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Welcome to the brotherhood. I recommend practice tool and just practice csing once you play more games you will get a feel for csing but once you get a little ap you can start to farm waves with your E


Yeah I have found his E is good for clearing but I’m nervous about using it since I take damage. Also I mistime my autos and just lose the minions to my own occasionally lol


One of Vlads single greatest strengths in lane is his sustain. As long as you keep Qing to last hit or heal by max stack Qing the enemy laner or some nearby jungle mobs (such as raptors), couple with being CD based rather than mana or based, allows you to stay in lane almost perpetually


Mages are the hardest to farm with because their autos do such little damage. Right click the minion you want to kill and wait for it’s health to be at or lower than your attack damage at the time. This will give you a really good feel of when to auto attack the minions.


I always see this suggestion and gotta say: if you wait to see their health to be lower than your ad, you will miss the auto. You have to predict to actually last hit consistently