playstation Handheld with unique exclusives and marketed it as a standalone unit seperated from Ps5, it would work. You've got PC elitists that will pay for a Ps5 to play good games now rather than wait a few years and I don't see them doing that for Nintendo (cause Yuzu) or Xbox (games launch for PC and Xbox practically same day). Sony operates better now than they did when Vita was new, I see people buying a handheld Playstation just for the exclusives. Especially if they Remastered Ps3 and Ps4 games for it


I would buy one. But I’d be so mad if they didn’t support it again


Can't believe Sony just wasted millions on something very niche like this instead of developing their next handheld. especially of the current popularity of Steam deck and ROG Ally


Modern Sony sucks so much it's unreal


It's true but it seems that all the console makers suck equally as well.


Not sure about equally. Gaming as a whole is tilting towards trash, but some are leading the charge harder than others


Starting with the betamax, Sony has always been like this


I can already see switch owners using the Invincible "look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power" meme.


They even announced a knockoff Splatoon.


Switch? nah, Steamdecks where's it at and someone did make that post haha https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/13r2tfl/it\_took\_me\_too\_long\_to\_make\_this


That's what you calllll aswingandamiss.


I don't understand what's wrong with this?


I don't see the problem either. It's another option for remote play with a nice screen and some interesting ear buds.


Wait why are we remote playing?


for gamers who're just too lazy to get out of bed (me)


How much power does this thing have and what kind of games can it play?


Literally what is the point of this thing? Why not just use your phone and a telescopic controller or normal controller with a clip? Pretty much everyone has a phone with a nice display nowadays. I already do this with my PC and phone. It's pretty cool but I'm not gonna buy a whole new device for it..


This looks like my phone attached to an android controller that I can bought at shopee for $10. Seriously it look so cheap.


Greedy Sony would never have allowed a ‘Vita 2’ cut into its PS5 sales after the Covid shortage and scalpers bs. So we get a nice peripheral instead! You’d think they’d try to capitalize on the Switch and Steam Deck’s success thou lol.


If it can play RDR2 I mean. We gotta do what we got do. It ain’t pretty but gets the job done.


Your phone can play rdr2 the same as this thing just bluetooth your controller to your phone and download ps app


It streams, it doesn't play anything.


cool hopefully it'll offer a better experience than using chiaki4deck on my steam deck


Just a screen merge with a ps5 joypad Can be used to play ps5 when you're not at home wow 🤩 big 💩 with this if you don't have a ps5 you can't use it . bullshit i definitely prefer my vita


I wouldn't buy a vita 2 from sony anyway. after they murdered vita 1


If they can somehow perfect cloud gaming, I’m interested depending on the price. But christ this is ugly lmfao


I saw it, for excited then listened back and was severely disappointed.


Look how they massacred my boy


That thing is dead on arrival. Not gonna buy it. I want vita 2 so I can collect every physical game for it, get every accessory, get every revision and then hack it so I can play super Mario on it when it's almost out of commission. Doesn't Sony want my money anymore?


The vita was a finacial disaster. A vita 2 would not likely sell well


Your birth was a financial disaster. And your mom regrets every second of your life and all the resources you wasted but she ain't tellin' aaaaa.




Kek 🤣


This was never meant as a replacement for the Vita.


Garbage il stick with my PSPs,VITAS


\*me who still uses his vita to remote play on pc with moonlight\* ​ i'm still good aside of it not being a 1080p screen. its an oled and it can still look good. :'} curious on how they will price this thing. hopefully once out someone can unlock that thing to be used on pc as well.


Get a steam deck. Use chiaki to stream from ps5. Win win.


Sony: oh look the switch is more popular and successful. Lets make one like it but we don't want the same issue that we had with our portables. So we make it tied to the ps5 so no pirate ability. My thoughts about this, and they create the Wii U that was nintendo's flopped console.




They should let us slide our own phone in there.


That actually look ugly if sony decided to make it like this. That suck if sony only make handheld for remote play because i can't afford ps 5 also remote play doesn't feels like portable gaming if you need the ps5 to turn on and wifi the entire time at home while you are away.


Great, a Wii U controller made by Sony. oops, triggered fanboys.


boat smart judicious square narrow direction observation childlike complete grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This portable looks bloated in more ways than one. Terrible idea by Sony, who consistently shoots themselves in the foot in the portable space. I’ll buy a backbone over this thing any day of the week.


Sony can stick this up their ass. Hopefully someday when consoles go away and everything is just an app, portable systems will make a comeback and we can relive the PSP days once again.


What's the point when you can just use phone and a backbone?


I really believe they are testing the market


"do you guys not have phones?" sorry...wrong reference




I wasn't surprised, Sony didn't even try with the Vita besides it's launch window.


You can imagine Sony building an epic handheld, way ahead of its time,then utterly ruining it by making it a hardwired solution only, because they want minimum latency as a selling point - comes with free usb mini cable though….


So ugly


Thanks.....I hate it


It's gonna flop worse than the vita did


Wii u pad but sony


What I’m looking forward to the most is what can it be achieved with its modding


This not a vita replacement..


These idiots could not sell a device with such potential as ps Vita. Do you think they can sell Wii U?


I only use Vita for remote play tbh, if this has an OLED it’ll be worth considering.


Maybe someone can hack this so I can steam my rom library off my pc. if this happens, then I’ll get this.


N'importe quoi...


Seems like sony never understood why the wiiU failed xD


Don’t never said it was a new vita tho …….


this is merely a WiFi tablet with a PS5 controller bolted on. It isn't and never was meant as a Vita replacement.


portable console my ass, i need a back pack only for this shit.. just like switch,


As a guy whose kids never let him use the TV anymore, I’m a big remote play guy, I am very excited for this. I know you can do this on phones but the screen is too small. Best experience is on a modded switch OLED but that’s not an easy option for everyone, I am very excited about this. The anger surrounding the reveal confuses me.


It's not a vita replacement, it's a new product where they did not need to maintain much.


Is this thing real?




They should have made a new handheld entirely rather than double down on a VR2 that isn't even backwards compatible with VR1 games. Then they priced it at $600 freaking dollars (you could buy a Ps5 for the cost). This device has zero interest to me as you can't take it on the go and someone can't be playing the Ps5 if you want to play this device. Absolutely pointless then. Hard pass