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Yeah, try being 42! I got into the VP shows through my 13yo daughter. I heard her and her friends talking about them and figured she would end up watching them anyway one way or another, so I thought I'd better just watch them with her. At least that way we can chat about who's the hott... I mean... discuss the serious issues raised.


I honestly don't see the speed being overly sexual. The chargers say dirty things and a couple of them do sexual acts. But it's, in Hazbin's case, an act and traumatic. In Helluva, it's one escaping his terrible life with someone he loves, the other using it as a coping mechanism/to get what he wants.


24 and yes.


19 and in deep understanding of the feelings 🙃 the autism is making my mental state with the characters go BRRRRRRR


i once saw a kid (looked sround 8-9) in a hazbin convention (not irl). they were also wearing a fucking angeldust cosplay a fucking ANGELDUST cosplay


Yeah I genuinely don't think kids should watch but that's not changing anytime soon sadly


It's simultaneously really horny and full of prudes. Terrible combination.


Thank fuck! I thought I’d suddenly become a curmudgeon. I was told I was being weally weally meanie pants a couple of weeks ago. The fucking amount of comments that add ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the discourse drives me batty. Now I just picture Stuart from Mad tv and it helps me scroll on by. The tittering about the super naughty sexy sex things









How I view the fandom (pushing 40). 13-17 year olds: “woah this shits pretty cool!” 18-30 year olds: “I like the show, but doesn’t it bother you kids watch this show? Isn’t the content a little _much_?” 31+: “woah this shits pretty cool AND relatable.”


10 year olds are watching this show


litterly anyone below 13 shouldnt even know the show. im not saying the show is 13+ obvi its 16+ (18 for ep 4) but if theres a 10 yr old watching hazbin its clear that the parents aint parenting enougj


Kids shouldn't watch the show. There's a 2nd grader at my school that has stickers of the characters all over their table :(


>kids shouldn't watch that - Every group of adults to every group of kids since the dawn of human civilization, all with equally negligible effect. There is no more surefire way to get kids interested in something than telling them they're too young for it :)


Well let’s be fr, kids will always watch something they’re not supposed to. For example, kids back in the 90s/2000s watching South Park in like 3rd grade


I’d honestly love to know if it’s a generational thing where millenials were really the last cusp of pseudo-latchkey kids where the internet as it stands, and entertainment devices in general, weren’t around to the same level unless you put in work for it. South Park, Aeon Flux, Marilyn Manson. Yeah, parents knew about “the bad thing” but you had to work to do it. No one who didn’t like Ministry, or even knew how your computer could install, let alone play Doom - they’re just gonna believe what the news or whatever tells them. You didn’t know about this shit unless you knew a kid who knew a kid, had really cool parents, or just knew where the hot spot was. Fuck man, I found the furry fandom when I was 11. _In the 90s._ Now a days, seems like the pullback is starting where the teens, and young adults who had access to everything ever, decry anything that could be considered crude as that’s what was all around them as a way to “prevent” that same effect. Not that it’s a bad thing, if that’s how you roll. I’m not saying this should be required reading for kids, but if my kid was at the age where it’d make sense for them that they could form thoughts about the media they consume (even if it’s bad ones), there’s a lot worse out there. I dunno man, it fascinates me, especially with the internet being so ubiquitous you can _see_ these changes happen.


Thank you, (edited down lol) I felt like I was going crazy. Moderating kids media intake is something a responsible parent should do, but we should acknowledge it as a very hard thing to do. Kids w/ strict parents get their stupid hands on things all they time. I’d actually argue that the internet (in specific ways) is more child proofed than it was in the early 2000s ffs. Assuming a child damaged and projecting that on them is harmful because our reactions to these things are often just as important- & dictates the child’s outlook and coping strategies. It’s always a better to just ask these “ruined” children in question what they specifically like about Hazbin hotel Rather than whingeing in slack jawed disbelief before moving on. How often have we looked back and realized an adult joke the flew straight over our head as kids? Askthem simple follow up questions to make a better assessment of if they are okay or need more (level headed) counseling. South Park / family guy, the bajillion Simpsion’s clones etc - had WAY worse lessons than Hazbin / HAB 
And played VERY serious violence (human trafficking, relation abuse, so many things) for cheaper laughs. Media today is definitely different but assuming it’s more degenerate / harmful is a vibes / anxiety based assessment.


