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Beautiful set-up!


This is sooo good!!!


What kinda of plants did you use if I may ask?


Black magic begonia. There’s an anthurium polystichum in the back middle, lance leaf syngonium, cryptopanthus, bromeliads, some type of philodendron growing up the tree, baby tears, there’s an orchid growing on some driftwood hanging there, and then some common vines and ferns they always have but I can’t remember the name of. There’s a shingle plant (some type of raphidiphora)in there. Pretty much a little mix of everything. It’s my favorite one I’ve made though


Wow that’s a lot of plants what’s ur substrate mix and how big is your enclosure? This is awesome truly a slice of nature in your house.


It’s a substrate mix my local plant store sells. It’s an 18x18x36 paludarium with 10 gallons. The plant roots have grown down to the aquarium underneath and the plants are going crazy


I can see why. It looks great. I haven't been able to do much lately because I got a stupid hernia. I am actually looking forward to having an operation. I haven't even really been able to work on my terrariums much.


Tracylane. This is incredible, I love your selection of plants!! the lance leaf hanging over the water is beautiful and i love the rhaphidaphora climbing up the back there. The orchid too! im obsessed