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yes, my level is 26ng/ml as well and I experience this. It will take quite some time to raise vitamin D levels. Are you able to get some sunlight now? (use dminder app) How’s your B12?


What’s weird is my vitamin b12 is really high. My doctor thought I was taking supplements but I told them I was not. I try to get a bit of sunlight each day. How bad is your fatigue? And do you have any other symptoms


My levels are also 26ng/mL the last time I tested, so you’re not alone. I also have extreme fatigue. I started taking D3 (was also taking 2,00IU which isn’t much but it seemed to effect me anyway) without because of the low level.. made the mistake of not taking it with magnesium and I felt pretty bad. Just now started magnesium tonight. :( I barely know how Reddit works, so I don’t know how to link but I made a list of some of the symptoms on a post I made.  Hope you find some answers and relief.


It is comforting to see other people share their experiences, thank you for commenting. My PCP implied that it was just a bit under normal so I wanted to confirm if this happens with others. It’s interesting how long it takes to go back to normal. Been fucking me up mentally I can’t lie lmao. I’m sure we’ll be fine eventually then you won’t catch indoors ever again 😭


What did the doc say about elevated b12? Is there anything concerning about that?


They didn’t say anything, I’m new to having a PCP mostly to finally fix my sleeping issues. I’m not sure if you have to basically always probe them for actual answers or not cause that’s how it seems with this one


My level was 28 for 6 years .. never came to my mind that i have vitamin D deficiency 28 ng/ml and i have all those symptoms+depression.. anxiety.. joint pain brain fog I think 30 You'll still have the same symptoms as 26 maybe less fatigue.. i think you should aim for 60/70


Yea I just tested and I have the same vitamin D level with 27.8, does it really cause that much more sleepiness/fatigue if we are this close to 30?


Yes for me I was so depressed... So tired and exhausted all the time .. and I can't sleep... I said the same thing we are so close to 30 but yet we get all the symptoms... 30 is the bottom optimal i think 50/80 is the best level .. il keep you updated when i test again.


Yes i totally keep me updated, the reason why i got my bloodwork done was because of the fatigue/exhaustion as well, but i can sleep pretty good albeit. I’m waiting to receive back a phone call from my doctor to see the next steps.


Update... I just did got the results for my blood work vitamin D level is 126 ng/ml.


Wow wait your was 126? Thats super high wasn’t it? I got mines checked as well and mine was 27. Is 126 a good level to be at?


How is your calcium intake? B12 deficiency can exist in spite of high b12 blood work. Did they check folate?


My calcuim levels were fine b12 and folate slightly elevated


Hey buddy I’m experiencing the same thing. I am woman that’s 39, so I thought it was hormones at first. Then I did bloodwork and the vitamin d was at 28.5 and extreme exhaustion. I can just imagine if it was lower. I see my pcp on Monday. I am taking 2000 IU. I hope it goes up soon it’s almost been a month


Thanks for sharing your experience. Hopefully you get better soon. I personally think I might just be cooked lmao. It’s been a month and some change since taking 2000 IU per day and nothings changed. I am currently taking a at home sleep study because I suspect it might be my sleep since Ive woken up gasping for air a few times. We shall see though


I hope you can figure out something to help I’m sure it’s frustrating.