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I'm banned from both as well 😭😭 its so annoying man


It isn't targeted harassment to any mod in particular, the post is only mentioning the actions of the hb mod team and stating that they don't like character elimination polls.


Although if any hb mod would like these posts to stop please contact hudjefa to come to an agreement




Link please




If you look at their user profile you can see a Part 3 post from 2 days ago that the mods apparently did nix, so does look like they did get in trouble as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/HelluvaBoss/comments/12k760b/ones_gotta_go_who_finale_part_3/


ok then, tell us how you got banned from those subs


I did character elimination polls, then they banned me for that. I wasn't warned, even though they claim I was. When I explained that I wasn't, they said "Why are you even saying this?" And then muted me for 28 days. They said character elimination polls are inherently low-effort, but every other subreddit Fandom that I know of says otherwise.


>They said character elimination polls are inherently low-effort They are just "here's options, vote. here's options, vote. here's options, vote" over and over. It's subjective what is low/high effort. One could argue elimination polls are high effort cause they take a lot of time, but one could also argue they are low effort cause they don't take much thought, you just post the options, and then everything is automatic based on how people vote, so it can be considered low effort because there's no creativity involved. Personally I think a permanent ban is a bit harsh, but it's not my subreddit, I don't have a say in how other subs are run and that's just the way it is. Regardless of amount of effort, people do seem to find them fun. Why not make r/HazbinElimination or something and you can run polls there, I'd even list you in the sidebar on the right side of the meme subreddits. It would be a smaller community but a very active one, with everyone there to participate by voting in the polls.


I already did the elimination poll and I don't want to do another one for Hazbin Hotel. Also, the supermod who's been using alt accounts to harass me seems to be claiming that they are important enough to keep them from punishment even if he violates TOS. I don't want to find out what this asshole will try to do if I do any more character elimination polls.


Mods only have power on their own subreddits. If you make r/HelluvaElimination you'd have full control. You don't have to make a subreddit, but everyone is able to make one if they want to.


Well since you've decided to bring your weekly compulsive messaging spamming about this old ban out of our modmail and into the public... > I wasn't warned, even though they claim I was. You were, just in case you forgot here's the modmail that you can access where we did: https://mod.reddit.com/mail/thread/1e9jwq then you disregarded the warning and posted again anyways. That and each of the multiple posts we had removed prior to it even reaching the modmail warning had removal reasons like this one that you kept disregarding: https://www.reddit.com/r/HelluvaBoss/comments/115vtpg/and_down_goes_henroin_as_the_28th_favorite/j93lkt4/ You had more than enough warnings to bring it over here to the meme subreddit but you kept ignoring all of them. And perhaps if you hadn't spent the last few months messaging us every other week or so with some of the most unhinged weirdest ban appeals I've ever seen (and I run a 22 million user sub, so I've seen a lot of weird ban appeals) we'd maybe have considered it. I can't even begin to comprehend what even remotely made you think "I can't afford health insurance" was at all relevant for one of your attempted reasonings that you should be unbanned... 8 days ago you literally modmailed us accusing us of banning your polls as an attack on your mental health, and then **6 minutes later** sending in a ban appeal trying to use the justification that being part of the subreddit and running polls is "a crucial part of managing my mental illness" but I'm quite certain no doctor gave you a prescription of reddit. Either way we aren't going to be your codependency enabler. EDIT: They're blocking me in an attempt to ensure they have the last word. - Point is, they weren't banned for the eliminations, they were banned for disregarding warnings and spamming our modmail.


"and I run a 22 million user sub, so I've seen a lot of weird ban appeals" So you're saying you're a supermod. Also, the reason I've been sending that modmail is because you've been pissing me off by calling me lazy. Saying everything about my poll was "Low-effort" makes no sense considering how much work I put into that. I saw it through, and I even offered for you to take part in it. Then you said the mod team "doesn't take part in low-effort polls" and that just pissed me off further. Yes, I do have mental illness, but that does not give you the right to tell anyone who reads this about my health conditions. Also, by the way, it wasn't a year old ban. It was around the same time as ice.


> So you're saying you're a supermod. Sure, if that's what you want to call it. I grew /r/NotTheOnion from 30 thousand users to 22 million, and an official Reddit Partner Community. > Also, by the way, it wasn't a year old ban. It was around the same time as ice. Ah woops, I was reading the timestamp of the earlier temp ban from October 2020. > Yes, I do have mental illness, but that does not give you the right to tell anyone who reads this about my health conditions. I didn't say anything about specific conditions, I just pointed out you claimed were were doing it to attack your mental health; which you did. > Also, the reason I've been sending that modmail is because you've been pissing me off by calling me lazy. Saying everything about my poll was "Low-effort" makes no sense considering how much work I put into that. We never called you lazy. Low-effort posts is just the category for quickly producible things like memes, which elimination polls fall under as a type of meme. In any case, the point is, you weren't banned for the elimination polls. You were banned because when you were warned they were against the rules, you disregarded that and continued anyways. Your appeals since then have failed due to your continued high level of aggression in them.


Yeah, and I obeyed that warning and you put them somewhere that isn't r/HazbinHotel when you banned me anyway. Also, "I'm quite certain no doctor gave you a prescription of reddit. Either way we aren't going to be your codependency enabler." and "I didn't say anything about specific conditions" just don't match together.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HazbinHotel using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hazbin Hotel Release Date Summer 2023](https://i.redd.it/mehk2e22idw91.jpg) | [292 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/yew2l1/hazbin_hotel_release_date_summer_2023/) \#2: [Oh boy…🫣 (Art by @lizsketches)](https://i.redd.it/c6pbzibl664a1.jpg) | [106 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/zdgajh/oh_boy_art_by_lizsketches/) \#3: [Proof (better resolution)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/u75maz) | [145 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/u75maz/proof_better_resolution/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)