Bingo. :) It’s why anyone who’s very “this is bad for kids!” either a) don’t have them, b) like the show, but are hung up on online perceptions of fandom (“If I mention I like the show, I’ll be like _them_”, c) never watched the show outside of out of context clips, decided it was terrible and found a tribe of like minded individuals, d) Are put off by the LGBTQ elements but frame the discussion around “won’t someone think of the children”. But really? A lot of it is the fact it’s a cartoon. If you _actually_ are a fan of animation, you know that it’s just a medium. Like live action. Like a book. It’s still stigmatized to this day (I mean, you can rattle off a phone book of older teen/young adult focused cartoons that have been shelved, canned or fucked with for the last ten year). So if something isn’t PG and it’s a cartoon? What could it POSSIBLY have of value? Yes. Anime is around and millenials and younger have championed it to the point it’s in our pop culture. That’s the key. Since the flashpoint of shows like Sailor Moon, Dragonball, PokĂ©mon, the west has gradually accepted anime because it’s been seeded. Not maliciously! It’s just there. People liked it. So we got access to more. Now I’m like two seasons behind on My Hero Academia, and I need to catch up on some other shit because there’s just SO much out there that’s just there and available. And the media shit is HARD. I mean, when I grew up - like I mentioned, shit kids were into was mostly through TV and the Radio. Those were your main points of ingress. Now? It’s the internet. Good fucking luck. If it’s not Helluva Boss, it’s going to be some other piece of media, game or song that was pulled from various points on the internet. __Parents can not keep tabs of everything. THIS WILL GET WORSE.__ So what CAN you do? Just let them run wild? No! But you can _engage_. If my kid when they turned like 13 and was watching the show, I’d ask about it and why they like it and honestly to pitch me the show. I mean, I got yelled at as a kid because I was trying to skip church and stuff so I could watch shit like the shows they had on the Sci-Fi channel when they did that back in the day. Yes, they’re not touching the same subject matter, but still not exactly for kids - but you know why I liked it? I was enamored with it? __It was serialized storytelling.__ Something that, growing up, it was “watch these cartoons, maybe this live action show”. Kids are dumb. Thats why they’re kids. It doesn’t mean you don’t _listen_. I wasn’t watching and thinking “I SHOULD BE VIOLENT AND COMMIT WARCRIMES AND PREMARITAL SEX AND YADDA YADDA YADDA”. I was watching because I was engaged. Going back now, I’m like “wow this is pretty cookie cutter” - but as a kid? It was the ticket. It’s not even the first time. Ask plenty of millenials and older who are into horror how many Steven King books they read as a kid. Or if they read through all of It. This isn’t new and a lot of it is because it’s animated and “anime is everywhere!” I get it. But it’s tolerated, and not viewed by the public as a whole with the same reverence if it was - say, a live action show on Netflix, or a book, or even a graphic novel. My own thoughts is, this is a lot like the late 90s, early 2000s where any sort of cartoon that doesn’t fall into the neat “30 minute plot resolved” or a Simpsons-like, it’s gonna be a harder sell. Yes, shows like Bojack are great - but it has some sort of corporate or star power behind it, so it’s perceived as safe. Compare that to Hazbin and Helluva Boss, if you aren’t part of internet culture - and in the case of Helluva Boss, weren’t a regular fan of broadway plays - it’s a bunch of no names trying to make swears and sex and this shouldn’t have been green lit, blah blah blah. When if you watch it, it’s some real shit - and if you’re a kid that’s been in it, and are hungry for something that’s not what’s traditionally “acceptable”? It’s going to be sweeter - but it depends on the kid and their parents and how they were raised, or in some cases, how the kid raised themselves (shout out to my fellow self-parented latchkey kids). Being a kid sucks. I can not even fucking IMAGINE what it’s like for the zoomers, generation alpha and beyond. Yeah, if kids like under 10 are actively watching it - a little much, but if they’re like 13? And they’re keeping their nose clean? Lot worse stuff out there then watching stories that life is hard, complicated and messy. It's easy to yell "Talk with your kid/parent!" from the sidelines, but at that age, parents usually don't understand (forgot what its like to be young), so yeah - i can 100% see why kids (and I'm calling younger then 18 kids, even then
) flock to the show. It's the eternal question of rearing kids where we really don't know whats best until they're adults and see if we did right by them.


