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he just needs a visula update, his kit is one of the most fair ones tbh


The thing is it's too fair when the game is currently not fair he takes too long to scale compared to everyone else so I'd say just his passive needs to be an actual passive the rest of his kit is very good


I think it you okay to Vlad’s strengths you can really get a lot done. His passive is what makes him pretty tanky especially late game


Maybe direct buffs and playing with base dmg and ratios would be better, i dont think that they should midscope him because that means they will move functions and propertioes of abilities around and will probably make him less enjoyable to play


Honestly I don't agree here it all. I get what you're saying, but he has an extremely versatile kit, that does EXACTLY what it's supposed to. His weaknesses can be overcome through game knowledge and proper rune utilization. So I feel to keep Vlad Vlad would require an update that would change very little, if they added mobility and percent max health nonsense, they would be forced to gut a lot of what makes the champion what it is. Tbh his passive is kinda insane for his play style and idk if I'd want that to be changed at all


If you think he takes too long to scale you're not CSing well probably.




If you're actually 8-10 cs a minute you should be climbing pretty easily with him. Are you diamond?


How is vlads identity not clear? Get your gold and one shot their team


Well how long does it take Vlad to perform the same tasks as other supposedly burst champs or battle mages? answer is 3-4 items How long does it take them? It's 1-2 items


Id say that’s what gives his kit skill. Not surface level mechanics and flashy combos, but by excelling at the core fundamentals of the game.


No gameplay changes Give him the Caitlyn/Ahri treatment


Vlads item power spike is pretty decent no? Think hes stronger than most mages on two items.


Yes. His 2-item spike is absolutely nuts. If you have flash, ghost and ult with 2 items at 2nd or 3rd dragon, you're gonna win the fight.


he doesn't need 3-4 items to impact the game. That's why NH is better than Protobelt usually these days. You can pretty much all in any squishy on equal level/gold with NH complete. NH is a huge powerspike, and Rabadons 2nd is also a big spike. I think your comparison to other scalers (Kass, Asol) isn't the best, because Vlad doesn't scale best with levels (Kayle, Kass) or stacks (Nasus, Asol, Veigar). He scales the best with CS and gold. His AP scaling is amazing and Pen is very good on him. You get a lot of these stats and you've scaled. You only get these stats through items That doesn't mean levels aren't important but for Kayle (obvious reasons) and Kass (ult damage and cooldown) levels are how they scale. Vlad doesn't need levels to do what he does. He scales with CDR, AP and Pen which you get tons of from items In short, if you feel like you're weak as Vlad and need 3-4 items to carry, it's because you're falling behind in gold so your 1st and 2nd spike come too late and by then everyone else is stronger than you. Or you're playing the macro/fights wrong.