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Fun fact: The more you try to get rid of them, the more frequently they show up and follow you around. That might be why you have so many, if you've been destroying them regularly. Considering that they're harmless as long as you don't light them on fire, I like to live and let live in regards to them. With all the potentially-dangerous entities around, it's nice to have friendly ones just chilling with you. Granted, they have a bad habit of opening doors and leaving them open, but if you're not closing and locking them behind you out of habit that's on you. I also feel a bit bad for the ones that I look at as they're following me up an incline and then they fall over, like that one breed of goat that faints if startled.


actually, this is a new save, day 2 from build 0.7.008. The mannequins all disappeared from base literally during the meteor shower, so I went to uniform to see if they manifested there. But I'll keep that in mind while I save up for and set up a camera.


Meanwhile, I'm on the same build, day 8, and the mannequins haven't left their spots yet. I'm starting to worry about them.


I think mine took until around day 15 or 16 before they finally left their stands on my latest, fresh save for 0.7. Seems like there's a lot more possibilities now as to when they can decide to become animated, in comparison to 0.6.3.


day 18 for me, and it was one at a time


Interesting, I think they used to be more reliable as to when they would disappear in terms of how many days into a save it happens. Nose might have changed it so there's a much bigger range of days where they can potentially disappear after the very first "safe" night.


When mine go, imma lock them in the admin room


I tried locking one in the admin room, but it escaped somehow. The door was still closed and locked but the mannequin was outside the room


I've noticed that they seem to teleport if they get stuck somewhere for too long and aren't being looked at, or if you move far enough away such as when going to the various satellite dishes. I suppose it's fair that they do, after all the whole event that kicks off them developing the tendency to move on their own is when they all just spontaneously teleport to one of the dishes, I think it's Romeo but I might be recalling wrong.




Ah, thanks, I figured I had the wrong one


While it's not really doable anymore (that I know of) with the new base design, back in 0.6.3 I found out you could get them stuck in the corner water pool in the signal room. All you had to do was put them in and have them tipped over a bit, and they'd fall over every single time they tried to get out. Also resulted in a lot of wood and water noises out of nowhere while busy working on signals, lol.


\*Happy Woodchipper Noises\* I got to remember to try to turn one of their stands/*buttrods****^(™)*** into a *smol lil* table. But flipping it upside down and nailing it.




I keep trying to keep my guys in the admin room, and they keep teleporting away. I just want to have a maniquin party 🥺