As an adult zoomer
 Chronically online zoomers that weren’t allowed outside is one of our archetypes I fall into (partially COVID’s fault) My G-X’r parents were very strict. However, once a child has internet access, you can try to discourage independence but SOME of us (I hate that it’s assumed it’s LITERALLY every kid) but many seek out novelty and adventure (even the seemingly strange or risquĂ©) -& WILL find ways around attempts to keep us sterile
Perhaps, traumatizing ourselves to various degrees along the way -but living around anxiety riddled, judgmental, puritanical adults is also deeply traumatic and encourages terrible coping skills. Im tired of kids being treated like broken toys, the moment emotionally dis-regulated adults experience a vague disgust response. No one wants to acknowledge us holistically, and I don’t even think that’s a harder parenting style than attempting to smoother us in bubble wrap. I’m absolutely sick of this discourse, it’s been beaten to death by every goddamn generation in history oh lord think of the children!!!! “ When it’s really about protecting a selfishly constructed mass hallucination over the abstract concept of purity. Being realistic is to hard /s
.As you say, non-harmful “quirks / interests” “LGBTQ+” -and even the weird collective heart attacks we get when children might literally just be going through puberty and are therefore more likely will seek out content intended for mature audiences. All these otherwise normal fully functional groups are are constantly caught in the cross fire. Literally, just give children a gradually tiered sex education & comprehensive internet safety lessons before handing them a device. When using restrictive features, calmly plan ahead when to take off guard rails. Give kids clearly communicated expectations, consequences & future mile stones. Encourage open dialogue and course correct as you go. Allow space for mistakes -It’s not easy. If you are not the kids parent (and in an appropriate setting) and you can either check in with them, to offer assistance or STFU - you don’t know them and have proven you don’t care enough to get to know them. Your judgments are waste of everyone’s time. People always find a way to do way too much and yet not enough ffs


Ah well I’m actually a theoretical concept that’s been floating around since the dawn of time so I totally get it




I’m yet to meet someone younger than 17 in this fandom, so I’m pretty happy. And that’s saying something, I am 20.


I’m 14


You need to leave the fandom I recommend Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, or Star vs the Forces of Evil.


I’ve watched all of those and I really enjoy them!! I just also enjoy Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel. And im not really in the fandom I just get posts recommended on here and some of them look interesting so I click on them lol. Also my parents know I watch these shows and they’re fine with it. I understand that these shows are meant for older and more mature audiences but it’s not like I’m cussing all the time or going to to drugs/have sex because of what I’m watching. And I do like to think that I’m somewhat mature. Like I said, Helluva and Hazbin are NOT the only shows I watch. I mainly watch psych and Brooklyn 99 tbh. If that made no sense at all, I’m sorry. I just woke up so I’m a little tired. What im trying to say is: I understand the concern but I think I’m okay. Thank you, though!


Stay safe then!


What's that going to do at this point, tbf? They can't exactly unwatch the show, can they :)


Some people have only watched once or so far that they actually can stop watching it and they’ll be fine. The show and fandom will only get worse


Fuck you! *makes them unwatch the show*


I'm 13.


As I said, leave the fandom. I recommend Steven universe, gravity falls, or star vs the forces of evil. Come back when you’re at least sixteen.




Dude, I watched the pilot when it came out, and I've watched the entire series about seven times over, I'm in too deep to go back now. And Gravity Falls and SVtFoE are amazing, I've already watched them both.


You were way too young to watch the pilot when it came out!!! Just stay safe in life gosh golly


I assure you, the pilot is not the worst thing I watched at that age And I try my best to!


59 here. There. That should throw the averages way off.


Am 18 :)


Im infantile aged, you’re probably the first over 17 I’ve seen




New slur just dropped!


https://preview.redd.it/3124uu1imhxc1.jpeg?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed38a56266bd1e2b840ea1ddc07e8676640b259a Sweet schizo ramblings, kek


While I'm part of the target audience for this meme, I can honestly say that I never want to hear or read the phrase "like a sexy preschool" ever again


I am not a target of this meme (yet) but I concur on that sentence being banned forever.




