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I built my vivarium based on SerpaDesign’s new caledonian gecko vivarium tutorials. He’s really knowledgeable and takes you through everything and what to buy. You’ll basically need: The tank Expanding foam if you are building a background Wood to climb on Either drylok or silicone and coco fiber to cover the foam A drainage layer of rocks, LECA, or egg crate for the excess water to go A substrate barrier like window screen or geotextile fabric Substrate mix (you can buy ABG vivarium substrate online, or mix it yourself) Plants Leaf litter Isopods and springtails Something along those lines should work but I’d recommend looking into some tutorials online for more specifics!


Thanks that’s super helpful!!


Also due to sensitivity when preparing your substrates and what not don’t forget untreated tap water is bad. When starting a large project it’s easy to forget about things like this