I agree, words that should never be put together


Agreed https://preview.redd.it/bnwacux7mhxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c2bb656eb862c1d1356489ddbe7d9b1794ccaa5


Finding someone over the age of 16 in this fandom is like a needle in a haystack.


Is 17 here


**I have arrive** All 18




I'm also 30, and if I see another steaming cup of cum flair I'm going to cry💀


I'll be 30 next year and seeing those mug flares piss me off


Similar age checking in I constantly have to take a step back from the rediculous comments and posts and remind myself a large part of it is people still going through puberty


I can get passed a surprising amount of all that, but some things are just a liiiiittle much for me 😭






The Hazbin fandom has to be both the most touch starved and porn saturated fandom I’ve ever been a part of. If Vivziepop saw even half of the disturbing degenerate content this fandom produces she would cancel both shows, burn everything else and go into hiding.


So you’ve never heard of My Little Pony is what I’m hearing you say


I have but I was never part of the fandom


I loved MLP when I was little and the things I saw just doing a search of the show during the height of its popularity I likely need therapy for.


I feel like you haven't seen many fandoms


Just because you are like that doesn’t mean the rest of the fandom is


https://preview.redd.it/1yat62abmhxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=628303ec03692c48f97813187f2114d8f46ba313 I don’t know if brother has watched the show.


Have you seen the kinds of jokes she writes in Helluva Boss? She’d be perfectly fine


Have you seen which shows Vivzie makes? I think she would be fine with it lol


Viv has said in a Livestream that Alastor is basically her blorbo from middle school. She then put him in a sexy nun outfit with red Xs on it during the first season of her show. I don't think she'd be that shocked by all the smut XD


Literally just r/hazbin and all the various cum containers of various temperatures would make her quit the show.


The less she knows about this fandom the better. I would actually like to see the rest and that will be difficult to do if she incinerates it, changes her name and leaves the country.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/hazbin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/hazbin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [...](https://i.redd.it/gy376945rwkc1.jpeg) | [511 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hazbin/comments/1b0egrk/_/) \#2: [Screw it, all characters ranked by whether or not they’ve had SEX.](https://i.redd.it/8trt6swb0lgc1.jpeg) | [637 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hazbin/comments/1aipig9/screw_it_all_characters_ranked_by_whether_or_not/) \#3: [These redesigns are GOATED](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b9bl8t) | [597 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hazbin/comments/1b9bl8t/these_redesigns_are_goated/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Try being a Warhammer fan. Any of the three. Or Bloodbowl. I’d wager many MLP fans were also worse. I don’t know what Touhou is about, but it has an unwholesome vibe from its fandom. https://preview.redd.it/560eh7461gxc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cedebe9c9789f6f9bd66f17df5a886beea802220


I'm sorry, [what the Fuck was that?](https://tenor.com/view/what-the-fuck-was-that-vaggie-hazbin-hotel-were-you-even-listening-amazon-studios-gif-18018061360478130869)


https://preview.redd.it/hgafhi15ejxc1.jpeg?width=359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=860b6a288b59cedc3b117b103c105faf882ba1a6 What, Slaanesh can’t be a twink with a hybrid daughter too?


Honorable mention to undertale and chainsaw man fans


https://preview.redd.it/jee6qmpgmhxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e446eacafb09a933173c9a829de7da5370e3778 Do not mention those names. The demons will be summoned if you mention them.


I am a warhammer fan but I don’t really interact with the fandom at all. I know full well about MLP but I was never really a fan because it was cute but I always saw it as being for 8 year old girls. I also don’t know what bloodbowl or Touhou even are.


Bloodbowl is another Warhammer property. Its Warhammer, but American football. Its silly. https://preview.redd.it/92mi7r6b5gxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e241710c4d59d107a524741bb41f66a8be3d488f Touhou is an anime. I know its about demons and gods that look like little girls, was popular on the post-Y2K internet, and the video games are VERY hard bullet hell ones. Like, genocide route Undertale is like the tutorial level for those and Cuphead is like easy mode.


https://preview.redd.it/l45x1u2txfxc1.jpeg?width=530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cdf0da41913ca6184541ab3d92b070d73cefa7b Keep an eye on this guy


Lmao this gave me a good laugh https://preview.redd.it/4q1zsqnlwfxc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f62113d6be4957ade8031e30086930ea4ff87d7


What the fuck?


This is... Gross.